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Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

((Old? His style of clothing is rustic, but as for the actual person?... Seems to be rather young actually...perhaps unnaturally so.))

The man did not seem to show much reaction to the girl hiding her body all of a sudden, as if he were used to such a sight. The same smile from earlier still on his face as he spoke, as if amused more by Shiva's antics than what he saw.

"Now now dear, there's no need to be frightened. I am not here to hurt you, despite what you seem to believe. I am only here to play a game with you in accordance with our most excellent Lady's wishes."

Taking off his bowler hat with a white gloved hand, the man made a slight bow to Shiva as he made the next part of his statement of 'reassurance'.

"After all, for a humble servant such as myself to make use of physical violence in the presence of such a delicate maiden is simply unacceptable! Especially considering how graceful and elegant our Lady is."

((Oh and before I forget...

Shiva is now Level 2! You have 3 stat points with which to spend! Please state where you would like to add points/if you would like to save your points, then update your character sheet accordingly.))
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

(Raised mind to 2)

"I said leave me alone!" she screamed, "I don't want to play your fucking games!" she announced, already growing tired, both mentally and physically from all of the running she had done from the living dead, and from having to fight a giant dog... When she thought that all the horror she'd gone through was just some kind of game to this man, it made her very angry. Angry at how sick this person must be to actually derive pleasure from a woman running for her life.

"You fucking sicko..." she said under her breath, "I'd rather die than play your sick fucking games!" she said firmly. And what enraged Shiva more, was the question of just how many other women were subjected to this nightmare? How many women were eaten alive, or killed? Were some women even granted the mercy of death?

Shiva's hands left their jobs of covering her parts, and instead went to her sides. She was ready to attack the sick, perverted man if he decided to force her into his little, "game."
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

The man did not seem to be phased by Shiva's outburst in the slightest, his expression remaining as stoic as it had been earlier even when responding to the woman. Donning his bowler hat once again, as he reassumed a normal standing position, it would appear that the man was done with 'pleasantries'.

"My dear, whatever could possibly have given you the idea that you had a choice in this matter? In our Lady's most marvelous and elegant board, you will find that everything is in accordance with her will. Everything."

Raising a gloved hand high into the air, it was then that the man snapped his fingers, causing a rather large gelatinous blob like creature and a ceremonial dagger of sorts from seemingly out of nowhere to drop from the ceiling into the space between Shiva and the man, the blade being closer to Shiva than the blob was.

"Now let us begin this most amusing contest of sins shall we? Will Wrath triumph over Lust? Or will Lust conquer Wrath?... Either way, Let the games begin."

It was then, upon the utterance of the last four words that the slimy gel like creature began to slowly creep towards Shiva...
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

On instinct, Shiva reached for the dagger, and once it was in her hand, Shiva started to find her instinctual action was outright stupid. Faced against a blob, and an insane man, seemingly intent on killing, or torturing her, Shiva felt an even more overwhelming, helpless sensation. Having all of this happen to her, unable to convince herself it was all a dream, she felt a 'tick' go off in her mind, as if she'd finally had enough of it all. Enough of running, and being afraid. She just hoped it was a dream, and that she'd wake up eventually... But... It was so hard to believe that this wasn't real.

Shiva suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs like a maniac, and hurled the knife at the man with all her might. All her horror, all her fear, this whole nightmare she felt she could blame on this evil freak. Charged with anger, disgust, fear, and outright insanity, the knife flew from her hand, sending it flying towards the man with all she had left.
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Was it simply good fortune? Or the will of fate? Speeding through the air, the thrown dagger severed everything on its path to the intended target, cutting cleanly through even the gel like creature when it rose up to protect the one that had 'summoned it'. Such was the efficiency of the thrown blade, that if not for the man choosing to quickly tilt his head in an attempt to dodge the weapon, that he would have found it embedded in his skull. That being said however, this did not stop the weapon from slicing open a long gash on the side of his face, blood flowing freely from the wound.

Raising a gloved hand to the side of his face, the man seemed to almost be in disbelief as the liquid stained his white gloves and dyed them a scarlet red, in shock that he had been injured.

"Blood?...Me?...A human...like her?....That's...There's no..."

It was then, after attempting to deny what had happened a few times, that the man let out a piercing scream, as if in agonizing pain. Pain that seemed to be far greater then what a flesh wound of that nature should cause. As the man continued to vocalize his sufferings, Shiva would also become aware of the sound of metal clanging onto the floor followed by multiple footsteps as shadowy figures began to materialize close to the man as if to support him. Should the girl choose to investigate the source of the metallic clanging sound, she would find that a key had been a few feet away from her present location, a key similar in design to the keyhole of the locked door from the hallway...
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

The blood curdling scream sent forth by the man sent Shiva into a slight state of shock. She hadn't expected any of what's happening to occur, she was convinced that he was going to take her, and torture her. As she stared at the screaming man, unblinking as she watched some kind of shadow envelope him, she gave a start when a key fell next to her. Her gaze quickly shifted to and fro, from the man, to the key, only for a moment, before grabbing the key, and darting out of the door that the man had opened as fast as she could.

If she made it past, she would go for the door in the hallway(that you never pointed out was locked before) and try the knob. Upon finding it locked, she tried desperately to ram the key inside, and open it, with the now very dim hope of escaping this whole, wretched building, along with the horrifying creatures that sought to kill her.
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

((Forgive me for missing details at 5 in the morning >.>, sheesh.))

Darting past the man successfully and into the hallway, Shiva manages to open the door at the end of the hallway to find stairs leading downwards all the way to the ground floor. It was then however that the girl would hear a shout from the man who she had slipped past, one of anger as he appeared to be directing something to pursue her.

"Leave me! Capture that woman at all costs! I don't care how you do it, but BRING HER TO ME!"

It was then, as the beating of wings became audible, that Shiva may have a chance to find out what the true forms of the shadows that had proceeded to support the man that she had wounded were, that of scantily clad winged women... Such a droll detail aside, it would appear that they weren't exactly the brightest of their species, given that they had actually thought to fly with fully extended black feathered wings towards such a narrow doorway...

((Hey, who said the invisible stalkers always had to be lesser succubi? Gimmick should be obvious this time around unless I missed a detail, again.))
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

Shiva let out a small squeak as barely clothed women with wings were suddenly flying at her. "V-vampires!" she exclaimed mentally. On instinct, having little time to react, or plan, Shiva motioned to slam shut the door she had opened, likely when the lead winged woman was not very far from the open doorway. No matter what happened after that, she saw no other choice but to go down. She was afraid of ending up in the basement, but she didn't exactly want to end up with the undead above, either...
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

While 'vampires' in popular folklore generally lack avian like wings, this minor detail did not stop Shiva from associating her pursuers as another class of the undead...nor did it stop her from slamming the door in the face of the said pursuers when they were mere inches from the doorway to great effect. With various crashing sounds and screams from the chaotic aftermath, the white-haired girl was able to gain a great lead in terms of distance from the ones who sought to capture her, managing to make her way safely down to the first floor while the winged women quarreled with each other.

Once downstairs however, Shiva would find that she was far from alone just yet, able to make out several voices from a nearby hallway, one of which seemed to stand out a bit more than the others.

"Alright girls, here's the plan. We find that newbie, save her from whatever the hell might be chasing her, then we start praying that Daisy managed to smash that orb in time to get us out of here before the real nasties comes. Everyone with me?"
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

( The nasties comes, do they? )

Shiva winced, "More weirdos..." she made a mental complaint. Knowing she was nearly boxed in from both sides, Shiva looked about for a place to hide, an unlocked room, closet, or hallway leading away, so she might be able to avoid anything else finding her...
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

(General gist...In that 'closed spaces' as these tend to allow the Lady to place stronger and stronger pieces over time...In short, ingame excuse for 'boss enemies'.)

A quick scan of the area proves to be useful in that Shiva quickly locates a storage closet nearby capable of serving as a hiding place should the need arise. This need of course, would present itself shortly as a loud crash coming from the direction of the stairs she had taken down hinted that she was being pursued once again, by both the winged women from the stairwell and the other 'women' in front of her as cries of alarm quickly became audible. With footsteps and the flapping of wings approaching her from both sides, Shiva would have to quickly decide whether she hid as intended, or hoped that her pursuers from either side were hostile towards each other...
Re: Virtue's Reward (Shiva)

( I wasn't asking about that, son, I was mentioning your spellings. And hows they were lent. But, I digress, I always pick on misspellings, and misuse of punctuation. I'm just mean like that, nothing personal, my friend. :p )

With the closet door open, and with a little hope that her luck would stay with her, and save her once more, Shiva ducked into the closet, and shut the door as discreetly as possible, hopefully before her pursuers arrived...