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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Pass. Every time I come up with a mission for Azure to go on, it goes sour before I even start it.

What good is fetching all of that equipment if no one is going to help her write stories for her new paper? She's a good reporter, but you can't run an entire newspaper entirely on your own.

As I said. Mission Canceled.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hi people.
What is going on here?

Oh and how are you today Kayi?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm fine other than my inability to get any missions started. I've tried twice now and been shut down both times.

They say third time's a charm. But I don't have a third idea. I've got nothing left kicking around.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You want a mission?
I will give you a mission.
You will now vanture into a cave located at Mt.Everest.
And be sure to bring a lot of pokeballs just in case you found the legendary Mudkipz, but don't bring any thing that will help you excape. Just another note Dig will not be avilible since the earth would be frozen over. And you might want to bring a gun or two cause I heard some Mountain trolls live there, and be sure to bring a lot of herbs and look around for ammo when you have time. Be careful when you try to use wall jump, I heard you need to have screw attack to be able to do it there, but the screw attack that can found inside the mountain could be a virus so be sure its the not fake one. I also heard that if you walk 3 steps inside the cave you would never get out again, and no worm hole, magic, warp devices, restarts or loads, can ever save you from that everlasting space, and you can never die, and your penis will disappear! Now my fellow Forum members! GO FORTH AND FIND THE TRUTH! Oh and if you don't jump into the cliff and bring back the Ring of Glory which is said to be invisiable you can't come back! And the Ring is defended by Zombies that regenerate and respawn within a second's notice! So you might want to turn that off by going to the 4 corners of the cave, and going through 4 different boss fights to deactivate the system. Now, I bid you luck.... *The games forces you to go in the cave and you cannot exit.*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

(Searching out Emily (theweirdone) or Iris (BurningGold) to chat about missions with! :D)
Noooooo! :D It's fine, I probably can't do another mission today anyway; it seems like Caitlyn and River's current one is eating up a lot of their day.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'll move the day ahead when women start to get tired, like Claire's case. Your stamina goes down slowly all the time, and you also lose some when training, or when getting raped.

Once I see people getting tired, that'll suggest they did a day's work, and I'll set the 24 hour timer for the next day.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Claire doesn't want to go on a mission, she wants to ask the two about their previous experiences -- what with the sniper and all! :3

Tomorrow's a whole new ball-game, babeh! (And I want Claire paired up with some heavy hitters just in case RJ decides to rape her again.

...God, it's so weird that I mean that literally. @_@)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

First Mission:
Get medical equipment for testing the slimes.

Azure's approach:
Figure out what equipment she'd need then go fetch it.

RJ's compromise:
No doctors or nurses will help with even so much as a minute of their time to answer what equipment she'd need. RJ recommends Azure wanders into the hospital clueless and grabs things at random again.

Second Mission:
Start a local newspaper with helpful people to spread knowledge for the girls.

Azure's approach:
Talk with girls, talk with contact, ask for people already going out to keep an eye out for equipment. Ask contact to help write the paper. Once arranged, go hunt for materials personally.

RJ's compromise:
Girls at the inn are unhelpful or downright rude. Contact refuses to give any useful info. Contact refuses to pass on the mission side-mission detail. Contact refuses to help in any other way, including coming to Azure's room to help write the paper. Oh, but Azure can go do everything entirely herself.

If those are the "compromises", then Azure doesn't see any reason to attempt either mission, because even if she succeeds in getting loot, it will be completely useless for her once she gets back to the inn.

Maybe I should just aim for something so stupidly huge that the compromise will be somewhere near what I actually want Azure to succeed at.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Claire doesn't want to go on a mission, she wants to ask the two about their previous experiences -- what with the sniper and all! :3

Tomorrow's a whole new ball-game, babeh! (And I want Claire paired up with some heavy hitters just in case RJ decides to rape her again.

...God, it's so weird that I mean that literally. @_@)

I'm curious as to what made you think Emily is a heavy hitter.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

First Mission:
Get medical equipment for testing the slimes.

Azure's approach:
Figure out what equipment she'd need then go fetch it.

RJ's compromise:
No doctors or nurses will help with even so much as a minute of their time to answer what equipment she'd need. RJ recommends Azure wanders into the hospital clueless and grabs things at random again.

Based on her stats, she'd know exactly what she needs, thus ridding the need to ask the doctors in the first place.

Second Mission:
Start a local newspaper with helpful people to spread knowledge for the girls.

Azure's approach:
Talk with girls, talk with contact, ask for people already going out to keep an eye out for equipment. Ask contact to help write the paper. Once arranged, go hunt for materials personally.

RJ's compromise:
Girls at the inn are unhelpful or downright rude. Contact refuses to give any useful info. Contact refuses to pass on the mission side-mission detail. Contact refuses to help in any other way, including coming to Azure's room to help write the paper. Oh, but Azure can go do everything entirely herself.

Azure didn't ask a girl to help with this mission.

The contact already told her about someone dieing in an explosion.

Contacts can not give missions, if Azure wants help, all she has to do is ask other people.

Azure is a pro reporter, and she needs some perverted pilot to write a paper for her?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh my gosh please just knock it off guys...
Hey Kayi, if you need someone to do a mission with then ill do it.
You're a great role player so it would be nice to do a mission with you.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

RJ, can Rin just go hunt by herself or something while I wait for people to get on?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Apologies. Kindly cancel my contract with the pilot since he's utterly useless. Every time he has an easy shot at helping her or giving her info, he turns out to be totally useless.

I'm working on Azure's third mission now. But I'm REALLY running out of steam. If this mission flops as well, I really don't know what else to do.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey, BurningGold and TheWeirdOne? Are Emily and Iris going to be sleeping on to the next IC day? I just want to know so that I can have my character wander off again if they're going to be absent when she goes to look for them! :)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm always up for a mission.
Just let Iris sleep for a few hours or something.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Waking them up and dealing with "Morning Emily" is always an option wallpaper!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Aw nah, I think I'll let them be. ^_^" I wasn't looking to go out on a mission with them, just to have Claire ask them about how the sniper mission went -- and maybe learn about some of their past missions. She doesn't know anything about Shiva's disappearance or the slimes, for example! Out of the loop, she's rather useless.

Maybe they'll cross each others paths some other time soon. *crosses fingers*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Okay since no other missions are turning out well, Azure's new mission attempts will be starting shortly. Just taking some minor suggestions about how to get things started.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Damn, now I can't make a morning Emily!


*shakes fist in air*