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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I was tempted to ... just because I didn't get listed as a high rep user :(:(:(:( *single tear*

Heh, but more seriously, I'm still laughing that my only rep in the past 18 months was for basically telling XSI that a news site wasn't a good one, heh.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

There is no campaign, Ace just gets negrepped because he won't shut up about it. I've even negrepped him once just because I'm sick of seeing it in the shout and I'm not part of any "campaign" here.
Thanks for letting that anonymous message come in green, but let me explain.

This isn't about Ace or the handful of negreps he's gotten from bringing it up here. Obviously he's gotten a bunch of extra ones due to persisting about it, but that's not the actual issue, and it's been going on for much longer than since it was first brought up here. An entire thread of well over thirty two individual users (I only counted a few pages quickly) doesn't get knocked into the red zone through casual and genuine neg reping of specific objectionable posts. Someone has been very diligently using up their entire daily rep giving allowance over an extended period, in order to defame absolutely anyone that posts in the thread. They've managed to efficiently and entirely negate the rep of several users that previously had moderately high rep, alongside managing to keep the larger crowd under the red, and even despite some less concerted attempts from others to resist it using pos reps.

Even several entirely new users making their first post have been hit. The quote bellow is from a single post user. Two blocks into the red already, for what crime?

Hey there long time lurker here, thanks BCT and Haseo! And I wish that this page would be more successful in the coming days! :D

If this doesn't qualify as a deliberate campaign and abuse of the rep system, I don't know what does. Not from you. But someone.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

BOOBSWE- wait, I did that once already

The cycle continues, apparently. A bunch of sillies is what you guys are.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I did shut up about it for about a week and that didn't put an end to it. If I'd agree to stop responding to this issue right here and now, do you think he'd stop? Doubt it. Remember, he's not entirely focusing all his efforts on just me, he's going after people posting in the MnF section and users innocent to the crime like slicer here.

I've only responded to this in the shoutbox at least 2 or 3 times as far as I know, how you got sick of me bringing it up so fast is beyond me. Actually you could have just politely asked me to stop bringing it up in there.

I'm not angry that I'm being pelted with neg reps, I could understand resorting to this if there was a legitimate disagreement with something I said and honestly I expected this to happen when I shared my opinions and suggestions, I'm angry because some people rely on this in an anonymous fashion so they can share their opposite opinion and not suffer ridicule for it.

Take HentaiSpider for example, when he replied to my thread regarding getting real porn on here, do you think I would have negged him and called him an idiot for disagreeing with it? No, I just responded to him and told him my POV regarding it and what he said in particular.

Of course, if you're just doing this to be an asshole, then I'll just have to be a dick to you and as a dick befitting for an asshole like you, I urge you to bend over and take your medicine ;).
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Not to mention it's not only Ace, who has also been a long time contributor outside of MnF, but regular users who DON'T go there as well.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Not only refering to yourself in the third person, but using an endearing term. ON YOURSELF..

Speaking about myself in the third person is my style. If you do not like my Style, then I will politely stop if it gets to be a "more than one person" problem.

As for the endearing term "on myself", I did not use it on myself, but on a provisional piece of work that is yet to be cool in any sense of the word. Making it cool is a goal I am to achieve, as I understand it is not cool yet.

This coolness has nothing in regard to myself. I know I'm a nobody. No need to further instate it.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Not only refering to yourself in the third person, but using an endearing term. ON YOURSELF..

Speaking about myself in the third person is my style. If you do not like my Style, then I will politely stop if it gets to be a "more than one person" problem.

As for the endearing term "on myself", I did not use it on myself, but on a provisional piece of work that is yet to be cool in any sense of the word. Making it cool is a goal I am to achieve, as I understand it is not cool yet.

This coolness has nothing in regard to myself. I know I'm a nobody. No need to further instate it.
I think it's cute actually. :)
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

What are you talking about. You haven't annoyed me enough to get a neg rep from me. I only give neg reps to people that REALLY irritate me.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

What are you talking about. You haven't annoyed me enough to get a neg rep from me. I only give neg reps to people that REALLY irritate me.

Perhaps I just missed the culprit then since you were the only one I saw viewing this thread when I received it.
I also just received one by Hentaispider. lol
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Sounds like you don't have much faith in me huh Iggy? :p
I didn't lose that much rep so Iggy is not the one who leaves the ... behind.

If this starts turning into "wild accusations tennis" or some other kind of witch-hunt, then the hammer WILL start getting swung around. And the nails that stick the farthest out will likely be first hit.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Perhaps I just missed the culprit then since you were the only one I saw viewing this thread when I received it.
I also just received one by Hentaispider. lol

No worries. I was just checking up on the mystery of the BOOBSWEATERRRRR and trying to see if I could help Lila get 3000+ rep.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I see now, I had no idea shadow was a moderator (I've only recognized Toxic, Nunu, Haseo and DarkFire as ones) sorry about that, I actually thought you meant hammer for something else and not "ban hammer". But shadow I'm not just guessing names, I've been using the Currently Active Users list to pinpoint whose been viewing the threads I'm getting negrepped in. Heh, I've been trying to teach them a lesson by putting their attempt at trolling on display yet it looks like I'm the one whose getting banned for it (oh the irony), at least in the shoutbox. If it's not a permanent ban, I won't mention it in there any further
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Even using a pattern like you claim to is *STILL* just accusations. Because it's not concrete proof, and there are some people who will refuse to believe innocence simply because the accused was accused.

No more name dropping. And that goes for both sides.

EDIT: To clarify - ANY claims made stating someone is connected to drama-causing will be deleted from now on. Multiple offenses will lead to further action being taken. If you *think* you've got PROOF of who's responsible, take it to an admin via PMs.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Even using a pattern like you claim to is *STILL* just accusations. Because it's not concrete proof, and there are some people who will refuse to believe innocence simply because the accused was accused.

No more name dropping. And that goes for both sides.

Well, I could try the other idea I had in mind but that would actually require moderator help.

Eh, I've let myself get distracted and overzealous by this shit for far too long, all this just to counter troll by bringing myself down to their level, I can tell that some of the positive reps I've been getting to counter all this was probably out of pity because of how retarded I've made myself look doing this, I've probably missed a bunch of stuff because of trying to juggle surveilling this site so I can catch this guy in the act, participate in discussions regarding feminist involvement with video games on another site and these new events involving the user Sin. If Aika ever comes back, he definitely should be the one to handle it.

No worries. I was just checking up on the mystery of the BOOBSWEATERRRRR and trying to see if I could help Lila get 3000+ rep.


The boob sweater thing is probably referring to the new trend of women with big breasts wearing a sweater with exposed cleavage called the Keyhole Turtleneck.

pointless drama
Of course drama has no real point in being part of an online community but that doesn't stop anyone from fueling it anyway, especially on a forum like this one and though I took the bait on purpose in hopes I could get the users responsible to make a mistake, I'm not the only person here that's been adding to the drama. People are resorting to anonymity to fuel all this drama and they're pretty much going against moderator wishes knowing full damn well that the moderators can't do anything about it because they have no control over it. That being said, the users who have been doing this and keep on doing this are likely to eventually face banishment or lose privileges over the reputation system later.

tl;dr: I may have made the mistake of taking this too far in an attempt to resolve it without the aid of the administrator but chances are I'm not the one whose going to have his head mounted on the wall..
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well, I could try the other idea I had in mind but that would actually require moderator help.

Eh, I've let myself get distracted and overzealous by this shit for far too long, all this just to counter troll by bringing myself down to their level, I can tell that some of the positive reps I've been getting to counter all this was probably out of pity because of how retarded I've made myself look doing this, I've probably missed a bunch of stuff because of trying to juggle surveilling this site so I can catch this guy in the act, participate in discussions regarding feminist involvement with video games on another site and these new events involving the user Sin. If Aika ever comes back, he definitely should be the one to handle it.

Yeah. You started out perfectly fine when first raising the subject, but have gotten far too side tracked with the essentially futile detective work, and let it become more personal than it needed to. You kinda took the spotlight to the point that some had lost track of what was even actually going on here beyond "yet another person whining about some kind of rep woes".


Quite simply, admins have the ability to check and confirm the sender of a rep for definite with no need for guess work, and the appropriate powers to curtail abuse of it. If it can be agreed that this is a genuine case of misconduct where some kind of intervention is required, then an admin can handle it.

So if people can agree that it's worth pestering dear Nunu, or trying to locate Aika, then talking to them is best. Not sure what should happen after that really, lacking any details. I mainly made my suggestion about removal of rep powers just to demonstrate disapproval, and to lessen the feeling of invincibility the culprit has probably been enjoying. Really I'd just prefer it stop happening and I needn't ever know any more.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Yeah. You started out perfectly fine when first raising the subject, but have gotten far too side tracked with the essentially futile detective work, and let it become more personal than it needed to. You kinda took the spotlight to the point that some had lost track of what was even actually going on here beyond "yet another person whining about some kind of rep woes".


Quite simply, admins have the ability to check and confirm the sender of a rep for definite with no need for guess work, and the appropriate powers to curtail abuse of it. If it can be agreed that this is a genuine case of misconduct where some kind of intervention is required, then an admin can handle it.

So if people can agree that it's worth pestering dear Nunu, or trying to locate Aika, then talking to them is best. Not sure what should happen after that really, lacking any details. I mainly made my suggestion about removal of rep powers just to demonstrate disapproval, and to lessen the feeling of invincibility the culprit has probably been enjoying. Really I'd just prefer it stop happening and I needn't ever know any more.
Yeah, I just got impatient waiting for aika and decided to take matters into my own hands. Being banned from the shoutbox was just what I needed to snap out of that spell, though I could still access it from another account, I'm just going to wait out the ban then apologize to everyone for the misconduct. I usually try to be a nice person to people but I thought that dicking around would actually get things done this time.

Actually, I think I was also banned from this forum for a few seconds and had I not replied about not knowing that shadow was a moderator, I would have stayed banned. I'm saying this because I think something just got borked on my account. Whenever I post a message, I get a white screen with just the word completed.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Actually, I think I was also banned from this forum for a few seconds and had I not replied about not knowing that shadow was a moderator, I would have stayed banned. I'm saying this because I think something just got borked on my account. Whenever I post a message, I get a white screen with just the word completed.

If you got forum-banned, it wasn't me. I try to at least give a warning or two, and you only used the one.

Well, except for spambots, but that's a whole different situation.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

If you got forum-banned, it wasn't me. I try to at least give a warning or two, and you only used the one.

Well, except for spambots, but that's a whole different situation.

Assuming it's not going to be permanent like how bans seem to usually work around here, feel free to put me in time out from this forum for a day or two if I start getting too crazy with this stuff again. A time away from this forum could actually help to work wonders for people rather than just barraging them with insults until they stop.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Soooo, has it stopped for you Ace? I haven't posted in a bit and they seem to be lazy about negging older posts.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Soooo, has it stopped for you Ace? I haven't posted in a bit and they seem to be lazy about negging older posts.

Yeah it seems that the negs have stopped for now, probably because all these responses to it almost ended with me ironically getting myself banned from this forum.
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