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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Man. Does everything thread derail like this? Came hoping to see funny stories.. and you're talking about elections.


Yes. Yes, they do.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

For my last post in this very thread:

Knowing that Hawaii is a state is beyond the grasp of some.

"Because he's from hawaii" lol

I got a compliment for knowing a popular vacation spot is actually part of the US, and then someone who doesn't like me pointing out the fact that Hawaii is an American state and that apparently their current President came from there.

Gotta say, the only reason I pointed it out is because I'm not even American and I'm getting annoyed with every other person who wants to be president claiming Obama isn't actually American, despite showing off his birth certificate. So getting insulted for that is like getting insulted for telling someone that the National Enquirer isn't real news...

Indeed. The main point of my previous post was that if we're going to dig up silly, stupid arguments, just as many can be used against the other side as against Obama.

@Wonderboy (because I don't want to take up space with those large posts):

Technically a country COULD get by with 2.0, especially if they're net exporting. The US most certainly isn't, but I don't know about any of the Scandinavia countries, though I'd say if they are, it's a close thing. IKEA can't make that much money. The thing is, tax rates are going to have to change as the population does so. A shallower curve (with lower overall population) will make any potential problems much easier to manage.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Indeed. The main point of my previous post was that if we're going to dig up silly, stupid arguments, just as many can be used against the other side as against Obama.

@Wonderboy (because I don't want to take up space with those large posts):

Technically a country COULD get by with 2.0, especially if they're net exporting. The US most certainly isn't, but I don't know about any of the Scandinavia countries, though I'd say if they are, it's a close thing. IKEA can't make that much money. The thing is, tax rates are going to have to change as the population does so. A shallower curve (with lower overall population) will make any potential problems much easier to manage.

Norway is a big oil producer. You can bet they are net exporting.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I have to agree with you. That avatar is pretty creepy.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

For this post.

It's referring to the white-text no doubt.

I strongly disagree with the idea that the idiocy of others gives you free reign to be an idiot yourself. I futher argue that even if this is the case, said idiocy should more appropriately be metted out to those who have earned it rather than a grou

First off, when I wrote that, I was venting, and not being entirely serious.

Second, I don't think you got that I was aiming the whole immaturity thing in particular towards people who acted the same way towards me. AKA, if you cheat on me, lie about it, then make excuses later on to try and make yourself look less shitty.... I will probably act immature and be a bit hostile towards you, in a childish manner.

I think that's within my rights. My definition of Civility only classifies general manners as one aspect of the word, and not the most important one either.

Where-as things such as honour, and preserving the well-being of the people around you by not being a complete fucking asshat, take up a LARGE and important part of civility in it's meaning. (In my mind, try taking this with a dash of salt)

So yes, as my small revenge against people who seriously offend me, I will insult them in a petty manner at the opportunities I get. As opposed to doing something edgey and spiteful in a more serious manner, such as getting violent, or causing serious emotional harm to said shitty people.

I say all of this, but depending on circumstances, and just how much self-control I have at any moment, I may get violent, or attempt at a more serious revenge depending on circumstances. I don't reckon myself to be a saint, or even a particularly good person, I just don't think I'm one of those people who do their absolute best to emulate and imitate a massive pile of crap.

So if somebody treats me like shit, no, I won't go out of my way to act childish to everybody in the nearby vicinity, which is what I think you took from my post, rather than my actual intended meaning.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

This was certainly nice to read. Thank you to whomever.

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Wasn't me, already voiced my piece in the thread.

Now I'm a little upset that an 8bit frog leg is the favicon now.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Sounds more like Oni, maybe Toxic.

Why would I hate on Dark? Doing that would mean less of a chance of having him dick deep in my ass.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Why would I hate on Dark? Doing that would mean less of a chance of having him dick deep in my ass.

Good point. But she doesn't have a dick...

And is that really a frog leg?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Doing that would mean less of a chance of having him dick deep in my ass.

I'd be dick deep in your ass no matter how much you hated me...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Good point. But she doesn't have a dick...

You don't need a dick to be in dick deep. I would explain, but would destroy the purpose of this post.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

i doubt it, by now he's lying either on a beach in sunny new-mexico or in a puddle of his own vomit having spent all of the money he made from Jungle/Demon girl on booze and drugs... i hope it's the former...

the New Mexico part was a joke, rep left

You argument doesn't make sense. At least hers has a legitimate point of view.

then there was a thread that has been deleted (it was one of the spam threads on hentai movies) but i remember the post, it was something like.

startreknerd11011011 said:
i don't like Vanilla h-movies, for me it's tentacles or nothing

the rep

I don't even NEED a fucking reason.

someone asks for a link to superdeepthroat without having to download it

here you go

my rep

Fail. The game is in the blog.

i get negetive rep for answering a question?

thanks crappy, to be perfectly honest, i was hoping someone on here had some idea about it. but i thought you guys would appreciate this game so i posted it.

my rep

Because you're an idiot, and you don't deserve this thread.

i know i shouldn't care, but now i look like an asshole and it's because other people are being assholes.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Because you linked an old version of the Super Deep Throat game, rather than the development blog:

Which has the latest information, version, and other miscellaneous things. Funny-Games.biz will pretty much always have an outdated version. I'm fairly sure that's why you received that one negative rep.

im fairly sure you were the negative rep

If so I don't remember it. Either way you deserve it for sloppy work.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Got twice + for this nonsense. Apparently people like me when I'm just the right side of courteous?
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