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Prologue - Ronell Landry

Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

The man narrowed his eyes, and his voice sounded suspicious. "What do you mean? Are you new to the city?"
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"New to the city, no. New to this whole vampire thing, hell yes. So can you tell me what's going on or do I just go pick up a copy of Dracula at an all night bookstore and go from there?"
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

The big man groaned. "Well fuck. You might as well come with me then. Tell me what happened, and I'll answer what I can, but I'm really not much of a talker. I've been around since the war, so I do know a thing or two." He says, and starts walking further into downtown, back closer towards the blood bank that Ronell had broken into.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"Oh you were in Afghanistan too, what is this supposed to be the prize for coming back in one piece?" Ronny jokes as he starts following the big guy.

"So anyways I was just drinking at my usual bar, and some guy came up and asked me if I wanted a job. Talk about for awhile and we head to his office which is apparently a back alley. He says the whole vampire bit, grabs me, holds me down bites me..."

As he realizes which way there going, "Say I uh just broke into this bloodbank up ahead so maybe we should go a different way. Ya know to avoid the cops and all"
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

The man chuckles a little. "You're going to have to go back a tad further than that to find the war I speak of." He says, before moving on. "Sounds like a typical Sabbat snatch-and-grab, though the guy went into more trouble than usual. Maybe he's one of the holier-than-thou types."

"As for the bloodbank, the cops have a usual list of people they pick up when that happens, if nobody saw you you should be fine, though we might as well play it safe. So you actually held back your beast long enough to choose what you feed it? I'm impressed." He said, and meant it. He took the next corner, missing the bloodbank to walking a block around it. "I'm Adam." He says after a bit, like he had forgotten. He held out his right hand to shake, and the trenchcoat parts a ways, giving Ronell a glimpse of a rather large and nasty-looking sword.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"Oh yeah, I guess introductions are in order. Ronell or Ronny whichever you prefer. Pleasure to meet you Adam." He says as he extends his hand as well.

"So what's with the sword? Also what's a sabbat and where we heading too? I don't normally talk this much myself, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now. Almost like this is a bad dream I can't wake up from." He says as they continue on.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Adam shook his hand in a powerful grip, before parting the trenchcoat some so Ronell can see the sword easier. He carries it strapped unusually high, as it is about five and a half feet long, and five or six inches wide, judging from the simple leather scabbard. The hilt is decorated with depictions of demons, with the largest one forming the guard and handle itself, and a large counterweight covered in smaller demons tops it.
"This is the sword that carried me through the second half of my war. I'm told that it's cursed, but it's only been a blessing to me." He says, hiding it once more.

"we're headed to the old courthouse, its a sort of safe haven on some nights. The Sabbat is a 'sect' of Kindred, that's what vampires call themselves, and they're pretty much the bad guys. We're Camarilla, and there's also the Anarchs, but they're just Camarilla who hate being told what to do, really." He explains, ignoring the last part of Ronell's statement as the turn back to the street they were on, having gone past the bloodbank.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Finally relaxing somewhat and becoming more like his old self. Ronny remains silent for a while. Thinking to himself, "I wonder if my old tricks still work?" He decides to check out Adam, just to see how well it works.

While keeping a casual eye on Adam he asks, "So are there lots of kindred around? I would think more people would believe in you...I mean us if this sort of thing happens so much? How do we manage to hide so well?"
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Adam shrugged. "Ignorance mostly, did you believe Vampires existed before tonight? There aren't too many of us, but with the exception of the Sabbat, pretty much every Kindred tries to stay undetected, and make it look like we are just fairy tales." Adam is either an incredibly easy read, or an incredibly hard one. He seems like he's being perfectly honest, that he's just a simple person and has nothing to hide.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"Yeah I guess the saying ignorance is bliss makes a lot more sense now. So are we actually like the vampires in movies? You know Dracula, Blade, and so on. Or is most of that just bullshit."
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Adam shrugs again, stopping against the wall of the courthouse to finish their conversation. "I never really got into television, so i don't really know much about the public image, but theres a few things that are wrong almost all the time. Most of the things that hurt us or stop us are bull, except for fire, sunlight, and stakes, for the most part. Stakes don't even kill us, just put us in torpor until it's removed, which is a kind of sleep, I guess. A lot of the things we can do they got right though, though not every Kindred can do everything, by a long shot."
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"All right avoid sunlight, fire, and stakes check. So do I just go in or is there some kind of secret handshake or something." Ronny says looking towards the courthouse door. "Oh and thanks, too. I owe you one."
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Adam nodded somewhat. "A lot of us take offense to being called 'Vampires', so use Kindred all the time. Apart from that, keep in mind that you'll be surrounded by predators, socially and physically, and you'll do fine." He says, heading down the stairs and knocking on the door. "Oh, and be careful when you say you owe someone, everyone will hold you to it. Without exception."

The door opened to reveal a man's face. "Evening Adam, who's that you've brought along?" he asks. Adam just shrugs. "I don't know, calls himself Ronny, he says he's fresh." The man just nods. "Yeah, we've got a flood of them, I think the Sabbat are up to something. Come on in then, I'm Jack, follow me." He says, opening the door entirely.Adam gives Ronny a small wave, then enters before him, taking the first hallway off the one the door leads to. Jack leads Ronny straight down the hall, stopping and opening one of the last doors. "We'll wait in here till all the fresh Kindred are collected." He says and ushers him in, where he notices a pair of women already inside, which his instincts tell him are 'Kindred' as well...

********End of Prologue**********

((And you're set, feel free to wander into Chapter 1 :) ))