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Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

I suppose if push comes to shove, we could claim that Miranda used a different given name, to try to conceal things.

Of course, that would likely only work until Max finds out...
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Indeed, what with Max enjoying a little mischief :D
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse



then again...

Crossdressing for sneaking is not a bad idea. Not that unusual either...

Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Plus, if we allow that, everyone can get an amusing reaction shot when they find out!
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Crossdressing for espionage. That's gonna be Miranda's excuse, at least for a while. xD
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Max yelled that last bit, right?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Half shouted, kinda like an exagerated response to finding out a piece of information that surprises the person.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Oh yeah, one thing I wanna add too, if Wolf allows it;

If by some minute chance that one of you get your hands on a Philosophers Stone it will allow you to use all the skills of the alchemy tree's you have access to without having to use a circle even if you don't have access to all the skills. The only drawback is that eventually it'll rebound and your character will suffer because of it.
Wouldn't that just be the incomplete stone? I thought the real ones worked until they ran dry and stopped where as the incomplete ones work until they backfire.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

@Oni: But it'd still like have been loud enough to get the others' attention, correct?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

@Wolf: yeah, most likely

@Phoenix: Yeah I know, it just adds a little spice into the mix. It'll last a long time though.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Excellent. I was hoping for it to be at least loud enough to get their attention, if not be able to clearly hear.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Cross, I don't suppose I could ask you to just use one character name in your posts? I have seen you call your character Grave, Jack, and Cynder and it would be helpful if you stuck to just one of those.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

I use his name, family name and nickname... Is that really such a big problem? Using only "Jack" and "he" gets old quickly.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

I generally don't bother remembering who controls which character or all the names of a particular character so half the time I glance at your posts I see them as referring to different characters.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Well, the RP only started... You'll get used to it.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Right, I've added the advanced alchemy minus the skill levels needed to get them. I've also taken out Artistic Ranged Attack because basically it was bollocks and I've added to the pollen skill tree though I've not typed up anything about them yet.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

And the requirements are done for those, now, as well.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

I'll be going soon, so Wolf when you're ready have a train pull up and take them all to their destination.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Okay, to keep things from getting bogged down waiting for reactions...

I've discussed with Oni how I was going to handle the situation, and have asked him to create the thread for the next stop.

Pheonix, Bartnum. Just retro-post the reactions, and I'll finish things up in Central.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Just ran across a video with an interesting shot near the beginning...Pretty sure that the caption isn't what's really going on. If it is, I'm going to be seriously laughing about it.
