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Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 10/42, EP = 44/55; Pregnant
The demon staggers back slightly as Mina pushes against him, still somewhat dazed by the pleasurable time it had spent with her. She lifts herself up, sliding herself off the cock, shuddering a bit as the act stimulates her slightly. Once fully separated from the demon, she falls down, landing on her backside on the ground before it. The gargoyle's cock, slick with Mina's own fluid and leaking just a bit more of it's own, stands erect before her, though the demon makes no move towards her.

From this position, Mina's view of the city is limited, but she can make out smokestacks in the distance to the west. One set of stacks in particular stands out from the rest, the roof they rise from being just a bit taller than the rest. The building is almost straight west and slightly north from the cathedral, and Mina is sure she can find it easily with the bell tower as a landmark.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina grabbed her clothes nearby and simply putting the pants on and grabbing her satchel, what was left of her shirt was quickly slung around her chest and tied, it would offer not protection but would keep her from bouncing as she ran. "Stay up here...I'll try to send help later." Mina looked over at the one still somewhat sane woman before running towards the western side of the tower and looked down at the streets and rooftops below, if it was clear Mina would leap off the tower and use her spirit power to roll into the landing. If she spotted demons below she'd have to try going back down through the church.....

(10 spirit to flight if Mina gets to base jump without a parachute, she'll immediately turn it off upon landing she's not using it to move through the air, just slow her down before she hits the ground)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

(That's a lot of actions in one post. I didn't want to imply that the gargoyle was fine with Mina leaving, just stunned from the orgasm, but I guess my post wasn't particularly clear. We'll go with this.)
Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 10/42, EP = 44/55; Pregnant
As Mina stands, the demon that had just released it's seed within her stares at her, a quizzical look coming to it's strange face. It makes strange squeaking sounds, turning to follow the mercenary while she redresses. The sane woman, still being mercilessly raped by the demon lifts her head to stare at Mina, then asks, "No, please! Help! Get me-" Her plea is cut short by her face suddenly contorting as the demon brings her to orgasm, her breath becoming ragged as she begins to moan, eyes closed and fingers curling up on the wooden floor. She falls silent after a moment, her head sinking to the floorboards, gasping for air as the demon continues to thrust into her.

Stepping over to the western window, Mina sees below her the roof of the cathedral. It comes to a point slightly south of the bell tower, the sides sloping down gently. Connected to the north section of the cathedral is another building, much shorter, but stretching further to the north. In the middle of it is an open courtyard, with a single tree growing in the center. The roof of the cathedral is clear, though many gargoyle statues line the north and south ends. None of them seem to be moving, but then, neither did the ones in the bell tower before she entered. Coming up behind Mina, the demon resumes it's squeaking sounds, and she can feel the heat from it's breath hitting the back of her neck.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina sighs, her original dramatic exit might make things worse, she already felt weak in her legs, the gargoyle had taken more than she expected out of her. The gargoyle didn't seem as hostile anymore...maybe it knew she was pregnant and wouldn't be as aggressive. She turned to face the gargoyle, "Sorry I have to be going......" she cautiously pats the gargoyle's head and looks at the woman, "I'm sorry but I can't fight 4 gargoyles at once in such a small space. I will send help to you soon though, also the more you fight the corruption the worse your mind breaks eventually, relax and accept the situation we're both stuck in and you have a better chance of not ending up completely mad like your friends....Trust me, being corrupted is not as horrible as the priests make it out to be, I know from experience...." Mina turned towards the stairwell and walking very slowly to judge the gargoyle's reaction as she attempted to go back down.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 10/42, EP = 44/55; Pregnant
As Mina's hand comes up to pat the gargoyle's head, the demon turns to face it, sniffing it for a second before licking the open palm and allowing her to pet it. The woman keeps her head down on the floor, obviously not consoled by Mina's advice. Backing slowly over to the stairs that lead back down to the cathedral, Mina finds the demon not making any attempts to stop her, but it does follow her to the trap door. When she begins to descend, it starts squeaking again, getting louder and louder as she travels further down the stairs until it is shrieking loudly.

The demon does not follow Mina down the stairs of the bell tower, but it's shrieks do, echoing loudly down. When she reaches the ground floor, she finds that the two mutated humans in the main hall have been awakened by the gargoyle's shrieking, and are actively looking around, though they haven't moved towards the small hallway Mina is in. The door with the 'Monastery' label to her north is still closed.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina grumbles under her breath, "Note to self, gargoyles are possessive...." She attempted to quietly dart into the monastary hoping the shrieks hadn't disturbed anything past the wooden door.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 11/42, EP = 45/55; Pregnant
The handle of the door shudders when Mina tries to open it. It seems the door is locked. It isn't so heavy that Mina can't break through it, but doing so will make a lot of noise. Of course, for the door to be locked, someone must have locked it...
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina decides to do something incredibly daring and bold, she takes a deep breath, braces herself, and knocks on the door like a normal person.

Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

(haha, indeed ;))
Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 11/42, EP = 45/55; Pregnant
At first, Mina's exceedingly unusual approach to the locked door seems to have no effect. After just a few moments, however, she hears the sound of scuffling movement, followed by a voice. "C-Catherine?" the voice asks softly, belonging to an obviously nervous woman. "Is that you?" The door doesn't open, nor does Mina hear the sound of a lock moving. The woman on the other side of the door is obviously testing to see if the knocking sound was something she can trust or not.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"I am not Catherine I'm afraid, but I am no threat to you either, please I just need a place to rest for a small time. My name is Mina, I have come from the deserts. Please let me in quickly, the ones in the main hall are stirring and I'd prefer not to be caught by them." Mina took a moment and forced her eye to return to normal so she wouldn't scare the poor woman if she opened the door.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 11/42, EP = 45/55; Pregnant
From behind the door, Mina can hear the voice from earlier talking softly to another person. "It's not Catherine... Then who is it?... I don't know, but I don't think she's one of us, she says she's from the desert... The desert? An Anudorian? Is she a trader? Ask her if it's better outside!... She said something about being caught in the main hall!... Let me speak to her..." The exchange takes a few moments, with neither voice speaking to Mina. From behind her she can hear the humans from the main hall walking closer, perhaps drawn by their whispered voices, or maybe simply done searching the rest of the cathedral.

"Excuse me," the second voice calls, a little louder than the first. "Your not from the city? How did you get in here? Is it safe for us to leave?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"No, trust me it isn't safe to go out, I'm not a trader I'm a fighter but I'm at my limit and would really appreciate a safer place to rest than the bell tower. Please hurry the ones in the main hall are lurking this way and I'd prefer to not have to fight them in a dark hallway..." Mina placed her hands on the hilts of her blades ready to draw them if the door wasn't opened fast enough to let her slip in unseen.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 11/42, EP = 45/55; Pregnant
Mina's response has the two voices ignoring her and conversing with themselves once again. "It still isn't safe?... It's been days... But she came here... She says she's a fighter?... What was that about the bell tower?... What happened to Catherine?..." As the two continue, Mina turns to see both of the corrupted humans from before standing in the door to the hallway. They slowly advance on her, breathing heavily and staring at her. Just when they are about to pounce, the door behind her clicks and creaks open, one of the women behind it saying, "It'll be easier to ask her about it in here." Mina has just enough time to slip in through the door and shut it again as the two outside flail helplessly against it.

"Goodness!" The woman who had opened the door says, startled at Mina's sudden entrance. Standing before Mina, slightly fearful of her, are two women wearing what looks like the traditional habits of nuns, the dedicated female worshipers of this faith's god. Both women seem to be in good condition, if a bit haggard. The second woman leans over to the first and whispers, "She doesn't look like much of a fighter to me."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina sighs relieved as she shuts the door panting against it, "We'll see how your clothes fare after 3 days of fighting demons." She turns around and leans against it. "I'm afraid your king has abandoned the city pretending it doesn't exist. I think I saw Catherine and a few other nuns in the bell tower but it's swarming with demonic gargoyles. I only got back down because I had more stamina than the one that dug it's claws into me from behind, I couldn't get to Catherine though she had several on her already and I was barely holding myself up after the gargoyle was satisfied....speaking of which." Mina slides down the door and sits in the floor with a thump. "My name is Mina, might I ask who I'm locked in a room with now? Also I had always heard this kingdom worshiped a dark god, I would never expect to see devoted worshippers like that hiding from demons." Mina extended a hand upwards as she introduced herself and rested on the floor.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 11/42, EP = 45/55; Pregnant
The women turn to stare at each other aghast at Mina's revelations. "No, the Lich King... All the lands of Badaria are sacred to him, he would never leave..." the second one starts before trailing, her eyes narrowing as she looks down at the mercenary. The other seems more concerned with Mina's mention of Catherine and the bell tower. "You mean she... The demons have her? Oh dear... Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear."

Mina's introduction goes almost unnoticed as the second woman turns away, her hand covering her mouth as she considers their once bad, now horrible predicament. The other though, leans forward slowly to softly take Mina's fingers in her own. "I am Tabitha. This is Eloise," she says, her fingers tembling a bit before she pulls them back to cradle the hand against her chest. Eloise turns back and nods, adding a quick smile before bringing a finger to her mouth to nibble at the nail.

Tabitha is obviously the younger of the two, and has very soft features, a pert nose and a dimple on her cheek. Brown hair in twin braided tails trail from the back of her head over her shoulders. Her similarly brown eyes alternate between looks of fear and worry, but she wears a smile as she regards Mina. Eloise is more mature, though more openly nervous. Her green eyes flit back and forth between the door at Mina's back and someplace else behind the women that she can't see. Her hair, a darker brown than Tabitha's is pulled back in a bun. When Mina questions them about their god, Eloise is quick to respond.

"How dare you? Our god is a beacon of light and hope. He does not consort with demons, and neither do we." the older woman says indignantly. Tabitha quickly steps between the two, and says to the nun, "Now now, Eloise, calm down. She's just a desert girl after all, they don't know understand the Lord's light." Eloise hmphs and turns away, walking a few steps before leaning against a wall. Tabitha turns to Mina, then says, "And not everyone in Badaria worship him. The Lich King says we are all free to worship whatever deity we choose, as long as we bow him." The younger nun bites her lip, then asks Mina, "Are you certain... that the Badarian army is not here? Fighting the demons? Coming to rescue us?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina nods calmly to Tabitha, "The only organized resistance I've seen is the fey armies, and they're holding back for some reason. A rogue demoness told me that every time the dark gate opens something purges the town from the earth. My guess is the fey just want to make sure too many demons don't escape before that happens. The only Badarians I've seen are those who have been turned into either slaves or loyal followers....and you two, in fact they have actually closed the borders around the town trying to keep everyone out, I had to slip by several checkpoints on my way in." She looks to Eloise, "My apologies sister, I don't follow the different religioious differences too closely for personal reasons. However unless you have some kind of holy powers you're both stuck here. This cathedral is almost in the center of demon held territory. I got here by running across the rooftops and even then I had to contend with the presence of giant spiders, I can only imagine what you'd have to face on foot."

Mina reaches into her bag and takes off her shirt before putting on her dancing top, it'd provide no protection and would easily be removed but at least she'd be a little more decent in front of the nuns. "My apologies, I've been going through clothes here quite rapidly." She stands and puts a hand on Tabitha's shoulder, "I am sorry I could not bring you any better news, I will warn you though, be wary of any other nuns you may encounter. I have heard of succubi disguising themselves as them to lure people into false security."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 12/42, EP = 46/55; Pregnant
Tabitha's expression goes from hopeful to hopeless as Mina tells her the truth about the situation. She wordlessly backs up against a wall across from Mina, nodding a few times, before staring down at her hands as she wrings them. Eloise takes it a little better, keeping her nerve enough to look at Mina out of the corner of her eye upon her apology.

Both of the nuns visibly look away while Mina changes. Tabitha flinches at the mercenaries hand on her shoulder, but bites her lip and nods at the warning. "We... we don't have any special powers," Tabitha says. "Isn't there any way we can escape?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"I'm afraid not, I wouldn't be able to adequetely protect you all the way back across the city. Besides there isn't really any safe spots even around the city, the forests are crawling with monsters, mutated animals and foilage. The fey camp might be safe but from what I've seen they aren't huge fans of humans...except the gruffs for....apparent reasons." Mina clears her throat a bit pausing, "I can easily spare some food and water I have on me though, in gratitude for not leaving me out there." Mina rubbed her face very winded from her cross city sprint then the adventure in the belltower starting to lose some of her focus, she turned away trying to obscure her now red left eye. "My apologies, I require some rest..."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's responses at first cause more gloominess for the two women, but they quickly burst into another flurry of debate when she speaks more about the monsters and fey. "Monsters and animals and plants? Oh my... Fey? But they are evil themselves aren't they?... No they just don't like humans... Isn't that the same thing?... They can still help us though, right?... What about the Badarians she mentioned at the borders?... Would they let us out?... Why wouldn't they?..." As Mina drifts towards sleep, the nuns' voices fade into a droning lullaby.

Despite lying somewhat uncomfortably against a door and on a stone floor, Mina has a rather peaceful nap. When she wakes up, she finds that the women too, have become more peaceful, in a way. Both Tabitha and Eloise have a determined look on their faces, though they sit apart from each other and without looking at one another or Mina. Each holds something which Mina supposes might be a weapon, Tabitha with a heavy brass candle holder and Eloise wielding a long wooden pole with a small hook on the end. When Tabitha notices Mina awakening, she turns to look at her and smiles. "Good morning, Mina. How was your rest?"

While she feels fully rested now, Mina does find herself a bit more bulky in the stomach area, a slight but visible bulge reminding her of her time in the belltower. Neither of the women mention it, though Eloise does say, "We've decided it's time to leave, but Tab wanted to wait until you awoke to make sure you would be okay."

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 42, EP = 55; Pregnant
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina sighs, "I really must advise against leaving, there are two mad people in the main hall, gargoyles watching from the rooftops and spiders lurking in abandoned houses......and that's just the first 4 blocks that I know of. I admire your determination but even I would have difficulties as one trained to fight. I only made it through unscathed because I have a way to disguise myself. As nuns who don't worship the dark god the first thing that found you would never let you go...." Mina rubs her face, "I can't leave yet I have something very important to do here." She sighs pausing a moment, "I......I have an idea that might help us all, however I sincerely doubt Eloise is going to like it." Mina stands up and dusts herself off, "Tabitha....trade clothes with me. I'll pose as a demon nun like I warned you about, Eloise you'd be a follower of the dark god, Tabitha you'd have to play the part of a captive..."

Mina scratched her head knowing it probably wouldn't go over smoothly, "I know it's insane but it's probably the best shot we all have of moving around the city and not spending all our time like -this-" She motions to her slight bulge forming. "Help me with this disguise so I can finish what I came here for and I'll try to escort you back to one of the safer areas of the city." She asked Tabitha to trade since she seemed to trust Mina the most and probably more willing to try the plan.