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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Sandy bridge and earlier are just fine(that's, i3, i5 and i7 2000-series). Also, you can de-lid the CPU, scrape of the thermal paste and replace it, but you lose the warranty.

Not that you should support such business practices anyway. But if you don't want to support underhanded business practices, you should've stopped buying intel CPUs a long time ago.

Yeah, you can replace it, but this time they've reenforced it so there is a roughly one in four chance that trying will turn your entire CPU into an expensive brick.
Just shows that you always need to research your stuff before buying.

And some more news,
Downs syndrome-like problems cured in mice


California passes bill to overrule federal NDAA, protecting citizens rights if it is signed

Yes, they can do this. A state can from what I know overrule the federal government on things like that by passing their own bills.(Edit: As posted below here, they can't. Either way, good for them that they tried)

Edit for some more Syria, Obama getting trouble with Congress because a lot of people told their politicians that they very strongly disapprove of support intervention on Syria.
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Re: In today's news...

Yeah, they can pass the bill, but the bill has the authority of a note I scribble on a napkin. Whenever a state gets away with overrulling the federal government, it is 100% because for the time being the provisions involved don't matter, or the cases in question are so small the feds have more important things to worry about. If push came to shove, the feds would win, up to the point of arresting state level officials on felony charges.
Re: In today's news...

OAMP's right. The Constitution specifically states that federal laws supersede state laws in the Supremacy Clause, and the Supreme Court has always upheld it. Even in cases like that one where a state believes that a federal law is unconstitutional, the most they can legally do is appeal it to the court system. Usually when states pass laws that violate the Supremacy Clause like that, it's just to make a political statement or to provoke an appeal on the federal law it contradicts.
Re: In today's news...

Russia calls for Syria to just give all their chemical weapons to Russia, apparently so that it's obvious that it's not Syria using them

Note that Syria never denied having these weapons, they only denied using them

A little bit old, but Palestinian mass graves found at Jaffa

This specific set of graves appears to be from 'revenge' killings and ethnic cleansing after the 1948 war, however it was standard policy for Israel to expand into a city by chasing out the locals under threat of slaughter and terrorism.
It is not the only city that has been 'settled' by Israel by terrorising the locals until they leave(And killing the ones who stay behind), but it is the first proof(Aside from eye witnesses and Jewish military admitting they took part in operations like that) that they actually followed through on their threats.
Re: In today's news...

Syria accepted Russia's proposal for international control over the chemical weapons.
Re: In today's news...

NSA found to give raw data on everything to Israel

Because there is no way that could ever go wrong at all, with Israel selling US military missiles and more to China already and them being more dangerous in the FBI's 'spy threat' rankings than Russia and China.

Totally a good idea

And they're paying someone who 'may or may not have been a Mossad agent' 's family a million after he killed himself in prison

ABC reported in May that Zygier had unwittingly sabotaged a top secret spy operation aimed at bringing home the bodies of Israeli soldiers missing in Lebanon.

And a bit late, but got linked this by a friend. It may seem like a conspiracy theory, but such a thing in and of its own is not necessarily a bad thing(Conspiracies happen all the time, after all). Ignore it if you feel like it is a problem or the whole twin towers thing is still a touchy subject.

For those who doubt Israeli involvement, several Israelis were on scene before the planes hit to record it. Once the planes hit they were dancing and posing. They were arrested and then somehow still got extradited to Israel.
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Re: In today's news...

So, apparently first Miss America contestant to openly show tattoos?

Re: In today's news...

And a bit late, but got linked this by a friend. It may seem like a conspiracy theory, but such a thing in and of its own is not necessarily a bad thing(Conspiracies happen all the time, after all). Ignore it if you feel like it is a problem or the whole twin towers thing is still a touchy subject.

For those who doubt Israeli involvement, several Israelis were on scene before the planes hit to record it. Once the planes hit they were dancing and posing. They were arrested and then somehow still got extradited to Israel.

Same guy, new link

Conspiracy theories don't seem to be so weird anymore these days.

Aside from that, Jersey Shore is on fire. No casualties reported so far, so it's just property damage for now

Doesn't really seem like it's any sort of big event, but it's still news.
Re: In today's news...

Aside from that, Jersey Shore is on fire.

Does that mean that terrible show will go away now? Though in fairness it seems to be the standard practice in reaction to it.
Re: In today's news...

Does that mean that terrible show will go away now? Though in fairness it seems to be the standard practice in reaction to it.

We can only hope, but the only thing that can kill that beast is a total lack of viewers.

Some more local news from me: Roma(That's the gypsys for those who aren't familiar with them) family removed from their house and into a 'scum village'. A place made specifically for the troublemakers of society that just keep causing problems.

In this case, the family has had a several years long history of anti-social behavior which included bullying their neighbours, vandalism, and near-constant noise complaints.
They immediately said it was like Auswitz.

Princeton Professor says some stuff on 9/11

Includes saying we should keep an open mind, and that Obama attacking Syria without congress' support is grounds for immediate impeachment.
Re: In today's news...

Looks like they give a PhD to just anyone these days then :p
Re: In today's news...

Behold! Science in Nigeria proves gay marriage wrong by the use of magnets!

I'm sure one of their million wealthy princes funded this one.

Everything below this line is not checked for sources, but the link is there for whoever is interested.

Princess Diana murder plot possibly partially revealed.

Edit: Aliens.

Russia. Aliens.
Edit edit: Alien aliens.

NSA. Aliens.
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Re: In today's news...

So, apparently first Miss America contestant to openly show tattoos?

And the second coming from a military background/carrer as well. Along with all those other unorthodox skills and past times for a beauty pagent contestant.

I've always found those kinds of competitions strange and a little creepy, and the way the contestants are put across likewise. And very, fake feeling, in particular. But what she's doing seems pretty awesome. So my full support to her in breaking that oddly shaped mold.
Re: In today's news...

Active shooter with multiple victims in US navy yard, Washington

They're still looking for the shooter

Obama: 'Well, we can still go to war with Syria!'

Warns of 'consequences' for any sort of breaking the agreement regarding chemical weapons

Science with drugs

New study on drugs use in rats shows that morphine is not innately addictive, and instead poor living conditions is what drives and feeds an addiction.
Further, this implies that it is likely that the best way to reduce drug use and addiction in people is to ensure they have a quality life, and do not become like a rat in a cage, with only drugs to ease their life.
Re: In today's news...

I think that saying morphine isn't innately addictive isn't really a sound conclusion, it's the conclusion that a journalist can tout as a massive story. The main thing it says is that in general, busy, happy rats are more likely to conquer addiction than rats who are unhappy with nothing to do.
Re: In today's news...

That is true, got to get those pageviews, better present everything as an amazing discovery. It does still show that just repressing drugs is not the best way to go about dealing with them though.

And some more links for the shooter in Washington navy stuff

At this point, they're saying there are three shooters, of which one is arrested. (According to some sources) :
10 shot (wounded)
4 dead

Edit: people calling it a false flag already
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Re: In today's news...

Edit: people calling it a false flag already

A conspiracy theorist is not people, as people implies that it is a common thought or otherwise substantiated.

Trust those who seek the truth, doubt those who find it.
Re: In today's news...

A conspiracy theorist is not people, as people implies that it is a common thought or otherwise substantiated.

Trust those who seek the truth, doubt those who find it.

As soon as there are two or more, I call them people. It does seem barely anyone thinks it's a false flag. It seems very unlikely anyway.

As for some more news:
Sweden declares public masturbation is not a crime

But only as long as you're not doing it with anyone specific in mind or aiming at anyone specific
However, the court added that no offence had been committed as the masturbating man was not pleasuring himself towards a specific person.
When asked if it was now acceptable to masturbate in public if you don't direct it towards a specific individual the prosecutor said it was "okay."

(You may still be arrested for public decency charges or similar things, I do not recommend trying this.)
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Re: In today's news...

So apparently Germany sold Syria components that could be used to make sarin.

Re: In today's news...

Israeli soldiers manhandle diplomats and block aid to Palestineans

Apparently trying to give tents and set them up for the people who lost their homes as Israel declared their homes to be not proper is 'provocation'. They then declared the whole area a 'closed military zone'.
Another example of Israel not giving any crap about international laws, throwing stun grenades at groups of people and diplomats, and flat out stealing supplies and aid.

I would hope this doesn't come as a surprise to anyone, Israel's record on respecting international laws and basic human rights is worse than that of North Korea.

Also, old document on a near-hit with a nuclear bomb in the US, by the USAF

Interesting read
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