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Amestris - Central City

Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda was clad only in a tank top and another loos pair of cargo pants. She looked fully refreshed and alert. "He's right you know James. You can't do anything if you fall apart on us in the middle of a fight."
Re: Amestris - Central City

As others are moving down to the lobby, those still upstairs, and maybe a few downstairs, can hear a ringing from one of the rooms which sounds very similar to an alarm clock. The only peculiar thing about that, though, is that the ringing seems to have been going for at least five maybe ten minutes and therefore might be getting on the nerves of those who can hear it.
Re: Amestris - Central City

James shrugged. "I'd been sleeping more than I really needed to recently. One pass like this shouldn't be too harmful. Just wish I had better news than I do."

That said, he put the book he'd been going through back into the bag at his feet. It happened to be the last one that was out. "The best I've got is conjecture. It seems that wherever he had the notes detailing his work on that sword...Well, he took that secret to his grave."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda cocked her head to the side and growled, "That alarm is still going off, I wish whoever the hell it is would get up and turn the damn thing off."
Re: Amestris - Central City

James glanced in the direction of the alarm clock. "You know...There's a part of me that wants to go get a gun, and just shoot the damn thing. Probably not the best idea, though."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Jack growled. "Same here, but all of my parts agree with this idea. Seriously, I hate alarm clocks..." He made his way towards the source of the noise. Cynder stopped in front of the door, then gave it a solid kick to wake up the person inside. "Rise and shine, moron!"
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda chuckled as Jack went upstairs to confront the owner of the noise. "Now, what was this about a sword?"
Re: Amestris - Central City

James glanced at Whitten. "The same one that you got smacked with yesterday. I think that it's somehow connected to his sudden resistance...And his return."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda nodded, "So if there are no notes, how do we go about figuring everything out?"
Re: Amestris - Central City

James shrugged. "At this point...I'm not sure. It's rather likely, though, that there's something I haven't found yet...And likely, it's not here."
Re: Amestris - Central City

During James' and Miranda's conversation Max walks in through the main entrance, the sound of distant laughter entering with him. The laughter was quite clearly coming from Roy's temporary residence. Closing the door behind him Max puts the morning newspaper down. On the cover is a picture of Roy Mustang and the headline reads 'Roy Mustang, The Youngest Fuhrer To Date'.

"Oh what a busy morning I've had," He says as he slumps down in a chair, his voice lacking it's usual energy, he too had bags under his eyes. "Roy- The Fuhrer has been working me like a dog since before sunrise. Don't worry, I've written up the report for yesterday's event."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda actually giggled, "I'm glad he made it. He deserves it." An adoring look flitted across her face before she recovered herself. "He'll get this country going in a better, people oriented direction."
Re: Amestris - Central City

James gave a somewhat uncertain shrug. "In a way, that does assume that the current mess gets stabilized."
Re: Amestris - Central City

"You really think he'll make a good ruler? He had me running errands all morning! And I didn't get much sleep either." Max slumps further down in the chair and lets out a sigh.

"Though there is one good thing that has come out of it," A mischievous smile spreads across his face. "His first change was that all female officers are required to wear tiny miniskirts."
Re: Amestris - Central City

James actually let out a laugh at the second part of Max's response. "He said he was going to do it."
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Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda blinked silently for a minute before she guffawed, "He actually got away with it! That's amazing. But yes, i do think he'll do a good job. He has to get the current mess sorted, but he'll get it done." she sounded enormously confident.
Re: Amestris - Central City

"Well, so long as people believe in him I guess he may make it," Whilst Max may seem like he doesn't believe Roy can do it his voice says otherwise.

"Oh yeah," Max says as he literally jumps of his chair. He rushes to his room and a moment later comes back clutching a magazine. "Here, I was reading some of my comics and a thought came to me." He hands the comic to James, the cover had a man being chased by rotting people. "Zombies. Maybe that's what that person was creating."
Re: Amestris - Central City

James looked at the cover briefly, then set it down on the small table he'd moved over in front of his chair at some point during the night. He then leaned back in the chair, steepling his fingers in front of his face while staring at the comic cover. "Yes...Yes, that'd make sense...He was starting to dabble into darker things when the fire happened..."

((If you've read a lot of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories, Holmes' position he gets into while thinking in his chair is what James is doing.))
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Re: Amestris - Central City

"Fire?" Max then tries to think back on all the fire's that had broken out. "Hrm....the only fire that comes to mind is the one that burnt that house down. Not the Elric's, the other one. You're saying that the nutjob we met yesterday was involved with that fire?"
Re: Amestris - Central City

James glanced over at Max. "Yeah...The house that Kane Metras' family lived in burned down. He believed that all of his relatives died in the fire, and that's what ultimately drove him completely insane."

James made a face, then added, "He also believed that it was deliberately set by a State Alchemist. From what I...heard about it, it was a simple cooking accident."