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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"...I'll come. Someone should stand in case the worst happens..."

That being said, ever since her encounter with the Goddess, she had found herself growing tired more easily than before, already exhausted by a simple day's worth of sword training and a duel. Still, she wasn't the type that liked to admit weakness...

(Going to sleep in another post or two...)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Damn. A couple other girls and I were hoping to spot some, maybe give us an idea of who had looted half this city before us in a mere two days. I've been to three different places today, all I found of note was some booze." She says, looking down one of the edges and spotting a crawlie working its way up. "Got one coming up over here. Want me to pop it, or should we let the traps do their work?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris nodded to Luna. Truth be told, see seemed tired to Iris. Iris led Luna up the many stairs and halls until they got to Iris's inn room. Iris opened the room and stepped inside, keeping the light of as she was about to go to sleep. Looking at her Iris knew she was going to have to share a bed with Luna, or sleep on the floor. Iris went over to her bed and took a seat. Upon doing so she said to Luna-

" You don't mind sharing a bed do you? I can sleep on the floor if you do... "

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"I'm fine with it... a bed is merely a place for a person to rest after all. Besides, I'm used to sleeping just about wherever I can."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris nodded to Luna. Iris then got under the bed sheets and rested her head on one of the pillows. Iris shut her eyes after that. Iris only mumbled out-
" Goodnight... "
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

David held his hand out to River, signaling her to stop,

"Save your ammo." he returned his hand to the sniper, "There are groups of these wacky looking women running around the city, carrying packs on the occasion. If you're looking for the loot, I'd ask them." He fired a shot, "But not politely." he added.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Good night then..."

Luna did not lie down to rest as Iris did, instead opting to merely sit on the bed her her sword held in hand. She slept as she had always done, with one open and with a weapon ready to silence any intruder should the need arise...

(No seriously, good night. I need sleep in real life otherwise I'll become more batshit insane than Luna.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Yeah, I think I heard about those. Thanks." She says again, moving around to a different wall from the one with the rising crawly. She did a couple more loops of the building, watching the sun nearing the edge of the cityscape, before speaking up again. "Alright, you're probably getting tired of the incessant questioning, but do we man the rooftop all night long? I heard the nocturnal creatures are much worse than the diurnal ones."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Still aiming for monsters, the man answered River,

"That's exactly why we need people up here all the time, if those night time grubs manage to sneak in, you can kiss Apple Inn goodbye."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River nods, which probably went unnoticed.


"Fair enough. Is there something up here we can't lock down? seems to me a locked door and an alarm if something gets by would be enough for me, but I'm not entirely sure what all's out here, especially at night."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

David scoffed at River's idea,

"Those claws can rip through just about anything, and it's not like they come occasionally. The large concentration of women here makes them go nuts, they won't stop coming until either we stop them at their source, or they've killed men like me and impregnated you." he said coldly.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River shrugged, continuing her pacing of the ledge until she got all the way around to him again, sitting herself down and facing him.


"Like I said, I don't know what comes out at night. If it's really all that bad though, how do you expect to hold them off on your own?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

David points his gun carefully,

"Aim... And..." he fires a shot from his gun, "Fire."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Meredith remembers hearing about some sniper on the roof and wonders why they hadn't helped her team out during their mission. Curious to find out more, she goes around asking people in the inn about the snipers.


"I need to know more about the snipers on the roof. Having good relation with them wouldn't hurt."

(What ever check that needs to be done to find rumours.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As night fell, almost everyone in the hotel soon found the need for sleep, as they all retreated to their rooms...

A waning moon was in the sky, suggesting that a full moon was coming soon. David stared at that moon, it somehow brought comfort to him as he reminisced through his memories. Each memory only served to hurt him more, but he felt he needed to remind himself in order to keep going, in order to keep fighting, in order to keep believing in something he thought was impossible.

David gave a start, as he was brought out of his thoughts when someone came walking through the rooftop door.

The maid, her white hair shining bright in the moonlight, walked up to the rooftop, with the obvious intention on seeing David.

David looked away, turning his back on her, "What do you want?" he asked with hostility.

The woman took some steps towards David, "I finally managed to get her to sleep. We're the only ones awake now... We could have the night to ourselves..."

David scoffed at her, focusing on aiming over the building in an attempt to ignore her, "Well, good for you," he said coldly.

She sighed, taking some steps across the rooftop before asking, "Why do you still hold a grudge against us? It wasn't our fault-"

David interrupted her, "Whether or not you intended it to happen is irrelevant, it was your fault, and I'll always hold you accountable, until the last breath in my body fades away." he stated, still gazing at the moon.

The woman started taking steps toward David, "I don't care if you forgive me, or not..." she said, while pressing herself against David's back, her arms wrapping around his waist, "All that I ask... Is that you love me... Like you loved her..."

David sighed, pulling himself out of her grip, and taking position over the side of the building again, "I can't do that," he said coldly.

Offended, the woman says no more, heading back down through the door she came through, down the stairs.

For the rest of the night, he stayed there, sniping the creatures for what seemed like eternity... He believed he'd be fighting until the day he died, which in his mind, was going to happen soon...


Jesse, her head buried in her pillow, had been crying most of the night. She felt that there was no end to her stupidity.

"Why would I say something like that to a stranger!?! I'm so stupid!" she thought, burying her head deeper into her pillow, crying until she was too tired to cry anymore, drifting to sleep...


The next morning was not special, unlike most of the others. Everyone went through their morning routines. Fully rested, they decided what to do for the day...
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The blonde feels that she had accomplished much and realizes that she had never really taken a look around the building itself. The girl decides to check out the basement first and takes the stairs (?) down to the basement. She goes alone down there to see what mysteries lie there. All she had expected however were supplies.


"Still, in case of an emergency, it'd be nice to know", she thought.

(Down to the basement)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


The same scene as before... of arms holding her, a face hidden by the darkness...

"I...had no choice... she was getting in the way..."


"Please...why can't you understand...?"


"If I didn't kill her...she would have...


A piercing scream, a hatred that had been stewing up till that point going out of control... and the stench of blood.

Waking up in a cold sweat, Luna found herself still seated as before, her blade half drawn as a result of the nightmare. A nightmare most likely stemming from her encounter earlier on. Steadying her breathing once more, the girl attempted to make sense out of the dream she had just awoken from.


"That scene again...where did it come from?...And why now of all times?..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Sekia had awoke recently from her slumber. She was now in the inn lobby, wondering to do with her day. So far during her stay here she hadn't done anything of importance. She hadn't seen Yoko in a while and when she tried to be friends with that shop keeper she had been rejected. Sekia got up from the bench she was sitting at and then decided, she may as well look around the inn. Sekia then walked from her stop and went down an odd hallway that led to a stair case. Sekia went down the stairs...

* Go to the basement. *
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris awoke, feeling her mind and body turn back on after light sleep. Without yawning or stretching Iris sat up, getting the blankets and sheets off of her. Iris bubbed her eyes with her balled up hands and then saw Luna, sitting on the bed, almost like she was guarding or something. Had she been like that all night? Iris didn't know, and it wasn't that important right now. Iris looked at Luna and softly said-

" Good morning Luna. How did you sleep? "