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DTT7 - Game Over Fool Wins

Re: DTT7 - Day 3

A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
Re: DTT7 - Day 3

I'm going to take a chance here and go out on a limb and trust Aika on this one, partially because of the fact your argument has me convinced we don't have much choice either way, and partially because we're getting absolutely no where with this, and I don't feel like sitting here forever just shooting the shit around.

Lynch Goldstein.

Now, that's subject to change if anyone comes out with anything really concrete that just can't be ignored, but for now ... Can we please just get this moving?
Re: DTT7 - Day 3

fine if you feel so strongely this is the right play Aika then whatever no thing else is gonna get done.

Lynch Goldstein
Re: DTT7 - Day 3

I'm not saying that Goldstein is 100% the demon, I'm just saying that in this position we're in, it's the right play.
Re: DTT7 - Day 3

"Girls, think this through! What are you doing? Get that thing away from me!"

The girls advance, one holding a scalpel. The others hold her still, and the scalpel is raised.

As the scalepl enters her heat, Goldstein smirks. An unworldly shriek of laughter comes from Goldstein, as the crazed and magical girl accepts the dagger into her, the other girls start to realise their mistake but alas too late, a blinding white light fills the lab, and then time freezes, the girls all frozen in time eternally with that feeling of sorrow and dread, and Goldstein frozen forever in her moment of euphoria.

Goldstein was the fool, she wins, everyone else loses.

Respect points to Goldstein for excellent fool play.

Players - role - Dead?
1. toxic - Gifted - dead
2. siphon - Demon - lose
3. dreana - Norm - lose
4. plmnko - Norm - lose
5. MMK - Demon - dead
6. Aika - Snuke - lose
7. Goldstein - Fool - Win

Night 1
MMK - toxic
Siphon - MMK (pmed first)
Gifted girl:
Toxic - plmnko

Day 2
Lynch: none

Night 2
siphon - toxic (pmed first)
Gifted girl:
toxic - aika

Day 3
Lynch: Goldstein

Last edited by aika on Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: DTT7 - Game Over Fool Wins

Well done Goldstein, i cant believe than even siphon lynch you
Re: DTT7 - Game Over Fool Wins

After scanning and informing plmnko that I knew she was safe, I got kinda carried away. I figured, there's only 1 demon left, and I'm never going to GENUINELY get enough numbers to get a lynch going, so I might as well just lie to everyone, cuz I could only be wrong once. Plus I figured, in a demons mind, if you received a pm saying someone was a gifted girl and they scanned you to be safe, you wouldnt believe they were the gifted girl, and I hoped they'd assume I was just the snuke trying to get raped or something.

Then when I realized that plan was stupid, I decided to do it anyway, realizing that if I did get raped, laughs were to be had.
And trust me, I was cracking the fuck up reading all the
Ok you just asked for it Goldstein. First off Toxic confided in me last night and had already proven I wasn't a demon

Since Toxic confided in me yesterday and told me I wasn't a demon, I know that Siphon is lying ((assuming Toxic didn't cheat and PM Siphon after his death, or Toxic didn't lie to one of us)).

Aika it would seem toxic had been doing some major overtime on scanning...since the first night of actions Toxic told me the same thing.

Toxic PMed me, as well, after/during Night 1, saying only that he had scanned me as a human.
Re: DTT7 - Game Over Fool Wins

Heh, wll played Goldstein.

And for the record, I KNEW IT. Damn was I right not to target Aika. I just had a feeling Aika was the damn Snuke, hell, it's what I would have done for laughs just to watch when someone killed Aika first.

As for the rest of it, I had a bad feeling Goldstein was the fool, but the main problem with things lately has been the lack of postage for NO LYNCH, everyone doesn't post a thing up until someone else makes the decision for them.

That places a large bind on things since the only way to move on is to just lynch whoever's name has come up already. I'm beginning to think a cutoff needs to be placed and those who don't vote within a certain time frame might be considered automatic NO LYNCH.

It kind of kills any kind of strategy or fun when your forced into something just to get the game moving due to lack of posts.

Near as I can tell, Aika, Goldstein, Dreana and I were the only one's who posted, maybe I misread that and that was who all was left, but I thought there was one other.

Still ...

It required three votes to have a majority here, and with two voting no lynch, one voting lynch and one doing idk what, it basically became a MUST vote lynch to move the game. It's happened in more than a few lately, and actually caused one to completely die. I just think something should be done to give that a little more 'be alert and keep it moving' rather than a 'let's stall til someone caves.'

Perhaps two or three IRL days to collect, then if no one has actually placed a vote, count them as NO LYNCH, since they aren't voting to lynch anyone?

Re: DTT7 - Game Over Fool Wins

i gave a 24 hour peroid from the last post until i move it on with a no lynch but you guys just kept posting so i didnt do anything.
Re: DTT7 - Game Over Fool Wins

i wasnt giving goldstein as much faith as Aika did but a lynch was a must so it was either goldstein or nothing...I blame Aika for overestimating..
Re: DTT7 - Game Over Fool Wins

Yeah I blame Aika too :mad:
Re: DTT7 - Game Over Fool Wins

yes, Aika usually lynch the fool (DTT3) :)
Re: DTT7 - Game Over Fool Wins

Well played, gentlefolk.
Re: DTT7 - Game Over Fool Wins

has anyone noticed that i reused aika DTT2 bartnum fool win text?