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[Request!] need help finding beasty doujin

Re: [Request!] need help finding beasty doujin

there is three site ta get ya going. i know of many more but gotta dig them out. i got ruffly 50 to 100 beast manga's on my box but need ta dig them out. plus many of them have other stuff in them as well like loli in a few and such, and well seeing as this is my first post im not sure yet what is allowed and what is not.
Re: [Request!] need help finding beasty doujin

I stumbled upon one of these a long time ago that I couldn't for the life of me remember the name to...but it was a school where there was an animal care/lovers club and the upperclassmen would make the young girls to clean the barn and take care of the animals. Eventually, something happened and the sempais then forced them to have sex with animals, starting with dogs and then working their way to pigs and then eventually a horse.

Anybody have a clue what this one was called?
Re: [Request!] need help finding beasty doujin

Terribly sorry if I came in wrong thread, but I need help with this CG...
RJ108032 [121229] [のりへぇ吟醸] 晴天のビッチ
All link I've found in internet are fake or requires premium account.
If there any chance that somebody got it, please, share :<
Thank you for your attention.
Re: [Request!] need help finding beasty doujin

Women with armpit hair...ew...not for me thanks. GL with your search though.