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Egg Interest Get!


Apr 12, 2009
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Post here with the first half of your sheets that you dropped on me in the interest thread so I know who to post for first. :p (aka, which character you want to play). I'm going to set this up like Silth with the 'Y/N' options (maybe adding some of my own if I can think of any, and taking some away) and I'm going to fiddle with the food so that while you don't need it to survive, it'll still pop up for the occasional odd change if necessary. Will see about being up for the next... 3 hours? to do some rapidfire posting.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Just copying cuz I don't know what exactly you wanted ;)

How come I get home late on the day we start this??? lol Hopefully this helps my writing skills as well, so bear with me WP!

Name: Maria Dawson
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Physical Age: 26
Surface Scan: A shorter, athletic woman of mexican decent; she wears her brown shoulder length hair in a pony tail. Not thin by Hollywood's standards she has a fully muscular figure, due mostly to her love of hiking. She has a rather average sized chest and is currently dressed in Khaki pants and a raggy tee-shirt.
Resonance Scan: Fiercely independent she sometimes comes off as a bitch, but will stand by her family and friends to the death. She tries to go with the flow, though the flow often annoys her. She spent some time in the navy and has a sense of pride for her work whatever she does. She always wanted to be an astronaut. Her biggest fear is failure and her greatest love is the outdoors.

Regions of Consent
(To avoid lawsuit/death by player, the makers of the Egg have provided a form to fill out so that one doesn't encounter something that they would prefer to avoid. One person's fantasy is another's nightmare, and all that!)

Situations of Non-Consent: Yes
Situations of Violence: Yes
Situations of Violence during Sex: Not too crazy, but bondage and light violence is fine
Offensive or Defensive Gameplay: A tille of both, lean to defense
Transformations: Realistic stuff, pregnancy is ok, not into the sex-changing stuff though
Genre: Sci-fi and/or horror sounds like fun

Humanoid: Whatever
Non-Humanoid: I guess Tentacles is about all I can come up with
Bosses: Sure,why not?

Items: Yes
Single Larger Goal or Series of Smaller Goals: Series of small goals
Game End: I like thetwo's idea; something along the likes of a saving grace the first time or two, then the "epic fail," and subsequent game over
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Cripes woman, that was fast! XD I only needed the info on the character up to the personality, but that's okay. :) Gimme a few while I put the thread together and snag all of Silth's info into one notepad. <3!
Re: Egg Interest Get!

The form~

Name: Pheonix
Gender: Starting: Male
Species: Bio-magical Hybrid
Physical Age: 19
Surface Scan: Pheonix is the result in experiments of mixing pure magic with biological flesh. As a result, he has a fairly human body: lean, six feet/two meters tall. He has pale white skin, and his hair is a mix of shades of red and orange. Not so human, however, is the fact that he exudes a pattern of light around his body resulting in his arms, back, and hair being covered with ethereal red and orange feathers along with downy feathers covering the rest of him. These feathers have the effect of making Pheonix almost appear as though he is on fire at first glance. Stretching from his back are wings similar to the feathers in that they are partially translucent and can't be touched without the aid of magic. These wings, however, do grant him the ability to fly in areas of average or greater mana concentration. As they can only be touched by magic, the wings and feathers do not hinder non-magical weapons at all, although they are hit and damaged by magical attacks.
Resonance Scan: Constantly having his thoughts flow between the flesh and blood synapses of his brain and the ethereal construct of his magical flesh results a great deal of stress within Pheonix's mind. As a result, fractures occur often, although they do heal on their own. These fractures cause Pheonix to have a wildly erratic personality able to go from serious and foreboding at one moment to bat-shit crazy the next.

Historically, Pheonix is the result of an experiment along the lines of: hey, would it be possible to do that? Probably not, but the result should be entertaining at least. As such, his creators took human genetic material and inserted it into an artificial ovum made from pure magic before sitting it in a test tube and leaving it alone for a few day to see if anything would happen. When it did, the scientists decided to put the result in an artificial womb and wait until the child was born so that they could study it and try to get money for their discovery. Of course, the scientist were viewed as crazy, ignored, and generally not given money. As a result, seeing no use for their product, they sent Pheonix to an orphanage to let them deal with him.

Regions of Consent
(To avoid lawsuit/death by player, the makers of the Egg have provided a form to fill out so that one doesn't encounter something that they would prefer to avoid. One person's fantasy is another's nightmare, and all that!)

Situations of Non-Consent: Sure
Situations of Violence in a Sexual Context: Um, no.
Offensive or Defensive Gameplay: Both as options depending on the context
Transformations: A good thing. (Herms especially)
Humanoid: All are generally fine, just keep them around the same size range.
Non-Humanoid: All are generally fine, restrict the number with exoskeleton's, though.
Bosses: Eh, why not.

Genre: Science Fantasy.

Items: Items that help boost stats or lower those of opponents.
Single Larger Goal or Series of Smaller Goals: Series of smaller goals with possible overarching reason for smaller goals.
Game End: Sessions generally are one per small goal, game ends when all goals are completed. (Somewhat like if they released a Legend of Zelda game one dungeon at a time.)
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Cripes woman, that was fast! XD I only needed the info on the character up to the personality, but that's okay. :) Gimme a few while I put the thread together and snag all of Silth's info into one notepad. <3!

I guess I just hit the site at the right time ^_^
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Aw, gator beat me as the first to post by only 3 minutes. Are you going to do more than one at a time?
Re: Egg Interest Get!

me said:
Name: Jennifer Lawson
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Physical Age: 23
Surface Scan: Jenn is a little taller then average, and slim, with a slightly but not aggressively athletic appearance. Her hair is a deep brown and shoulder length, with a tendency to curl at the bottom. It's usually let down or in a ponytail, and very occasionally braided. Today she is wearing relatively non-descriptive clothing. A pair of blue jeans and a black t-shirt over a chest that she's always thought was too small, though in reality it's very nearly average for 'natural'.
Resonance Scan: A very determined individual, Jenn isn't one to shirk responsibilities or give up because a task seems difficult or unpleasant. She tends toward the quiet side, though she's aware of this and occasionally makes an effort to correct it. While not exceptionally bright, Jenn's work ethic lead her to near the head of her class in high-school, and has pushed her through college with decent grades as a journalism student. Her biggest regret at the moment is making a bet with her room-mate, Alice, that Alice wouldn't graduate top in their class. It had seemed a sure thing, and now Jenn couldn't imagine failing to preform her forfeit - one time through the egg, with a recording of the event sent to Alice as proof.

Also, there should probably be a (this thread) and possibly an OOC discussion thread stickied. And maybe a description sort of thing locked/stickied. >.>
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Also, how much damage can the enemies take, Silth? XD That's not mentioned anywhere yet!
Re: Egg Interest Get!

I guess I just hit the site at the right time ^_^

You were late before when it didn't matter, now you're first when it does. The irony eh?

I guess I'm late to the party as usual.

Name: Chrissie
Gender: female
Species: Human
Physical Age: 20
Surface Scan: Large shiny brown eyes, average height with a slimmer than average frame. Short black hair that hangs just below her face, not making it all the way to her shoulders. Not a large bust, but still a handful, so to speak. Dresses sort of casually, but not ratty. Clothes are usually cargo pants/shorts, generic t shirts, and the occasional hoodie, all of which are mostly wrinkly, but never dirty.
Resonance Scan: Mostly a girl of concern. She likes helping out in any way to her community. She goes out of her way to volunteer for coaching sports for children in the spring and winter, as well as run minor charity events here and there for the usual town cause. Usually very selfless, spending more time giving to others than worrying about herself, getting her into a bit trouble with school systems and quite a few social circles.

Situations of Non-Consent:
Getting raped is completely ok with me.
Situations of Violence: Nothing heavy towards the character, maybe being knocked out. But because she won't be raping back, I guess she'll have to be violent to them somehow
Situations of Violence during Sex: idk what "real" violent scenes mean but heavy bdsm is acceptable/almost preferred, biting/scratching, getting raped violently is fine. (enemies with no concern for her pleasure)
Offensive or Defensive Gameplay: Chased, but there's got to be some way of fighting back. At the very least, there is fighting to escape and then just plain running away
Transformations: Herm changes and changes to bust size are ok if temporary. Pregnancy through any means is fine too, including oviposition. (inflation if it fits) ((lol pun))
Genre: The enemies are really what matter and I don't care what influences them, one could be a space alien while the other is a magical dragon, doesn't matter to me. Though I am curious as to what steam punk means.

anything your heart desires
Bosses: Yes please :D

Prefer to avoid stat boosting items unless the gm figures it's needed and willing to help the character. Defeat a number of bosses with a set minimum number of enemies between them is good with me.
Single Larger Goal or Series of Smaller Goals: Defeat bosses
Game End: Maybe a story provided of how her fate would end up (like a game over screen, except fap material in this case) then get the chance to take it back from a checkpoint.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

*facepalm* I forgot to include M/M for Pheonix, and am making the assumption that F/M shenanigans are okay for everybody. XD You guys let me know if any of that's a 'no please' okay?

Toxic, I'll slip you a thread once I update the first three. :)
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Whenever you find time to 'slip me in' is fine ;)
Even if there were 3 people before me.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

*facepalm* I forgot to include M/M for Pheonix, and am making the assumption that F/M shenanigans are okay for everybody. XD You guys let me know if any of that's a 'no please' okay?

Toxic, I'll slip you a thread once I update the first three. :)
I edited that in.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Name: Rezzana
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon, black
Physical Age: 20 or so
Surface Scan: Rezzie is about 5'10, skinny and a bit bony, with long, black, very wild hair. Her skin is a few shades darker than average caucasian, though her heritage is mutty enough that it's hard to put a finger on any particular ethnicity for her. Her eyes are dark brown, almost black, but with a hazel gleam in brighter light. She's got a wide grin and sly eyes. She also has a dragon form, but that's not what's in the egg right now...
Resonance Scan: She is trouble, and rather than getting mellower with age, she has simply gotten more gleefully sly as she has learned the ways of the world. She is keenly intelligent, though she still has some vestiges of naieveness from when she was a girl sheltered by a small band of protective siblings. She tends to like to experience things for the sake of experiencing them, even distasteful things -- she's a very curious soul, and takes a particular delight, sometimes, in shocking people.

Regions of Consent

Situations of Non-Consent: Sure, why not!
Situations of Violence: She's not really a fighter.
Situations of Violence during Sex: Sure, why not! Maybe nothing too gory, but she'd be up for trying out pain and sex together.
Offensive or Defensive Gameplay: Both, but more getting chased than chasing for first.
Transformations: XD! To and from dragon form only, perhaps?
Genre: La la la, whatever!

Humanoid: Yes please!
Non-Humanoid: I like the beasties! Rezzie would get a kick out of giving tentacles a try, and the four-footed beasty sorts are also more than welcome. Not so keen on bugs. Maybe some classic mythical sorts for kicks.
Bosses: Sure, toss a couple in there!

Items: In a casual sense, I think I would enjoy that.
Single Larger Goal or Series of Smaller Goals: Series of small goals!
Game End: I'll say continue in the same game. Can I change my answer later?
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Name: Alexis
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Physical Age: 22

Surface Scan: Slightly tall for a woman, with green eyes, and a long black high-set ponytail hanging down to her mid-back. A curvy body with large full breasts and a nice tight butt guarantee all eyes follow her through a crowd, though she doesn't try to flaunt it, wearing a simple purple sleeveless blouse and a pair of blue jeans.
(I decided to channel Miachan for part of that ;) )

Resonance Scan: Always up for a challenge, Alexis tends to jump into things without thinking. She's also quite friendly and curious.

Regions of Consent

Situations of Non-Consent: yes
Situations of Violence: yes, light (blood)
Situations of Violence during Sex: yes, light
Offensive or Defensive Gameplay: prefer defensive
Transformations: small changes okay
Genre: any

Humanoid: any, but prefer monster-ish to anthros
Non-Humanoid: any
Bosses: okay (maybe use a boss as something to push progress? ie, very hard to beat without certain items?)

Items: prefer goal/puzzle based items
Single Larger Goal or Series of Smaller Goals: smaller goals
Game End: start new game at game over
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Ooh, another batch of three! I'll move on to you lot and then do another sweep of everyone who's playing. XD This may start moving slowly~

Also, I'm pulling locations out of my nose right now. Feel free to make suggestions if you've got any. XD
Re: Egg Interest Get!

In regards to game over: I've decided that I like my idea and as such will state it again a little more clearly (with examples!) and hope it gets a little more exposure and support.

What constitutes a game over? Well from what I've gleaned without actually seeing it, it depends on the game and/or GM and/or player's choice.

My idea is basically this: you have a set number of "lives" that work into gameplay far more seamlessly then they do in a video game.

Here's the situation. You got captured. Your GM has decided that 'capture' is the end of the line, as you'd spend the rest of your life as a slave. Normally this would be 'game over' or 'revert to previous save' but with my system, you get a little divine aid a limited number of times. The GM and/or you describe you getting raped and tied up and carried away. But then either you have some 'divine aid' left or you did a particularly good post and as you lie tied up at the slaver's camp that night one of the slavers whispers in your ear "I'll be one of the two guards on at midnight, this is your only chance" and drops a sharp rock near your hands. A few hours later, you have to escape the sleeping camp, and this time if you lose it's "for real".

Different situation. This time, 'pregnancy' is the end of the game for whatever reason. This one's easier - you lose your grapple attempt, lose your penetration resist attempt, and fail to escape before whatever is raping you 'finishes'. Instead of 'game over' or 'you revert to a save and try again' you get 'the seed doesn't take' and you have a chance to escape while your attacker is having a metaphorical cigarette. (in this example, it's not a 'roll' for pregnancy, either you have 'lives' left and it fails or you don't and it succeeds).

In practice, it's the same as reverting to a previous save and trying again a limited number of times, but it doesn't break the flow as much.

So yea, that's what I'd prefer in my game. :p
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Hmmm, I like those ideas, two. The first one especially sounds like a fun way to play out a game over. Gives your character some incentive to try things differently, instead of "oops, that didn't work out so well, let's try B this time."

And I also like your idea for how your character ended up in the Egg. Wish I had thought of that first ><.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

I'm too used to video games. I'd like to hear what would become of that character, then blanking and coming to in the past for YAY second chances