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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Getting paid for it? No.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Getting paid for it? No.

IGN does video reviews in a similar manner as any other person that does reviews. Are you saying that they don't need to eat too?

...Wait, that was probably a terrible example in retrospect. But what I'm saying though is essentially it boils down to thus far, all that essentially most reviewers and so on that's used Youtube as a platform to post videos doing reviews have essentially done the same exact thing as most review magazines and so on have in the past, just in a new format: Flog how good or terrible your game is, while you get royalties for your time spent and adverts that probably have to do with the content appearing nearby.

Are you saying that people who spend weeks to months of their time don't deserve that same right for compensation? I'm not talking about the idiots who scream at facecams for Slender games and that's all they do, I'm talking about the guys that actually put effort into the content that Youtube wants shown- and is ironically chasing away.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

but they do have a copyright claim against these muddled grey lines of let's players vs critics and what law/rule people are using to show videos.

I should have been clearer with this. Critics (reviewers) being one side of the equation (people who can fairly see revenue for what is essentially work) and let's players being the other side of the equation (people who are just customers who post their own experience of playing it and getting paid for that) and the grey lines that exist in between, as anyone can claim that their publishing is a review of some sort, which is bullshit, but hey, it keeps copyright claims mostly off their back cuz the the law if awful
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I should have been clearer with this. Critics (reviewers) being one side of the equation (people who can fairly see revenue for what is essentially work) and let's players being the other side of the equation (people who are just customers who post their own experience of playing it and getting paid for that) and the grey lines that exist in between, as anyone can claim that their publishing is a review of some sort, which is bullshit, but hey, it keeps copyright claims mostly off their back cuz the the law if awful

Which is by far the biggest problem, the fact that laws aren't keeping up with the times. (Mostly because they're too busy calling each other incompetent to realize they both are, but that's not the problem with the situation.) It also doesn't help that the people that are behind the regulations can only see the dollar signs they'll lose if they get such a free market of content creation, thus why there's the system that's screwing everyone over in the first place. I understand the want to stop people from, say, installing an entire movie or music track onto the internet if they don't have permission, but the system also can't differentiate who has permission or is using fragments of the content in question in other ways.

It's all a big mess and until we get the people in charge to give two shits about the magic light boxes connected to each other with a series of tubes, nothing's gonna happen to clean up the rules to say what is right or wrong in the situation and just what really is 'public domain' in the 21st Century.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fred buys a car from Toyota. He drives it in public for non monetary purposes. Toyota issues a cease and desist order for allowing other people to see their product in use. WarnerBros meanwhile attempts to sue Fred for playing music that WarnerBros don't actually even own. Cuz they just fecking love to do that.

Jim drives a Ford van as part of his work as a courier. Ford declares copyright infringement, and automatically confiscates Jims salary for several days. Jim has to endure days of bullshit to get paid again, and never does regain the week they stole from him.

Bob owns a car dealership. Whilst everything he does is 100% legal and by the books, scores of bogus copyright claims keep filing in against his legitimate cars no matter what he does. One day three strikes come in all at once, and his entire Car Dealership is deleted.

Fucking car industry.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've got news for ya, if anyone thinks I'm defending youtube, the idiocy isn't in your link, Tass, it's here.

*edit* and for the neg repper, I don't know rifftrax, but if I recall, they don't put the audio and video together, they depend on you having the video and the audio matches up, so they're not giving out the material, and mystery science theater went off of things with copyright agreement.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Then what have you been doing precisely?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Getting pissed about why things have gone completely removed from youtube instead of at least some temporary fix where things can be hosted on the youtube accounts that don't take in revenue so there's no argument in the least for the copyright holders, while admitting to understanding why companies would feel the need to have the option to take down their material from people who get money off of publicizing it. Again, I will reiterate that "I disagree with it" (a point that seems to have gone largely unread) but I see why saying, fuck you co, I'm gonna get money for my usage of your material. Seriously, I can't see how anyone who thinks those two things are 'wrong' isn't batshit insane.

Strange we didn't see this argument when the klub was around.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think there was a misunderstanding in this so stop insulting each other yo.

At the end of the day I think the one thing we agree on is that there are substantial amount of people getting caught in the crossfire.

In some ways it reminds me of that story a while back of the guys who made a song, only to have some licensed rappers rap over it and then the original artists got cease and desists for performing the song that was stolen from them (from the record company the licensed rappers also called bullshit). That's a nice black and white (no pun intended) issue we can all agree on as opposed to where things get murky.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Found this today, though 'twas posted about a week ago.

also Devolver Digital's Nigel Lowrie and Deep Silver's Stephanie Schopp.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Steam sales are here again, and right in time for you to ignore buying christmas gifts for everyone so you can feed your hobbies.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Steam sales are here again, and right in time for you to ignore buying christmas gifts for everyone so you can feed your hobbies.

Another sale already,noticed METAL GEAR RISING:REVENGEANCE and taught it was out today for pc, got my hopes up but its out on january 9 2014, still 20$ for the game with all the dlc and improved everything is pretty sweet.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

What to say so that everyone hate you:
Shadow the Hedgehog was a good game.
After saying this yesterday my roommate's life went apeshit since now all of his co-workers hate his guts. Sorry Gabe, may your suffering not last for long.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

What to say so that everyone hate you:
Shadow the Hedgehog was a good game.
After saying this yesterday my roommate's life went apeshit since now all of his co-workers hate his guts. Sorry Gabe, may your suffering not last for long.

By what I get of the subject, it wasn't nessisarily a terrible game, buuut it tried too much to do the 'dark and edgy' that was popular at the time (even Spyro didn't survive that, with the 'Legend of Spyro' series that also wasn't too terrible but definitely didn't fit the franchise it came from.)

Besides, Sonic '06 and Black Knight deserve FAR more hatred.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Left 4 Dead 2 is currently Free on Steam! If you don't have it, grab it while you can~ ^_^
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Left 4 Dead 2 is currently Free on Steam! If you don't have it, grab it while you can~ ^_^

To be more specific: It's free until December 26th, 2013 at 10 AM Pacific time. As in, you get it for free and keep it, not just a trial. Limited window, I know, and I'm sure most who wanted it have it by now, but hey, it's a nice gesture.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Throwing the two of them apart should be easy: all you have to do is change their position relative to one another. The trick is to work fast enough.

You blink your eyes closed to take inventory of the situation, and then you call power to you. The snowstorm blocks out starlight and moonlight, and there isn't much heat around, so you have only your own soul to use to fuel your Craft. Fortunately, you have soulstuff to spare.

Distance between Wakefield and Smith is a relational property; all you need to do is convince the world that, no, there's actually a good deal more space between them than it appears at first glance. After all, in some situations objects that appear close could be far from one another: forced perspective, tricks with mirrors, reflections. Ten feet is all you need.

Power flows from you, and Wakefield and Smith fly apart as if each had been struck in the chest by an enormous fist. Smith sprawls in the snow. Wakefield somersaults in midair and lands on her feet, facing you. Steam rises from her body.

The world goes dark. The blood-circles take fire. The sky peels open like the petals of a flower, and you hang in boundless green-charged space, within the light of the goddess. She curves above and beneath you and to all sides, her face the sun and her drifting hair the sky, her arms horizons, the earth an arch of belly and swelling thighs. Her skin's a translucent green-brown, and sap moves within her to the rhythm beat out by her heart.

Pat meets her galaxy-eyes without a hint of awe. "Goddess, we have come to ask you questions. And we bind you to answer honestly." His words change the space in which you hover: it acquires sharpness and solidity that remind you of wheels and gears and pulleys and levers. The goddess hisses.

This un's pretty neat. You're like a necrolawyer. Alternative pitch: DO YOU LIKE DEMONS? DO YOU LIKE LEGAL CONTRACTS? WELL HAVE I GOT THE THING FOR YOU!

choiceofgames in general is pretty cool - basically CYOA games - though the ninja one is pretty bland and I'm not sure how it's official, and the Dragon one suffers a bit perhaps for being the very first one ever. A good chunk are free, and what's not generally offers little demosnippets and cost 3 bux.

There's a Vampire one, set just after Gettysburg, which IIRC is free to the second part (which is allegedly crap, anyway), and a naval officer one that is the second one ever and much improved over the dargon one (wherein you're a legit giant deathlizzard). The wrestler one is ridiculously long and pretty ballin', too.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I was hoping Dishonored would be good. I haven't got the chance to try it myself yet. Lacking in options does damper the spirit a little though. Ah well, as long as it doesn't force guns blazing cowboy mode then I'm good.

Just bought Dishonored during Steam sale. The vanilla game is shorter than I expected, but nevertheless quite interesting. As someone mentioned earlier, playing non-lethal does limit your option quite a bit (the most creative combo attacks are all lethal), but this is balanced by that enemies deal quite a lot of damage to you even on normal difficulty, and there are a lot of enemies.

The artistic style of the game reminds me a lot of bioshock infinite, and I was happy to found out that this game can be run smoothly on my 5 years old laptop. Music composition is a little disappointing, but the credit song is amazing. The plot is too predictable in my opinion - I could smell the plot twist right from the beginning of the game.

It's worth the sale price, but probably not the normal price.