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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Sorry guys but, Jesus has something to say:


Jesus wants to apologize for the inconvenience...
Re: In today's news...

I lol'd
Re: In today's news...

Well, it's well into Sunday, looks like my friend doesn't get the Apocalypse for her birthday. Ah well. Loved the pictures. They totally made my night!

And Toxic, funny that you should say that. "The Raptor" is Gaia's joke take on the Rapture.

Reminds me of that old GI Joe episode...

"The Viper is coming..."
Re: In today's news...

I've heard of a good businessman selling after-rapture pet care(Nonrefundable, pay in advance) to christians. They wouldn't want their pets to be without care, right?

Smart thinking I would say.
Re: In today's news...

I've heard of a good businessman selling after-rapture pet care(Nonrefundable, pay in advance) to christians. They wouldn't want their pets to be without care, right?

Smart thinking I would say.

There's an outdoors/sports place downtown with a sign outside saying "Buy a Kayak! Might as well, you might only have 5 months to enjoy it!"
Re: In today's news...

I really enjoyed this article on "orgasmic meditation."
Re: In today's news...

Interesting read, Ranger. And aye, enjoyable, as far as the article goes. The review at the very end, though, seemed a little uncomplimentary, though.
Re: In today's news...

So Bart and I stumbled about little article about setting your gay daughters straight. Not sure how old it is but the woman is fucking batshit insane.
Re: In today's news...

So Bart and I stumbled about little article about setting your gay daughters straight. Not sure how old it is but the woman is fucking batshit insane.

Trolling. In the comments of another article she wrote on , she's accusing people of homophobia.

If she's not trolling, 'fucking batshit insane' doesn't quite describe it.
Re: In today's news...

The comments are the worst... Her replies are apalling. If it's of any comfort, I think she's either a high class troll or bipolar. Click on her name under the heading, and look at her other articles... Bitch be crazy.
Re: In today's news...

I haven't read it, but is there at all a possibility her case is just that homosexuality can be changed by environment? If not I can't see how she's not a troll.

We here at the Ladies’ Monthly have a long standing, strong relationship with the LGBTQCHFLOLOMG community,

Where does the LGBTQCHFLOLOMG in the LGBTQCHFLOLOMG community stands for? I get the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi Transexual), but I’m lost after the Q.

Wow, you must not be up on the times. Q: Queer, C: Cis, H: Hipster, F: Futanari, L: Lavender Children, O: Orgiast, L: Liliputian, O: Omnisexual, M: Meineke, and G: Godian (loving God sexually).

Haha, I think I love this person!

Well the Lesbian Gay Bi Transexual Queer Cis Hipster Futanari Lavender Orgiast Liliputian Omnisexual Meineke Godian community, of course
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Re: In today's news...

Must be trolling. Based on the comments and everything, plus her username... Ann Thrope? As in... misanthrope???
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

*ears perk up*

Did someone call for a troll?
If so, can I conjure up a few things to incite rage? No? Uh... uh... Maybe hurt pride or... um cause sore butt syndromes? I can even use my tired trademark standby line: "you're like toonpimp because...." Cmon, please let me rip em? I'm still an idiot, right? Guys?? *nervous chuckle, and peers over shoulder*

Bah I'm not even good at this anymore, I think I've lost my edge after falling in love, and it just doesn't piss anyone off anymore like it used to :'(

Or perhaps I've gone soft.:eek:
Re: In today's news...

*ears perk up*

Did someone call for a troll?
If so, can I conjure up a few things to incite rage? No? Uh... uh... Maybe hurt pride or... um cause sore butt syndromes? I can even use my tired trademark standby line: "you're like toonpimp because...." Cmon, please let me rip em? I'm still an idiot, right? Guys?? *nervous chuckle, and peers over shoulder*

Bah I'm not even good at this anymore, I think I've lost my edge after falling in love, and it just doesn't piss anyone off anymore like it used to :'(

Or perhaps I've gone soft.:eek:

You were never good at it.
Re: In today's news...

You were never good at it.

ehh, good enough to get you to -rep me still. That's all that matters.
As long as I'm pissing SOMEONE off, I guess I haven't lost my touch after all <3

Thank you for your kind contribution. You make me feel like life is worth it, spider :D
Re: In today's news...

ehh, good enough to get you to -rep me still. That's all that matters.
As long as I'm pissing SOMEONE off, I guess I haven't lost my touch after all <3

Thank you for your kind contribution. You make me feel like life is worth it, spider :D

When did I last negrep you, anyway? Not for that post, that's for certain.
Re: In today's news...

Hey guys remember Schwarzenegger v EMA, the US Supreme Court case we talked about a while ago where California wanted to restrict violent video games to people under 18? Well now its called Brown v. EMA and the Supreme Court just decided to strike down the law today 7-2. Justices Breyer and Thomas were the unlikely duo opposed. I usually don't like Scalia but he does have his moments...I mean comparing video games to works of art is a freaking awesome argument. And Justice Sotomayor will be pleased that BUGS BUNNY IS SAVED.

Quotes from the Examiner
"Gamers everywhere can breathe a sigh of relief: The U.S. Supreme Court, in the case of Brown v. EMA, voted 7-2 against a California law that would've prohibited the sale of violent video games to minors (with a $1,000 fine for violators) and upheld the First Amendment rights of the video game industry.

The court said: "Video games qualify for First Amendment protection. Like protected books, plays, and movies, they communicate ideas through familiar literary devices and features distinctive to the medium. And “the basic principles of freedom of speech . . . do not vary” with a new and different communication medium."

Justice Scalia, in his criticism of the California law, compared violent video games to more violent literary works such as The Divine Comedy, Grimm's Fairy Tales, and The Odyssey, saying that such works are accessible to children and do contain gore."

Re: In today's news...

Hey guys remember Schwarzenegger v EMA, the US Supreme Court case we talked about a while ago where California wanted to restrict violent video games to people under 18? Well now its called Brown v. EMA and the Supreme Court just decided to strike down the law today 7-2. Justices Breyer and Thomas were the unlikely duo opposed. I usually don't like Scalia but he does have his moments...I mean comparing video games to works of art is a freaking awesome argument. And Justice Sotomayor will be pleased that BUGS BUNNY IS SAVED.

Quotes from the Examiner
"Gamers everywhere can breathe a sigh of relief: The U.S. Supreme Court, in the case of Brown v. EMA, voted 7-2 against a California law that would've prohibited the sale of violent video games to minors (with a $1,000 fine for violators) and upheld the First Amendment rights of the video game industry.

The court said: "Video games qualify for First Amendment protection. Like protected books, plays, and movies, they communicate ideas through familiar literary devices and features distinctive to the medium. And “the basic principles of freedom of speech . . . do not vary” with a new and different communication medium."

Justice Scalia, in his criticism of the California law, compared violent video games to more violent literary works such as The Divine Comedy, Grimm's Fairy Tales, and The Odyssey, saying that such works are accessible to children and do contain gore."

Relief at least. Considering that a good chunk of games have violence of some sort. Plus honestly ESRB ratings are there for a reason, and parents are there for a reason. No need to get the government involved.