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Madrigal OOC Chatter

Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

if he can re-set my edit, sure!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Ah, I see the reset!

1) Change the race to 'Daemon'. Just 'Daemon'. She can look like a part-dragon, or a part demon (and demons look very different in this game from the usual, so referencing either them or dragons may be more loaded than you think! Kattunge left an image on the first or second page of this thread if you want to peek!) but she can't be part anything just now.

2) For personality, I would love if you took this character and made her up as if she lived on this planet, instead of outright telling us that you just picked her up from somewhere else and plopped her in. I have no qualms against people cloning characters that they like, but I do get frustrated when they don't bother to make up a personality to suit the different life that that same character undoubtedly had and instead use examples from other roleplays to fill in the blanks. :x Sorry, just a peeve of mine. Was Mithral always a slave, born and bred in a pit only to be sold off to the Burrows? If she was always a slave, what kind was she -- trained for pleasure or for fighting, maybe? Whatever way you cut it, she'll be wondering why the Burrows are so different. Was she a free-born daemon but she or her clan were captured and sold off to slavery? Did she have any masters between being captured/leaving her original training pit? You don't have to answer these all specifically, but they're things to keep in mind while making a character for Madrigal, because they're going to have an impact on how your character thinks and acts!

3) Little nitpick, but I'm going to say it again anyways.

Mithral is a dragongirl of the far east, a half-and-half with a body of a female human, with silvery scales on most of her body.

should wind up sounding something like:

"Mithral is an exotic looking, humanoid female daemon, her silver-scaled body resembling an eastern dragon out of earth's myth."

The rest of her description is fine, it's just that by saying 'dragongirl', you're referencing Mithral to the five dragon species that actually inhabit Madrigal -- non of which look anything like Mithral. XD The 'far east' of Madrigal is quite likely very different from earth's conception of what 'far east' means... hell, maybe the Burrows are the far east for that planet! 'With a body of a female human' isn't necessary if you state that she's a humanoid daemon, as humanoid daemons look much like humans anyhow. I guess you could elaborate: 'she looks very much like a human female/woman, but with [insert next descriptions here]'.

XD I hope that all isn't too much. I will go clarify the rules in the character sign up that by 'any species', I mean 'any species found in the world at present'! ^_^"" Sorry for any miscommunication there!
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Your sarcastic enthusiasm is overwhelming. :p

Thanks for posting, anyhow.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

So is that Xivvix's Alela making her first cameo in Kattunge's thread?
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

It very well could be! (I had to use her somewhere. XD Pheonix was taken!)
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I hope kattunge has fun with her :D
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I can just see Phoest being someones first meeting when they come to the barrows though. He won't force sex on them, but they'll be felt up in no time flat.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Tempting. XD

I maybe am going to throw him into the free-form thread, as if I don't have enough to post for. >_>"
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Here's something I've been wondering about for a while.

Do any of the magics in the Burrows interfere with or modify aspects of human (and the other races, but humans are the ones I'm familiar with) physiology? Things like, do women still go through periods? Are there still viruses and bacteria that sicken or kill people? I know that pregnancy and growth of offspring is accelerated, does that imply, then, that healing processes can be accelerated? Etc.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Hmm! I think that for menstrual cycles/heat cycles, that depends on the species. I'm not sure off hand how those work for daemons, dragons and demons though, so Kat could better answer that... or maybe I should say, if she could post what they are, I can figure out how they work!

For human women, I know that Falia would prefer to keep them fertile all the time, though I'm not sure how that would work. Perhaps she works to reset their bodily equilibrium each time they visit her, getting checkups as part of the process? She might hasten their bodies towards a fertile period before she returns them to the burrows, considering that their cycles are being sped up to ridiculous paces. If a woman weren't to get pregnant, she'd hit a point in her cycle where menstruation a few weeks (or however long her cycle is, ) after her last visit to Falia, and then start the cycle as per normal.

Viruses and bacteria surely still exist, as must sexually transmitted infections (whether those are able to traverse species boundaries is something I'll leave up to Kat!) but Falia tends to her active slaves fairly regularly, so I'll say that she is able to keep most infections under control. Most, though not all.

For accelerated healing, that is probably something that occurs if irregularities are noted during checkups. Wounds garnered from fights as well as illness and accident are probably tended to. She only wants a lower standard of living for those who won't play by her rules... she doesn't want to outright kill them or breed diseases due to such poor qualities of life! For those who die or are next to dead, I'd imagine that Falia does scans of her Burrows regularly and pulls those out.

I know that dragons and demons generate 'magic' in a raw sense, and I'd assume that those living in the burrows aren't an exception. It's not a lot of magic, but it could be used to help accelerate healing in ones self or another. This kind of magic, in its raw state, is only useful to the dragons and demons (and daemons that can suck it out of them) as a sort of sustenance, however. To use it on someone else, the dragon/demon/daemon would need to know how to craft it into a healing spell. It's probably not hard to learn, but takes more time than 'I touched your wound, now it's gone! :D' that you see with some magic in fantasy settings.

Does that answer those questions?
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Back from my last exam with one question: you said Shale got four new status effects but only listed 3, what was the fourth one?

Edit: I'm currently assuming that it is unconcious, given your description.
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Ah, one of them was an addition to an already existing one -- instead of stacking the effect, I was stacking the amount of time that it lasted!

XD I don't think I'll ever try to put anyone in a situation like that again... that was just TOO MUCH. *floored*
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Alright, small edit to where shale isn't completely out.

Edit: Also, that was funny.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Eep, I wasn't able to hit up the new spot opening for Madrigal at 6pm like I had meant to, as a friend called unexpectedly and came over for company!

In any case, looks like the early bird is also the lucky bird -- Rule 34 got the spot! (Rule, feel free to make Tillias' sheet for the GM-led section, just tidy it up when you move it over... or else make a new character -- you can keep playing Tillias in the main cavern, of course!)

And since I'm feeling ridiculously zonked, I'm going to head to bed much earlier than usual. Hope that's okay by you guys. I start work tomorrow as well... so there may be some juggling around of posting time!

For kicks: Xivvix, +1xp for hanging in there with the least amount of sexy fun times. Rule, +1xp as a bonus for winning the draw! ^_^ Just chuck them into your character's stats pages to spend later, y'both!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Haha, thanks for the xp, and good luck with the new job. Hope it's a good one! :)
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Heh, thanks for all that, wallpaper. It does answer what I was wondering.

We can create Main Cavern characters whenever, yeah?

Yes, best of luck with your new job. I hope you enjoy it.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

We can create Main Cavern characters whenever, yeah?

Any time, as many as you'd like, even if it seems to have died down for whatever reason.

I need to stop telling myself "well, I'll check the board -one- more time before shutting down," because I wind up stuck to the computer until 2 in the morning. XD *steels self and waves good night!*