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Jamie (thetwo)

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Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Like a panther, she pounces on the nearest vine. She slams it against the wall and repeatedly pounds the but of her flashlight into the thickest portion of it's stalk. The vine tried desperately to get away, but Jamie lands 3 or 4 hits before it finally slithers away. Looking around, she notices that other vines are retreating back into the walls. Standing upright, she regains her composure. Suddenly, the door at the top of the stairs opens, revealing the next level of her journey. Trying to shine the light, she discovers to her dismay that in her assault, the bulb has broke. Stepping out of the stairwell, she sees a stairwell traveling south and a door to her west.

(The flashlight is now a blunt weapon. It will add a +2 to every combat roll you need.)

(Crit Hit on vine)

Jamie DEF: 0 + 1(clothes)
Jamie CONST: 4
Vines HP: 0

Search area
Travel W/S/E(stairwell)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Wait, a fire escape stair that only goes one floor? And my flashlight broke? Damn cheap thing... no more then a blunt weapon now.

Well, at least I can see the next stairwell.

Jamie, wary after her consecutive attacks by the vine, moves slowly along the corridor south, keeping her eye out for anything useful or unusual along the way.

(Search, slowly heading south)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie begins to slowly move south, keeping a keen eye out for anything out of the ordinary. There is a flash of bright light, of blinding light, that disorients her. After a few moments she hears a strange, distorted voice coming over what appears to be a loud speaker.

"Well, well my pet. You seem to have a bit of spirit. I don't believe we have spoken since you join us. I am Dr. D. Welcome to my labs. You are the first to have found that stairwell, good job. Because of this, I will give you a hint. If you want to leave this place, the stairs you seek are in the corners. What corners? Now now, I can't spoil all the fun now can I? Ta ta!"

And with that, the light fades. The voice saw distorted in such a way that Jamie cannot figure out if it was female or male. No bother, further along in the hallway She notices a door to her south and that the hallway continues on to the east.

(item "Found" in the search was the message)

Jamie DEF: 1 + 1(clothes)

Search area
Travel W/S/N
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie, indignant at being called someone's 'pet', tries briefly to think of something witty to yell back at the loudspeakers, but stops herself when she realizes that anything at all she said would be playing into this "Dr. D's" game.

Now... to trust the hint or not?

After some thought, Jamie decides to trust the hint. This was almost certainly the same person who locked her in the stairway, so it wasn't like they were looking out for her well-being, but on the other hand they did let her out in the end.

Which corner, though - if I pick the wrong one I could end up as far as it's possible to be from the corner I want. Ah, screw it, I'll just stick with this hallway for a while.

Jamie decides not to enter a room until she's exhausted the possibilities of the hallway, and continues down it.

(Um... I'm not getting a very clear picture of this floor. Is the "south" option here the doorway, or the hallway which ends at a doorway and a further hallway moving east... and what's to the west?

If the hallway continues south then turns East, Jamie is going south.)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(That was a typo on my part, you are in a hallway that currently travels both to the WEST and north, i. e. the direction you came. There is also a door to your south. I assume you want to travel west and follow the hallway, but I'll wait just to make sure.)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(yea, that's what I want)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie follows the hallway to the West. She travels a bit until she is stopped by a large man in a guard's uniform. "Aww yeah, D told me you were coming. You're a sexy little thing, I've always had a thing for Redheads. Come here!" With that he lunges at Jamie, but she steps to the side and quickly takes in her surroundings as he passes by. She sees the hallway continue to the west as well as another door to her south. Turning back to the guard, she contemplates her next move.

Jamie DEF: 2 + 1(clothes)
Guard HP: 5

Flee W/E/S (17% chance)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"Don't touch me!"

Jamie doesn't trust this guy. For one thing, he claims to be working for someone who just called her a "pet" and is apparently doing an unauthorized experiment of some kind on her. Secondly, she somehow doubts that the good doctor would go through all the trouble of giving her vague hints on where the stairwell is and then send a guard to help her.

The next time he gets within arm's reach of her, she plans to try to whack him upside the head with the butt of her flashlight, and if the situation allows get on the other side of him, so that the past to the west is clear.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"Oh I plan on a lot more than just that sweet cheeks."

He again approaches her and tries to grab her upper arm. As he connects, he twists her arm, wrenching it off to one side. Despite the pain, Jamie then swings the flashlight with her free arm at the guard. It lands hard on his head. He releases her and reels a bit from the pain.

(he hit you then you crit hit him)
(The position of him in relation to you doesn't effect the flee chance, just his HP)

Jamie DEF: 1 + 1(clothes)
Guard HP: 3

Flee W/E/S (50% chance)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

I could try to run while he's stunned... but how far would I really get? Also, he called me 'sweet cheeks'!

Quickly - while he's still reeling from her last blow - Jamie tries to hit him with the weighty flashlight, aiming for his temple.

"This isn't a game, you pervert! I said get away from me!"

(Well, it doesn't really matter but that's what she'd do anyway. :p)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(Fair enough ^_^)

Jamie takes the opportunity to strike yet another blow to this Guard who clearly does not have any intentions of helping. She swings the flashlight down, connecting with his temple, sending him to the ground. He rolls around a bit in pain, and looks up at Jamie.

(Crit Hit)

Jamie DEF: 1 + 1(clothes)
Guard HP: 1

Flee W/E/S (83% chance)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"And stay down!"

Jamie takes this opportunity to run west, hoping the man will have sense enough to stay down.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie turns and runs down the western hallway. All that is left of the guard is some distant moaning in the darkness. After running for a bit, Jamie takes in her surroundings. The hallway continues to the West and there is a heavy door to her North. Catching her breath, she contemplates her next move.

Jamie DEF: 1 + 1(clothes)

Search the area
Rest/recover +X DEF(38% chance of enemy encounter per point up to the max DEF)
Travel N/W/E
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Well, at least he has the sense not to follow me. What the hell kind of place is this? He 'plans on a lot more than just that'? I wonder what the experiment actually is? I mean, I'm going to try to get out either way, but now I'm curious.

Jenn continues walking west, reasonably sure the guard isn't following her but not wanting to stick around when he gets better.

(Also, it just started pouring here and the lightning just got *really* loud...)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie continues her same direction when the hallway turns yet again. There is a door to her north and the Hallway continues to the south. Before she has a chance to change direction, a small furry creature the size of a possum and a long tail leaps from behind a pile of trash and scratches her on the shoulder.

Jamie DEF: 1 + 1(clothes)
Creature's HP: 1

Flee N/E/S (83% Chance)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)


Jamie tries to smack the thing with the broken flashlight, starting to get a little frustrated at the periodic attacks.

I wonder if this thing is related to that ball of fur that attacked me in that room I woke up in... looks bigger, but that doesn't say much.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie swings her makeshift club at the creature, landing a hit on the creature's head, smashing it on the floor. Noting the rip in her lab coat's shoulder, she sighs. She looks at the door to her north and the hallway to her south, pondering which way will lead her to the next stairwell.

(crit hit)

Jamie DEF: 1 + 1(clothes)
Creature's HP: -1

Search the area
Travel N/E/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Ugh, I don't exactly have an excess of clothing and this thing goes and rips some.

Feeling rather tired, Jamie decides to pause for a moment and take a good look around.

Hell, I might get lucky and find another flashlight, or a map. I almost missed that one last time...
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Looking around the area, she finds a pair of black dress slacks. examining them, they have a couple belt loops ripped out but are otherwise in good condition, and better yet, they fit perfectly. Quickly sliding them on, she ponders where to go next.

Jamie DEF: 2 + 2(clothes)

Search again
Travel N/S/E
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