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BurningGold Test Thread


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Try-out thread for BurningGold, Dark Gate GM assistant try-outs. Post your opener, an additional copy of my character sheet for this thread having been posted here.

Name: Julie Magby
Class: Combat
Race: Human (Badarian)

Body: 30
Mind: 16
Spirit: 4

Hit Points: 40
Spirit Energy: 27
Pleasure to Orgasm: 33
Speed: 15
Dodge: 41 (45 when dueling)
Resistance: 15

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Gunner (Racial)
Skill with Weapon {Pistols}
Skill with Weapon {Double Edged Swords}
Hard to Hit x2
Strike the Weak Point

Fey Lover

Badarian Hand Gun: Range = 25 feet, Reload = 1, Damage = d10 + 18, To-Hit = d20 + 54
Slashing (d10 + 10) [52]
Piercing (d12 + 8) [52]
Bashing (d2 + 15) [52]

Badarian Hand Gun
Cloth Armor: EV = 0, AV = 2, TP = 25. Du = 2.
45 shells.
362 denarii
Wifes Jewels

None, test characters don't need them. They will be generic adventurer types.
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Re: BurningGold Test Thread

The sun shined brightly on this rather pleasant day, a light breeze flowed through the air. In the farming village of Generica a young Badarian adventure was walking into the villages local tavern, having seen a flier earlier today asking for the assistance of a bold adventurer interested in making a nice sum of gold. She marched into the tavern, and was greeted with a faint smell of ale and mutton. There wasn't anyone inside the tavern aside from a gruff, old looking bard wearing a white apron over his clothing. He stook behind the bar, seeming to be cleaning a drinking glass with a cloth.

" Hmm?" the man went as he took notice to the girl; " Lass, are you hear about the job? You seem like the adventurer type." He said in his deep voice, having taken notice of the girls adventurer type garb.
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

Julie blows a stray strand of hair out of her face as she enters the tavern, and pauses as the innkeeper begins to speak. Smiling brightly, Julie replies; "Sure am, what do you need done, good sir?"
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

" Ill tell you what needs done"; he said as he places the glass down on the counter; " I need you to go and teach a gang of no good thieves a lesson!" The man seemed dead serious over this, actually seeming upset now that he was speaking about this, her face actually starting to get slightly red. " Not long ago this gang of thieves broke in here in the middle of the night. Bastards knocked me out before they robbed my wife and I! " He took a deep breath in and out, trying to calm down. " They took whatever gold and ale they could get their dirty hands on along with our valuables. My wife lost her jewelry, I lost my favorite drinking glass, and we were even robbed of our silverware! " He paused, then continued. " Lass, ill pay you a large amount of gold if you can bring what was stolen from my wife and I back, and ill give you a bonus if you bring that no good gang leader back here alive."

After the man took another deep breath, he finally asked; " So, will you take the job?"
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

Julie listens intently to the mans story, and when he finishes, she calmly nods, still smiling. "Sounds simple enough, though they might have pawned or lost some or all of what they stole from you by now. Is there anything in particular you need me to find? And this leader of these thieves, can you tell me what they looked like?"
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

" The leaders is some pale skinned woman with white hair. From what I saw she wears red leather armor. " The man stopped speaking as he reached under the bar counter, and grabs a length of rope, enough to tie someone up, along with a map and a leather sack and places them on the counter top. " Here, take these with you. This map will lead you to the dungeon they're holed up in. Put whatever you find in the sack, and it obvious enough what I want you to use the rope for." The man crossed his arms before speaking; " Now, as for things in particular you've got to find, I want my wife's jewelry back. It mostly consists of a bunch of silver rings and necklaces, a few copper bracelets as well. There's also the silverware, try to find it as well. Most importantly, find my drinking glass. It's a silver goblet, encrusted with red jewels. It's been in my family for generation, it means a lot to all of us." he sighed, leaning against the wall behind him.

" So, do you have any more questions, or are you ready to go lass?" the elderly man asked.

( Julie has acquired a map to the thieves hideout, rope, and a sack for the stolen items. )
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

"That should be all, thank you. I'll be back as soon as I possibly can, bandit in tow and your items secure. I'll be sure to keep my eyes out for your goblet and your wifes jewelry while I'm there." Julie replies, and if he has nothing else he needs to tell her, she'll take a bow and leave the tavern, heading off to the bandits hideout using the map.
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

The man had nothing more to say aside from; " Good luck lass."

Julie left the tavern and went on her way. Following the map she was lead out of town and into a nearby forest. The forest seemed quiet, aside from the occasional sound of a bird chirp. It seemed her trip to the bandits hideout would be a quiet one. She spent half a hour walking through the forest, going by the maps directions. When she made it to the destination on the map, she found herself in a small opening in the forest, directly in front of a long stone staircase going into the ground. At the bottom of the stairs, she see's a heavy looking wooden door. This must be the entrance to the thieves hideout.
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

Julie is calm throughout her walk to the bandits hideout, her appearance outwardly seeming carefree and jovial. She had, however, remained alert throughout her trip, though it proved unnecessary.

Stowing the map, Julie prepares for a fight. She takes her pistol in its holster out of her pack and wraps it around her waist, allowing for a quick draw from the belt if needed. She makes sure that her longsword is securely hanging over her right shoulder for an easy draw. when finished, she takes a brief break to have a small snack before putting her pack back on and dropping to a low crouch, her face now grim. She cautiously heads down the stairs, and examines the door. If she can, she will open it without making a sound and head into the hideout silently.
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

Julie is able to open the door without making much sound. As she goes inside, the door quietly shuts behind her. Inside the air is dank and heavy, typical atmosphere for a dungeon. Julie feels a rise in tension. The walls seemed to have some odd glowing crystals on them, obviously being used to keep the dungeon dimly lighted. Likely, they were here long before the thieves took up residence. Somewhere in this dungeon, her nemesis awaits her. Julie is currently in a hallway, enough room for her to moved around with a fair amount of space. She would have enough room to fight if she got into a conflict. She can't see the end of the hallway because of the lighting, and likely this hallway she was standing in was fairly long.
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

Glancing around calmly, Julie hugs the wall with fewer glowing crystals and proceeds down the tunnel as stealthily as possible, straining her hears and eyes to hopefully detect anyone or anything waiting in ambush. She keeps her eyes open for possible hidden traps or ambush locations.
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

Julie Status: HP = 40, P = 33, EP = 27

Julie makes her way down the hallway, going down silently. She makes her way down about ten feet-

Perception: Success.

-Then spots something. A man dressed in cheap looking cloth is standing there, he seems to be holding a wine bottle. He must be on of the thieves. The man takes a swig of the drink, then let a hiccup out. He seemed to be drunk, and it likely wouldn't be difficult to do a surprise attack on him, seeing that he hadn't spotted her yet.
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

Remaining cautious in case the man was faking, Julie keeps her senses feeling the area around her for other threats while she silently pads toward the man, drawing her longsword as she moves. She goes as quietly as possible, taking her time and trying to stay out of his line of sight as possible. If she reaches him without incident, Julie intends to immediately grab the man and stab her sword into his chest, sliding her blade between the mans ribs for a clean and quiet kill.
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

Julie Status: HP = 40, P = 33, EP = 27

Grapple: Success

To hit: Success

6 + 8 = 14 damage

Julie manages to stab the man, although not where she intended. The man let's a shriek out when he is grabbed and begins to resist, messing up the girls stab. Her blade goes into his left arm, blood pouring out when she pulled her blade free. He begins trying to escape her hold but is unable to. During the strugle her drops the wine bottle, it making a shattering sound as it hit the stone floor, a wine and glass mess now right next to the two people.
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

"Damnit...." Julie mutters as the wine bottle drops loudly. She jabs her blade into the man once more, going for his stomach so as not to lose a hold on her sword.
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

Julie Status: HP = 40, P = 33, EP = 27

To hit: Success

8 + 8 = 16 damage

Julie's sword quickly pierces the man's stomach, killing him. He quickly dies while being grappled by the girl, his limp body ended up falling to the ground, bleeding. The blood leaking from his body mixed with the wine on the cold stone floor, making the mess even bigger. Even though the sounds of the fight had been loud, it seemed nothing had heard Julie or the man. Perhaps the rest of the theives were drunk and hadn't noticed? Or maybe they were just too far to hear anything? Regardless, she was currently undetected and would be able to move on.
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

Julie fades into the shadows, waiting for anyone to come examine the ruckus she'd made. After several moments of no reaction, she crouches down next to the mans body and sifts through his clothing for anything useful or any of the innkeepers stolen property.
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

Upon searching the mans body Julie only finds a few golds coins. There wasn't anything else on him aside from the clothing he wore. It seemed this thief was of little importance, seeing that all he had were a few gold coins and a bottle of wine that was now smashed...

( Julie acquired two golds coins )
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

Shrugging, Julie pockets the coins, collects herself, wipes her blade clean on the mans clothing, and continues creeping down the passageway. She re-sheaths her sword, not wanting to draw attention to herself by the shine of it steel.
Re: BurningGold Test Thread

Julie sneaks down the hallway silently, she moves about fifteen feet down the hallway and luckily doesn't run into anything. Where she currently stood, she could see the end of the hallway. From what she could see, there seemed to be a big door at the end, and two other doors to the left and right. The doors to the sides seemed normal, however the door directly in front of her was different, is was a dark shade of blue and there seemed to be a keyhole under the door knob...