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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

I'm bored of reading a fire fight caused by someone with an opinion (an opinion delivered without tact mind).

Look at it objectively: Eluku is 1 man, adhering to a weekly update schedule that he has upheld since releasing his game- that takes dedication (likely to the detriment of personal time and work). The latest fighting games have legions of drones which spend their working lives making a game, on a bi-yearly schedule AND you can't have their game unless you give someone money. Eluku appreciates donations, but he doesn't charge for his game.

If you're playing fairy fighting for its beat-em-up content, you're not doing it right. Just sayin'
The fighting part is a vehicle to deliver the games real strength: hentai (how many other games cater to so many different fetishes?)

That said: Silence! And get back to fapping!
Re: Fairy Fighting

I'm bored of reading a fire fight caused by someone with an opinion (an opinion delivered without tact mind).

Look at it objectively: Eluku is 1 man, adhering to a weekly update schedule that he has upheld since releasing his game- that takes dedication (likely to the detriment of personal time and work). The latest fighting games have legions of drones which spend their working lives making a game, on a bi-yearly schedule AND you can't have their game unless you give someone money. Eluku appreciates donations, but he doesn't charge for his game.

If you're playing fairy fighting for its beat-em-up content, you're not doing it right. Just sayin'
The fighting part is a vehicle to deliver the games real strength: hentai (how many other games cater to so many different fetishes?)

That said: Silence! And get back to fapping!


I'm done.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I believe you said it was outright bad, though i admit im too lazy to look back and check, i was mostly skimming.

I have been paying Fairy fighting since there were only four enemies. (The worms, the eggplant, and the meatcatcher, with your double as a 'final boss'), i have never had any trouble running it. I know some people had issues running it if their filepath was too long, but that's the only issue i have ever heard of.

I'm actually a fan of the SNES and it's graphics, and FF6 is my favourite of the series, though I have never legitimately beaten it. I also love the art style of chrono trigger, and still play it on a ROM every so often (lent my SNES and games out once, they got ruined.) I understand that a lot of RPG maker games have more to do with the story, but the issue i brought up was about the graphics, and i feel that RPG maker games are rather dated, compared to this one.

As for story, there is a fraction of one in Fairy Fighting, it just isn't written. There's even an opening cutscene, if you don't use level skip, has been for a while. A lot can be inferred just from the order you fight the enemies, and the background changes, things like this. Eluku has done his best to make this a game that can be enjoyed independant of language. It has the unfortunate effect on the story, as you've noted, but with some imagination, it can be made into whatever you like, which I actually prefer (I think most stories aren't very good, myself, so the option to make up my own and not have it contradicted in the text boxes is nice).

The creator actually has a profile on this forum, and is regularly seen online reading this thread. They never speak, but comments and suggestions made in this thread have been implemented in the next update many times.

EDIT: aw, discussion's over, I guess. Ah well, nearly out of time myself. I'll check back later, but no promises if i can reply timely enough to make it worthwhile, sorry.
Re: Fairy Fighting


This is all I can see right now.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Can we get back to actually talking about the content?

No kidding. When I see this thread on top, I expect to see some new shit, not a pointless "argument" on what game is better. Take it to PMs, because the rest of us here obviously don't care. We're here to see Tiki get her ass raped, not 2 dumbfucks throwing their stupidity into a cauldron and seeing which one dissolves the other.
Re: Fairy Fighting

No kidding. When I see this thread on top, I expect to see some new shit, not a pointless "argument" on what game is better. Take it to PMs, because the rest of us here obviously don't care. We're here to see Tiki get her ass raped, not 2 dumbfucks throwing their stupidity into a cauldron and seeing which one dissolves the other.
Re: Fairy Fighting

On that note: has anyone figured out what that "secret" is that was mentioned in the last update? Still can't find it.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Now on topic. I believe the secret might have to do with the Ice Horse. It might have been a fix to it or something. I'm not too sure. People have said something about a close up animation somewhere I believe.
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Re: Fairy Fighting


The updates are the following.
・F.W.'s new technique <referring to the ice horse>, due to a few who took notice, has had the following changes.
  01.Ice forms on the ground
  02.When Tiki hits the ice (unblockable, <lit. no guard>) she will be thrown directly upwards.
  03.The ice horse takes form
  04.As Tiki lands, her crotch will hit the tip of the ice horse→ice horse in motion..
・食らい判定<a term used in 2D fighting games which I have yet to determine> has been added to each of F.W.'s ice ecchi moves.
・食らい判定<ditto> has been added to part/some of downmotion<?>.
・Damage increase in Fairy-chan's <this is how he refers to Tiki> super.
・Added secrets.

Right now, working on a double-Roper full-body assault on Fairy-chan..
Re: Fairy Fighting

・食らい判定<a term used in 2D fighting games which I have yet to determine> has been added to each of F.W.'s ice ecchi moves.

食らい判定 pretty much refers to the "damageable area"/"damageability" of a character,

When referring to the damageable area it means an invisible area of pixels where the game mechanics will consider the character "hit" when an attack is connected.

When referring to the damageability it means whether the character should be considered "hittable" if an attack comes at them. For example if a character is down or already being attacked the game mechanics will not allowed them to be connected by another attack.

Hope that helped, and thanks for translating for us. :)
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Re: Fairy Fighting

Yay stuff being added to Roper! Roper is the only enemy I can nearly never beat at the moment, so I'm hoping whatever new stuff is added will somehow make them easier to defeat.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Yay stuff being added to Roper! Roper is the only enemy I can nearly never beat at the moment, so I'm hoping whatever new stuff is added will somehow make them easier to defeat.

I would be able to beat them if they didnt pass Tiki back and forth, or, for that matter, Spam the vore grab!
Re: Fairy Fighting

食らい判定 pretty much refers to the "damageable area"/"damageability" of a character,

When referring to the damageable area it means an invisible area of pixels where the game mechanics will consider the character "hit" when an attack is connected.

When referring to the damageability it means whether the character should be considered "hittable" if an attack comes at them. For example if a character is down or already being attacked the game mechanics will not allowed them to be connected by another attack.

Hope that helped, and thanks for translating for us. :)
Oh, hitbox. Thanks for the clarification.
Re: Fairy Fighting

For the ropers just beat the crap out of one of them at the start while they're on opposite sides of the screen.

Jump HP -> Stand HP -> d,f+HP deals a lot of damage very quickly so just keep doing it. As long as you kill one before the other one gets behind you then you've pretty much already won.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Yay stuff being added to Roper! Roper is the only enemy I can nearly never beat at the moment, so I'm hoping whatever new stuff is added will somehow make them easier to defeat.

Really? Roper is the only enemy I've ever been able to beat consistently, the only real trick to it being to wipe one of them out as quickly as possible.
Re: Fairy Fighting

For the ropers just beat the crap out of one of them at the start while they're on opposite sides of the screen.

Jump HP -> Stand HP -> d,f+HP deals a lot of damage very quickly so just keep doing it. As long as you kill one before the other one gets behind you then you've pretty much already won.

My trick is to wait until they attempt a grab, miss, and wail on them until their meter starts filling back up, then repeat the procedure.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I always try to sidestep dodge the grabs, and fuck up.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Thank you for the great entertainment guys, i had lots of fun reading your arguments :D