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The OOC Topic

Pheonix Alugere

New member
Former Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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We need one of these... Anyway:


At the start of your turn, you gain 20 +/- Various Bonuses or Penalties, Except when you are Mounting an enemy, then you recieve no Energy(But can still loose some!). It is also at this step that "Effects" upon you lose a turn of duration.

Afterwards, you may use various Moves to attack the opponent. One Move per Turn!
Does that mean we gain 20 points to either increase energy or decrease pleasure as we choose?
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No, I just forgot to add that it is 20 Energy that people regain.
Re: The OOC Topic

Well. If you try to make a Mass Move at level 0, I'ma sending Aryntar to fuck your char up. <,<

... Literally. *Shot*
Re: The OOC Topic

I'm just saying, the rules don't say not to. Shouldn't you write in which moves we're allowed to make at 0 level?
Re: The OOC Topic


Fine Fine... *Grumbles...*
Re: The OOC Topic

So... do you want us to stick our character sheets in their own threads or in the character creation thread?

Edit: Also, does V replace the base pleasure damage while increasing the cost or...? (If you use it does that mean the move costs 20, has a cooldown of 1 and deals 10 energy damage and no normal damage)

-Base of 10 Energy Damage costs 10 Energy and 1 Cooldown.
Re: The OOC Topic

Your own topix.

It adds ontop of Pleasure Damage.
Re: The OOC Topic

... Ah, then I'll move my character sheet to it's own thread then.

If we could get a small bit of world info (Enough to know where we are and make side comments), I might like to try and challenge Ryu to a beta test fight. (If you approve our move lists)

(Also, as a side note for a small bit of background since I haven't fully come up with anything for Sen: she's new to the battlefield and the first fight in this game is going to be her first formal fight. She decided to do this as opposed to college.)
Re: The OOC Topic

Basicly, The Colony is one giant space station with a plethora of areas for the "Participants" to use, and fuck around in. Ranging from forests to grassy fields, to rocky cliffs, to lakes, to just about everything.

And I saw nothing wrong with you twos move-lists for now, I will have to recheck at some point, but feel free to go ahead and set something up. Although I think he and a soon-to-join person wanted to have a Freeform session.

And well, this soon-to-join person, I had a small "Intro" Session with her over at a chat, with my character. Freeform of course. <,<;;

She was basicly told that she had been shipped to The Colony to participate in this "Eternal Fuckfest", all for the pleasure of the audience, think universe-spanning tv show that every lazy bum watches.

Of course, nothing stops you from having skipped my chars "Training" Proposal before having been shipped into The Colony to fuck about. :D
Re: The OOC Topic

Ah, I'll wait then until one of them is free.

Also, I presume that, while mounting, we don't have to use a penetration move?
Re: The OOC Topic

Correct, It isn't a must to use penetration moves when mounting, but if you're in position like that, it'd be best to plow on for all you're worth. :D *Shot*
Re: The OOC Topic

I'm still helping the newcomer with her character a bit, which according to them won't be fully ready till tomorrow, so feel free to make a thread for us.
Re: The OOC Topic

Okay then, Sen snuck into the colony onboard a ship in order to take a career path to piss her parents off to no end, so no training option for her.

RK, should I make the thread, and if so, what setting should I put it in?

Also, Ryu, since I'm challenging, do you want a Dominance match or an Endurance (3 orgasm) match?
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Re: The OOC Topic

We'll just say my character was onboard a slave ship that revolted and crashlanded the ship on the colony, with him the only survivor.

And who's Veral?
Re: The OOC Topic

...Damn, I keep getting you confused with the character of a lurker who I'm doing a pm based game for... He has a three letter name, too. Your name has been edited in.
Re: The OOC Topic

"RK, should I make the thread, and if so, what setting should I put it in?"

Battles Board.

"Okay then, Sen snuck into the colony onboard a ship in order to take a career path to piss her parents off to no end, so no training option for her."

... So she snuck onboard on a ship to a place, where the only thing she'll ever get around here, is a good, hard dicking? :v

"We'll just say my character was onboard a slave ship that revolted and crashlanded the ship on the colony, with him the only survivor."

Or he was a slave brought here, and for whatever reason dismissed the Training Session if you want. :v

Re: The OOC Topic

I'm not special. Just wanted a unique-ish reason to be there... >_>
Re: The OOC Topic

I just figured Sen could be a stowaway looking for an easy career. (Also, I was winging it with coming up with a reason as for why she didn't have training.) This thing didn't sound as if it was a slave only thing.

Simply put, for whatever reason, she's there and didn't get training.

Also, setting =/= forum. Setting = what does the arena look like? Japanese dojo, metal room, forest floor, etc.

Does fleeing a hold use up a turn?
Re: The OOC Topic

It isn't a Slave Only Thing, But I guess largely it'd be that. Donnololz.

Said "Arena", can be whatever kind of area I described above. From lush forests, to plains, to deserts, to rocky cliffs. Lakes, Hotsprings.

If by "Fleeing" you mean evading a Mount Attempt, no, it doesn't take up a turn, it just costs energy. And you can't escape from a Mounting once it gets a hold of you, or until it runs out of time.