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Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"not to be rude but we might wanna get out of the streets sooner rather then later...a freak rainstorm and lightning bolt wont go unnoticed..anything else demonic may be coming to check it out soon..lets get to that house before we get coozy with each other"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 17/41, P = 38, EP = 14/33, Pregnant

Gab winces as Alisa swats at him, and Geralt laughs, replying; "It was lucky? More like it was fried. I agree with my compatriot here though, we should head inside before more demons show up. At least with a roof over our heads and a few walls around us we might have a better chance of living through the night."

He turns to the house Alisa indicated and nodded for Shadowcat to come up with him, leading the way.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"Sure, that works for me too."

Alisa takes a moment to pull her arrows out of the claw demon corpses, then follows the others to the house.

"Hope it's got some beds inside..."
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*Darts ahead a little on their way to the house looking for a window or something to scout the house out first before moving to enter making sure to be quiet once she nears the house*
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 17/41, P = 38, EP = 14/33, Pregnant

Shadowcat finds the house empty, and as she and Geralt stalk in, nothing jumps out to attack them. Alisa and Gab follow in after, wounded but alert. Nothing moves in the house, and the only sound is the groups breathing and the patter of rain outside.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Alisa closes the front door after them, looking around for a lock - or if there is none, some heavy furniture they can barricade the door with.

"Sounds like we lucked out..." she says softly. Still in pain from the blow she took, Alisa's willing to let Shadowcat and Geralt take care of searching the house more thoroughly. Especially since they're both more stealthy than she thinks she is.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*decideds to continue on search the house looking for any other rooms or a stairway upstairs or down* "lucky?"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 18/41, P = 38, EP = 14/33, Pregnant

Shadowcat heads up the stairs, Geralt close behind, and they find the upstairs just as empty as the downstairs.

There are plenty of tables and such to blockade the door with, and with Gabs help she manages to move a bunch of them so that nothing's going to get through it without at least making a lot of noise. Geralt and Shadowcat come back downstairs just as they finish.

(Edit: Derrrr. Forgot to include, there are three usable bedrooms upstairs, and no big windows.)
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Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"Huff... huff... oh, hey, I guess there weren't any more demons? Did you notice any windows or other doors that we should block off before getting some rest?"

Alisa glances sideways at Gab, for reassurance that she's not imposing on him, as she adds, "Me and Gab will share a bedroom... I assume there's more than one room upstairs?"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*glancing about giving a slight nod at the barracading thats been done* "good work...three rooms upstairs..windows yes but not big windows. If we are going to rest here for an extended time watch should be kept just in case something sneaky comes along. I'm not particularly tired so if yall wish to sleep i'll take first watch...just someone better speak up for second or i'll wake you all up"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 18/41, P = 38, EP = 14/33, Pregnant

Geralt shrugs, and says; "Might as well keep her company, we'll wake you two up for second watch when the time comes." to which Gab nods, and says; "Very well. Come Alisa, let us take our rest while we may."
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"Okay, then, see you later..." Alisa walks upstairs with Gab, finding one of the bedrooms, heading inside and closing the door.

Once there, she nudges Gab to the bed, getting him to stash his equipment and lie facedown, while she strips off her armor and pack, wincing as strained muscles twinge.

"Gonna be hard to rest with that bruise... lemme try those healing cantrips, and give you a massage too..."

(Give Gab a massage. Use Minor Restoration to aid healing during the process.)

(Just so you know... next actions're gonna be "get Gab to give Alisa a massage, and teach him Minor Restoration if he doesn't know it to use on her", leading into "have sex with Gab", and finally "sleep".)
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Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

*finding herself a chair she settles down into it stretching her limbs as she casts her eyes to the barracades put in place* "they didnt do too bad i guess...tonight shouldnt be too bad"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 18/41, P = 38, EP = 14/33, Pregnant

(Lol. Thanks for telling me the game plan DeMatt. :D)

The bedroom Alisa picks is small, but cozy and the bed is large enough to fit both her and her goatman companion. Gab sighs as he sinks onto the bed, pulling off his sword belt and lying it on the floor. At her offer for a massage, Gab sits up, smiling, and turns over, saying "Thank you milady, I'm not too badly injured, though your magic is surely welcome, and if I may, I'd like to return the favor." As she peels off her armor, Alisa finds her body covered in bruises where the demons mace had struck her.

Downstairs, Geralt settles into a chair next to Shadowcat, and nods in agreement, saying; "Yeah, at least we don't have to do everything ourselves." The barricade seems solidly built, the tables and chairs barring the door fairly effectively. Geralt gives a quick laugh, and says; "It shouldn't be too bad, so long as another knight doesn't show up or something. Though I imagine for those two it's going to be a good night indeed."

(Edit: Also, I keep forgetting, you both get 4 exp each.)
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Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Well, I figure that unless something attacks, Alisa & Gab's "bed rest" is gonna be the only thing happening tonight... so I don't want to hold Dreana up too much, with posts going 'you wanna do whut?' at each other. :eek:)

"Sounds great." Alisa carefully straddles Gab, running her hands along his sides and kneading the skin with her thumbs, murmuring the words to the healing charm softly as she works away.

"Where I come from, most people know some minor healing charm or other. It's great for patching up small cuts and bruises... though usually they don't work well on big things like disease or broken limbs."

(I think of Minor Restoration as being like bandaids in Crolia - just about everybody knows some variation of it.)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"a good night for me simply involves restful sleep...faster i get to sleep sooner i can wake up ready for another day of...well whatever needs to be done."

*she continues to simply sit there maintaining watch *
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 18/41, P = 38, EP = 14/33, Pregnant

"No night-time fun for you? Poor kitty. I agree with you though, I suppose. Though, on occasion my work has required that it be done at night." Geralt replies, also maintaining his watch. He keeps his voice low, so as not to alert anything to the presence of people in the house.

Gab replies; "Indeed? The same is true among my kind, though we heal rather quickly on our own." And indeed, Alisa finds that her magics quickly heal the discolorations on the gruffs torso, the bruises fading into nothing under her magic and her touch, aided no doubt by Gabs own resiliency.

(Sort of. Magic still isn't known by everyone even there, but about 1 in 6 people know a few minor spells.)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"Yeah... it's impressive..." Alisa trails off as she works, fingers running through Gab's fur, until she can no longer see signs of bruising, and Gab's no longer wincing whenever she digs into a sore spot. She leans down, planting a peck on his cheek, before lying down beside him and grinning at his face.

"You said you'd like to return the favour? Sounds tempting..."
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"my night time fun tends to be of a different variety then what your implying...lets just say i truly enjoy my choice of professions.."

(still waiting)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 41, P = 38, EP = 14/33, Pregnant

Geralt laughs quietly, and replies; "As do I. Though my profession usually involves a lot more trudging around in muddy graveyards hunting necromancers than yours, I imagine."

Gab grins and sits up, then climbs off of the bed, as straddling her would be a bit difficult with reverse jointed legs. He walks around to the side Alisa is on, and slowly pushes her down, while beginning a chant of his own and rubbing along her side where she'd been hit. After a while, Alisa feels the tenderness go away and sighs contentedly to herself as the gruff relaxes the muscles along her back with his touch.