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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

For all you gamers at heart:

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well.....what do you guys think of inFAMOUS. You know, the game with that electric guy, Cole, who lives in a post-disaster Empire City. The disaster was him. He also is what is called a conduit, the ORIGINAL conduit.

P.S.: he's a badass.

Did you just spoil the game?

Also, never played that one, but [Prototype] was pretty cool.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You could figure out he was the disaster because the very first scene is a big explosion of electricity around Cole, that turns the city into chaos. Gangs take over the city (they showup in cut-scene afterward) in all three disticts. I'll put the gangs in the below spoiler, each having a conduit leader.
For every district, there is one gang: there are the Sons in the Historic District, where Cole blows up; there are also the Dust Men and the Killers. The Sons are the original gang lead by Kesslar, with the Dust Men led by the Sons' old leader Atlas and his old lover as the Killer's leader. The other two used to be part of the Sons, but split when Kesslar took over.
Another thing, the ending spoiler is next.
Cole finds Kesslar at the blast site and they fight. After the fight, turns out Kesslar is Cole from the future! Kesslar came to the past to make Cole ready for a future fight, against a massive beast. Depending on your alinment, you will be either take the warning or laugh at it.

P.S.: [Prototype] is good, but not as good as inFAMOUS. Only tried [Prototype], beat inFamous though with over 80% completion.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Agreed. I said this about a year ago, and then someone else also said this separately about half a year ago.

The game gives you an unexpected perverse love of interesting architecture. Every new structure you come across is a potential victim waiting to be explored and creatively dismantled. I planned the downfall of that large bridge for a long time, waiting for the right moment. And then loaded back and did it again and again.

Then there's simpler moments like driving a tank in through the front door of the government offices and unleashing a volley of rapid fire missiles in a 360 arc. Pure fun.

Tried felling a tower with (literaly) your bare hands yet? Not even using the hammer. There's a trick you can do with throwing all your satchel charges somehow (I forget the exact method), that allows you to empty your hands an be able to punch. Took me nearly half an hour, but I managed to bring down a concrete tower with nothing but Mason's furious fists.

Though what other games are you talking about? I can't really think of anything that allows detailed destruction on quite this level.

Eh, I use the hammer SOMETIMES.

Just finished the mission where the commander is tortured. I must say, not only do they do a good job of making being the gunner hectic but I hadn't felt that uncomfortable in awhile, even if he did deserve it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread


Sony now says that all 75 MILLION Playstation Network accounts could have been compromised, including credit card data.

This has become the worst breach of internet security in history...

...and the best part is, we're finding out that Sony didn't encrypt shit. Everything was stored in plaintext. Even the CC info.

Stay classy, Sony.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For those interested, the new Call of Duty zombie map is featuring four new characters: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Robert Englund, Danny Treyo, and Michael Rooker. With George Romero as a boss character.

Must say I'm happy with the inclusion of a female character, I think every game should have at least the option of playing a female character. Yes Brink, I'm looking at you.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Stay classy, Sony.[/COLOR]

Well, I dunno what the exact effect of all this will be, but I can guarantee you that Sony is fucked. Up the ass, no lube. With a rusty, serrated spork. Coated in ghost chili sauce. And it vibrates. Violently.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I'm going to have to cancel my bank account card and get them to send me a new one on Tuesday because of the security breach. That'll teach me to use my card to put money on my PSN account instead of the PSN top up cards.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, yet another game I've been looking forward to has been delayed in the North American market, but this time for all systems. The day after release (today) I go to pick up Operation Flashpoint: Red River, only to discover that it's been delayed until June 7th. The European release date is unchanged.

Seriously? Again people? Fuck right off, this is the second game is as many months to do this to me. Why delay it for over a month in North America when the game is clearly finished (proven by the fact that it was released in Europe on April 21st) so why delay it? Fucking hell.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For some reason, I feel like the hacker wasn't even looking for credit card information. They just really wanted to bring Sony down. Even if they manage to fix up this enormous fuck up, I honestly can't see Sony recovering from a blow like this.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Still, better to be safe than sorry. I don't want any of my money going missing.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For some reason, I feel like the hacker wasn't even looking for credit card information. They just really wanted to bring Sony down. Even if they manage to fix up this enormous fuck up, I honestly can't see Sony recovering from a blow like this.

I actually can. Despite everyone being pissed off at Sony at the moment, the fan boys/girls will forgive them as soon as the network is back up. This could very well be forgotten in the coming months. Time will tell though.

Still, better to be safe than sorry. I don't want any of my money going missing.

With money, its always better to be safe than sorry.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I pray mine is ok....

PSN: deathrow21

I have between 98-100 friends at all times. :D
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I pray mine is ok....

PSN: deathrow21

I have between 98-100 friends at all times. :D

My PSN (I only have a PSP) is SirOni I think. And I have no friends on there as everyone I know doesn't play any PSP games online. That being said the only one I play online at the moment is Patapon 3.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Huh, for some reason all my screenshots on my Halo Reach profile (website, not the actual game) are missing. Guess I'll have to upload them again on the weekend.
Re: Games Discussion Thread


I quote Toxic cuz I dun wanna quote all you people.


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Re: Games Discussion Thread

That makes a lot of sense it does.