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Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)


Apr 12, 2009
Reputation score
Name: Jennifer Lawson
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Physical Age: 23
Surface Scan: Jenn is a little taller then average, and slim, with a slightly but not aggressively athletic appearance. Her hair is a deep brown and shoulder length, with a tendency to curl at the bottom. It's usually let down or in a ponytail, and very occasionally braided. Today she is wearing relatively non-descriptive clothing. A pair of blue jeans and a black t-shirt over a chest that she's always thought was too small, though in reality it's very nearly average for 'natural'.
Resonance Scan: A very determined individual, Jenn isn't one to shirk responsibilities or give up because a task seems difficult or unpleasant. She tends toward the quiet side, though she's aware of this and occasionally makes an effort to correct it. While not exceptionally bright, Jenn's work ethic lead her to near the head of her class in high-school, and has pushed her through college with decent grades as a journalism student. Her biggest regret at the moment is making a bet with her room-mate, Alice, that Alice wouldn't graduate top in their class. It had seemed a sure thing, and now Jenn couldn't imagine failing to preform her forfeit - one time through the egg, with a recording of the event sent to Alice as proof.


As Jennifer settles herself in the seat and watches the egg folding back in place around her, she has to admit that the sleek, futuristic design is posh, if nothing else. Settling back, she watches the Ovipar logo flash with it's cheesy slogan, and then as a quick survey flushes onto the screen. Reaching forward slightly, she realizes that it is touch activated -- she need only touch what she wants. Hopefully this part isn't being recorded yet!

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Anthros and Werecreatures: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Hermaphrodites: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Milking: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Gore or Violence: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Sentient): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Non-Sentient): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Transformations (gender, or monster-like changes): Y/N

((I know you've got these sort of answered, but I had to change some things. XD Sorry!))
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

((I know you've got these sort of answered, but I had to change some things. XD Sorry!))

(Oh, no problem.)

Jenn distinctly remembered the grin on Alice's face as she described this part of the 'experience'. It had only grown wider as she'd told Jenn which ones she'd selected for her - nearly all of them, it seemed. I could leave some of the worse ones out, or just turn down the frequency, but I promised. Besides, it's not actually real so I might as well go all-in...

Humans: Y 2
Anthros and Werecreatures: Y 3
Hermaphrodites: N
Female/Female: Y 2
Pregnancy: Y 3-4
Milking: Y 1
Birthing: Y 3
Non Consent Sex: Y 5
Slavery: Y 4
Gore or Violence: N (I'd say yes to non-blood violence, but with a relatively low frequency. They should be trying to rape her, not beat her up. She, of course, is free to try to hurt them but she doesn't have any training fighting so she'll probably be better off running most of the time.)
Monsters (Sentient): Y 3
Monsters (Non-Sentient): Y 4
Transformations (gender, or monster-like changes): N

Jenn tries not to think about the implications as she keys in the last few choices. Apparently Alice has done this several times before, this isn't actually dangerous... but, well, that was Alice and this was Jenn. Alice liked that kind of thing. Jenn, well, Jenn had stayed in the shallow end of sexual experiences. Until today.
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

As the terminal finishes scanning her and her options, Jennifer gets... almost the implication of mischievous understanding of her heretofore mild sexual experiences. A new screen flares to life as the old one fades away, the instructions,

'select an option to begin the game. Press (?) to learn more about the location' blink lazily below the options, giving her some leeway to loiter in this comfortable space for a few minutes longer...

Pleasure Labyrinth (?)
Mystical Ruins (?)
Slave Outpost (?)
Colony World (?)
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Pleasure Labyrinthine... doesn't sound good. And while Alice would love it I don't like the idea of slavery. Alice hadn't specified which choice Jenn had to make at this stage, and had even refused to describe any of them to her. Jenn stalled for time, but knew she couldn't do it for very long or she'd never press "start".

(Jenn presses the '?' for the colony world, and then mystical ruins, wanting to know more about it. (Feel free to be a little deceptive if there's one you'd prefer :p))
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

(?) Colony World

A wild, open world on the edge of humanity's expanding empire, this world is rife with opportunities to explore and even glean alien artifacts and treasure. Laws are far from strict, here, making this world a challenging place to explore... however, one who is willing to risk the dangers has ample chance win it big!

Pressing again returns her to the main screen.

(?) Mystical Ruins

This ancient city must have once been home to a great race of mythical creatures, but now it is hardly more than ruins. Race to find the mystery behind these ruins in order to escape, or be lost to time as did the legends before you!

She returns to the main selection screen again, hardly appeased for what exact sexual deviance she's up against...

((XD Hope that's good enough! Again, pulling them out of my nose.))
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Well... neither sound too terribly bad. Time to pick:

Jenn, perhaps subconsciously equating "lawlessness" in this setting as "people trying to rape me" picks the "mystical ruins" scenario, and presses "start" before she can change her mind.

I just have to remember it's all a game. It won't be so bad...
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

In a moment, Jennifer finds her surroundings growing dark and peacefully quiet, before a high, mournful sounding wind washes over her senses. Looking up, the first thing she notes is a violet-tinted sky overcast with heavy clouds, some of which rake through overgrown, half-crumbling structures that look like they could far-outshadow skyscrapers of today's world.

Ahead of her, Jennifer spots several avenues, as if she's been deposited in the middle of an open square. Vine-covered ruins surround her, though there are some that are slightly more intact than others...
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Must remember what I'm doing, it's a game...

As she finishes taking a glance at her surroundings, Jenn smiles and spreads her arms and faces into the wind, letting it blow her hair around and only a little disappointed that she didn't have something more dramatic to let flutter. Ah, the on-command dramatic wind. You've got to love, um, movies. But this isn't a movie, this is a... ruined city of some kind. Why am I thinking about movies? I should be thinking about exploring...

Jenn decides that without the sun to serve as a reference, she'd best pick one of her own. The tallest, or most distinct, building would be a good start. One building pops out at her, yelling "I'm interesting and a useful landmark!" It's quite a ways off, but even at this distance its ruined remains are impressive. The top floors have crumbled in an interesting way, leaving the well-reinforced corners standing while everything they supported is long gone. This building appears to have been built as a quadruple helix, the corners forming a complex spiral. Jenn can't imagine how it could have stood when there were still floors all the way up to support, and even now it looks... unnatural.

Jenn sets out towards it, looking up whenever she enters a clear space to make sure she keeps heading toward it. She's not set on it as a destination, even now, just a landmark to make sure she isn't walking in circles. She is sure to keep a close eye out for anything interesting along the way.
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

As she walks, she gets the distinct feeling that she's being watched...

Casting looks over her shoulder, she occasionally spots a flicker of iridescent black, and at about shoulder height, too, meaning that it's no small creature. Sure enough, turning a corner, then jumping about to catch a sneak glimpse, she encounters a lithe looking large creature, its intricate looking scales patterned in black and shades of blue, green and purple. Realizing that it has noticed her, the four-limbed, serpentine creature hisses, revealing long fangs, and charges her!
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

"Oh shit!" What the hell is that!

Jenn isn't usually the quickest thinker, but the urgent nature of the situation and the time between when she notices the thing and when it charge work to her advantage here, and her methodical natures does the rest. It's huge and it has fangs as big as my head - can't fight it. It's huge and has four legs - can't outrun it over the medium to long distance. It's scaled, so maybe I could beat it by finding someplace cool?

By the time she thought it through, Jenn was back around the corner and accelerating for the nearest door. Down she thought, The basements should be cool and there may be intact walls with working doors...
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Jennifer managed to find an overgrown basement, the main level still intact with even a door as the monster charged after her and, diving down the steps, rolled to the bottom of a landing just as the thing howled in frustration, crashing into the space and getting caught at the entrance, having misjudged its leap.

Finding more steps leading down, Jennifer realizes with a shock of fear that it is quickly righting itself and squeezing through the tight entrance... it'll be on her in only moments!
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Jenn doesn't look back over her shoulder once as she plummets down the stairs in what is very nearly an uncontrolled fall. Even if being in the cold works, it'll take some time. I have to get something solid between me and that thing...

The hairs on the back of her neck stand on end as Jenn continues down the stairs, frantically looking for a sturdy door to put between herself and her pursuer. Maybe it won't even be able to take the stairs at a run, but I can't count on that. A door, a door is what I need...
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Taking what feels like a loose spiral down the staircase, Jennifer encounters a partially open door made of solid stone. Slipping through the crack, she can feel the wind of the thing as its claws strain forward to snag her, missing her by mere milimeters. Thinking fast, she slams her weight against the door and feels it budge... just a little... enough so that the beast can't possibly follow her through.

She manages to avoid the claws, like angered cats-paws, raking the air as the thing tries to hook her from the outside.
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

"Yea! Take that you freaking lizard-cat!" Jenn's voice starts loud, but seems to be swallowed up by the dark and dank, and quickly fades to nothing. As it becomes clear that the thing isn't getting through the heavy stone door, Jenn puts it out of her mind. Maybe in a few hours it'll be gone and she can think about going out again, but until then...

Jenn takes a look around the room, eyes straining to their limits to make out anything she can see, aided for the moment by the adrenaline rush of the pursuit and the elation of success.

(And I'm off for the night in the next few minutes)
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Scanning the room, Jen notes that it's pretty dim in here, but she can't seem to find anything of value in here save for an open doorway directly opposite her...
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Well... staying here isn't going to do me any good.

Jenn heads through the open door, straining to see anything she can.
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Jennifer moved through the room... and felt something odd brushing against her face. It felt sticky, even.

She could hear an odd clicking noise from somewhere further in this room, though she couldn't spot anything skulking down the hall at her...
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Wait a second... sticky things in the air brushing against my face, an odd clicking sound...

Suddenly realizing there were probably Spiders about, Jenn faced a decision: go back or go on. No decision at all, really, back lay a room with a stone door with a monster on the other side, which made this the only viable way out. Spiders were creepy, but they shouldn't be dangerous... still, no reason to hang about.

Jenn increases her pace, hoping to get through the spiders quickly.
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Not some, but one large spideresque creature descended on her, or rather, plucked her off of the ground. She could feel its legs under her armpits, pulling her up as something sticky began weaving around her legs...
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Jenn let out an ear-piercing scream and tried to kick her legs and pull free from the spider to the floor.

Oh god, that thing's huge!