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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

So Timesplitters 4 is being developed for the next gen consoles? I'd be extremely happy about this if I knew it would stick to the same formula as the older games.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Evolution Championships are going on now!!!

Currently it's Mortal Kombat and later it'll be SSFIV Arcade Edition.

If you missed out, then check youtube.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Look up, Dark's already posted a link.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My bad.

In any case, today is the grand finals. Don't miss out =D


SSFIV is actually a lot better to watch. So if anything, tune in later tonight.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Alright, yeah. After finishing Darksiders (no, it's not a short game, I just played the hell out of it) I have to admit that my initial estimation was off. The game is very zelda-ish in the later running, especially with the armor pieces and quarter skulls you can look for. One thing I absolutely did not expect though, was the portal gun.

Yes. You get an item that lets you create an orange and a blue portal, and you use it to solve puzzles. It's the hardest I WTFed the entire game.

Further thoughts - The story is fairly straightforward with a bit of a twist towards the end. The boss fights actually get EASIER the further along in the game you come, once you figure out the one vital twist to each of them. To even that out, some of the normal enemies are THE DEVIL, taking off an ENTIRE health bar with one attack. What's worse is that the further you get along, the more difficult enemies start popping up in areas you've been to before.

Combat is mostly hack & slash, God of War style, mixed with some shooting sequences and a tiny bit of riding (for being one of the four horsemen, you spent entirely too little time with your HORSE). Once you learn to counter-attack, you should practice it, and lots, as it is a true life-saver. The puzzles are actually somewhat challenging, though the area you get the portal gun in is by far the most difficult in that regard. Also nice is that you can revisit any area you've been to, even the ones people tell you you can't.

The enemy design is... fairly standard. Detailed, sure, but nothing extraordinary. Alice: Madness Returns constantly made me go WTF when it introduced another enemy type. This game, however, has palette swaps, and lots of them.

On the whole, I got about 16 hours of gameplay out of it, and I don't really regret getting it for the price I paid. One thing that majorly bugged me is that the PC version is so clearly a console port it's not even funny. Ironically, I found myself unable to play with a gamepad because the buttons were all mixed up, and I couldn't move the camera.

TL;DR - if you're looking for a game with satisfying gore and challenging fights, I can recommend Darksiders, but not at full price. Get it for a console.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

According to GameInformer, when Death gets his turn it may be better.

Also: Apeture Science will like to remind you that any form of Hellish Invasion is just meant as a way to increase the test's form of urgency.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

According to GameInformer, when Death gets his turn it may be better.

Also: Apeture Science will like to remind you that any form of Hellish Invasion is just meant as a way to increase the test's form of urgency.

Speaking of death, i liked the Death JR games if anyones played those for the PSP.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread


One of the characters had better have balls of steel.

..... what? They own him now, they might as well use him.
It'd be especially awesome if they came up with fresh one-liners (in addition to the iconic ones he has already). Just as long as they don't recycle jokes from DNF. Those were.... yeeaaahhhh.....





Granted, the invites will be getting sent out slowly, BUT STILL. THEY'RE STARTING.


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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, due to the release of Legacy, I booted up DA II again and did another playthrough. Things were... different this time around.
It may be because I played a templar, which can silence the fuck out of people, or it may be because of the 1.03 patch that changed up a bunch of things, but the last few boss fights were a pushover. Both Orsino and Meredith did nothing but getting rocked back and forth by the strikes of my companions and me.

The Arishok duel though, now that fight was, is and will always be a tough as hell son of bitch that took me ages.

I haven't actually played Legacy yet (I always get a general error thing when trying to buy bioware points online), but I've heard a few good things about it. May check it out.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Still waiting to download that one myself, but then, I've got another Origins playthrough to finish so I have something to build off of in DA2. Have heard Legacy's a little buggy, but then again, so was DA2. Seems like a freaking awesome storyline, though. Can't wait to get to it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, apparently Capcom is simply releasing ULTIMATE MVC3, that has all the fixes and updates they promised for MVC3, instead of updating and fixing MVC3?

Even if you're someone who waits, that's probably $35-40 USD you spent on the original WASTED (perhaps less if you sell it back/already sold it), because if you want the fixes, you have to pay $30-35 USD (again, assuming you wait).
AND THEN THERE ARE THE DLC CHARACTERS. Which, yeah, I think there are only a couple? So not much money, I'd assume, but if you bought them for the original, you have to buy them AGAIN.

Then again, I could be completely wrong about all of this, since I don't really follow MVC3, much less fighting games in general.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, apparently Capcom is simply releasing ULTIMATE MVC3, that has all the fixes and updates they promised for MVC3, instead of updating and fixing MVC3?

Even if you're someone who waits, that's probably $35-40 USD you spent on the original WASTED (perhaps less if you sell it back/already sold it), because if you want the fixes, you have to pay $30-35 USD (again, assuming you wait).
AND THEN THERE ARE THE DLC CHARACTERS. Which, yeah, I think there are only a couple? So not much money, I'd assume, but if you bought them for the original, you have to buy them AGAIN.

Then again, I could be completely wrong about all of this, since I don't really follow MVC3, much less fighting games in general.

did you hear about the new street fighter they are releasing next year? that makes street fight IV, super street fighter IV, super street fighter IV arcade, and the new street fighter IV coming out next year. talking about recycling.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

did you hear about the new street fighter they are releasing next year? that makes street fight IV, super street fighter IV, super street fighter IV arcade, and the new street fighter IV coming out next year. talking about recycling.

Wow. That's a pretty obvious attempt to grub money right there. Maybe in the 90s, this would've been acceptable, but with almost every console having internet access and DLCs being the norm, that's pretty unacceptable, actually.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wow. That's a pretty obvious attempt to grub money right there. Maybe in the 90s, this would've been acceptable, but with almost every console having internet access and DLCs being the norm, that's pretty unacceptable, actually.

I agree. They are just milking money. Hopefully other companies will learn what NOT to do...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I agree. They are just milking money. Hopefully other companies will learn what NOT to do...

The contrary is the likely outcome. It's guaranteed to make money, since the fans of said extremely popular franchises are guaranteed to buy them no matter how obviously a cash grab they are.