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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

Wall of text, anyone?

We don't allow loli, because we WOULD be threatened with a shut down if we openly displayed it, just as the other forum was shut down for having adult content.
Emphasis mine

The rest of your argument consist mostly of awful lot of attributed presumptions, most of which there is no evidence. Strawman, anyone?
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

Yes. Admittedly, I had at first assumed that our admin were, in fact, already aware of the fact that the anti-child pornography laws did not cover text – and they still might be, as Nunu’s argument against it (PM’d to me) was merely for erring on the side of caution - …but I had, observably, underestimated at least Nunu’s reservation towards the potential of misjudging it. Hence why I am now trying to convince Nunu and/or Aika that we are able to host written loli content without ramifications, negating the only reason they stop us from doing so.

It doesn't matter if they were aware of some obviously unclear law, that could be interpreted either way, or found illegal via some other law. As they've told you themselves, they are not willing to push the boundaries of the legality written child pornography. And I quote from you;

we would rather not get the site shut down for misjudging the boundaries.

Now, why would he be worried about the site being shut down? Perhaps it's because of a reason you can't see, because you seem soooo certain that the site won't be shut down. Just like you're soooo certain that you're intelligent. I wonder how many times you're going to have to announce how superior you are, before you manage believe it yourself? I mean, you aren't honestly trying to convince me, are you? Because with most of your arguments being insults and theories, which you manage quite well to void all on your own by stating laws that can still get us in trouble for underage pronography, all I can honestly see you trying to accomplish, as I said before, is to be as big an asshole as you can be, in an effort to piss me off, or make me rage at you. Which is hilarious, because I already know you're an idiot (and a douchebag, har har).

Nooo we wooouldn’t~

Yeees, we would. It's only a matter of someone like, say, Sponge, discovering some underage(or offensive) material, and taking legal action against it. Just as you yourself stated, even if it's just offensive, we can still get in trouble over it. And in case you aren't aware, most people find child porn outrageous. All it would take is one person.

Have you told Nunu your secrets, recently? But being serious,

You're actually being serious? I told you I can't take you seriously. But, I guess you couldn't understand that either, so I forgive you.

There are a great deal of sites that display loli depictions quite openly but are still based in the US, and nothing has happened to them, despite the current laws. It’s almost like law enforcement knows that these laws are so unconstitutional that they would never work in court…
However, I’m not even talking about that – in fact, I would advocate the forum’s current position on images of sexually explicit loli content – I’m talking about written loli, something that expressly isn’t covered by any laws. This is something I pointed out in the first post, which you’ve not even attempted to prove wrong, and thusly I can only assume you accept as right (as I have been doing throughout the argument so far).

This is similar to how hentai is quite nearly illegal in Canada, with the exception of them being over 18(And honestly, when a judge takes a look at their cute, cartoony features, they won't look over 18. The fact that most of them are wearing school girl outfits doesn't help either). Yet, our Canadian members still have access to such material, making it's presence known in the Northern country.

It's still illegal(mostly, since you can get jailtime over the technicality that she doesn't look 100% over 18), but last I checked, Sinful is still with us. She has not gone to prison yet. And using your logic, that must mean the Canadian laws on hentai just aren't clear enough, and therefor, can't be used with any legitimacy in court.

Again, you're an idiot. Just because you saw it, doesn't mean it's legal. And I didn't argue it, because I didn't have to. You're wrong.

I said they couldn’t.

Is that a typo, or are you honestly trying to argue that the OWNER of this site, cannot shut ULMF down if it's caught containing child porn? I refuse to believe you are that stupid.

No, that’s called ‘knowing someone’.

You... You thought I was talking about NUNU!? Or Aika for that matter!? How fucking stupid are you? You think you would have known who I meant, when Nunu expressed similar worry over a forum shut down. But, it was my mistake to figure you were intelligent enough to pick up on that, MY BAD BRO!

your argument consist mostly of awful lot of attributed presumptions, most of which there is no evidence.

Well said, Hooker. Even though I have a feeling it was meant for me, I'm honestly certain it was directed at you. Because you're presuming an AWFUL lot.

…Do you understand what ‘presuming’ means?

It means you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but you think that you do. And you really, really don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Hahaha

"To take for granted as being true in the absence of proof to the contrary"

I provided the laws in place against loli, showing that currently there is nothing against written loli. With the actual law giving no indication that the forum can be shut down because of it, and (, unless I ended up proven mistaken in my assumption that V-bulletin had no problem with it,) V-bulletin not going to shut the forum down because of legal, written-loli content,

You mentioned yourself that written loli has been attacked, and successfully removed. What are you actually trying to say, that it can be argued? Because it just seems to me that you're happily contradicting yourself for me. Thanks bro.

You assumed wrongly about Nunu, while assuming I was presuming.

You make the ignorant presumption that we will absolutely not be threatened with legal action, should we house written loli. (Not even threatened? Really?)

You admit the laws themselves are ambiguous, which means to have many possible meanings, while arguing the legitimacy of written loli as legal.

You presume that I know nothing of Nunu and Aika. I presume that you're an idiot.

Everyone knows that the cake is a lie.

You accuse of me presuming, when all you do is presume. Especially over the ambiguous nature of the law.

When it comes right down to it, I don't even know what the hell you're trying to argue. You switch to and fro, between direct insults, presumptions about Nunu and Aika, and vague laws that most people aren't stupid enough to risk prison for from doing risky shit.

You haven't done anything. Except for(possibly) breaking the forum's record of having the largest post that isn't a story. And successfully making me laugh my ass off.

You're an idiot, don't even bother responding, cuz I ain't gonna respond back, bitch.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

Yes. Admittedly, I had at first assumed that our admin were, in fact, already aware of the fact that the anti-child pornography laws did not cover text – and they still might be, as Nunu’s argument against it (PM’d to me) was merely for erring on the side of caution - …but I had, observably, underestimated at least Nunu’s reservation towards the potential of misjudging it. Hence why I am now trying to convince Nunu and/or Aika that we are able to host written loli content without ramifications, negating the only reason they stop us from doing so.

aika and Nunu are simply trying to keep us from getting blow'd up. Our first forum died simply because we had adult material on it. Granted, that was due to the hosting site's rules, but something like that is bound to leave a mark.

Nooo we wooouldn’t~. There are a great deal of sites that display loli depictions quite openly but are still based in the US, and nothing has happened to them, despite the current laws. It’s almost like law enforcement knows that these laws are so unconstitutional that they would never work in court…
However, I’m not even talking about that – in fact, I would advocate the forum’s current position on images of sexually explicit loli content – I’m talking about written loli, something that expressly isn’t covered by any laws. This is something I pointed out in the first post, which you’ve not even attempted to prove wrong, and thusly I can only assume you accept as right (as I have been doing throughout the argument so far).

Personally, I'd like to not be afraid that we'll get blow'd up simply because we have Loli on the site, text or otherwise. However, I also believe that it's best to err on the side of caution currently.

Have you told Nunu your secrets, recently? But being serious, the way the no loli rule is phrased is incredibly ambiguous. Not to the point of a ‘PC LOAD LETTER', but ambiguous nonetheless. A much better way to gauge the rules of the site is to actually listen to the admin speak on them; and what has been said about loli is ‘it’s illegal so you can’t do it here for the sake of our safety’. And written loli isn’t covered by any anti-loli law, which I am attempting to convince Aika and Nunu of, thereby allowing it to be posted.

Go for it. If you have enough evidence that states we're allowed to have written stories that contain loli, go ahead.

Further, I can only surmise that RJ still does, in fact, expect the admin to suddenly destroy the form, despite his insistence against such, since he admits himself that he doesn’t assume how Aika or Nunu might act, and has yet to actually give any way in which the forum might be destroyed by something other than the admin themselves. In fact, the very statement of RJ’s this paragraph responds to was about how it would be ‘just stupid’ to assume that Aika and Nunu would not destroy the forum over loli content.

My two cents: Yeah, it's more likely that V-Bulletin would blow up the forum before aika or Nunu would. Though I don't think he meant to imply that they would.

…Do you understand what ‘presuming’ means? It doesn’t mean “say”. In fact, it happens to mean the opposite.
The More You Know

Still, it's best to not presume things.

First, Second, Third observations

And here you go, presuming about his presumptions that you presumed he presumes.

And here is something that I should have pointed out before, but somehow managed to slip under my conscious thought. This is a rundown of the beginning of this argument:

Toxic: Would something without image or video, something that is purely in text the describes a character as being underage still be trouble, not just for this website but for any under the rules?

RJ: Anything related to underage porn is in violation of the rules.

Douchebag: Where's that clip of Lex Luthor going "WRONG!!" when you need it...
Text is fine. All that the laws prevent are visual depictions, not textual.

RJ: I'm not talking about law, you idiot, I'm talking about the rules, which were made by Aika and Nunu themselves, not by the US government.

... yeah, RJ, you did kind of miss the point of Toxic's post there, at least with that second post. Toxic was talking in-general, not just on here. aika and Nunu's rules don't exactly apply to every internet site; that's up to the U.S. government.

These are the two main points:
The UN Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography
The Miller Obscenity Test

The first one, and I am not going to write it’s name in full again, would seem to ban the existence of loli in even written form. However, the US has not actually ratified [That Convention]. It created a good deal of it, which other nations have decided to follow, but doesn't actually follow any of it, itself.

The second point is that there was some written loli that was prosecuted under the Miller Obscenity Test. The important thing is that this test is supposed to effectively decide that something is obscene to ‘community standards’ and has no ’artistic or literary merit’. In other words, it has no care as to whether a work contains loli or not, whether it is visual or not; just that it is obscene. (Ironically the written loli that was removed happened to be bondage-loli, i.e. the same fetishes in the example I put up on the blank page.)
This is a bad thing, and wrong in more ways than I could name… but it isn’t quite the perfect argument for removing written loli that it seems. Now I'll admit, I personally underestimated this law when I made my initial statement that written loli was not covered by law; I had thought it to be unenforceable, but apparently it is instead all too enforceable.
However, the things that get taken down by the Miller Obscenity Test aren’t merely loli, they’re BDSM, scat, guro, tentacles – that sort of thing. Literally the only sex act that cannot be found obscene under the Miller test, and this is in no way an exaggeration, is sex between a man and a woman – and only if you don’t show the ejaculation. Despite that, I doubt anyone here is going to claim that we should drop the content of the site down to the excessive standards of the Miller test. The anti-loli law? Sure, lets abide by it and not show loli images. But we’re already failing the Miller test. It won’t hurt to fail it more.

But, that said, it is undeniable that there have been loli stories removed through the Miller test. With the public’s hysteria towards loli how it is, the addition of loli material, even written and thereby technically legal, may potentially, in some small way, make the forum more of a target for some random litigation… however, the rest of our hentai does that pretty well already.
Which gets back to Nunu’s point. Yes, we don’t want to put ourselves at risk of getting taken down, but it is my belief that the addition of written loli content will not cause the forum to be at any greater risk than the obscene, and largely copyrighted work we already distribute does, as it does not break any laws that we weren’t already breaking. (And really, the Miller test doesn't deserve to be considered as a law, as laws have static and definable parameters.) However, the final decision, of course, resides with our admin.

Huh. I'll have to look those up later.

*as I made my post, RJ posted*

..... Okay, the majority of that post, RJ..... I expected better from you. I really did. Especially hate that part where you only quote half his sentence.
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

Like Dark said, it's the longest post ever. Why would I quote the whole thing?

And the guy's just a douchebag, hence the name. What does it matter how I talk to him?
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

I'm not saying you should quote the whole post, but that one sentence.

If it belongs to them, they can do whatever the fuck they want with it.
Sorry, I must have missed the part where I said they couldn’t.

I said they couldn’t.
Is that a typo, or are you honestly trying to argue that the OWNER of this site, cannot shut ULMF down if it's caught containing child porn? I refuse to believe you are that stupid.

You only quoted the part where he says "I said they couldn't", and made it out to sound like he DID say they couldn't.

Also, from what I can tell, all you're doing is saying "Nunu and aika say we can't do it, so there's no point in trying to change their minds. Nope, not at all." I apologize if I'm wrong, but that's the feeling that I get from your posts.

If he feels he can change their minds, I think he should go for it. I trust aika and Nunu are smart enough that they won't just take his word for it and get us blow'd up if he's wrong; instead, they'll do their own research and base their decision off of that.
Or they could just ignore the issue and keep on doing what they've been doing. Either way, there's no reason to try to completely shut him down.
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

For whatever reason, I read that wrong. The entirety of the insults made me think that was just another ignorant remark.

The only reason I'm shutting him down is because he's arguing about things that have nothing to do with his own point. Instead, he qoutes everything I say, attempting to turn it into a qoute battle. To me, this isn't someone holding the ultimate goal of changing Aika and Nunu's minds, this is just a retard out to win an argument to make himself feel better.

Like the same incident with Incubus, if you wanna help out, that's fine, but if you want to start throwing words around like something tantamount to a food fight, then you're obviously not interested in just helping out. And you're gonna get shit for it.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

I honestly don't think it matters who wins in this current argument. We're all arguing over the internet. And we all know internet = special olympics.
*gets beat to death with a sack of oranges*

Ah, but seriously, I see your point, you just surprised me a bit is all. Usually you're all for a debate.

Food-fight, you say...

Toxic: Question!
RJ: Answer!
Douchebag: OBJECTION!
Douchebag: OBJECTION! *throws a jello cup*
RJ: OBJECTIO-*jello'd* *throws pudding cup*
Douchebag" OBJEC-*pudding'd* *throws entire tray*
Dark/Hooker: ... wtf is this shit?
RJ: OB-*cover'd* *throws tray back*
Kusanagi: ... *tosses oranges in the air*
RJ: You mad bro?
Kusanagi: ORLY?
Kusanagi: OOOOOOOH. LOL, KK.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

I had to watch a freakin' advertisement just to see that video.


You antagonized him. I blame AI for the whole thing, unless I'll get banned if I do. In which case.....

Fuckin' trolls.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

Kusanagi: OOOOOOOH. LOL, KK.

I must prefer:

So I still have trouble finding the languages I need.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

I found this link when I did a quick search for applocale help.

One of the things I don't recognize is the Locale Japanese option in the right click menu. It might just require Japanese crap again, but since I know you're desperate to play Milia Wars, I figure this might be worth a shot, just like anything else.

Edit: Most guides and help sites for this topic really tell you that you need the CD for the language installation. I don't ever recall being able to download the packs on windows version XP, so I don't know what else to tell ya.
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

Also, from what I can tell, all you're doing is saying "Nunu and aika say we can't do it, so there's no point in trying to change their minds. Nope, not at all." I apologize if I'm wrong, but that's the feeling that I get from your posts.

If he feels he can change their minds, I think he should go for it. I trust aika and Nunu are smart enough that they won't just take his word for it and get us blow'd up if he's wrong; instead, they'll do their own research and base their decision off of that.
Or they could just ignore the issue and keep on doing what they've been doing. Either way, there's no reason to try to completely shut him down.

It's not a question of whether we can convince Aika and Nunu that it's not against the law. It's a question of what the hosting service, if complained to, will do. My guess is that they won't listen to some guy who regulars the forum in question, and they probably won't be willing to take any risks, should the suspicion arise.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

Updated front page.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

Awww, I actually got excited to see if Toxic's dilemma had been solved.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

I just would like to point out my unadulterated love for this post of PA's:


Thank you for making my day. You are awesome.

also, lol at drama llamas.
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

It's not a question of whether we can convince Aika and Nunu that it's not against the law. It's a question of what the hosting service, if complained to, will do. My guess is that they won't listen to some guy who regulars the forum in question, and they probably won't be willing to take any risks, should the suspicion arise.

Riiiiight, and if aika and Nunu feel that the hosting service would not allow them to host the content, I trust that they would decide to not host the content.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Errors

My first post in here is probably the most over-edited post in the history of this forum.

Give me a minute and I'll fix it up so it doesn't look like everyone invited all their friends and then shoved their tentacle dicks in it for months.
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems

Douchebag, I think you broke the forum's record of having the largest post that isn't a story.

Oh no I haven’t. Especially since this one is longer. Actually, this one really might be the longest post that isn’t a story. Which is a little sad… <Since I would prefer that a certain other ULMFer had it…>

Also, I’d go to another thread, but the argument would probably fall apart, and at this point, RJ has already stated that he won’t continue, so it likely won’t last much longer.

Strawman, anyone?

Wait, what? How…? –Oh! Ah, I see how you’re getting that; sorry; I ought to have been clearer. Thanks, this’ll give me an opportunity to clear this up for anyone else who might have been thinking the same.

During various points I have stated that “RJ must have been thinking that Aika and Nunu would destroy the forum”. This was not intended as my interpretation of RJ’s actual argument; that would be idiotic. The reason behind it is this:
In his first reply to my post, RJ gave an entirely jumbled and irrational argument that I did my best to interpret -
After I had given evidence that written loli was legal, and thereby unable to be removed from the forum, (because V-bulletin’s policy, as I understood it, was to ‘only get involved when there’s something illegal going on’, which I pointed out in the post RJ first replied to,) RJ claimed that we had to remove written loli otherwise the forum would be destroyed. At no point during his post did he claim that written loli was illegal; at no point did he claim that my evidence or interpretation of the law or V-bulletin’s rules was flawed – and thereby, I had no reason to assume that he believed that my evidence was wrong.

To explain in full, it is part of standard arguing procedure that stands to reason; if I say “loli is legal because of X”, and someone trying to rebut me holds the belief that X is incorrect or flawed, they would state that in their argument. To leave something out like that causes the arguing partner – and indeed, the reader – to presume that the person does not have any argument against X.

Since RJ had made no statement against my evidence or position other than ‘the admin don’t allow it’, and made no statement on the evidence itself, I automatically assumed that he accepted my evidence. With that done, the only remaining possibility is that the admin themselves would shut down the site, so I initially responded to RJ’s mess of vague ideas and impotent rage as best as I could under this belief. Of course, the idea that RJ would actually be trying to say that the admin would destroy the forum was ridiculous, and obviously not something that he would argue, so I attempted to figure out what the hell his argument really was.

Now, at the time, in my initial statement I was uncertain of the rules of the host for V-Bulletin, and so I assumed that he might be trying to argue that the –site- wouldn’t allow the inclusion of written loli, because of its own rules.

After I responded to what he had actually written, (without any argument against my evidence, which backed him into a corner logic-wise,) I pointed out that it would be stupid to assume that the argument he had used was what he actually meant, and tried to answer what I had guessed was his actual point, typified by this:
Now, the idea that you could possibly be trying to say that Nunu or Akia personally would destroy the forum to get rid of loli content out of personal preference goes against everything that they've posted on the forum so far, so I'm going to assume you're not actually that mentally retarded and that you were instead trying to very clumsily express that "what matters is the rules of the site itself".

In all of his first post, only the slightest hint to what he was actually trying to say existed - this one line in part of a larger sentence:
it doesn't matter how you want to twist words,
Which was such a generic, childish insult camouflaging all too well with the rest of his post that I assumed that he meant, “I don’t care what laws you show me!” as opposed to “I don’t care what laws you show me, there are other ways that will probably make loli illegal!”. Considering how mild that implication is, and that the rest of his post was an incredibly flawed argument (that somehow Nunu and Aika’s admin rules held more power than US laws), the extra meaning that was in the statement slid under my notice.

So, of course, my assumption that he was arguing about the rules of V-bulletin was wrong – I eventually figured out RJ’s actual argument while writing my previous post; something like “the law is complex, and so I might not have it right”, and that “lynch mobs can always be made to fuck us over anyway”. However, while I was able to figure this out by reading RJ’s second response, again there was not one place in his post that actually explained why written loli was illegal, or a bad idea, and could get the forum in trouble! The closest he got was
We don't allow loli, because we WOULD be threatened with a shut down if we openly displayed it, just as the other forum was shut down for having adult content.
Without going into the fact that he’s talking about loli, not written loli as I was arguing about - RJ had yet to actually announce some reason why my evidence that “written loli is legal” was wrong; he could have pointed out that it is difficult to understand the law, could have done some actual research and found a case that contradicted my evidence – but no, his argument amounted to “You’re stupid! We’ll be threatened!”. He never so much as said ‘no, written loli isn’t legal’, he just kept on talking about the ramifications of his beliefs without actually stating what his beliefs were.

That said, this time, after reading his post multiple times, and reading Toxics’ research, I was able to figure out what he was trying to say – or at least, it should be noted, what I thought at the time that he was trying to say… last time I assumed what his position was I had been wrong, so I was somewhat more wary about being too confident in my assumption.

I once again replied to what he had actually written – that the forum would be shut down despite the admin being the only ones with reason to do it, as he had not invalidated my evidence or even so much as claimed it was incorrect - as opposed to the actual argument (I assumed) he was trying to make. During the response, every time I claimed that RJ thought that the admin would destroy the forum, I put the reasoning behind why this was so – to say it once more, because he had not claimed that my evidence was wrong in any way –, in an attempt to get through his Neolithic skull and make him understand what he would have to do (argue against my evidence) to have his argument actually make sense.

I’m not even talking about that, […] I’m talking about written loli, [which] isn’t covered by any laws. This is something I pointed out in the first post, which you’ve not even attempted to prove wrong, and thusly I can only assume you accept as right (as I have been doing throughout the argument so far).
Further, I can only surmise that RJ still does, in fact, expect the admin to suddenly destroy the form, despite his insistence against such, since he admits himself that he doesn’t assume how Aika or Nunu might act, and has yet to actually give any way in which the forum might be destroyed by something other than the admin themselves.
If you thought that Nunu might not be right, and may have made a mistake, then the only way you could have had any argument is if you assumed that Nunu was going to personally destroy the forum over the content (as, as I have said, my initial argument removed any method of the forum being destroyed over loli other than the admin, and was never refuted by you). I didn’t say it was likely, just that it was the only other logical thought you could have been having.
Your argument was nestled between two flawed premises; that the admin are flawless or that the admin will destroy the forum themselves (which you have yourself admitted is a stupid argument).
[You think that I think Aika and Nunu hate loli? Or that I think THEY'D destroy the forum over it? Where are you pulling this from?]
I provided the laws in place against loli, showing that currently there is nothing against written loli. […] You argue that: “For the sake of not seeing this forum end like the first linemarvel forum, underage pornography is not allowed here, so long as Nunu says it isn't.”
You gave no argument against the validity of the law I had referenced, […] or any new reason why the site could be taken down in spite of it… only that our admin forbade it. Considering that this makes direct action by the admin the only remaining way that the forum could be destroyed, I can only assume that you somehow expect the admin to suddenly destroy the forum because of loli content.

As is evident in the second quote, I did, indeed, play up the idea that RJ actually believed that Aika and Nunu would destroy the forum over loli content, despite the fact that this was ludicrous; this was in the hope that he would thereby look closely at my outrageous argument to determine just how I was managing to come to that conclusion, and thus realise that he should be trying to make an argument against the position I gave as part of my initial post(, as that would give him a net one legitimate argument against me). It wasn’t like I had made my reasoning difficult to find, being plastered(, in varying degrees of contraction,) next to each instance of my claim as it was! …Apparently, however, I underestimated how butthurt he would become, as he has instead ragequit from the argument.

After that, I went on to, once more, state what I believed RJ’s actual argument was, and this time getting it right:

It would be neglectful of me to ignore that there actually was an argument underlying RJ’s words, if one looks close enough. It took me a while to realise, but despite what was in his posts, the actual argument that RJ is trying to make is that “you are wrong in your belief that written loli is allowed under law; law is complex, and you might have missed something”. Granted, he never actually mentions anything to this end himself, and barely ever even alludes to it, but after two posts of his, I think that this underlying belief is the only remaining way that his arguments can make sense to him(, or anyone else, for that matter).

So hopefully, I’ve convinced you that I was not intentionally strawmanning RJ’s argument. I mean really, at the end of the day, it’s an argument so blatantly ludicrous for RJ to hold that it would only gain me scorn if I –was- strawmaning it to him! As evidenced by you, yourself, Hooker.

(Also, I shall use this point to point out that my reply to his statement of:
And if I'm wrong, go ahead and post some loli fiction in the blank page, and see if Nunu doesn't ask you to take it down, even if just to be on the safe side.
by posting loli on the blank page was a simple act of logic; “if I'm wrong”, “post some loli fiction in the blank page”. He was wrong, ergo I did – it wasn’t intended to have any other purpose. :D Of course, I admittedly did initially hold the expectation that the story would continue to remain up, but was wrong as Nunu was, correctly, more paranoid than I had expected, though it did get Nunu somewhat involved in the argument as I had hoped.)

Wall of text, anyone?

What’s wrong with my formatting? 0_o I thought that was reasonably paragraphed into readable blocks…

The rest of your argument consist mostly of awful lot of attributed presumptions, most of which there is no evidence.

I’ll attempt to address this one, but I’m not totally certain where my posts were, fourth-dimensionally, so I might be wrong about whether or not Toxic had pointed out the things that floored my evidence about the legality of written loli at a given time, so bear with me.

My initial argument, which was that loli was legal because the one and only law against loli only covers images, was wholly and technically correct… as long as you put your fingers in your ears and go “LALALA I’M NOT LISTENING” when someone mentions the Miller Test. However, at this point in the argument, (the start, for those not paying attention,) I was under the belief that (, based on prior research I had done some time ago,) the Miller test was actually largely - if not wholly - unenforceable, and had never been used for anything in years. This belief was, putting it lightly, wrong. (And for the sake of being technically correct, considering what kind of vague bullshit the Miller test is, written loli probably really is “technically” legal.) I suppose this discounting of the Miller Test based on prior knowledge could be considered a presumption, and one that I should have looked more into, before thankfully Toxic did for me.

My second assumption that I will address, the assumption of what RJ’s arguments were, I believe was a case of necessity. I doubt anyone would disagree if I was to say that “in any conversation each party has to assume that the other is using the language they are speaking in the same way that the listener understands it”; effectively, all things require some degree of assumption to them, even if they are only small ones. Upon reading RJ’s arguments, however, even the assumption that he was using the same language as me was something I was hesitant to accept. His arguments were so hazily worded that making broad leaps like “you must be trying to argue that V-bulletin’s rules are what’s stopping written loli/that my interpretation of the rules about written loli is incorrect” was the only way I could attribute any sense or argument to his posts at all.

Next, there is the assumption that ‘RJ must think the forum will be destroyed by our admin’, which I have already explained above and won’t go into again;

And then there are those “three presumptions” that I made, which likely constitute the majority of your complaint, which I’ll try to justify to you.

My first presumption is that RJ thought that Nunu was infallible.
The reason for this assumption was these lines,
If Nunu feels the need to question the age of our fictional characters, then we meet his standards, and make sure that our characters are over the legal age. Because none of us want to lose yet another forum.

underage pornography is not allowed here, so long as Nunu says it isn't.

Nunu and Aika are the law here, […] in this place, their word means more than the US law.

RJ gave no quarter, no exception for the questioning of Nunu’s ability, no little side note that Nunu could in some way be wrong. I’m not totally certain about how you’d take it, but when I see that, if I am to assume that it is the honest belief of the other party and not trolling, there are, in my mind, only two rationally correct (or perhaps logically correct, as I’m not sure what each term technically means,) preceding thoughts that RJ could have (which does not, by any means, mean “not stupid”):
A. Nunu is not and can never be wrong in Nunu’s ruling on the legality of loli.
The reason I pointed out this presumption of RJ’s is something I doubt I need to state, but will anyway; namely that this idea is absurd.
B. Whether or not Nunu is wrong or right is unimportant. Nunu(&or Aika) is a dictator and censors anything Nunu doesn’t like, and can be unpredictable enough that Nunu may destroy the forum over the age of the characters. Granted, parts of this are true about our beloved Dictator when we speak in jest, but in an argument this belief is nonsensical. (This is, in fact, my third, “or” assumption.)

Now, I will admit, in my expanded blurb in my second post pertaining to the point of making the first presumption, I –also- assumed, through insinuation, that it was the result of him having the view that the moderators/administrators should never be questioned - and I can readily admit that that was going too far. I should have, instead, said that it is “related to”, as opposed to “a result of”. But in regard to my actual first assumption itself, I do honestly think that there was no other way in which RJ could have reached the conclusion that Nunu was not to be questioned on Nunu’s methods. If, however, you can see some other, logical conclusion as to how he reached his end argument, or some way in which the act of assuming this, in my belief, reasonably simple conclusion, is a bad thing to do, I am more than happy to hear it.

I might as well do the third presumption while we’ve already got it up there; my third presumption was that, if the first presumption was not the case, RJ must believe that Nunu is a dictator who censors anything they don’t like and might destroy the forum on the grounds of its posting. I hope this is the last time I have to do this, but I will once again state that the reason RJ would have to expect Nunu to destroy the forum is because RJ, by not responding in any way to my claim that loli was legal, defaulted to agreeing that it was legal, meaning that the only remaining way that the forum could be destroyed over written loli is if the admin themselves were to destroy it. Again, as above, if you can see some other way that RJ could have made his statement about not arguing with Nunu other than these two, I would like to know about it.

The second and final presumption of the three (heh), and I believe, least judge-able, is that RJ had to assume that a line that he quoted from Nunu, asking about the age of the characters in the story Nunu was responding to, was for the sake of determining if they need to be removed due to being loli.

The reason for this assumption was these lines;
how old are the characters in this?
A quote from Nunu himself, questioning the main character's age in a written story.

If Nunu feels the need to question the age of our fictional characters, then we meet his standards, and make sure that our characters are over the legal age.

To restate, my presumption was that RJ was assuming that Nunu was asking because the character was underage, as opposed to, say, because Nunu’s a stickler for detail, and likes to get more immersed in the stories Nunu reads by knowing what age the characters are. I, personally, do not think that it is possible for RJ to have thought anything other than “Nunu is asking this because Nunu wants to remove it if it is loli”, as the argument he provided with the quote would make no sense under any other reasoning (without invoking complex motives such as trolling). In fact, it is such an obvious assumption that this was what RJ quoted it for that I would have called my pointing it out frivolous, if it were not for the fact that the quote from Nunu was very(, and characteristically,) ambiguous; while it was obvious that RJ thought Nunu was asking for the sake of removing loli, from only the quote that RJ gave itself, we cannot presume with total certainty that this really is the reason for which Nunu was questioning the age of the characters.

Well, hopefully I’ve addressed all the reservations you’ve got regarding the presumptions in my argument, but if I’ve missed something you’re still troubled about, point it out for me and I’ll try to address it.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems

I had at first assumed that our admin were, in fact, already aware of the fact that the anti-child pornography laws did not cover text
It doesn't matter if they were aware of some obviously unclear law, [which] could be interpreted either way,
Not unclear, and could not be interpreted any other way. Something you would know if you were to have actually taken and read the contents of the link in the initial post of mine. If it is unclear, you could –and still can- point out precisely where or how that law is unclear, but you have yet to do so. I do see- just down here, holdonaminute…

or found illegal via some other law.
I do see, however, that all those hints toward you to actually claim that I was wrong got through to you (or maybe it was just because you saw the evidence in Toxic’s posts and had nothing to do with my attempts, but either way,) finally! Congratulations! :D Though, as usual, you could have done with being less ambiguous by adding “if written loli was” after “or”.

As they've told you themselves, they are not willing to push the boundaries of the legality [of] written child pornography.
No they hadn’t. Until Aika did so after your most recent post, that decision had not once been made. Actually, they haven’t (on a technicality because they haven’t addressed *me* specifically as you claim) though that’s being pithy* about it. Nunu was for removing written loli because of the general assumption that if it was loli, we couldn’t have it; the specific point that written loli was not catered for under the very law that we removed visual loli for had never been brought up. Nunu kept from personally deciding as to whether or not we would be willing to risk it until Aika decided as such.

(*Huh, strange. Every time I’ve used ‘pithy’ or heard ‘pithy’ used, it’s been to describe something overly frivolous or technical, but apparently it’s meaning is actually clear and concise – basically the opposite. Well, whenever I use pithy in this post, assume I mean ‘overly frivolous or technical’.)

I quote from you [technically from Nunu, but nevermind];
we would rather not get the site shut down for misjudging the boundaries.
Now, why would he/she be worried about the site being shut down? Perhaps it's because of a reason you can't see
Yes; perhaps Nunu was aware of a law or event or such that I wasn’t which would make even written loli unfeasible, but never brought it up; it might even be one of the things that eventually was mentioned by Toxic. Perhaps Nunu realised that we could still be shut down by some laws, but did not know how to articulate that point. Perhaps Nunu had an understandable fear of being too ‘out there’ due to the fate of the first forum without actually knowing about any way in which written loli could get us shut down. Or perhaps there was some totally different reason that Nunu wanted written loli removed from the forum. I’d guess it’s either the second or third, but I don’t know – because, unlike you, I haven’t somehow managed to come to the conclusion that Nunu(, or Aika,) knows, without room for question, the best course of action for every aspect of the forum.

You seem to be trying to say that I should have somehow and spontaneously come to the same conclusion that you have; that Nunu had a total and proper understanding of the various issues concerning written loli and that I should have never questioned Nunu in the first place. Perhaps in your strange world of rhyme it would be right, or indeed the only possible conclusion, that the admin were unable to be wrong and should not be questioned. In the land of reason, however, that is what we call ‘idiotic’.*

I would have asked Nunu if Nunu had any reason as to why written loli should not be on the forum myself, later on, if I had gotten to the point of actually presenting my evidence to Nunu; but, as I have already had it refuted by Toxic’s research, that isn’t going to get the chance to happen.

(*I’m probably not using rhyme and reason to their technically correct meanings. Eh, it’s all just a Phantom Tollbooth reference to me… I will also use this chance to point out that I found that way of putting it to be incredibly logistically correct; using rhyme-thinking, it actually –does- ‘make sense’ for figures of authority to be powerful and infallible, while using reason, it doesn’t.)

you're soooo certain that you're intelligent.
Yes, I am fairly sure I have the capacity for abstract thought, understanding, communication, reasoning, learning, learning from past experiences, planning, and problem solving. (/pithy responce)

I wonder how many times you're going to have to announce how superior you are, before you manage believe it yourself? I mean, you aren't honestly trying to convince me, are you?
I have made a net one statement of superiority to RJ. Yes, I’ve certainly made a good deal of statements regarding the various places his ability lacks, but only one statement of my own superiority over him, here:

Statement of limited spectrum, semi-factual superiority:
My point-to-barb ratio was, and I believe still is, outstripping yours, though this post of mine might cause an imbalance against me.
In contrast, RJ has these:
Emphasised self-importance:
Maybe it was a little too obvious you were more interested in making stabs at me, than actually working on having a point in your argument.
Emphasised self-importance:
I wonder how many times you're going to have to announce how superior you are, before you manage believe it yourself? I mean, you aren't honestly trying to convince me, are you?
Emphasised self-importance:
all I can honestly see you trying to accomplish, as I said before, is to be as big an asshole as you can be, in an effort to piss me off, or make me rage at you. Which is hilarious, because I already know you're an idiot (and a douchebag, har har).
Emphasised self-importance:
You're actually being serious? I told you I can't take you seriously.
Emphasised self-importance:
You haven't done anything. Except for successfully making me laugh my ass off.

You're an idiot, don't even bother responding, cuz I ain't gonna respond back, bitch.

I doubt that many have actually come to the conclusion of RJ’s, that my statements are somehow nothing more than an attack on his person, as if the rest of my argument about the legality of written loli were somehow invisible in my post. Still, I think I’ll actually do that Barb-to-point ratio analysis I said I wasn’t going to. Ah well, it’ll be fun, if a bit long.

Because with most of your arguments being insults and theories, which you manage quite well to void all on your own by stating laws that can still get us in trouble for underage pronography, all I can honestly see you trying to accomplish, as I said before, is to be as big an asshole as you can be, in an effort to piss me off, or make me rage at you. Which is hilarious, because I already know you're an idiot (and a douchebag, har har).
Firstly, how in the hell would I void an insult? (Assuming you mean baseless insults, of course)[/pithy]

Secondly, I have considerably more argument for the amount of insults I make than your posts. …Oh. I suppose this gives me two statements of superiority to your five. Three if you count the statement of less statements of superiority as a statement of superiority…
With RJ’s repeated demonising of my criticism of him in my arguments while somehow managing to miss his own criticisms of me, it seems I’m definitely going to have to do that barb-to-point analysis to even out the playing field. Yes, his claims are clearly bullshit, but if you coat bullshit with enough honey some people are going to happily eat it up anyway.

Third, my argument was the quantifiable fact that written loli was not blocked by the rule that the forum had removed all visual loli for. Toxic voided it when he brought to light, for me as much as anyone else here, that the Miller Test was overbroad enough that written loli was illegal under it. There is no honest way to refute that verifiable fact, and I would never want to refute it dishonestly. To ignore that his evidence existed and superseded my own wouldn’t just be dishonest, and damaging to my argument (because it would be incredibly difficult for someone to not notice), it would be downright dangerous to do so in a discussion closely related to the safety of the forum.

Fourth, while I’m surprised that you’ve managed to realise that your general poor conduct in arguing would earn you contempt, you are hardly bad enough for me to totally abandon the argument just for the sake of trolling you; all your general ineptitude merits is various barbs and scorn. You haven’t even really reached the point of meriting open hostility yet, so don’t feel so down!

It's only a matter of someone like, say, Sponge, discovering some underage(or offensive) material, and taking legal action against it. Just as you yourself stated, even if it's just offensive [‘obscene’ actually but I’m just being pedantic], we can still get in trouble over it. And in case you aren't aware, most people find child porn outrageous. All it would take is one person.

Your actual statement is incorrect. Taking legal action against the forum’s content due to the laws of the country, as opposed to the laws of the site, (as one would have to for written loli; this point is also is my refutation to Hooker’s statement*) requires action by the law enforcement of the country the page is hosted in. This is far more difficult, takes far longer, requires a trial to actually make legitimate, and since the only way to determine if the content could be removed is by using the Miller test, it’s something that they likely wouldn’t bother with all too much. It would be wrong not to note that there have been noted instances of trawling FBI looking to take places down using the Miller test – however, my counterpoint is that if one of them stumbled upon us, the other things we’ve already got would get us taken down anyway.
Still, your argument caused me to think of a possibility that you didn’t include, (and which I had initially discounted before learning of the overbroad range of the Miller test,) that of someone complaining to V-Bulletin despite the technical legality of written loli. In that case, you may well be right. It would mainly depend on how big of a pussy V-Bulletin is.
We don't allow loli, because we WOULD be threatened with a shut down if we openly displayed it, just as the other forum was shut down for having adult content.
Emphasis mine

You're actually being serious? I told you I can't take you seriously.
Oh, I understand that you aren’t taking this discussion, about something vital to the safety of the forum, seriously. I’m not arguing for your benefit. Or, for the sake of pointing it out, my benefit, either. I’m arguing for the sake of allowing this argument over a very dangerous subject reach its natural conclusion.

There are a great deal of sites that display loli depictions quite openly but are still based in the US, and nothing has happened to them.
This is similar to how hentai is quite nearly illegal in Canada, yet, our Canadian members still have access to such material, making it's presence known in the Northern country.

It's still illegal, but last I checked, Sinful is still with us. She has not gone to prison yet. And using your logic, that must mean the Canadian laws on hentai just aren't clear enough, and therefor, can't be used with any legitimacy in court. Just because you saw it, doesn't mean it's legal.
…Oh my… I think that’s the first real attempt at logic you’ve made! And in a post that you said was no longer taking me seriously, no less!
Anyway, the actual response to that is that: in your example, the illegal content is on a private, inaccessible location (our theoretical Canadian, who for the hell of it, I will decide is SinfulWolf). In the case of loli characters on sites housed in the US that I am referring to, the illegal content is on a publicly accessible, constantly available place (the internet). Unlike with written loli, this visual loli that these sites have is covered by an actual “if it looks like an underage girl, it’s illegal” law, rather than the “if a community finds it obscene, it’s illegal” Miller test. Despite these factors, (being constantly publicly available, and being unanimously illegal,) there are still many sites housed in the US that visually represent loli characters in sexual situations. Further, I was not attempting to claim that it would be legal to have visual loli on a US server. I was claiming that it would be possible to have visual loli on a US server without the forum being destroyed.

using your logic, that must mean the Canadian laws on hentai just aren't clear enough, and therefor, can't be used with any legitimacy in court.
Assuming that we go with the idea that somehow the private contents of one’s own computer are constantly and publicly available, yet Sinful has still not received litigation due to her hentai, this would indicate that it would be relatively safe to have hentai in Canada. It would not mean that the law making it illegal can’t be used with any legitimacy in court, just that it has less legitimacy (or that Canada doesn’t really care about enforcing that law, sort of like how it’s illegal to park backwards in your garage but no copper goes around to everyone’s house checking to see how your car’s parked). At the end of the day, the important part is the actual things that happen to people with the content, laws regardless. And not much tends to happen to people with visual loli; though I wish I could get actual statistics for that. …And, to point it out again, I’m not even arguing for visual loli:
However, I’m not even talking about that – in fact, I would advocate the forum’s current position on images of sexually explicit loli content –

And I didn't [so much as state] it, because I didn't have to. You're wrong.
And I’m sure the three-year-old community agrees with you, RJ. But, once again, in the realm of reason, neglecting to state any opposition to evidence is tantamount to (at least temporarily) accepting the evidence. Failing to state your position, or even going out of your way to not do so, and assuming that the person with whom you are talking (and all others who are reading) will read your mind through the Internet, is a very easy way to effectively loose all support for your argument.
I didn't argue it, because I didn't have to.
It doesn't matter if they were aware of some obviously unclear law, that could be interpreted either way, or found illegal via some other law.
So what was it that forced you to change your mind?

As already pointed out by Kusanagi:
[If it belongs to them, they can do whatever the fuck they want with it.]
[I’m sorry, I must have missed the part where] I said they couldn’t.
Is that a typo, or are you honestly trying to argue that the OWNER of this site, cannot shut ULMF down if it's caught containing child porn? I refuse to believe you are that stupid. [/RJFAIL]
Good choice; I wasn’t! :D

As not noticed (or at least, not pointed out) by Kusanagi:
If our admin didn't like something, and found it so repulsive they didn't want it on the forum, then they would simply remove it, not destroy the forum over it.
That's up to their discretion. If it belongs to them, they can do whatever the fuck they want with it. You trying to argue the possibility of how they might react to what they might deem as illegal content is just stupid.
You trying to argue the possibility of how they might react to what they might deem as illegal content is just stupid.
No, that’s called ‘knowing someone’.[…]
No, that’s called ‘knowing someone’.
You... You thought I was talking about NUNU!? Or Aika for that matter!? How fucking stupid are you? You think you would have known who I meant, when Nunu expressed similar worry over a forum shut down. But, it was my mistake to figure you were intelligent enough to pick up on that, MY BAD BRO!

Lets see that again, this time in emphasised-motion!
If our admin didn't like something, and found it so repulsive they didn't want it on the forum, then they would simply remove it, not destroy the forum over it.
That's up to their discretion. If it belongs to them, they can do whatever the fuck they want with it. You trying to argue the possibility of how [our admin] might react to what they might deem as illegal content is just stupid.
You trying to argue the possibility of how [our admin] might react to what they might deem as illegal content is just stupid.
No, that’s called ‘knowing someone’.[…]
No, that’s called ‘knowing someone’.

You... You thought I was talking about NUNU!? Or Aika for that matter!?
Well, that sums up the entirety of our admin, so – yeah!
How fucking stupid are you?
Are you sure I’m the one that should be being asked of?
You think you would have known who I meant,
I would have thought you’d known who you meant, too!
But, it was my mistake to figure you were intelligent enough to pick up on that, MY BAD BRO!
Yes, it was. I doubt the vast majority of people could realise that you had suddenly changed the group you were talking about, with no indication of having changed it, no addressing the fact that you were talking about a different group (still just using ‘they’, when you had used ‘they’ one sentence prior to refer to the admin), all in the middle of a paragraph addressing my assumption on how the admin would respond to written loli content. Now I might be wrong. There might be some that understood what you were doing. In fact, the majority of people might have (somehow) understood that you made that transition. But if they did regardless, it is still yet another instance of you assuming that the people reading your posts are going to know what you’re thinking, and that’s just plain poor communicating.

Personally, I can’t even believe that this sudden change of article was what you had intended when you wrote it, because you said “You trying to argue the possibility of how [“]they[“] might react to what [“]they[“] might deem as illegal content”… Despite the fact that I had never mentioned anything about how anyone, other than the admin, who came across written loli content might react. So RJ was either lying about having changed subject, and was instead being pedantic by trying to argue that “You’re only assuming that the admin won’t destroy the forum!”, or he changed subject between two sentences in a paragraph, without bothering to give any indication of doing so, in order to respond to something that I never claimed… and which would have happened to have made more sense as a statement if one assumes that he never changed who he was talking about.

It seems logical progression is something RJ could do with some serious work on.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems

RJ Continued:
Well said, Hooker. Even though I have a feeling it was meant for me, I'm honestly certain it was directed at you. Because you're presuming an AWFUL lot.
Already addressed earlier

…Do you understand what ‘presuming’ means?
It means you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but you think that you do.
Frustratingly enough I’ve yet to find anywhere that gives me that definition. =/

"To take for granted as being true in the absence of proof to the contrary"
Ah, that’s more like it. Though admittedly this is not quite the definition I use; that definition of presume comes about for being shorthand for “presume innocence until proven guilty”, when it gets shortened down to “presume innocence”. The initial, and more common use of the word, and the use to which I am using it, is “To take for granted that something is true or factual; suppose”. Otherwise the common phrase “presume innocence until proven guilty” would mean “consider the person to be innocent until proven otherwise until proven guilty” (which would be stupid as it is redundant).
(it also happens to mean ‘to impose’ and ‘to dare (to do something)’ in some contexts, but those aren’t relevant to this.)

Here’s a link to several I found, which is a good thing to give when you want to quote a definition like I am:
“take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof;”
“to believe that something is true without proof; to take for granted”
“believe, think, suppose, assume, guess (informal, chiefly U.S. & Canad.), take it, take for granted, infer, conjecture, postulate, surmise, posit, presuppose”
“to take (something) for granted; assume”
“To take for granted that something is true or factual; suppose:” – and this last one happens to be in a set with a definition containing the exact same words as the definition you provided. Was there any specific reason you decided to pick a definition that wasn’t the most applicable one available to you, RJ? …No, I should probably give the benefit of the doubt. There are probably other ways he could have come across that exact phrase without seeing the other one.

But, the way you said it almost makes it sound like this definition makes no sense in the context I was using it, so I’ll go through and explain this, too.
1. RJ is ‘taking it to be true, without verification or proof’, that
-a. Nunu is not wrong in Nunu’s judgment, and that
-b. Nunu asked about the age of a character because Nunu wanted to remove the story if the characters were underage.
2. I am ‘taking to be true; without verification or proof’, that the above is what RJ thinks.
3. If RJ had -actually said- point 1, then I would have had proof for point 2, and thusly been unable to presume; therefore RJ cannot have stated his opinion in order for me to have presumed what his thinking was, as I attempted to note with the line
[Presume] doesn’t mean “say”. In fact, it happens to mean the opposite
At this point, I did, in truth, commit a blunder of my own; I had initially talked about what RJ was presuming, and then, when replying to his response, started to talk about what I had been presuming, without actually acknowledging the change. (Granted the reply itself was correct – the fact that I had presumed what he said did not meant that I was claiming that he said it, and in fact was pointing out that he hadn’t– but I should have pointed out the subject switch at the time.)
I also should have elucidated it more. ‘Mean’, while technically correct, was too misinterpretable a word to use in “In fact, it happens to mean the opposite”, as one could potentially get the strange idea that I was trying to claim that the meaning of the word was “the opposite of say”; ‘infer’ would have been more understandable.

[You constructed two paragraphs, revolving around the imaginary ideal[sic] that I think Aika and Nunu hate loli? Or that I think THEY'D destroy the forum over it?

since half of the things I think I was accused of, I'm sure had NOTHING to do with what I was saying.]
I provided the laws in place against loli, showing that currently there is nothing against written loli. With the actual law giving no indication that the forum can be shut down because of it, and (, unless I ended up proven mistaken in my assumption that V-bulletin had no problem with it,) V-bulletin not going to shut the forum down because of legal, written-loli content, [you tried to claim that the forum could be destroyed. Since you hadn’t rejected my initial argument, and hadn’t provided any new way for the forum to be destroyed, the only remaining way for the forum to be destroyed (by written loli) is if the admin themselves removed it, and so I pointed this out.]

You mentioned yourself that written loli has been attacked, and successfully removed. What are you actually trying to say, that it can be argued? Because it just seems to me that you're happily contradicting yourself for me. Thanks bro.

To quote a brilliant scientist, “You’re not thinking fourth dimensionally!” This isn’t my current argument. This wasn’t my argument at the time of making my last post. This was my reiteration of the state of my initial argument before anything else happened.
You questioned how it was that I had come to the conclusion in the previous post, a post that was created before any of Toxic’s contradictory evidence was given, that you believed the admin would destroy the forum. In my reply, I reiterated what the initial state of the argument was – evidence showing the legality of loli, no evidence refuting it, (unlike there was at the time of writing the reply,) no-one having given any reason why ULMF could be shut down because of it – and pointed out that, as you had argued that the forum would be destroyed, without providing any new way in which the forum could be destroyed, I could only assume you expected the admin to destroy the forum.

You assumed wrongly about Nunu,
Yes. Though I don’t see what my incorrect evaluation of Nunu’s response to written loli has to do with proving that written loli shouldn’t be on the forum – or are you trying that ‘never question the admin’ shtick again?

while assuming I was presuming.
Yes. And so far these assumptions have yet to be proven wrong. I would think that if you had some way to refute the claim that you were considering the admin infallible, you would have already given it.

You make the ignorant presumption that we will absolutely not be threatened with legal action, should we house written loli. (Not even threatened? Really?)

Where did you get-

We don't allow loli, because we WOULD be “threatened with a” shut down if we openly displayed it, just as the other forum was shut down for having adult content.
Nooo we wooouldn’t~.
Whoa, whoops. Didn’t look carefully enough at that one for the fine print, ended up thinking you had said that we would be shut down. It‘s probably because you said “just as the other forum was shut down”, when a site can hardly be threatened in the same way that a site can be shut down.
Yeah, we might get threatened. By someone on the forum itself, shouting impotently, almost certainly. By the US government… not nearly as likely, though that is not to say that there isn’t a chance. By V-bulletin… well, if they were too pussy for keeping something that is technically lawful, they might. Pretty sure they can’t be held responsible, though, so I don’t think they’d bother, but don’t hold me to it.

You admit the laws themselves are ambiguous, which means to have many possible meanings, while arguing the legitimacy of written loli as legal.
I do not did not and have not admitted, nor even so much as stated, that the laws are ambiguous. In fact, stating as such would be a lie - the laws are quite clear. They most certainly do not have ‘many possible meanings’. The anti-loli law, the one law that criminalized visual loli, does not cover written things. There is no ambiguity there. The obscenity law covers anything found obscene by contemporary community standards. This is clear. What contemporary community standards would find obscene at any given time *is* ambiguous, and which thereby means that any given work could be obscene or not at any point; however, the obscenity law does not extend to genres – loli, scat, guro - (…yet… if that were to ever happen… *shudder*), only to individual works. Written loli is legal; any individual piece of written loli may be found to be obscene, (and thusly illegal,) but the idea is ‘innocent until proven guilty’.

You presume that I know nothing of Nunu and Aika.
Here is some evidence that supports your argument:
Now, the idea that you could possibly be trying to say that Nunu or Akia personally would destroy the forum to get rid of loli content out of personal preference goes against everything that they've posted on the forum so far, so I'm going to assume you're not actually that mentally retarded
Your argument was nestled between two flawed premises; that the admin are flawless or that the admin will destroy the forum themselves (which you have yourself admitted is a stupid argument).
Clearly I believe you to have the wrong impression about Nunu and Aika.[/sarcasm]

You accuse of me presuming, when all you do is presume.
I would be presuming less if your posts had enough substance to argue against without first preforming guesswork to determine the meaning of your argument.

all you do is presume. Especially over the ambiguous nature of the law.
I have made a total of two assumptions about loli’s legality. My first assumption regarding the law so far was that the Miller Test was too overbroad to be used. This assumption was made invalid when proof to the alternate was found. My second assumption is that no other laws have been created since the anti-loli law that cause the illegality of written loli. I have done research to this end, and found nothing. You assume that the law is ambiguous, without so much as actually checking, and are wrong.

You switch to and fro, between direct insults,
Incorrect. While I have certainly indirectly insulted you by emphasising your lack of ability, I have yet to make a single direct insult in the entirety of this argument so far… – no, wait, I think I might have added some into this post. Still, I doubt that there is anyone with the ability to read our posts that is not also noticing the irony of that statement, so I won’t bother tallying up just how many direct insults RJ has made.

presumptions about Nunu and Aika,
My assumptions about Nunu and Akia have amounted to:
“The admin will not destroy the forum over loli content”,
“The admin are not infallible”,
“The admin already know written loli is legal (proven wrong)”, and
“The admin only stop us from seeing loli because it is illegal in the country hosting the site, and would not have a problem with is being here otherwise (hell, it’s not even an assumption, I’m pretty sure they’ve said that)”.
Do you actually manage to think any of these assumptions are wrong (bar the one that has already been proven wrong, which is hardly damaging to my argument)? Or are you just being frivolous and trying to ride the fact that people don’t like seeing presumptions?

and vague laws
The only vague law is the anti-obscenity law, and only in the scope of its targets. The anti-loli law has a very clearly defined set of parameters.

and laws that most people aren't stupid enough to risk prison for [by] doing risky shit [that might break them].
Again, you need to think more fourth-dimensionally. My initial argument was made without the knowledge that the Miller Test was actually being used successfully. It is the only reason why written loli is dangerous as opposed to totally legal. Now that I know that the Miller Test is actually usable, I of course no longer claim that written loli is without risks. I pointed out these risks in the previous post, because as I said before, this is an important matter and should not be lied about (as are all arguments, but this one moreso). However, as I also pointed out, there is still a smallish advantage that written loli has over visual loli, for one the fact that it is ‘legal’ until proven illegal, and for two the fact that we are very likely going to fail the Miller Test anyway due to several hentai that we already link to or host which would be found obscene (whereas visual loli is found illegal through a different law). The main question now, really, is ‘is written loli going to attract trawling cops to an increased enough extent that it is worth not including it on the forum?’

You haven't done anything. Except for(possibly) breaking the forum's record of having the largest post that isn't a story.
Oh, rubbish. I’ve –definitely- seen better on this forum.

don't even bother responding, cuz I ain't gonna respond back, bitch.

Where did you get the strange idea that I would care whether –you- responded or not? Personally it would be a welcome change, as you always seem to post before you have comprehension of what you’re responding to, and without spending more than three minutes writing up a response before blurting out the most emotionally distorted posts possible, with the least amount of complex thought. Kusa has already proven to be more capable of responding in a logical fashion, and really, this argument has already reached its natural conclusion, as Aika gave his decision on the presence of written loli on the forum already, and I don’t have any new evidence in this post than there was at the time of his decision. Basically, I’m just summing up and attempting to explain the argument to anyone confused.
But, nevertheless, I’ll hold you to that.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems

aika and Nunu are simply trying to keep us from getting blow'd up. Our first forum died simply because we had adult material on it. Granted, that was due to the hosting site's rules, but something like that is bound to leave a mark.
Huh. You never realise how scathingly hostile someone’s posts are until someone else comes in and communicates with actual decency. It’s… startling. I’m actually having visions of being pulled out of a brimstone lava pit and into a field of flowers. And I don’t even like flowers. :p

To the actual post: Of course. It’s understandable. While I missed out on actually being actively involved during the destruction of the first forum (popped off lurking a few months before, popped back on lurking about a month after), and it thereby didn’t really faze me as much as others, I don’t have a problem if Nunu and Aika decide to block written loli (as Aika has). Hell, with the current evidence I’m not sure *I* still advocate it being put on here, but it would be wrong to not make sure that each side of the debate has proper representation.

However, I also believe that it's best to err on the side of caution currently.
We differ here. I think we can get away with –written- loli, moral panic be damned. Though, I’m in a weird duality of expecting there to be nothing to worry about while still managing to be apprehensive that there is… Not that it matters overly, as Aika has already made his decision, and…
Go for it. If you have enough evidence that states we're allowed to have written stories that contain loli, go ahead.
…I’ve unfortunately already given all my evidence. I wish I could pull out something new that would make it all alright, but the only remaining thing I could do is go and look for sites that house written loli on US servers and use them as examples, but considering that two years ago, the feds went trawling and sued the crap out of some woman with written loli (as Toxic pointed out), it likely wouldn’t be able to convince anyone enough anyway, even if it were incredibly in our favour.

My two cents: Yeah, it's more likely that V-Bulletin would blow up the forum before aika or Nunu would.
Yep. And I don’t really think it’s that likely that V-Bulletin would take us out either.

Though I don't think he meant to imply that they would.
Ugh. I needed to put in a “Note: this isn’t what I actually think, I’m just poking RJ” But of course, that would defeat the purpose. I had hoped I had been able to create the right tone, but well, tones through the Internet…

Still, it's best to not presume things.
I think the problem lies not in presuming things so much as not explaining the presumptions. Though, it is standard practice to be sparing and cautious with presumptions, as they can be more dangerous argument forms than the standard.

And here you go, presuming about his presumptions that you presumed he presumes.
Yeah. That’s the other thing. It can get pretty damn convoluted.

Huh. I'll have to look those up later.
Yes! One of the purposes of an argument, fulfilled!

If [Douchebag] feels he can change their minds, I think he should go for it. I trust aika and Nunu are smart enough that they won't just take his word for it and get us blow'd up if he's wrong; instead, they'll do their own research and base their decision off of that.
I believe as such as well. Nunu and Aika are far from stupid individuals; when it comes to their forum, I’ve got faith they’ll look carefully and objectively at it.

We're all arguing over the internet. And we all know internet = special olympics.
*gets beat to death with a sack of oranges*
=/… *Is the one doing the beating*

The only reason I'm shutting him down is because he's arguing about things that have nothing to do with his own point.
The only two arguments that even slightly fit that description are the argument that non-written loli probably wouldn’t get us in trouble and the argument that RJ thinks the admin will destroy the forum. The first was necessary to refute RJ’s statement that loli was going to get us in trouble, so that I could later state in good faith that I did not think written loli would be too risky, while the second was a necessary part of pointing out the flaw in his argument due to not stating his position. All my other statements have been related to either Toxic’s initial question, the question of whether written loli should be allowed on the forum, or defending myself from his accusations.
If we’re going to complain about things unrelated to the arguer’s point, I don’t see what purpose RJ’s repeated baseless insults serve…

Instead, he qoutes[sic] everything I say, attempting to turn it into a qoute[sic] battle.
Half of an argument is about invalidating the points of the other person. Any statement, when worded adequately, can still draw people to it, regardless of its actual merit, even baseless claims regarding character. If you have made a point that I can refute, above the level of name-calling, which is usually self-defeating, I will refute it. It does not matter whether it is an attack on me, my writing, my argument, or otherwise, if I believe you are wrong, and especially if I have evidence towards it, I will make sure that such is pointed out – inside or outside of an argument. If you shared that belief, you probably wouldn’t have failed so terribly at making your point the first time around. And further, of course, were you not to make so many fallacious statements, I would not have so much to quote.

To me, this isn't someone holding the ultimate goal of changing Aika and Nunu's minds, this is just a retard out to win an argument to make himself feel better.
If I had wished to merely win an argument, my previous post would have been much shorter. It would have gone simply
This is a rundown of the beginning of this argument:

Toxic: Would something without image or video, something that is purely in text the describes a character as being underage still be trouble, not just for this website but for any under the rules?

RJ: Anything related to underage porn is in violation of the rules.

Douchebag: Where's that clip of Lex Luthor going "WRONG!!" when you need it...
Text is fine. All that the laws prevent are visual depictions, not textual.

RJ: I'm not talking about law, you idiot, I'm talking about the rules, which were made by Aika and Nunu themselves, not by the US government.

Now, let’s go back to that original question:
Toxic: Would something without image or video, something that is purely in text the describes a character as being underage still be trouble, not just for this website but for any under the rules?

Is anybody else seeing the problem with this, now?
The End. Argument Won.
I also wouldn’t have included statements that were totally contradictory to my position, as, in my experience, that tends to be counter-productive to winning an argument.

if you want to start throwing words around like something tantamount to a food fight, then you're obviously not interested in just helping out.

I agree.
Now, here’s RJ’s response to the level of ‘hostility’ in my first post (“That’s wrong, here’s some evidence.”):

Right here, more suited for -you- and your ignorance. I'm not talking about law, you idiot, it doesn't matter how you want to twist words, so pull your head out of your ass.

I doubt I need to tally up the rest of the numerous such instances of his lack of grace in this argument for readers to realise that RJ’s been throwing around a hell of a lot more meaningless words than I’ve been, and with less relevance to anything. Yes, I’m pointing out the incomprehensibility of his argument, the lack of factual basis in his comments about me, his lack of logical progression in his explanations, and any other mistakes he makes – but that is irrelevant to the argument at hand. (in fact, who is posting well and who is posting poorly basically makes up a whole separate argument.) I am a critic. I would have done that even if it wasn’t me RJ was arguing with, and even if it wasn’t RJ who was making the statements. The very easy way to have me not point out your failings is to not show any. Argue with actual attempts at intelligence, clarity and logic and I basically won’t have anything to criticize.

You antagonized him. I blame AI for the whole thing, unless I'll get banned if I do.
Nope, AI had nothing to do with it. I’ve actually just been responding honestly to your sudden outburst of rage and poorly defined arguments, since the point I accurately corrected your incorrect answer to Toxic’s question.

Fuckin' trolls.
Troll Harder.
No point. I don't have a hope in hell of outdoing Obe. Besides which, addbots don't troll.

It's not a question of whether we can convince Aika and Nunu that it's not against the law. It's a question of what the hosting service, if complained to, will do.
It’s a question of Nunu and Aika allowing it, the host allowing it <heh>, the government of the place in which the server is located not stopping it, -and- as a deciding factor the likelihood of actually having the content challenged. Aika and Nunu would allow it if they could get away with it. V-bulletin –might- not destroy us if someone complains about written loli, as it is technically legal, though it would obviously depend on the size of their balls, which I don’t currently have any data on. The government doesn’t find it illegal but reserves the right to go on a written-loli hunt anyway. Since it’s not decided in that, the real question then comes down to “how likely is it that written loli content will be challenged?” …And I’m not sure as to the answer of that one now.

Now, of course, this argument is already mostly ended. The first argument of whether written loli is legal ‘not just on this site but any’ is concluded with “yeah it’s legal, though on US servers (but not if you’re merely in the US, as there’s no law against privately owning obscenity, as opposed to ‘child pornography’… although if you’re –creating- it that might be another can of worms entirely) you’ll be taking a little risk and other places you might be as well, you’d have to research those.” The second argument of whether written loli is allowed on this forum is concluded with “The Miller test for obscenity makes it too risky for Aika to risk on a US server.” However there is one more disagreement between RJ and I that I would like to add my two cents to.
RJ argues that my posts are trolling, rubbish, and that I am only arguing to argue against him. I argue that RJ‘s contribution to the argument has been hastily and shoddily constructed, and that my posts are mostly fine. To justify my side I will give a detailed analysis of the argument as I interpret it.

Toxic asks whether written loli would be illegal on any forums.

RJ responds that it would be illegal; whether he made the mistake of thinking ‘on this forum’ at that ponit or whether he was just going with his gut without researching it I have no idea.

I make a short post correcting him using actual evidence that it would not be illegal to have written loli content.
I make the mistake of discounting the Miller test, which eventually proves to be the destruction of my argument about the legality of written loli on ULMF, but for now (and for a while) nothing towards the existence of this kind of other law that can get written loli is mentioned.

RJ proceeds to respond to my evidence and makes three mistakes while doing so:
he fails to carefully look back at the question he was initially responding to, which would have allowed him to realise that arguing that Aika and Nunu’s rules were what mattered was wrong as we were speaking not just of this forum, but any.
His second mistake was to not add any actual disapproval for the point in my argument, making it unclear as to what his stance was (and in fact making it appear to me as if he had accepted my evidence, given the way his post was phrased).

His third mistake, from which these other two mistakes stemmed, was to be hasty and emotional in responding to the claim that his statement was wrong; if he had taken time to look back at Toxic’s argument, if he had taken time to think and actually add the whole of his argument to his post, then it neither of the previous two mistakes would have been made, and this would have probably gone quite differently. His argument certainly seems to have been made in haste judging by those mistakes, the overall lack of supporting evidence or signs of research, and the fact that about a third of his argument was merely baseless insults, all stereotypical signs of a post which has been made without significant thought.

I respond to his post and make three mistakes while doing so.
My first mistake is to not realise that he had not accepted my argument. (Though personally I think that I can’t really have done much better at interpreting his statement given the writing I had to work with.)
My second mistake is to not explain fully the reason behind my ‘three presumptions (of RJ’s)’ and the effects of them; I left them up to the readers to think about for themselves but just ended up alienating them by being confusing.
My third mistake was that I did not explain in any detail the reason I was arguing that Nunu and Aika would not destroy the forum as if it was RJ’s belief; namely, because my evidence had invalidated any other way that the forum could be shut down.

RJ responds and makes mistakes while doing so.
His first mistake is to not realise that I believe that he had accepted my evidence, though that is understandable given what he had to work with (though that itself stems from his first mistake).
He also – if he is to be believed – makes the mistake of changing the group he is talking about mid-paragraph without any notification.
And he also, of course, continues to make the mistake of not stating what his position is regarding my evidence.

While his post didn’t necessarily seem as hasty as the first, he still fills it with insults and does not notice my (admittedly vague) statement about the indecipherability of his post, instead only seeing it as an insult and, it would seem, not attempting to look at his previous post to determine what basis I might have for making it.

I replied to his post and made a mistake while doing so; I failed to realise that he switched groups he was talking about mid-paragraph, if RJ is to be believed that switching groups really was his intention (and really I don’t see how I could have picked that one up).

RJ replies to my post and makes three mistakes while doing so.
He makes the mistake of misinterpreting my statement as pointed out by Kusanagi, flipping its fairly obvious meaning into the opposite.
He makes the mistake of ignoring my statements about the underlying logic of his argument and instead believes that I am trying to legitimately claim that he expects the admin to destroy the forum.

This again, thirdly, I believe all stems from what is a very obvious source; he once again, I believe, has not paid sufficient attention to the argument, reading it in three minutes, writing out whatever came to his head in five, and posting it without editing or attempts to interpret my argument- leading to both misinterpreting an obvious statement, and not understanding points which he –could- be able to were he to go back and look over my argument instead of discounting it offhand.

Summary: RJ’s claim that I am trolling is based on a misinterpretation of my argument, which was hastily reached by my misinterpretation of his uninterpretable initial statement. His uninterpretable initial statement was itself caused by his emotional and hasty response to my initial argument.

Of course, this is my interpretation of events. In all likelihood there are several out there who find something I just wrote to be in error; if so, and you care enough to want to correct me, want to give a differing opinion, or want to hear me try and find a way my argument works despite it, then just point it out and I’ll try and answer you. RJ might have left the argument (key word being ‘might’), but that doesn’t mean that I can’t necessarily continue to try and justify my opinion on the matter to those listening.

(…Oh, I said I’d do that barb-to-point analysis, didn’t I? Actually including what the barbs and points I’m tallying are would take up more space than the moon, and I doubt that there’s anyone who would just assume that my opinion on this matter is anything concrete, so if you want to try and verify it, you’ll have to go through and read all the posts again, making your own tally. Obviously, there’s a metric shit-ton of opinion going into this, so basically anyone would get different results, but I think that most should get somewhere around this many barbs-to-points. Alright, here it is;

My first post: Barbs, 1; Points, 4 = ¼ of a barb to each point
RJ’s first post: Barbs, 5; Points, 4 = a little over one barb for each point
My second post: Barbs, 7; Points, 6 = a little over one barb for each point
RJ’s second post: Barbs, 14; Points, 5 = almost three barbs for every point
My third post: Barbs, 16; Points, 22(RJ) 7(Toxic+Nunu) 29(all-up) = a little over half a barb for each point
RJ’s third post: Barbs, 27; Points, 6 = four and a half barbs for each point)

...Hmm, I'm not entirely sure I've looked this over enough. Would look over it some more but I'm running out of time and I'd like to get it out -eventually-.

…Man, what an anti-climatic way to end this post. :rolleyes: