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Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Walking down into what Zoltan would discover was a 'research facility,' surprisingly much like his own setup in his tower, he'd see a whole bizarre display of different 'experiments' about the room. Various chalk boards presented various devices and instruments that Naznia must have come up with during her time in this dark cave. Among them, a rather interesting set of uniquely shaped 'wings,' paired with the design of a mermaid wearing them, and flying about in the air. At the bottom of the experimental board, Zoltan would read that the experiment was an obvious failure, seeming to put blame on the mermaid herself for 'not using them properly.'

And as Zoltan would proceed further, he'd step into another room, where he'd see a lone, nude woman with red, straight hair that covered one of her eyes, a pair of dark red wings, and a single tail with the shape of a heart at the end, marking her as the succubus Zoltan must be looking for.

She sat on a large, rectangular operating table with holding straps on each corner, meant to restrain the one laying on it. The straps were destroyed, and the succubus who was supposed to be held within them sat on the table calmly, sliding a rugged nail straightener along her nails. Not looking to Zoltan as he entered the room, she continued to tend to her nails, "Not what I expected. I was hoping to find another angel waltz in here, looking to fight me, not some loser with a hygiene malfunction." she said, speaking like a spoiled teen girl, "Get out of here, human, if you know what's good for you. You and I have nothing to say to each other."
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Seems as though Naznia wasn't exactly as pure as an angel could be. Especially considering the wild mutations she invoked upon the other monster girls as a part of the experiments she had been working on. Even if they were voluntary. Still he found no fault to be found here as far as morality went unless she actually forced these changes upon them and promptly slew them. Either way he wouldn't get answers for that if Naznia was turned into a succubus.

Zoltan could trade quips and he figured the best way to go about this was to dance around her. "And you seem to hold all the cards my dear. After all how am I possibly be able to defend myself against you... or your charms? Sadly though I do have to wonder why you are here and not elsewhere? And also what is with the sudden influx of angels?" Due to Zoltan's apparent youth he probably could play himself off as an apprentice.

Listening to her answers for the moment he smiled lightly keeping his eyes upon her face and her bosom just to play off the youth and vigor and more importantly lack of tact or maturity when it came to females. Resheathing his wand he looked at her tail slowly "Perhaps you cannot leave this place? Or are you looking for more suitable prey? And why would an angel have need to summon a succubus?" Zoltan figured there was some kind of barrier and if he stepped close enough the succubus could overtake him and dominate him if he was to do something stupid and not be prepared for it. Once he heard about it as he then asked the more important question "So tell me when do Succubi need poison to convert someone?"
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

The succubus frowned at Zoltan, lifting her head from her nails to wave at him dismissively, "Woah-woah, I said I'm looking for angels, not for a game of fifty-fucking questions. But if you wanna know, there isn't an influx of angels, I just want them. Why? Because monster souls are disgusting, human souls are delicious, and angel souls are the forbidden fruit everyone wants. After I got a taste of an angel, I wanted more. But some psychopathic angel knew us demons find their souls a delicacy, and used herself as bait to trap me."

"So, I stung her, she ran off, likely looking to get her buddies to cure her, that's when she comes back with all of her friends..." she grinned evilly, "I spring my magic, and they all go unconscious... Then I fuck every single one of them to my heart's content, turning both her, and her friends all into succubi..."

"But now that you're here, I'll give you an offer, human; Since It's obvious you're here because of that angel, I'll allow you a choice." she told him, in full knowledge that he was here because of Naznia, "If you give that angel to me, I'll be your familiar, your little... 'helper.' I'll even help you cure her. But if you agree to this contract, I get to keep her as my slave, and feed off of her whenever I want."

"Or... You can refuse me, and I'll spring the trap on you instead. When you wake up, I'll be gone, and so will the angel that's outside, waiting for you. I'll cure her myself by extracting my poison back into my tail, and you'll get to live, knowing you 'tried your best to be a hero.'" she giggled.

"So? Wanna sign my contract?" she inquired, proving her side of the bargain, as a deal with demons cannot be broken, due to the link of the souls together that have connected together under an agreement.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

(Edited Again to make sure I don't usurp ^_^)

Zoltan allowed the tent he had been suppressing to rise and become noticeable within his robes as that smile still remained upon that arrogant and youthful facade. He would definitely continue it as he looked her over with restrained lusts whilst his mind continued to let the wheels turn inside of his. In a few moments he came to several conclusions as he felt his mouth moisten. He knew damn well neither choice was a good one and more then likely either way it would wind up with the succubus corrupting the angel and himself. If he chose to accept it, the angel would be corrupted more immediately and the succubus would corrupt him more slowly by being his familiar. If he refused with no true plan the succubus would activate the hex and then corrupt them both against their will by typical means. He needed to make a third option. One that solely benefitted him and the angel and screwed over the succubus.

Whilst he figured the succubus planned on others coming when the angel left her behind without any other precaution. What he didn't know is what kind of precautions and thanks to his facade she had told him what it was. He recognized the hex she had prepared for it was dubbed the Cataonis Hex. A potent one that is often used by wizards and other fragile monsters that wished to remain protected against more traditional means of attack. In this case banishment, elemental magic and weapons. Banishment would take too long with this hex in place.

In order to have a better outcome the Cataonis Hex would have to be removed from the equation. Dispelling it would be a good idea but it was impractical in this situation. He was no doubt in range of the hex and would be rendered unconscious even with a quick dispel because the spell would fire and whilst might get the succubus it wouldn't do him any good. He needed a way to create a scenario where that hex would not prove useful to her. He could use a transmutation spell dubbed the Entropic Mineral Hex to perhaps cave in the entire place or at least the ways out so he'd be sealed in with her but then she might have considerable cause to use that spell..

Actually that was a good idea... If the spell was pulled off and they were completely sealed inside the cave the succubus would have no means of escaping. Not even the succubus nor Zoltan could stop such an effect once it started. She couldn't teleport since the wards placed by the angel would hold her here obviously. Granted the succubus would be royally pissed at Zoltan for trapping them in like this but the transmuter could get out by shaping the stone into tunnels... thus having a bargaining chip. If she refused Zoltan could transform into something that could feasibly get out of the cave without her and she would be trapped there for good. Succubi never would get far into transmutations. She would have absolutely no choice but to accept whatever offer. HIS offer and not her own. The only question was if the succubus tried to have her way with him she might be able to break the wards like that if she got enough power. It was a serious gambit and would set Naznia back in her research severely but it was better then the assured corruption options the succubus represented.

Zoltan continued his faux arrogance combined with his youthful demeanor to continue to pose as a novice mage as he then says "So if you became my familiar then wouldn't that technically make the angel my slave as well since you would serve me?" More then likely the succubus would use word play so that she would pretty up the bargain and she would dupe the brash and stupid mage into entering the Soul Pact. And then she would promptly press the matter by insisting he make a choice now. Zoltan knew about how a Soul Pact works. One has to physical bind the contract in some way, be it by kiss or handshake or something more intimate in order for it to work.

Zoltan would step forward extending his hand to the succubus like the foolish mage should. More then likely she would try and steal a kiss from him or grip the hand first to seal the deal. However Zoltan waited patiently until the time to strike was available. That eager smile would soon fade once she began to approach and she could feel the shaking of the area around them. Even if she uses the hex she might face deadly consequences for using it in as the cave in was beginning. His extended hand clenched tightly and mana energy crackles and ripples about Zoltans body. Now his hazel eyes reflect the true nature of the mage she was dealing with, as a calculating and cold look comes upon his face as the smile completely drained twisting into determination whilst the rumbling began around them. Zoltan's voice was firm and powerful and he shouts "Fracta Curo!" Zoltan could not escape this for he had begun the and Zoltan had made his choice... may it work out better then the two choices given by the succubus... If the succubus could have ran she probably would have done so long ago and gone out on the hunt rather then remaining here. She was trapped in this situation as much as Zoltan was. His vision would sweep into blackness as the lights began to seal up from the outside and the rush of air began to snuff out the remaining candle lights.

Darkness had swept over Zoltan's eyes after the tremendous manner of creating a third option and the violent consequences of his actions. It was probably by the sturdy stability of Naznia's magic that the chamber they remained in was stable however it was still heavily damaged and the entrance and other rooms were destroyed by what happened. Zoltan tried to move but found a sharp pain in his body trying to will him to stay down as he pushed a few of the rocks that had fallen onto him. He took in a bit of air and grimaced feeling a rib has cracked. Forcing himself onto his feet Zoltan blindly rummaged about for a skipping stone and spoke "Aduro." Zoltan's world began to illuminate with light as the stone was enchanted with a weak light. He clutched at his right side slightly as he looked around to see what had happened with the succubus. He needed her alive after all in order to put the last step of his plan into action. Hopefully she was as well off as he was in this situation.
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Panting heavily, holding her hand over her face, Naznia sat against the rock, feeling delirious from the infection. She felt hot, felt terrible, and looked worse. She was surrounded in her own dead feathers, that had fallen from her. Her wings looked utterly ruined, as the bat like wings were slowly on their way to replace them. A pair of her teeth were growing slightly sharper, and her ears were becoming pointy.

Laying her head against the rock, Naznia let out a sigh of despair, 'Please hurry, Zoltan...' she whispered.

As the earth began to shake and tremble, Naznia gasped, cringing, holding a hand to her head as she desperately tried to stand up, before the sudden crumbling of rock sent a wave of dust and air forth, pushing her forward with great force. Causing her to land face first on the ground.

Groaning, she coughed, gagging on the dirt and dust from the rocks in the air, before turning to lay on her other side, to look at the collapsed entrance. Her eyes went wide with shock, before she moaned with despair, "M-my research... My equipment...!" she murmured pathetically, before the gradually building stress, combined with her soul's infection, caused her to fall backwards, and pass out on the ground...


After Zoltan cleared the rubble off of himself, he'd be greeted by the sight of the succubus, now standing, surrounded in a see-through red sphere. The bits of rock that fell from the ceiling bounced off of this protective globe, before it disappeared once the commotion had stopped. Her reaction to Zoltan once he rose from the rubble was only a small frown, "What did you think you were going to accomplish by doing that? Trap me here? You just broke the wards that stopped any of my magic from leaving her facility by destroying this place, did you know that? What a loser." she taunted him, before she began brimming with power, "Well, jackass," she began to announce in her tomboyish tone, "you just signed yourself up for a few more broken ribs. I'm going to tenderize you before I devour your soul."
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan grimaces in pain yet still keeps his composure as far as emotions go as he backs up quick. He wasn't saying anything. Did he have a plan still or was he trying to bluff her? The reason why he backed up was to remove himself from the Cataonis Hex she still had up. Either way he was completely silent as the ivory wand was gripped tightly in his right hand again. For the longest time the slight distortion of rocks was shifting. He knew time was short, he was going to have to finish this before Naznia's time was up. He knew he was going to get chewed out for wrecking Naznia's place however there would be time for that when he got her safe again. He was willing to repay that debt however first and foremost he needs that damn demon bitch alive... even if only barely.

The silence however breaks as Zoltans own power was being summoned crackling with abundant mana energy now that the limiter ward was off. Showing determination he spoke "You talk too much. Give me the antidote or I'll tear that tail clean off and turn you into a goat you hideous freak." He knew that would strike a nerve since calling a succubus ugly was a big berserk button. He winced heavily remembering he pain of his ribs. It was going to hurt every time he casted a spell now but he at least. This first attack she was going to try was going to definitely hurt but he had to feign some kind of weakness with his injury even if it was still very real as far as pain went. He did have a plan however this time he needed to get more close to defeat then he ever wanted to get.

Zoltan would let the succubus have fun with him for a bit... about one or two minutes worth.. If he can hold out for that long she'll more then likely go for her prize and try to forcibly drain him dry. He would make counter spells through clenched teeth, dodge what would be deemed too strong to counter and basically throw the fight to the succubus. She expected him to lose to her so he might as well "give her what she wanted". When the proper moment would come and Zoltan was presumably thrown to the ground via a forceful impact he would make sure to keep himself turned slightly his right arm over his ribs trying to crawl from her and that would be the moment...
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

"Freak!? Look who's talking!" she shouted in a fury, drawing the emotion Zoltan intended, "You're the most foolish human I've ever seen! Take this!" she announced, before clapping the balls of her hands together, while facing her palms at Zoltan, preparing a magic attack. "Pargon-Searto-Guloth -Yamsil-Rector-Titilin!" she chanted what was clearly a massive chant, which added a fraction of a multiple to her power with each incantation. That, and the chant used to support it was one Zoltan wouldn't recognize. The language used to perform the chant, which is used to perfect focus, was one Zoltan was not aware of, as there were no documents of demonic language in the mainland, since there were no real monsters there at all.

Once her spell was done being chanted, as Zoltan tried to brace himself as planned, he suddenly found several, incredibly strong tentacles shoot forth from the darkness. They each gripped him, holding him with strength that could even subdue him if he was in the powerful form of a minotaur. "Ha-ha-ha~!" she laughed mockingly, "Idiot, now you can't run your mouth and chant anything when I can choke you at any moment!"
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan looked about quietly his eyes collected and his thoughts casual. Were he inexperience he would have started panicking at the moment. Struggling was useless in this basic form. He didn't need his mouth to transform, just enough of a good element or catalyst to initiate the change. And the true nature of any transmuter was the ability to adapt. he just needed a proper counter to avoid these damn tentacles. In this form he would be no good with his plan in this restrained manner. He needed to get loose or his plan would be utterly worthless. Even so he would have to deviate from this plan and he would have to finish this fight fast, the longer he was here fighting the shorter the time he would have to save Naznia by forcing the succubus to succumb to Zoltans demands.

He struggled slightly however he was being dragged down to the earthen floor. His hands strain over the loose soil as the tentacles were pulling him hard. His mouth was sealed and with each passing moment the tentacles were trying to squeeze the life out of him like an anaconda or giant serpent. He reached for a jagged bit of rock however the tentacles were trying to pull him away from it thinking they were going to be stabbed with the jagged and primitive tool. They couldn't restrain him much more as eventually there was almost a full constrictor hold. His hand runs along the jagged rock unable to seize it. Zoltan grimaced as he now scooped with the bloody hand loose soil trying to seemingly get away. In reality his transformation was going to be complete.

Magic began to seep into the earth and course through Zoltan making his skin take upon a more earthen tint. His eyes seemed to give the faint gleam of gemstones as he began to expand in size with rough rocks and stone coating his skin making him much larger and wider. The tentacles strain to hold him in this new form. Whilst the minotaur was raw power incarnate he wasn't going to break free but that was the beauty about this form. it had more versatility. As the tentacles strain they suddenly began to collapse around the mage's body crushing it into dust as it seemed through the smallest gap and into the ground itself.

The dust that was now Zoltan's form began to rush towards the succubus seeking to return the favor shifting into more solid soil in an attempt to smother and literally bury her with his own larger body into the ground. If he could manage it he'd drag her under. She probably guessed he would have tried to break free but probably not in the capacity of literally slipping through the cracks after making a transformation spell into an earth elemental. The laboratory underneath this much mountain was sure to enhance his abilities since the affinity was powerful here. So perhaps he would have a better edge if he attempted to overwhelm her. It wasn't at all according to Zoltan's plot but one has to be able to improvise.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

As Zoltan began his approach on the succubus, the same, red shield formed over her, and protected her like a mother's womb from Zoltan's physical approach. Dragging the ball into the earth, with the succubus inside it, it remained firm, and strong. No physical means could break it in the current situation they were in. And in his current state, spells would be nearly impossible while his powers focused on supporting his current shape.

"She's probably transformed, and left long ago by now, you know." she tells Zoltan idly, "Even if you could win, the only thing you could do is kill me... You can't force me to remove my venom." she chuckled, "This is why I hate tough guys... They think they can beat what they want out of everything, while all they really do is hurt themselves and their friends."

Floating in her protective bubble, she sighed, folding one leg over the other, "Tick tock, hero... She probably doesn't have much time left..." she giggled, "Better hurry."
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan could not speak and she was right that he couldn't cast any spells like this outside of transformation spells. Zoltan's thoughts weren't visible in this form but he did have ways of making her do what he wanted... And if he had to cross some lines twice he would for he wasn't a true hero. Not just yet anyway. If he was he might have been foolish enough to negotiate for it. Honestly after all why should he be the only thing it ever caused was pain for the matyr. He would have to force her hand with a fate worse then death and he would do just that. And that force field cannot shield her forever. There's only so much mana she has before she grows weak. Zoltan was dragging her past the surface of the chamber pulling her completely underneath into firm unforgiving stone. And there he would wait until she either ran out of air or ran out of mana to keep that shield up.

The only question is which one gives out first. The further Zoltan dragged her underground the more she realized now her shield would be the only means to protect her now from Zoltan's elemental form. There wouldn't be enough room for more of those shadow creatures and trying to teleport whilst holding the shield up would probably be very fatal since Zoltan could then cave in on her physical body with violent force when the shield weakens when she would focus on trying to teleport... if she even could. The shield would break for certain then and Zoltan would be able to get at her finally. The glimmer of conviction within those jewel like eyes of Zoltan's might lead one to believe that would only be the start of it. That progressively he would become more and more creative with punishments. He couldnt physically communicate with words but the soil shifts slightly showing four words "Surrender or Forever Suffer."
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

The succubus sighs, shrugging at the announcement. "Alright~ you win. I give up. Fighting with my food was never something I enjoyed. Well, not as much as eating it." she giggled, while still remaining in her bubble, so as to make sure she wasn't crushed under the sheer pressure Zoltan had placed around her.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan would seal this surrender with contract as he remained within elemental form tunneling his way out of the rocks within the mountains the rest of his soil body surrounding the succubus' shield. The soil formed words upon the shield for her to read. "Understand that there shall be an obedience contract. I sustain your existence here on this material plane, and you are to remain with me until we cure Naznia. You are to obey any command I give from this point forward. Under no circumstances may you drain a soul or convert another unless I specifically allow it. You are to help to your utmost in this task be it by information, physical assistance or magical assistance. Even if it would directly act against any other demons or beings that hold sway upon you. After the task is completed you shall be sent straight back to hell or remain under my influence for a full year and a day as the standard contract. Now reveal your true and full name to me." Zoltan was very exact and precise about this as he knew full well the risks involved but he was going to need the succubus' full co-operation if he wanted to save Naznia and if she was left unbound by a contract then more then likely things would turn bad. And if he left her loose within the island that would be even worse.

Zoltan sees the first glimpses of daylight and realizes they have gotten back to the surface finally. Once they arrive Zoltan shifts back into his human form his mind in a brief bit of lapse by the shock of the transformation he had to so quickly endure and maintain to survive. "Naznia? Where are you?" He called out hoping he was not too late in administering the treatment to save her.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

The succubus rolled her eyes at all the words that formed around her, so many, that she easily got bored after reading the first sentence, "I'm not agreeing to anything so long as I'm down here, and so long as I don't get to fuck angels." she announced sternly, and when Zoltan would reshape himself upon land, calling out for Naznia, all that remained of her presence was her wings, and shockingly enough, her pure white robe...

From the ground, a circle suddenly began to form from where he trapped the demon, as she easily 'pushed' her way out of the ground. Once free, she leaped from her shield, landing on the grass below, and grinning at the leftovers from Naznia's transformation. "Aww~" the succubus gestured mockingly, "It seems she's long gone... I had stopped fighting just in time for you to see her transformation, but it seems she decided to leave on her own before she turned..."

The succubus leaned her head back, closing her eyes, as Zoltan would feel her soul's threads searching for any traces of Naznia, before lowering her head, sighing, "She's hiding her presence as well... I'm guessing she didn't want you following her... What a shame that is for you." she chuckled, before idly walking off on her own, turning her back on Zoltan, "I won't even bother offering to track her scent for you. It's already too late. She'll be transformed by the time we reach her." she laughed, "I'm not in the mood to fight anymore, so don't even think of trying anything behind my back, loser." she taunted him.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

(Changed the wording and such so I didn't come off as controlling in this "domination of the pact" action.)

Zoltan then states rather flatly and with NO tone that leads her to believe he was going to screw around. He had her fully now and he was going to make full advantage of it. The pact had been made and she was going to have to live with it. He just needed to have enough mental willpower to exert control over her. Thats what it usually came down to. "You're going to help me in any way shape or form. I let you out of that place and as such you are now bound to me... You accepted it the minute you were placed up here. That was the exact wording you used for the agreement. In short... You're not going anywhere unless I order it. Now walk back over here and speak your name." Now THAT was very dirty oath binding. Almost worthy of a devils own rights and unfortunately it worked exactly like that. She gave the stipulation of submission to the mage and Zoltan held his part of the bargain. Hence the contract is now legal and fully binding, and all he had to do was enforce it and exert control.

The words he speak are sounding more absolute in tone by the moment whipping himself into full confidence. Perhaps the fact that she got tricked by a mage was a blow to that hubris of hers. As for the threats and such, who needs it when this worked so well. "And I did say that if she transformed you were going to help me find a cure. Hence we shall do that. As such we shall find out where she has gone to and we shall come up with a cure using your poison as the base." Zoltan would head towards his tower his wings once again reforming onto his back with the same agony as before coming from his back. He had to lean on a tree to stabilize himself before he could speak once more. "Come. We fly back to my tower. Hopefully Naznia is not planning on heading back there also." Zoltan would take flight heading towards the tower.
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

"My exact wording included a desire to fuck angels. I don't think you get it. You can't just make stuff up, and say it's true. Contracts with demons like us are signed when we bind our souls together, not on some kind of stupid ass pinky-swear." The red head demon pointed down at Zoltan, grinning, "You want my help? Give me your spiritual energy! Then I might consider helping you."
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

The second she smiled was when Zoltan's wand aimed for her heart. Zoltan was looking rather cold at the succubus as if she had made the worst mistake possible. He didn't say a word however the icy glare he gave left no mistake that he would see her dead if she pressed her luck further with the mage. "Get lost. lf l ever see you again you're dead." Should she take the hint and leave quickly,Zoltan then took flight heading for his tower. He was silent with anger with his failure and how it struck open an old wound. Heading towards his tower he suspected Nazina to be there trying to loot the tower... Or perhaps another monster girl that was going to do the same, looking for easy prey or ask a favor of him. Either way he heads for his balcony wand at the ready.
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

The succubus giggled, while in fact keeping a little distance, "She's already gone, you know... Since apart of me resides in her, I can sense her presence... And I know exactly where she's going..." she told him, introducing yet another bargain option.

Should Zoltan soar away anyway, she would shout, "I'll be waiting!" in his direction...
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

"There's always other options. I'll find her and keep my word." Zoltan said with a final resolve. "And I'll make sure to return to you.." The last sentence spoken with an harsh icy tone to his voice. Zoltan had to push his desire to end it there and now but the more time spent here the more ground he would have to cover later. Zoltan stared at her calculating what to do in the moment. He flew off for the moment and when she took another verbal shot at him, he turns about flicking the wand at the succubus. The wands energy takes the form of an arrow head the flies towards her aiming for the left shoulder trying to mark her with a physical cut to draw blood. Zoltan had given a final warning to her. He'd kill her immediately if she was so stupid as to stay and mock him once again. Truthfully however, Zoltan had other ideas for the succubus' blood. He could keep a more accurate means of spying on her with that blood. Hopefully his message drives her off, if not there would probably be another fight.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Forming an arrow made of ice, and sending it flying at the succubus, Zoltan's attack was thwarted when the succubus formed a simple blast of air, diverting the arrow's course away from her, winking at him as he flew away, "Dumbass!" she shouted, enjoying her ability to get a reaction from every little jab she makes at him. And after her taunt, she eagerly waited to see if he would turn around, and further allow Naznia to escape. 'I haven't had this much fun in a while. Humans with big heads topple over so easily.' she chuckled to herself.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

He exhaled angrily before he heads back for his tower. He hopes to high heaven that he gets to finish this fight later on but for now he had a task to complete. He began flying back to his tower entering through the balcony but not before checking the outside. He would figure that if Naznia was still around this area it would be to raid his tower for supplies. If not then maybe it might be another monster girl raiding his tower or perhaps seeking him for help or easy prey. For now he was fuming silently as he entered the balcony. Somehow he needed to find someone more useful in finding Naznia.