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Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Some time after Chris and RJ had spoken, the group returned to the Warehouse.

Chris's first order of business was to place the artifact in the dark vault, properly labeling it and closing the vault.

Next, he made sure everything was in place, then went ahead and let the others into Leena's Bed and Breakfast so they could relax or whatnot.

Finally, he checked to see if the Colorado team was back, which they weren't.

He briefly considered calling Sean to see what was going on, but decided against it. Taking out his Farnsworth, he placed a private call to Mrs. Frederick instead, filling her in on everything, including RJ's desire to know why he'd been chosen.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Once outside, and walking on his own, Roger took in the scene around him. Having been daytime by the time they left, he found himself walking under the beautiful night sky. The crickets created the perfect white noise, helping to calm his nerves. A gentle passing breeze pushed his hair out of his face, and chilled the sweat along his body. He lifted up his arms, and put both his hands behind his head, stopping in the middle of the path to look up at the moon.

His eyes got lost in the bright, full moon. And under the hypnosis of the round light in the sky, he started to think of everyone he left behind in Georgia. At this moment, he'd give anything just to be with them again. "Eddy... Brandy... Tyler... Richard..." he said their names aloud, "... I fucking miss you guys... I wonder what you're doin' without me?" he wondered. And when the thought of never seeing them again crossed his mind, a single tear went down his cheek, which he quickly wiped away with his shoulder. "No, I know I'll see them again, once all this shit is over. Nothing's gonna take that away from me." he claimed, his eyes never leaving the moon... And he hoped, that all of his friends were looking at the moon as well, thinking about him...
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

After a short time, RJ might get the feeling he wasn't alone. That feeling was confirmed when he heard her voice again.

"Enjoying your evening Roger?"

He wouldn't need to turn around to know it was Mrs. Frederick, though how she'd snuck up on him like that he wouldn't be able to tell.

"Chris said you wanted to speak with me, and I need to see him in person anyway, so I figured I'd find you first."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger was only surprised for a moment, before the realization came through that it was Mrs. Frederick. Roger sighed, and spoke to her without turning to look at her, "I guess I am..." he said softly, continuing to look directly at the moon. "But, you probably already knew I was... Just like every-fucking-thing else..." he assumed, a hint of anger on the tip of his tongue. "You knew who I was before you even met me, you knew what I did for a living, you probably know what I've done, how many people I've killed..." He turned to look at her out of the corner of his icy blue eye, "You even knew I'd accept your invitation, didn't you?" he said, almost accusing her. "And you didn't tell me the whole truth, about what creatures I'd be working with, because you knew I'd refuse if you did. But..." he trailed off, only for a moment. "What I don't understand... Is why you wanted me to be apart of this..."

He shook his head, looking away from her, and back to the moon. "I don't know if you plan on making me into a monster like one of you, or them. I don't know..." he balled his fist, and clenched his teeth, turning to the woman with a vicious attitude, "Just what the fuck do you want with me!?!" he yelled. "I'm just a human fucking being! I don't have claws! I don't have super speed, or strength!" he pounded his chest with an angry fist, "I'm made of flesh and fucking bone! And yet you went looking for me anyway, instead of letting me rot in that prison!"

He stretched his arms out, "I don't even care! I don't care what happens to any of you, or your precious artifacts!" he pointed his finger at her, "And you know it..." his arms fell to his sides, as he shook his head. "I don't need to tell you why I wanted to speak with you, because you already know why, just like how you knew where I was when you found me here."

"Despite every fucking reason any normal human being would have had, to just move on, and find someone else to join your organization, you still gave the offer to me..." he turned away from Mrs. Frederick, if only just to get her out of his view.

Roger suddenly felt very foolish, and ashamed of his outbreak. With his own words, he stated that she already knew, just about everything that would happen. And, he was pretty sure she knew he'd freak out, and get angry at her if she saw him... Roger placed his left hand against his face, and sighed. "... You know what I want to know..." was the last thing he said, before going silent. Figuring he'd already made enough of a fool of himself by acting so rashly.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

She seemed content to let him air out what he needed to do, face remaining expressionless until she was sure he was ready for her to reply.

"Yes, I know almost everything there is to know about you, and I can't say how I'm afraid. I can however assure you that we have no intention of trying to make you into some freak of a monster, we're trying to prevent that from happening to other people."

"Yes, you were chosen for your resistance to the powers of an artifact, which is perhaps part of the reason your still alive. Your correct I didn't tell you everything, however had I done so and you refused, you'd have become a liability in that jail cell, and the walls there have ears."

There was a pause and she finally added. "Actually, the very fact that I didn't tell you everything and that you came here is the only reason your still alive. The facility where you were held was blown up this morning by a terrorist cell. There were no survivors."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger shook his head, "Blown up? What?" he asked in disbelief, "Now you're making even less sense! Shit like that never happened where I lived, so why would these, 'terrorists' blow up the prison I was in? Are they both insane, and stupid? To the point that they'll bomb random buildings?" he wondered.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

She shrugged.

"No one ever accused terrorists of being sane. If they were they wouldn't use bio-weapons that could turn on them or infect them at any given time. As for why someone would want to bomb it .... I have no idea yet. Perhaps someone was looking to kill you in there thinking you were still there, though that's pretty far fetched. There's also been reports of several Lickers being sighted in that area, though none of them are concretely proven yet."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger felt his heart stop for a moment, "There are monsters...?" he said fearfully. Then, the thought crossed his mind, that his friends might be in danger because, in Roger's mind, someone was trying to kill him. "But, she said all I can do is resist the effects of artifacts... So it wouldn't make sense if someone was trying to kill me..." he growled from the depths of his mind, "Fuck that! It doesn't matter! What does matter is that there are little fucking monsters in my town, and I've got to get my friends out of there!"

At first, he was about to ask if they were going to go to his town, but then he discarded the thought. "Fuck them, I'm taking care of this myself! I'm not going to ask monsters for help!" he concluded, before making up his mind, and starting at a run, past Mrs. Frederick, with the intention on getting to his truck, with the plans on going to Georgia...
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

She seemed to understand what he was doing, and spoke.

"Wait. I said it hasn't been confirmed yet. We believe that the report has been falsified of the Lickers in an attempt to draw our people away from here. There have been no BSAA reports filed, which is standard for THEM to report any monsters there. They haven't seen any at all. Besides, you can't go unarmed. Let me find out if there really is a threat, and if there is I'll pay for your trip there if it's that important to you."

Even if he went to his truck, he quickly found that his tires had been slashed, with a note saying, "oh my, sorry but I can't have you following me to Colorado. IOU 4 tires <3 J.M."

((I have ideas for if he goes now somehow any other way, or if he waits.))
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger looked back as Mrs. Frederick called to him, and only shook his head after she was done, "Fuck your reports!" he exclaimed, "And I will go unarmed, if someone took my gear out of my room. I'm not of any use to your groups anyway! Just send your monsters in, and have them take care of any troubles you have! I'm going to help people that actually need me." he told her, before continuing to run, not stopping, even if she told him to wait once more.

Once he arrived at his truck, and noticed that the tires were slashed, he'd read the note, and exclaim, "Who the fuck is J-mother-fucking-M!?! And why would this little fucking cunt worry about me going to Colorado!?! I don't give a shit! Damn it!" he cursed, giving the side of his slashed tires a kick in frustration. "I'm not giving up that easily!" he thought with determination, "There has to be another way! I've got to get back to Georgia! If someone was trying to kill me, they might be after my friends to!"

Roger's emotions swelled with aggravation, and he ended up pounding his fist against the side of the truck, putting a dent in the side of it while cursing, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" until his right hand cringed with pain. "This hunk of fucking junk was my only ticket out of here!"

Roger quickly looked around at the other vehicles in front of Leena's, with a small hope of finding one that he could hot wire, and use as a replacement for his slashed truck.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

There was a sigh from Mrs. Frederick.

"Get your gear Roger. If your hell bent on getting yourself killed or walking into a trap then so be it, I won't stop you. The least I can do since it seems your ride is beyond immediate repair is get you a car. It will be here in a few minutes. I do wish ...."

She trailed off as she saw the note.

"Let me see that."

She took it from him, and after a moment he could see her face turn almost white.

"J.M. No, he can't have gotten out. James MacPhearson is his name, and he was a former Warehouse agent who turned against the government, trying to sell them to the highest bidder. He was banished to solitary confinement, but it would seem, if this note is legitimate that he's escaped, and has taken his sights on us."

Leena by now had come outside, and heard what was going on.

"RJ, come with me. Mrs Frederick, I'll handle the vehicle situation, he can use mine."

There was something about her tone that told both of them to take it or risk angering her. She also had something of a knowing look on her face, probably something planned on her part as well.

((Yes, somehow she did just tail him that fast.))
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger growled, "James MacPhearson... I'll remember that fuck head's name, so I know what to call him before I put a bullet in his head." However, everything else he planned on saying was interrupted when Leena revealed her presence to Roger. Roger blinked for a moment, unable to understand her motivation behind helping him. "Does she plan on shipping me to Colorado? She better not, because I'm going to Georgia one way or another, and I don't care what happens to the others. My friends matter more to me than they do."

Temporarily, Roger had forgotten Leena's ability to read his aura, and his disposition was likely very clear to her at that time. However, he said nothing, and was ready to oblige her wish for him to follow, until he'd learn if she was truly helping him get to Georgia, or not.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Once they were far enough away, she stopped their forward progress.

"I take it there are people in Georgia who you care about, so .... get what you need Roger, then meet me at the entry way. We'll take turns driving."

It suddenly dawned on him, she intended to go WITH him for whatever reason.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Before he left, Roger wanted to address that very fact. He wasn't worried about her going with him on the trip, it was her car after all. However, he was a bit concerned over what she intended to do once they arrived. "Leena, wait," he called to her before she left him to get ready, "After we get there... I just want you to drop me off, and come straight back here, alright?" he said to her, "This is my problem, and although I appreciate the lift, I'm the one that has to deal with anything bad that might happen. And before you complain about any of it, just think about how much everyone here would be hurt if you died, just trying to help me. If only I die, and you get back here safely... Well... At least I'll be with my friends in death..."

He put his left hand on her shoulder, "Alright?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

She smiled slightly.

"No one's dying RJ. Besides, how do you intend to get your friends anywhere without a vehicle? If you want me to not enter whatever war zone you think your entering then so be it, but I'm not leaving the area until I know for sure your getting out alright. Besides ... I'm not afraid of those creatures. I lost most everyone I knew because of them, so I want to help you prevent losing whoever it is you care enough to risk your life for. Besides, if I go that far and come back without knowing for sure what happened to you, Chris is just going to send us all back there after you anyway."

She patted him lightly on the back.

"Don't worry about me Roger. I've been through more than I'm willing to admit right now."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger growled a little under his breath, turning his head away from Leena, "... Fine..." he said in a defeated tone, before looking back to her, "But, if things get dangerous, I better not even think you're anywhere close by, or else I'll probably end up killing myself, trying to get you the fuck out of there."

He then turned, and went for his room, "Remember that." he told her, before entering his room. He didn't spend a long time inside. He simply got the gear he had attached to the desert clothing, and put it all on his normal clothing instead. Once that was done, Roger was soon seen leaving his room, with only a couple minutes passing before he headed for the entry way as Leena told him at a jog, eager to get on the road as fast as possible.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

By the time he arrived, Leena had already loaded what she needed into the trunk of her car, and was carrying two weapons.

One was a Tesla, the other was a very large sized Magnum that looked like it meant absolute business. As if to reply she added, "this will drop any B.O.W we've encountered in one round, except a Tyrant. Like I told you, I wouldn't have offered this if I truly thought we didn't have a chance. Ready to go?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger nodded at Leena, "Yeah, whatever, just don't plan on using that thing." he told her, as a reminder of what he said before, to stay away if things get dangerous. "Also," he added, stretching out his hand, and gesturing with it, "the keys, hand 'em over."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Right. Alright, let's get moving, time's wasting."

She handed him the keys, then climbed into her white Camaro. For what her salary should have been, it was a car that was VERY expensive. Not to mention fast as hell too, which probably suited RJ just fine.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Once Roger was behind the wheel of the very luxurious car, he couldn't help but comment on it, naught but a few minutes after starting it up, "Well, this is a first." he laughed a little, "This is the first time I've driven a car this nice, and didn't have to break into it." he added, and didn't hesitate to show his impressive ability to drive to Leena, making the car move as fast as he could make it go, without risking an accident.

"Let's see... From here, to Georgia... A day? As long as we don't stop for long, we should get there by tomorrow night..." he gave the steering wheel a squeeze, "That still seems like too long... C'mon, guys... Please be okay... Just be okay until I get there." If Leena felt the presence of his aura, if anything, she'd feel suffocated by his negative emotions. Rage, worry, helplessness, regret, and desperation were all that existed in his mind currently. If he found his friends dead, or worse at the hands of whatever bastards who're behind this, the first thing he would do, is make sure to kill them all in the most horrible fashion he could think of.