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Suspicious Infiltration (Neil)

Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Sahara laughed, "Now that's normal around here." she said bluntly, "Most around here don't hold it in, rather, they go crazy with it. Some, like those spiders won't even give you a choice."

"Ya, then there's the goblins and faeries, they can be a pain in the tailfeathers," Agita said with a giggle. "Whatever happened round here, it's been quite interesting to see..."
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

"I'm sure that watching... That kind of stuff is interesting. Pretty sure that you wished you could join in sometimes..." he chuckles, sprawling out in the bed next to them. before he could stop himself, he yawned, quite loudly, blushing and covering his mouth immediately afterward. "S...sorry... Guess I'm getting tired... Been an eventful day for me."
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Sahara giggled, "I as well, and I wouldn't mind cuddling up next to a cute girl and a cute boy for the night." she licked her lips, "My coils will keep you nice and warm."

Agita yawns as well. "And it's better then finding a strong branch to lie in...." she comments, nuzzling into Sahara contentedly.

Sahara's coils begin to instinctively wrap around the avian, before she looks to Neil, and leaves enough space within her tail which was wrapping around Agita, for Neil to slip in. The Lamia seemed to want to snuggle with both her mates this night...
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil would happily insert himself between the lamia's coils, snuggling against them happily. She was right about them being warm. He smiled at both of them, his eyes quickly starting to droop with fatigue.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

It may have been how exhausted he was, or just from how comfortable Sahara's soft, snakelike body was, but when Neil slowly felt the world of consciousness returning to him, and his eyes slowly, but not by any means eagerly opening to the small amount of light pouring into the cave within the rock formation. And as his senses gathered further, Neil found that he was the first to awaken among the three. Agita was sleeping soundly, while Sahara carried a bit of a small snore. And now that the heat was returning to this part of the world now that the sun was up and about, Neil noticed he was sweating a little...
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil stretches a bit as he awakes, though not enough to really jostle the others. He looks around, blinking a few times before sighing lightly. "So... It really wasn't a dream..." he said softly, blushing as he remembered just where he was, trapped against the lamia and harpy by Sahara's soft, warm coils. He smiled, gently stroking them both affectionately, Agita on a wing and Sahara on her tail, waiting patiently for them to wake rather than try to wake them himself.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Agita remained sound asleep, as well as Sahara. Sahara's coils moved a little when Neil started stroking them, but otherwise, she did not stir much from her slumber...
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil chuckles a bit as neither of them awake, the catboy simply smiling and laying his head on Sahara's soft tail, nuzzling against it gently and affectionately as his hand continues to stroke Agita's wing.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

After a bit of a wait, Neil eventually noticed Sahara beginning to move. She twisted a little bit, her smooth body moving a little more all around Neil and Agita's bodies, while her hands soon reached upwards in a stretching manner, and she let out a very, very wide yawn, her mouth opening wide enough likely to be able to swallow a small animal like a rabbit whole. Then, she slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times before looking down at Neil, who was still trapped in her coils.

"Good morning..." she said to him. She then looked at Agita, who was still sound asleep, before silently, and gracefully moving her coils to unwrap the avian, as well as Neil himself. The way Neil was unwrapped almost made him feel weightless, as he eventually found himself laying on the fabric below him, instead of in Sahara's coils. And with a moan, Sahara soon slithered her way towards the exit of her humble abode, pushing the leaves aside as she seemed to head on her way to freshen up before the start of her day...
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil chuckles softly as he watches Sahara stretch. "Good morning to you too! Did you sleep well?" He asks the lamia, a warm smile on his face. He debates following her out of the cave, but decides against it, thinking she would invite him if she wanted him with her.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Sahara turned her head to look at Neil, giving him a toothy grin, showing her tiny fangs to him, "I always sleep a lot better when I'm wrapped around someone." she told him with a giggle. Then, she brushed some of her hair off of her face, adding, "Anyways, I'm gonna go clean myself up, and maybe take a trip back to town. You should get yourself cleaned up to, you dirty boy." She said with a laugh,

It was not soon after Sahara vanished outside, that Agita began to move around, eventually standing up, yawning, and stretching before looking around. "Hmm... musta slept like a log..." she said while yawning at the same time. Then, she did the same as Sahara, and walked for the exit of the cave...
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

neil blushes brightly at being called a 'dirty boy', but nods, following Agita out of the cave, leaving his clothes behind and looking around for some source of water he could freshen up with.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

The source of water he was looking for would likely be where Sahara and Agita were headed, and so, Neil followed them through the forest, until they'd reached a rather convenient little lake, which Sahara had already taken the liberty of bathing in. "Good morning, Agita. Is there somethin' botherin' you?" Neil heard Sahara ask Agita.

"I dunno... why ya asking?" she asked back, a talon reaching up to scratch her head as she neared the lake. Neither of the women saw Neil yet, mostly because he was still a little way away, only just coming into eyesight from the trees.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil blushes as he watches the girls bathe together, shyly heading over to the water and getting in himself, not intruding on their conversation unless they decided to include him. He just stood there and smiles, quietly washing himself.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

"Well," Sahara began, cocking her head to the side, "you just seemed like you had something on your mind, like you were thinking about somebody." she told her, and made a gesture with her hand that invited her into the water.

"I dunno, kinda was thinking what to do today was all," she said with a shrug.

"Well, don't you have family? You harpies are usually well knit together, aren't you?" Sahara asked her, before turned her head to look at Neil, "What do you think? You wanna met Agita's family? And before ya ask, trust me, you don't wanna meet mine." she said with a small joking tone, overlapped with a very serious expression, "Mother will scold me for having two loves, and for not having a wedding... Not to mention, she might be shedding..."
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil blinks as attention is drawn toward him. "Ummm... Well... If what you say about the island is true, I'm not sure I'd want to meet either of your families... They might try to take me as their own or something, wouldn't they?" he asks curiously, then shrugs. "And besides, family ties mean nothing to me..." He sighs sadly, remembering how his own abandoned him long ago.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Sahara sighs, "Neil, you're not helping..." she said with irritation, before looking up at Agita, "Would you get in the water, already? We've got to clean those dirty feathers of yours..." she said with a hint of perversion and a bright smile.

Sliding into the water, Agita gave a shrug. "Well, there's my sisters, but because I'm always exploring a lot, they tend not to respond a lot with me..."

Sahara shrugs, giggling as Agita gets just close enough for her tail to slip under the water, and wrap around her waist, already pulling the avian closer, "Well... I'd still like to meet them... But not before we get a little more dirty, before we get clean~" she said with a giggle, looking at Neil with a shine in her eye, a very familiar shine, that meant the perverted lamia was up to something perverted again...
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil just listens silently to the conversation, though a blush streaks across his face as he hears Sahara's last comment, and notices how her tail seems to be subtly trapping Agita to her. But Neil himself couldn't help but be drawn closer to them, slowly wading his way through the water to the two girls, and trying not to seem too eager or excited just yet. They didn't invite him to join them yet after all.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

While Neil gets closer, Sahara wraps Agita's whole body in her coils, trapping her, and pulling her through the water towards her, "I can't get enough of hearing the sounds you make when I fuck you, Agita..." she said lustfully as she pulled Agita closer.

Agita gives a small yelp as she's drawn into Sahara's coils, feathery limbs soon pressed tightly to her body, unable to get free. "A-aah... silly Lamia... always getting into knots..." she managed to joke.

While she brought Agita in, Sahara looked again to Neil, a hand lifting out of the clear water, and a finger curling at him, beckoning him to come closer, while she laid back a little more, suggesting that she wanted Neil to get on top of her, and mount her...
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil's face flushed at Sahara's invitation, the catboy at last reaching her and Agita. As the lamia had silently requested, he would enter her coils, getting between her and Agita, his cock pressing at her soft, wet slit as he leaned down to kiss the snake woman, his tail teasing at Agita's petals.