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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

oh haha no, that was my rant. I didn't feel like articulating it.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Why do I bother watching Stargate:Universe?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Why do I bother watching Stargate:Universe?

Cause you enjoy Stargate? I dunno, after replacing Kurt Russel with Richard Dean Anderson... I mean I got nothing against the guy... but Kurt Russel isn't anything like him. Two different people for the same character. Didn't click after the movie for me.

And by movie, I mean Stargate. Just plain old simple Stargate.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I don't know. They both did a good job, as far as I'm concerned. It helps to think of SG-1 as its own series, and not as a sequel to the movie.

I always quite enjoyed SG-1, though. And Universe just... isn't SG-1. I know that's a really stupid complaint, but it seems to me like they're trying too hard to make Universe seem like Battlestar Galactica, and it just isn't working.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I liked the movie Stargate. I never saw much of it, but SG-1 was pretty good, too. It does help if you think of them as seperate stories not as sequels. Haven't seen Universe, but I could understand it being disappointing if it seems they're just copying BSG. Even if I like BSG, I still wouldn't want another copy of it.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Alright... why the fuck can't people do their jobs? Especially when it involves someone else's fucking life? When someone has been sick for a week, and they're worried it might be a parasite, don't go "Nope, don't think its a parasite, but we're worried about appendicitis, or possibly a gall bladder issue... we'll have you come in for a CT scan tomorrow".

Appendicitis can fucking kill you, and is pretty fucking quick, and you want me to come in the next day? Despite not sleeping for a week because of pain. You cocksuckers.

Then, after going in for my CT scan, the bastards said, you'll get the results in a week. A week? What the fuck is that shit? Well when they don't give me my results in five days, I call them up. They don't even have records of me being in the hospital. I still have not had any call from them what so ever.

What the flying fuck people! Fuck you, do your fucking jobs! It's not a hard thing to fucking ask. I was patient enough with you, you dirty sleazy money grabbing cock bites.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

And this is National healthcare at work Ladies and Gentlemen!



The biopsy for my Grandmother came back the next day, and if anything is abnormal at an Ob/Gyn appointment you get told within three days.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I'm in Canada dear... so its not your national health care
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I'm in Canada dear... so its not your national health care

Sorry if this sounds really douchbaggary of me, but part of me is glad it's nout ours ^^;
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Sorry if this sounds really douchbaggary of me, but part of me is glad it's nout ours ^^;
Most of me is glad it's not ours. I like my quick response private healthcare ;)
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Wow, Appendicitis can kill you? I'm glad they caught mine in it's early stages then.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Most medical people(Including doctors) have a diagnosis ready within a few minutes of you walking in. I'm not sure who told me(It was in one of the chats), but my own experiences with this says that it's true.

Besides that, the whole socialised healthcare doesn't mean it's going to take ages, I live in the Netherlands with social healthcare, and it took me 1 day to get a doctor's appointment, and then 2 more days to get a final diagnosis(Read above, I think he had it ready in a few minutes, but just didn't say so, also, I disagree with it.)
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

National healthcare works great in Norway. Exept for this one time when I was like 10 or something, I had stomach aches for 2 weeks... at the worst I couldn't walk... No-one ever found out what it was, might have been the parasite currently controlling my brain.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

National Healthcare usually works well in Canada... this particular instance is just because some clerks couldn't their god damn jobs.

We also have issues with doctors because they are greedy, and keep going to the states to grab American money, from American hurt.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Wow, Appendicitis can kill you? I'm glad they caught mine in it's early stages then.

Technically no. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think appendicitis, if left untreated, has the possibility of causing the appendix to burst - you then die from sepsis (because waste in your blood isn't very good for you)
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Wow, Appendicitis can kill you? I'm glad they caught mine in it's early stages then.

Few people survive once the appendix bursts. It is the dickiest of organs, useful only for exploding and killing you. But if it's any consolation Sin, if you've been dealing with this for more than a week then odds are in favor it's not appendicitis.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I was about to say something about people complaining too much about national healthcare and the state of hospitals, but then I've never had a real injury in my life, so I can't really give a first hand opinion. Never been to hospital. Not once. Wasn't even born in one. Wonder how long I can keep at it.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I've personally never had to be hospitalized, but based on what family members have gone through, I'd much rather the US had something analogous to Canada's system, or France's, or Sweden's, or pretty much any other first-world country.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Going to bump this.

My college put on a production of Antigone. I went to see it today. If you've not read it, you won't understand this.

I did not sympathize with Antigone. I actually completely agreed with the king. Creon?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Just to make sure I have the right story Antigone was Oedipus' daughter. If so you're college may want to save money and just hold strip shows at the theatre instead.