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Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Just a place to toss some Fanfictions that people write on Fanfiction.Net, and tell them of the current status.

At the moment, I got one baby I'm working on- Kingdom Hearts Oathkeeper. Currently going through a edit, Oathkeeper follows a 'what if' scienario for a possible KH3.

Anyone else written any Fanfics over the years?
Re: Fanfiction!!!

I poked around for some good ones back in the day. I found an interesting harry potter one that was kind of a fusion of harry potter and avatar, the last airbender, but it was before avatar was out. I mostly tried to find good starcraft fanfic, but I was mostly disappointed. -_-

I've never actually written any.
Re: Fanfiction!!!

If we're doing recommendations, read Kerrick Wolf's pokegirl fanfic, "where none has gone before" - sequel to "to boldly go". I'm certain that Siphon is in fact a clone/relative of Kerrik, just because they both post an excessive amount in a short period of time, and at similar levels of quality. Or, hell, read up on the Pokegirl universe in general, because there’s a metric shitload of lore there that people have been coming up with for years, and most of it’s good.

As for things I made myself... I've got two Pokegirl universe stories that have been in idea-phase for the past three and a half years, does that count?
Re: Fanfiction!!!

Mt main dislike of fanfiction is that the characters are almost always ones from the cannon. Almost no one seems to just take the setting and place a character of their own design in it.
Re: Fanfiction!!!

Then you're looking for Kerrik Wolf's "where none has gone before", adn the pokegirl universe in general. *Grins* Although some very closed minded people may find some Gary-Stu-ness in "where none has gone before"'s main male characters, his plot for the series is great.
Re: Fanfiction!!!

My biggest complaint in fanfiction is that people take cannon characters and twist them to the whims of a story they have in their dirty little minds, even if it's completely out of character. Then they post it around as the best thing EVAR, when I just feel like someone needs to kick them in the teeth.

Of course, that being said, GOOD fanfiction is often a treat to read. ^^
Re: Fanfiction!!!

I have this one friend of mine who writes pairing fanfics. They're pretty good for those of you who like odd pairings >.>;

She's been swamped with IRL problems, though. So don't expect any updates for a while.
Re: Fanfiction!!!

I have this one friend of mine who writes pairing fanfics. They're pretty good for those of you who like odd pairings >.>;

She's been swamped with IRL problems, though. So don't expect any updates for a while.

And I haven't updated since 2009. So?
Re: Fanfiction!!!

Alright, maybe someone can help me out. I was about to recommend an author for people that enjoy Ranma 1/2, but it seems his site is down or something, and it's pissing me off.
The Author: Jeffery 'One Shot' Wong
Notable Stories: Just Won't Die (series) -> Ranma gets thrown into a bunch of other worlds, such as Bubblegum Crisis, Neon Genesis, Ah! My Goddess, and even Naruto.
Another series I liked is (I think this is the correct name; if not, it's close) The Least One Can Do. In this one, Ranma falls for another girl.
What I like about One Shot is that he shows Ranma in a more mature light.
This is the original site that apparently won't work for me, and I'm guessing it won't work for others, either:

Another Ranma fanfic author I like is Black Dragon; specifically, his Yagami 1/2 fic. Put simply, imagine Iori Yagami was Ranma's father instead of the worthless lard that currently is.
Re: Fanfiction!!!

Then you're looking for Kerrik Wolf's "where none has gone before", adn the pokegirl universe in general. *Grins* Although some very closed minded people may find some Gary-Stu-ness in "where none has gone before"'s main male characters, his plot for the series is great.

Yeah... already read that and all the other pokegirl stuff he's done. Annoyingly, he's put it on hold for a while because of he needs a break from it. :(
Re: Fanfiction!!!

I found one of "One Shot" Wong's fics :)
Seems I managed to save the big one, The Least One Can Do.
Zipped it up and put it here:
Hard to miss as it's the only one I put up >.<

Still looking for his Just Won't Die stuff, though. I don't think I saved any of that :(

Also, since I forgot to in my previous post, here's Black Dragon's site:
Re: Fanfiction!!!


Also, found a cached 'snapshot' of Jeffery "One Shot" Wong's homepage. If anyone could seriously help me to find his "Just Won't Die" series, I would be eternally grateful.

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Re: Fanfiction!!!

Oooh, fanfiction time. Ok, here we go then :p. Be warned, contains yuri xD.

First off, Kannazuki no Miko, adapted in a billion ways so it's much larger than the original anime/manga, by -this guy-.

Insane length, descriptions are just brilliant at times (though his epithets get repetitive) and plenty of action.

One from the Kim Possible universe, a KiGo fic.

For those not familiar, a redheaded cheerleader who saves the world, and her green-skinned, snarky, dark-haired, plasma-throwing nemesis. Also featuring Alice Cooper and Pai Mei, from Kill Bill. Rather good.

Maybe one Mai Hime to round it off nicely :p

That story. It places yuri's poster girls, Shizuru and Natsuki.. into Ancient Rome. It's awesome, and, features other famous anime lesbians, just because.

That's pretty much me at the moment xD.

Re: Fanfiction!!!

One from the Kim Possible universe, a KiGo fic.

For those not familiar, a redheaded cheerleader who saves the world, and her green-skinned, snarky, dark-haired, plasma-throwing nemesis. Also featuring Alice Cooper and Pai Mei, from Kill Bill. Rather good.

Maybe one Mai Hime to round it off nicely :p

For valentine's day, this was my MSN avatar:

I'm writing a piece of fanfiction right now, and I have another in idea phase. The interface for uploading things ti fanfiction.net scares me though, so I'll post one here for everyone's enjoyment when I finish.
Re: Fanfiction!!!


Or in other words, a short and not yet complete Overlord/pokegirl crossover

(I find it highly amusing)
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Re: Fanfiction!!!

Pokegirl.org is down now, for re-construction. I don't recall seeing a message about that happening, anybody know anything about it?
Re: Fanfiction!!!


Or in other words, a short and not yet complete Overlord/pokegirl crossover

(I find it highly amusing)

Must. Check. Out.
EDIT: Nooooo! Page not found :(
I have been slightly disappointed at the lack of sheeps in Overlord 2.
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Re: Fanfiction!!!

There are sheepies in one place that I know of. In the sequence of levels that result in you having blues, the first level in the sequence has a small area with sheepies
Re: Fanfiction!!!

There are sheepies in one place that I know of. In the sequence of levels that result in you having blues, the first level in the sequence has a small area with sheepies

Yeah, I remembered that too later on. Still, in comparison to the first game that is almost nothing. The baby seals just don't cut it in comparison. I like to call them the "White Threat" with their beady, staring eyes. They stare right into your soul! They have to be eradicated!
Re: Fanfiction!!!

You get to club the seals, though. (Browns start out with a club as their weapon).