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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Branching off of that suggestion (which I support, by the way), I came up with an idea for another talent for succubi, who are rather noticeably lacking in talent variety.

*Sexual Tyrannosaurus: Each time the character has an orgasm or causes another character an orgasm (or upon the first successful use of Deny Release/Self Control succubus magic with a single partner), they temporarily gain a +4 Resistance bonus and a +6 PP damage bonus until they next rest. This stacks up to 5 times in a single day.

And now I need to create a dual gun wielding succubus.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Due to the discussion of the above, I've got two more character concepts swimming around. <_>

I motioned to change the title to GODDAMN SEXUAL TYRANNOSAURUS in the shout, because I'm a derp. There was also something about not counting your orgasms to prevent cheesy 'wanking yourself to +20 resistance and +30 PP damage' in yon shout.

It was suggested each orgasm have to come from a different critter to count - fluffwise, it would be something like having to feed off the energy of different people to become the best succubus you can be or something.

I suggested perhaps it stay as it is, except change to per-encounter - some kind of momentum sorta dealie, where you rev up and become an unstoppable rapetrain as it goes on - though admittedly, making it work that way would probably limit it's effectiveness and how often it would actually see use.

On an unrelated note, should Vampires get Fangs as a racial mutation? It would cheapen the cost to get venomous attack, which might be derpy, but uh yeah. Teeth.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

*Mental Fortitude: Grants the character an additional 10 max hit points, pleasure points, and energy points. +10 HP, +10 PP, and +10 EP, in other words.

Or we can just make MEP be a class talent for both Mage and Spirit Wielder, but still only takeable once? Only downside here would be cheeky warriors/succubi using Natural Mage for MEP and Natural Spirit for Spirit Powers I guess.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

*wonders if he should add Sexual Weakness to Karen's character sheet*

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I would like to apologize to everyone I'm currently in any game with. I'm dealing with my sister's wedding, the need to help everyone clean the house, and the fact that I'm a game junkie.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Jesus Tass, why. You've sent an MGI angel to Bakan. The most evil thing ever.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Conjure Cloudmobile
Ritual Cost: 10EP per Passenger
Ritual Time: 10 Minutes
Ritual Requirements: Focus in Wind OR Focus in Water
Description: Conjures a solid Magic Cloud for travelling purposes. Magic Cloud moves at a speed of 100 miles per hour. Lasts Mind/10 Hours.

First of what will hopefully be a whole bunch of ritual suggestions from me. Name is bad so please come up with a better one. And it is Wind OR Water because Spodah derped about "BUT MAKING CLOUDS = WATER MAGIC". But the core idea of the bloody thing is wind-based dangit! D:
I guess this works out better tho, giving some nice utility to two elements that ain't Entropy/Arcane. MORE TO COME HOPEFULLY. MAYBE.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

A odd ritual indeed :D
Perhaps more like this though

Travelling Winds
Ritual Cost: 10EP per Passenger
Ritual Time: 10 Minutes
Ritual Requirements: Focus in Wind
Description: Infuse a light object with wind magic granting it temporal flight for travelling purposes. Large objects take more EP and time to infuse. Infused objects moves at a speed of 60 miles per hour. Lasts Mind/10 Hours.

This way it can be a cloud[once you create it] for your DBZ fix, an abbandoned barrel lid for your air surf pleasures or a carpet for your Magic Carpet Ride~ needs. :rolleyes:

Just a wild random thought.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I think Spodah had a similiar idea actually. '3' I guess that variant makes more sense for the sake of variety fluffwise. AND THAT I CAN PUNCH DOWN TREES AND SKYSURF ON EM. And "DBZ fix" my ass. Still, that is a better idea now that I think of it. Now to continue plotting rituals I guess. *3*
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

You're not the only one amassing an army of characters.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

That I am. Though it helps to come up with stories and ideas for them, even if what you've thought about doesn't end up being where the thread goes if/when they do get a thread.

For the unplayed characters I have Willow 'Red' Forrest, Ragnarok, an unnamed goblin that's a daughter of Lani, Kaliyah which is another daughter of Lani which will hopefully get played at some point, and Laina, an angel I posted in the OOC a while back.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Another char posted, looking for GM, please PM me if willing to host/before making thread. All kinds of fucked up what with futa+vaginal tongue+absurd breeding potential. Might consider multiplayer, please PM if considering to join in.

Not expecting a thread anytime soon, or people wanting to join this rapesnake. Gotta protect yon sanity and I ain't holding that against you. ~('-')~
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

No. <_> I will not put this particular character under your 'care' and 'mercy'. Had it been the catboy healer, sure, but not this one. No. Never. Don't look at me like that. Go away RJ!