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Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria smiled, this time a warmer one. "Adria Valtoran, pleasure to meet you Lillius."

There was a moment while she moved to one of the fallen, slicing into his midsection, then moving upwards. Strangely, it seemed on impact as if the sword itself wasn't metal, passing through it and neatly cutting it in half from the chest up, splitting and spilling it's organs onto the floor before Adria danced out of the way of the rest, her dodge back sort of similar to a dancers moves, but not quite the same.

"Ooh, that one was messy. Your turn, though I think we're pissing them off now." She chuckled, though it almost sounded as if it was more a chuckle of someone more confident than they should be given the odds against them.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael sidesteps the falling body of the dead Fallen. "Nicely done, Ava. Time to go. How do we get to the ship? I'll relay the instructions to the rest of the squad and they can find their own way to it." he says, hearing an approaching Fallen, his back tendrils instantly darting towards the door and wrapping around the Fallen that carelessly stopped near the door, holding it by it's four limbs "It is time for you to pay for what your people have done to mine." he says, drawing the Fallen into the room and grasping it's neck with his right hand, tendrils slithering out and engulfing the creature, loud snaps and cracks being heard as Michael smiles, then releases the barely alive alien "I broke every major bone needed for locomotion. Kill him, Ava. I've had my fun." he says, retracting the tendrils back under his shirt sleeve as he turns towards the door and begins to walk out "Where is the ship? If we can get to it, we should get a foothold in this facility and be able to help everyone else out."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"I broke every major bone needed for locomotion. Kill him, Ava. I've had my fun."

And thus she did. Plunging the energy blade through the skull of the disabled Fallen in a single swift motion, Ava soon found herself following her commander out of the room.

"Where is the ship? If we can get to it, we should get a foothold in this facility and be able to help everyone else out."

Pulling the recently memorized map from the corner of her mind, it did not take Ava long to locate what Michael asked for.

"The ship is located within the underground hanger on subbasement level five. The fastest way to get to it from here would be to continue along this corridor and take the maintenance elevator directly down to the basement. Alternatively, we can backtrack the way we came and navigate our way to a set of emergency stairs running the length of approximately three thousand meters. Orders sir?..."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Lillius through both knives forward with amazing accuracy. Both ended up lodged into the eye sockets of the Fallen. "Aaaww, that one was too fast," she complained as she quickly moved and jumped, kicking the knives further back into the skull and forcing the head down and stomping on it once it was against the ground. She quickly wrenched the knives out of the sockets and moves behind the other Fallen, trapping them between herself and Adria.

"This is rather easy.... Still, your turn."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Looking around the rooms, Melissa says to Xerberis, "Well, it was decommissioned a few years ago, so maybe they cleaned the place out." She approaches the room's exit and looks through. "Looks like we're out of rooms, heading into a corridor. At least we know we've got a clear route to fall back if we need it." A sudden bang resounds through the corridor, which causes Melissa to swing her shotgun in it's direction, but she quickly relaxes. "Sounds like our weaponry. This corridor must link up to the areas the rest of the squad are in. Of course, they must be firing at something..."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Then let's hurry!" she said, going into the hallway first- and a gun blast wizzed between her antenna. Cursing, she spun around and retaliated with a blast of energy that sent the corpse flying.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria thinks a moment. "Too easy, it's becoming boring now."

The sword goes back into the sheathe, and out comes some kind of strange pistol. Taking aim, she fires at two fallen, one shot each. A glob of blue energy fired, twice from the weapon, pretty well blasting a hole where the faces of the things had once been, the smell of sizzling, seared flesh in the air. Anyone within about three hundred yards probably could have heard the deep throaty blasting of the weapon going off, and deep it was.

This now left two more from the grouping they were fighting left. "They're yours if you want them."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"I'll take door number one, please." Michael says, walking out into the hallway and once again grabbing the pipes and tubes with his tendrils, lifting off the ground and chuckling. "Let's hurry. From what I hear, the ship is quite the sight." he says, his tendrils pulling him along the corridor at maximum speed, much faster than walking. "We need to get to that maintenance elevator. Move!" he yells back, his right hand still grasping his katana, the energy blade still active, Michael himself holding the blade up as a light source as he moves
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Thank you. If we're using guns now...."

The Fallen turned and charged Lillius. She evaded their pathetic melee attacks, while she returned the knives to within her arms, the blood being wiped off as it entered. Instead, she withdrew her pistol again this time, again at the same time as she shouldered the one Fallen into the other and the couple banging against the wall. The pistol then fired a nice few shots into the pair and they quickly perished.

"There we go!" Immediately, the goo girl began shifting back into her regular form, not wanting to stay in combat form too long.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"...Order received."

Following after her commander, Ava increased the pace of her movement in an attempt to keep up as she retracted her energy blade temporarily to conserve energy. Although her modifications had supposedly removed all signs of physical fatigue, mental fatigue from maintaining her weapons still accumulated nonetheless. Despite having been "reconditioned", it was a fact that her mind was not "cybernetic" and instead genetically augmented. As her mind was still "human", the mental stress of maintaining the "field" her body emitted to power her weapons and armor was still great despite her "training". In order for her to last for extended periods of time, she would have to conserve energy whenever possible...
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

*been waitig for a shot these fallen coming quickly yet her own team members kept blocking her own sight finally she dropped to a knee as the combat ahead was going along she saw two Fallen making an approach they lined up just right for a single shot the bullet passing through the throat of one into the body of the one behind him a faint grin hitting her lips* "all i said was gimme a shot.."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

With the last of the Fallen dispatched, Adria nodded to Lillius. "We should probably meet with the others."

"Michael, Lillius and I have dispatched roughly eight or so of the Fallen now. Be advised, there may be more elsewhere we haven't come across yet, and we're moving back towards your positions now."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366... didn't even bother. With so many elite troops around, against such poor opposition, it would be a waste of her time. Plus, taking out the lights would hardly be advantageous for the rest of the team. Instead, with a brief nod to the small group she was temporarily at the head of, the Operative vanishes into a nearby air duct, and is quickly lost to view.

Elevator shafts often neatly bisect such ducts within buildings - this one was no exception, and 366 takes the sheer drop at full speed, springing into the empty air of the elevator shaft with casual abandon. Gloved hands met elevator cable, and she began to slide, feet twining with the cable for control.

"This is 366. Heading downwards."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa ran to catch up with the bug girl. Upon reaching a door in the corridor, she slid up against the wall, edging towards it, then spun around, aiming the shotgun straight in and letting out a blast directly into the skull of a waiting Fallen. Without waiting for the headless corpse to hit the ground, she entered the room and swept her weapon left to right before yelling, "Clear!" and heading back into the corridor. "Guess it wasn't gonna stay quiet forever, right Xerb?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael flips on his radio to acknowledge 366. "This is Michael. Acknowledged, 366. Once you get to Subbasement level 5, head towards the Hanger, That's where the ship should be." he says, still moving along the corridor, stopping at a door to an elevator and looking it over, hitting a button to call the elevator, then noticing it was out of power. "Piece of junk. It's out of power." he says, sliding his hands into the small opening of the doors. He would then groan as he yanked open the doors. "You think you can climb down to Subbasement level 5?" he asks, holding the doors open, strain in his voice. "If you can, I'm ordering you to go down and clear that level."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Bursts of lazer fire sliced through fallen as she covered Melissa. "Ya don't say!" she noted sarcasticly, keeping a constant stream of attacks going.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Arriving at the elevator, Jillian overhears Michael's comment. Sir, if we can find one of the buildings main system terminals I should be able to use it to reroute power to the elevator. At the very least I should be able to control and unlock most doors or barricades you encounter, sir.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria would soon arrive at Michael's position, Lillius likely behind her if they hadn't split since.

"I'm back. Seems we're still missing two though here, plus 366."

She takes note of the darkened elevator and sighs. "I don't suppose any of you trust enough to just walk over that edge and 'float' down would you? Wait, are those cables running back there in the middle?"

A grin crosses her face. "Who's ever done rock climbing?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 kicks off the cables mid-slide into a floating backflip, grabbing the rungs of the service ladder on the side of the shaft, and yanking herself into the vent system for Sub-Basement 5.

At first, nothing happens in the rooms below. The corridors ring with combat boots, and the occupying Fallen scurry like rats in a cage - warned by the demise of their comrades above. Meanwhile, 366 has located a circuit breaker - with automatic reset switches. A little tinkering provides her with a 4 minute window - plenty of time.

In the corridor facing the elevator shaft, a group of four Fallen busy themselves preparing a machine gun, aimed to slaughter any group coming down. At least, that was the plan. The corridor, lit by halogen bulbs at every thirty feet, shortens by one pool of shadow. Then another. Then another. Lights click off in sequence, racing up the corridor. And then the lights are gone.

Far up at the top of the shaft, the sound of frantic machine gun fire can be heard, round after round pounding the concrete. A single scream rings for an eternal moment up the hollow tunnel, then silence.

By the time the rest of the group reached Sub-Basement 5, the lights have reset. Though it might have been better if they stayed off. The first corridor drips. From the ceiling, from the walls, from the vents above, the red sinks into everything. Here and there, corpses huddle in their puddles. Closer inspection shows cuts, puncture wounds, and in one or two places, bite marks. Human bite marks. The chamber after is no better.. nor the one after that.

Three gory corridors later, and the corridors open up into a wide, floodlit hangar. From an unknown corner, crunching, ripping sounds can be heard. A conspicuous blood smear leads up a wall - all thirty feet of it, and into an open vent.
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Aika steps out from around the corner.

"Rock climbing? I've climbed buildings. Allow me.

Aika hops onto one of the elevator shaft cables and gracefully starts to slide down. She's soon out of sight in the dark.