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A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Pirupi looked rather happy that such a thing existed. "Wow! Kala will need to hear this! Then Pirupi and Kala can fuck anyone we want! We can absorb and wiggle everyone!" Pirupi declared happily while Prudence molded her slime to reshape it in a stylish manner. The idea of an umbrella was something that confused Pirupi. "Why an umbrella? Pirupi likes the water!" She declared. Kat simply chuckled. "It's for the sake of style, little friend." she informed the sea slime while Prudence would find Pirupi's slime firm, but also consistent. It remained the shape that Prudence made it out to be, likely due to Pirupi's assistance on the matter.

"Why not just purchase an umbrella?" Yevon inquired. "They're on sale in these parts for humans and non aquatic mamomo like myself. You may want to visit such a shop if you want to complete the look you have her going for, which I'll admit, is rather high-class looking. Especially for such a creature as she." Said Yevon, commenting on the simplistic nature of the sea slime, who didn't seem to know or care about what Yevon said about her limited intelligence. In fact, from what little Prudence would know of sea slimes of her study, it is indeed true that slimes are not known for their intellect, usually. Sea slimes especially travel in large groups and use their numbers combined with the natural defensive benefits of being a slime creature to thrive.

Once Prudence was done, Pirupi stood up and gave herself a look over, even using the nearby water to see herself. "Wooooow!" she said in awe. "I'll hold this shape! You're amazing, Prupru!" She complimented Prudence's work. "Hey-hey! Erik!" she ran over to Erik, tugging on his shirt to demand his attention. As he finished up his meal and patted his lips down with a cloth to clean himself, he looked to have a stoic face as he glanced at Pirupi, before looking legitimately surprised.

"Wow... Pirupi, you look like a Sea Slime Queen!" he said with amazement. "You've certainly an eye for fashion, Prudence." Erik looked to be colored amazed.

"Hee-hee! Sea Slime Queen Pirupi!" Pirupi looked quite happy with herself.

Meanwhile, over with the two demons, Kat gave a rather serious look at the mention of Kat herself and Wrath. The demoness shook her head, finding the mere suggestion from Prudence to be incredible. "There's no topping that demon's cruelty, not when she's actually inventing new methods of torture. I've not seen it myself, but I hear that her servants are so broken that they emulate the wild and sadistic hatred that she herself possesses. Victims of her abominations have had their eyes squeezed until their heads exploded, and their limbs ripped off only to be beaten to death by them. Even though you and I already know this, it never hurts to be reminded why we should never fuck with Wrath."
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Purchase an umbrella? "Hmm... Maybe. If they have one that would match Pirupi's bell." It didn't seem likely, but Prudence had seen stranger things in her time. But she wouldn't get up and go searching for one that moment. She was too busy admiring her own work, and when Erik offered his praise the human twin practically beamed with pride. "It's been quite some time since anyone has truly appreciated my unique tastes. You flatter me, Sir Erik~"

But while the human was basking in her own personal glory the demon was taking a far more serious turn. "That goes without saying." Wrath had a reputation, one that easily spread throughout Hell. Most of the demons she had known wanted nothing to do with that Sin, and save for perhaps another Sin everyone was intimidated by the sheer amount of cruelty that was merely hinted by those who had seen Wrath's realm. There was no question that those rumors didn't do the woman any justice, and that meant that Wrath was the only demon Prudence never wanted to meet face to face.

But all that seriousness was starting to get under the demon's skin, and with a bit of a sigh to help herself relax Pru took another takoyaki ball and popped the thing into her mouth. The simple act of chewing seemed to help her calm her nerves, and after a bit she decided to try and lighten the mood between herself and the disguised Kat. A grin eased itself onto the more hellish twin's face, and after a bit of a pause her tail rose toward the table. As thin and as delicate as it seemed it was surprisingly dextrous, and a moment or two later the spade at its tip simply sank into one of the few remaining balls. It rose again once it was securely anchored, and Kat would soon find that little snack hovering before her lips. It was obvious Pru was offering her mentor a little taste, but it was well known just how sensitive a demon's tail could be. In a sense this could be a very public display of affection, and Pru could only guess to how far Kat would take it.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Erik looked quite happy to fill Prudence with confidence, the expression on her face making him smile as well. That look alone made Yevon giggle at the exchange. "You have no trouble getting along with others, do you Prudence? Or shall I call you Prudi?" Yevon inquired, opting to mention the nickname Puripi gave her.

Then, things went quiet between the two demons after their talk of Wrath. Of all things, talking about Wrath was a good way to kill an ongoing conversation. To that note, Kat was happy to drink from her ale cup while the demonic Pru was happy to enjoy her meal. Though, the demon became playful. While the disguised Kat sat beside her with her right leg folded over the other, and her left arm over the back of her chair as if trying to look like the one with the most style at the table, she took note of the spade bearing gifts approaching her. She would be mostly successful at her attempt at style if Yevon didn't have an almost identical stance opposite her, as if mirrored. Yevon mattered little at this point however as Kat smiled at the demonic Pru and her gift. With her other arm, she moved slowly, so as not to frighten the little tail, before gracefully catching it between her index finger and middle. She brought it in closer, so that she could seal her mouth over the ball and take it into her mouth with her tongue sticking out. She closed her mouth around the ball and gradually brought her tongue back, licking along the underside of Prudence's tail, before the whole spade got included in the things to end up in Katarina's mouth. Luckily, it escaped as Kat gently pulled it out, squeezing it between her lips, sucking on it as she pulled it out so the little sensitive thing wouldn't get destroyed by her teeth. Said teeth began to chew on the food while Kat swirled her finger around, wrapping the length of the tail around her finger while her thumb caught the spade against her hand and began to stroke it sensually, petting it so as to let Pru feel quite pleased with the sensations.

Whenever Pru and Kat came out of their little world, they'd realize that the entire bar's patrons were all staring at them. Some were essentially cheering on the exclusively female action, mostly through smiles and happy nods. Others were just amazed at the things people do in public, averting their gaze if looked at.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

At the mention of the new nickname she'd received from Pirupi the human Prudence gave the elf a rather mirthful hum before she answered. "If that is what you wish then be my guest." Her hand rose to sweep out away from her body, and with her head dipping it looked like she was giving Yevon a formal stage bow as if her performance up 'til then had been nothing but flawless.

But that was quickly undone by a sudden small gasp. The human couldn't help but turn her head toward the side, and there she found her sister totally engrossed with Kat as the disguised demon trapped her protege's tail in a light grip that still left the little appendage the freedom to squirm excitedly. And that only grew stronger the moment Kat claimed her treat. The tail practically shivered as it was given its sensual lick, the demonic Pru needing to force herself from doing the same as her mentor let her lips glide across its surface before the spade was free to receive its delightful little strokes while Kat most likely enjoyed the taste of everything that had the pleasure of sliding over her tongue.

At that point all Pru could do was smirk as she relished every little sensation assaulting her every sense, but after a bit her eyes slid over to the sides to notice everyone just as enraptured by that little foreplay as she was. That brought a rather pleased smirk as she let out a little coo of enjoyment as her attention swung back toward her mistress. "Flirt." That little accusation was made in jest, but then the demoness leaned closer and spoke in a lower tone that could still be caught be anyone desperate enough to hear what was said. "As much as I'd like to see how far we could take this I believe propriety says we should keep anything further to ourselves." There was a very real disappointment to be found in Pru's voice, but it shifted back to playful a moment later. "But feel free to keep playing with my tail. I wouldn't want to take away all your fun~"
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

"You've a point, in the end." Kat replied to Pru, before she freed the tail from her clutches to swirl freely as it had been. "You're not used to being in public, are you, Prudence? How long has it been since you distanced yourself from the society, and indirectly myself as well?" she inquired, referring to Prudence and her location when Kat last found her in the middle of that desert. Likely more as well, depending on how unsocial Prudence was with the people (demons) around her.

Eventually, everyone would be finishing up their food. Napkins were taken to pat down their faces. Yevon took two and cleaned up a struggling Pirupi who tried to resist the cleaning. "Nooo! You're taking my skin off!" she declared as if she were being murdered. "You'll live, you messy creature!" Yevon snapped before she left Pirupi clear and sparkling on the outside, albeit with an abused expression on her face.

With that aside, Erik took the check delivered to them and looked at it, before regarding Prudence as he read the bill. "So, correct me if I'm needlessly repeating myself, but you didn't state what you wanted as payment for your troubles. It's best we clear that up as soon as possible, yeah? I mean, we aren't expecting you to help us for nothing, especially with how you're being treated due to the politics the way they are now. You'll need compensation." Erik insisted. He looked rather insistent on getting the formalities out of the way so that they were dealt with proper. "Not to mention, we're currently in a bad way with threats of war looming. I don't want to go over it again and bore you, but there's a good chance that sticking around here will wind up with you caught in it. We'll appreciate whatever help you can give regardless, but know that you shouldn't stay unless you plan on aiding us for one reason or another. We'll try our best to compensate you with whatever we can for all the help you're willing to give, but I just want to make sure the risks are clear."

Yevon chuckled, grinning wide with a cheshire grin as she folded her fingers together and rested her elbows on the table, looking to Erik with her cheek pressed against the back of her hand. "My boy, she's a demon, you think she doesn't know what an angel is? Above all else, angels hate and exterminate demons. She'd have to have been living under a rock to not understand the threat." she informed him.

"Perhaps it's because she's a demon that she's here." Alexis declared with an accusatory tone towards Prudence. "You're not here to be helpful. I doubt you even knew that there was a lot of issues happening here, and yet despite the common reaction to be to simply walk away and let it be because it has nothing to do with you, you actually come up to us and offer aid as well as getting all friendly with everyone." Alexis declared, as if being too friendly was suspect of villainy. "What's your angle, 'Prudi'? Here to bargain for souls? Want a slave to take back with you? Or perhaps you'll just take someone like Erik and ditch?"

With that, Kat, who had been looking very annoyed, spoke up. "That's enough garbage for my ears, thank you." Kat spat at the accusatory armored woman. "We're going to cover what we'd like in our discussion with Erik about payment. That's the idea behind us sitting together here. And we're getting friendly because we can, simple as that. Also, for insulting the honor of my Prudence, you can go fuck yourself."

Alexis rose from her seat. "I will smash your head against this table!"

Kat unfolded her legs. "I would LOVE to see you try."

"Alexis!" Erik scolded, finding timing to step in between the heated glared of the two women. "Do you want me to tell Kala to change her mind about you sticking around?" he asked, and when she looked at him, he shook his head, seeming to have some control over his sister. "No. She's right. You insulted her friend. Don't. Prudence has been polite and undeserving of such accusations." he stated firmly. He seemed to want to say something in disapproval of Kat as well, but seemed to think it was not his place to do so.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Well, that was an interesting question. "A couple of weeks? Not too sure... Technically you could say a couple of months." That was about the time she started feeling that odd hunger. She hadn't exactly left Hell at that point, but she did become more reclusive, especially when she noticed Jezebel paying a little more attention whenever they happened to pass each other.

Eventually everyone finished their meal, and as everyone went about tidying themselves Prudence witnessed Yevon apprehend a rather messy sea slime and start wiping her down. Pirupi immediately set out to fussing over having her skin scraped clean, and while the dark elf continued to struggle the human twin spoke up. "Pirupi, a lady must present herself with cleanliness and grace whenever possible." Hopefully the sense of looking like Queen of the Sea Slimes would get the otherwise simple mamono to behave a little more properly, and if not then Prudence still had something else she could try. "Besides, I thought you liked your new look. Why make it so dirty so soon?" And if that didn't work then she simply had to accept defeat.

Once the check arrived Erik took it without a word. The twins looked at him curiously for a second since they'd offer to treat everyone, but if he wished to be a gentleman about it then they wouldn't stop him. A moment later, however, led him to ask once more what Pru wanted for all her assistance. He wanted to press the issue, to get all the formalities over and done with so they all had a concrete deal. Considering the demon's background as, well, a demon it made some sense to have a contract set so Pru wouldn't try to exploit her position to the fullest. It was something any other demon would relish, a chance to wring the the last bit of essence out of everyone involved for all the 'charity work' she'd done, but Pru wasn't exactly like every other demon. She had her own set goal, and though Undine had resources ultimately any deals Pru wished to broker would need to be with either Atlantis or whatever force managed to end up controlling the seas.

But before Pru could voice any of this Alexis rose. The accusation in her voice was thick, enough so that the normally composed demon started to frown at the woman and her never ending suspicions. Everything she said was a direct barb at everything associated with a demon, and though Pru could understand the source of all this prejudice the fact that it was directed at her so openly was a frustration unlike any other.

Pru was preparing to answer, but before she did Kat rose to defend her. Her mentor was concise and sharp, her tongue a blade wielded to cut the bigoted woman down for all the insults she'd thrown at 'my Prudence'. It was a rather chivalrous act on Kat's part, even if the disguised demon didn't mean it as such, but even so against a woman like Alexis it would only lead to confrontation. The human proved as much when she rose and issued her threat, and once Kat unfolded her legs Pru was already laying a gentle hand against her mistress's elbow. It was a light touch, Kat could shrug it off with the least of efforts, but if she looked at the demonic twin she would find Pru simply shaking her head once as Erik reprimanded her sister for her rather boorish behavior. He most likely missed Pru's quiet restraint, and the look he had for Kat proved he wished to chastise her as well but thought better of it. If he were expecting Pru to say anything about it he would be disappointed. Kat may have been a bit confrontational, but truth be told Pru was more likely to give the demon a kiss for upholding her honor.

But this left them all at odds with each other over Prudence's desire to help and Erik's need to compensate the pirates for any work they would do. The fact that Pru was holding her desires to herself was starting to cause some very real friction, and Pru was starting to wonder just how much of her over-arcing plan she should reveal. He obviously needed something, if nothing else it would help quell his sister's animosity, and after a bit more thought she she might as well go for broke. She leaned closer to the table, and to gain some bit of privacy she spoke only loud enough for only those that sat with her would hear. "As a heretic I face any number of threats from my 'sisters', and right now the safest place for me is on the seas. But even that has its risks. There's been whispers that Avarice has her own navy, and though it couldn't be large I don't see how my single ship could face her small fleet if she ever caught sight of us. So I need some assurance. If I want to stay free I need someone to promise me aid if I end up facing Avarice, and that means I need the help of Atlantis. That's why I'm offering my services. Understood?" That last question was given to Alexis, but a moment later she turned back toward Erik. "I doubt Undine could offer me the same protection, so there isn't much I'd need from her or her forces. But if you still wish to repay me then I wouldn't mind being fed. But only if you feel comfortable doing so. I don't want anyone feeling obligated."
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Pirupi looked to Prudence with a bit of surprise she was being lectured by Prudence as well, and made a pout in reply. "But I'm a slime... I get all kinds of stuff on me..." She declared the slime's habit of sticking to just about everything. Still, Yevon cleaned her up and left her looking pristine again, even though Pirupi didn't look happy to have been cleaned.

After the hostile exchange, Erik was ready to hear what Prudence had to say. He clearly wasn't letting her leave the table to go perform her task without establishing her compensation first. He listened carefully, but he did not go without his wordless reactions. The very moment she mentioned wanting protection from Atlantis, Erik leaned back in his chair as if he found her request absolutely insane. With one eyebrow raised, he leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. When she finished, Erik made a deep sigh. "We can find arrangements for you to get the sustenance you need." He assured her, before shaking his head and looking at the demonic Pru directly. "However... Have you never heard of Atlantis' reputation? Undine is the water affinity that welcomes others, not the other way around... The fact that this temple even houses humans is one that has Atlantis actually threatening to take action against Undine. I doubt they'll be any happier about demons." he said flatly. "So even with two different kinds of faces to show... I'm telling you, asking Atlantis for help will be just the north side of useless." he explained.

Kat nodded. "We're aware that the mermaids may not be too excited to hear us out. However, they don't want to start a fight either. Once we find a way to Atlantis, we'll make it so they'll hear us out, no matter how much they'll dislike it at first." she stated.

Then, Yevon asked the obvious. "Why not just hide?" she inquired.

"Because our end goal isn't just to survive, but to no longer live in fear." Kat replied flatly, causing Yevon to giggle in amusement.

"I get your meaning~" the dark skinned elf said with a sadistic grin. Upon seeing that grin, Prudence may notice a similar reflection on Kat's face. Perhaps they were sisters in another life given how alike they were in that moment.

Erik sniffed, scratching his nose at the conversation before returning his hands to his lap to regard Prudence. "We'll find some way of getting you fed." he declared, before the waiter, a man with soft and curly brown hair, came and took the check. "I know you said you'd treat us, but consider this apologies for the uncomfortable situation we put you in. Even though I'm sort of using Undine's treasury to do it... She'd agree with this course of action. I left such an explanation on the check." Erik said, so that Undine would see it if she ever looked into it. Then, he dug into his pocket, and pulled out a scroll before handing it to either Prudence that wanted it. "It's a map showing where the mermaids are being held captive. If we free them with the help of demons and humans, and broadcast as much, then we can perhaps quell this issue that bothers us hopefully for long enough to allow us to work together against the looming threat... Past that, it'd be best you flee before the battle begins."
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Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

There was something in that little exchange between Kat and Yevon. They understood each other as if they were sisters, and with Yevon grinning at the disguised demon it almost felt like the dark elf understood exactly what they wanted. It made Pru wonder if Yevon knew WHY they wanted want they wanted, and if she did then maybe Yevon had already guessed that Kat was more than what she seemed. But the others acted absolutely clueless to that, so hopefully that little secret would be kept.

Whether Yevon suspected a thing or not Erik finally gave his blessing to their cause and offered a small map. The human Prudence immediately took it and opened it to see where they were heading, and once she had it committed to memory the scroll was rolled and tucked away. "Looks like we'll be missing this Kala of yours. But we thank you for your help, Sir Erik. We'll be back shortly." Unless there was anything more to add from either side the twins would turn and start heading back toward their ship, and on the way they would detour to pick up any of the crew they saw on the way. "We've got a mission, ladies. Let's hurry up and finish it so we can come back and play."
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

And so Prudence left the group with her own, leaving behind Erik and the rest who waved Prudence off and wished her well with good luck. His group left the restaurant while Yevon would quite clearly ask Erik what he thought of the demon pair, inclining towards suggesting that charming one means you charm both into your bed. Erik simply pushed Yevon away with a simple reply. "I'm sure Kala will think along the same lines as you whenever she returns. But it's only when she returns that this situation will become relevant..." he declared. There was a bit more conversation about Prudence, but it gradually turned into one about the current politics within the temple until Prudence could hear them no longer.

Walking back to pick up the rest of the crew, Prudence would find Kat getting a similar looking face as before when the whole deal of who the new captain was came up. Since it was Prudence calling them out to get back to the ship and not Kat, it was hard for Kat to be reminded of her junior surpassing her like that was was evident by her looking off into the distance and seemingly trying to ignore what was going on as much as possible.

Several sailors were amidst men, trying to flirt with them with varied success. Prudence caught some women chasing after them while they were being shunned away on account of already being taken. They were causing such disruption to the natural order of things in the temple that when Prudence came to pick them up, there were many female faces that looked thankful to see them go. Some hatefully so. Still, after a roundup, and the sailors all helping to round each other up, Prudence was soon back aboard their ship, collars removed, and outside of Undine's temple. Her soul could stretch out freely, which was no doubt a welcome relief.

There, the Prudence twins stood in front of their crew, who were waiting orders. Seras was a bit in the back, seeming to be rather excited about the contents of a bag she now owned. It was sizable enough to reasonably be a wine bottle, but who knew?
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Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Though they were on their way the twins would still catch the conversation that took place concerning them, and when Yevon mentioned that charming one sister would net both the human and demon would share a smirk. She didn't know how true that was. You couldn't entice one half of a soul and expect the other to stay put!

But maybe Yevon knew more than she was letting on. The way the elf responded to Kat sounded like she realized the truth behind the demon in human's clothing. If she could catch hint of that then maybe she would notice the odd connection the sisters shared. Maybe she could even see it. And if she saw the tether that held them together then she could see just how strong that tether truly was. The connection was stronger than anything that siblings would share, and it wouldn't take much to ask whether those two souls shared more just each other. It left the pair glancing at each other, both coming to the same conclusion without sharing a single thought. We may need to keep an eye on her...

Whatever the two thought it would pass as they started gathering their crew, and watching them all get into one kind of mischief or another had them silently sighing to themselves. Prudence hoped the pirates would have known better than to irritate the locals this severely, but they were rather larcenous souls, weren't they? Can't really fight your nature.

While it took awhile to gather her forces Pry did so calmly. As she did she couldn't help but notice how Kat was purposefully distracting herself, and the twins simply let her be. It was obvious that she didn't like being reminded of her loss, and trying to confront her would only make matters worse. It was best just to let her stew and wait for her the mutiny that was bound to happen.

But in the meantime they had s job to do. Once the crew was assembled and back on the ship the demon stood proud. "All right, ladies, it's time to get down to business! I have in my hand a map to a rather troublesome little town that's been kidnapping mermaids." She held up the map, the location plain for anyone to see. "No one knows what these people are doing with them, but most likely the Order is involved. And they're making us look bad. They're making all the mamono think of us as pests. As threats. And that's why we have to wear THESE." The others may have thought it weird that Pru still wore her collar even when they were safely aboard their ship. "So we're going to change that. Let's show those fish that humans aren't the angelic pawns they fear. Let's show the Order that they can't drag our names through the mud! We'll show them all what we can do, and when we come back they can take these damn collars and shove 'em up they're scaly asses!" At that the demon tore that collar off her neck and flung it out to sea to show her crew what she thought of those restraints. And then she waited. She wanted to see how her people reacted, and if they got all hot and bothered like she hoped they would then she would wait for them to calm with a sly grin on her face. It was only once everyone looked focused that she would start bellowing out orders to set sail.

Once they were finally under way the twins would stay on deck near the con, and in a quiet voice they would ask both Seras and Kat the same question. "So, what did you think? Too melodramatic?"
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

The sailors listened in with intent when Prudence began speaking to her gathered crew. It wasn't hard to arouse a passionate reaction either, especially at the bit of shoving the collars up their scaled asses. "And we'll be treated as champions!" one of the sailors followed up. "The men will praise us and sleep with us!" one declared, causing an uproar of approval. "The people will treat us free alcohol! Food, men, luxury! We'll be treated like Queens!" another cheer came. "Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!" the crew chanted.

Meanwhile, Seras chuckled as the sailors were energetic with morale, ready to skip to it and get the ship sailing towards their destination once the command was given. "I think you got the job done." she declared with a grin. "Mmm." Kat followed up with a basic gesture of acknowledgement while she leaned forward, bracing against the railing of the ship with her arms folded on top of it and her ass sticking out to put on full display a most lovely and seductive heart shaped rump. Yet, Kat didn't look too thrilled or involved as she simply looked out to sea.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

"I aim to please." A small sense of accomplishment rang through her, and that left the demon's grin plain enough for anyone to see. Unfortunately it began to falter the moment Kat offered her rather bland seal of approval. After a few seconds the twins shared a significant glance, and soon enough the human half of Prudence's soul set herself right beside her mentor in nearly the exact same position.

Another short bout of silence fell through the air while the succubine Pru oversaw the crew, but eventually Prudence would lean just a little closer to allow her arm to lightly brush against Katerina. "Something's bothering you..." More silence. "Is it what we did?" Their betrayal when it came time to capture Seras had obviously upset Kat, but if she was still moping about it then maybe it was time to have a little heart to heart with her.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

"Yes." Kat replied, glancing at the human Prudence. "Though not what you're likely thinking of." she began, before looking back out to sea. "I think helping this lot is a waste of time. We have absolutely nothing to gain from getting involved with these desperate people. If we help them deal a substantial blow to the angels, then that will simply give the demons more room to breathe down our necks." She declared, before turning to look at Prudence directly, one arm resting on the railing while giving Prudence a very judging look. "I think that you are being too nice."
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

For a few moments the demonic twin simply sat and stared at her mentor. It was a rather odd point Kat made, and when the woman turned back to the sea Pru followed suit for a few more seconds before a slightly rueful smile popped into her face. "I guess my humanity is showing~" Though she tried to make light of it that smile died a quick death, and at that she let out a quick sigh before her humanity spoke up in defense. "I appreciate what your saying, and I hadn't really considered that possibility, but I don't really see any other alternative. I want the Fragments. I'm going to use them to change everyone's fate. To do that I need to gather every single one of them, and to do that I need to either make some friends or conquer everything. I don't have any sort of power base to launch an assault on any being of power, and even if I did I'd still have to face everyone else. Otherwise I'll end up beaten and humbled like Anubis. And even if I somehow managed to conquer the Island I'd still have to face Hell, and after defeating either the Sins or Persephone herself I may end up fundamentally changed before I could put the Fragments to use. There's just too many ways that path could go wrong.

"So that leaves cooperation. That itself is a long shot, especially when I have to enter Zipangu and deal with the gods there, but if I can somehow convince everyone to work together then I don't need to worry about them joining forces simply to conquer me. I may still need to worry about some allies trying to backstab me, but an allied network means there are far more targets and that my potential assassin has to worry about so many others trying to stab them in the back. That should give me more room to work, and once the forces on Gaea have been consolidated I can focus on the more substantial threats in Heaven and Hell. By then all those Fate chose should be within reach, and once I have them there's no stopping me. I'll rewrite the very foundations of our little world and give everyone the freedom they truly deserve."

With her piece finally said and done the human Prudence joined her sisters in staring out to the ocean. Kat had to have an answer for everything that had just been said, and following that the blonde twin would remain silent.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Kat's eyes widened before Prudence was even starting her story. Her intent thrown out into the open for Kat to see in all it's splendor. It was shock, awe, and perhaps fear as well as Prudence revealed ambition that rivaled great rulers. "Pru..." Kat said in awe. "When did this happen?" she inquired, her face still speaking a thousand words about how she did not expect this from her companion. "When did you change this much? Was it after the Fragment infected you?" she asked, calling it an infection. Perhaps that wouldn't be so wrong, since it is easily relatable to a foreign injection from an outside source. Some may call it a blessing, but those who have it an experience all of the attention having it brings may beg to differ. Kat likely understands this, especially so since she knows firsthand that it is causing a Cardinal Sin to be hunting her down. In her eyes, such a thing is more bad than good. "When I met you in Hell, you weren't like this... It's frightening to see just how much you've changed, it truly is. I never thought I'd be hearing this from that humble and dare I say timid girl that I met long ago." She took a deep breath and let out a sigh, looking back out to the sea in disbelief.

"Still, to gather the Fragments... No, you're gathering 'people', Prudence!" Kat insisted her partner understand the implications of her objectives. "There's even word that Baphomet herself holds a few gathered fragments inside of her soul, swallowed whole! Who knows how else you will have to obtain these fragments, and how will you say where will they go? Hold them yourself and you allies will turn on you for perceived selfishness, but give them to others and you have no power for yourself to control. You're..." Kat put her hand to her head, coming to the realization. "You're trying to become a ruler..." she said in a whisper under her breath, almost washed out by the sounds of the moving sea against the boat and the wind whipping against the sails. It was clear that Kat was looking at her differently than she ever had before. As if she no longer recognized the girl next to her. It was with a hesitant motion and pained expression that Kat gave next. Her face was filled with conflict and worry, on top of fear. The demon didn't know how to react. Kat was always one to help her, but also a passionate survivor. What Prudence spoke of was diving deep into danger, someone Kat always wanted to avoid.

It was with difficulty, that her friend spoke. "Prudence... I..." she shook her head, lowering her upper half towards the rails to put both her hands in her hair and rest her elbows on the wooding railing of the ship's side. "I don't want to do this. I can't do this. I became a demon so I could live forever. I cried from childhood to adulthood in fear of death, in fear of my heathen existence vanishing because no god will take me. I don't want to vanish. I don't want to...!" Kat declared, an inner struggle between her friendship and her fear evident on her face. So dearly did she prize Prudence, though now her love of her own life was set next to it in comparison, and the choice was difficult. Which to risk? Frustrated and with tears flowing down her eyes, she faced Prudence and reached out, placing her hands upon the human face of her friend. "Please, change your mind, Pru! I beg of you! You don't need to worry about these Fragments, you don't need to worry about this world! Let it burn! We only need each other, just like always, right? Like back in the desert, in the ruined, destroyed town... Just you and me..."

She smiled weakly, Kat's resolve broken as her fear surfaced. "Right?"
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)


This wasn't something Pru expected... Kat was scared... No, frightened. Terrified! It left Prudence in shock as her face was cradled within her mentor's hands and she was forced to watch the tears streaming down the demon's face. It left her unable to hide her own fear as Kat rejected everything Pru was trying to accomplish. The twins had always guessed that Kat valued her very existence, but they never knew it had been this strong. It had plagued her life. It forced her to throw away her humanity. It was the very reason she became a demon, and now that Pru had chosen this rather dangerous path it threatened everything her lover held dear.

How could they answer that? Both halves of the woman simply stared in shock, their minds scrambling to find the words for an answer they didn't have. It left them stunned into silence, the hesitation in both leading to a long and uncomfortable pause that would border on maddening to the demon that held and pleaded for them to stop and run away.

But even that had to come to an end. "How... How long could we hide?" It was extremely quiet, nearly an intelligible whisper, but Kat would hear it all the same. "Where could we hide? You found me so easily, and I was in the middle of nowhere." If she still sat between them then Kat would find herself suddenly embraced from both sides, nothing more than a light hug that wouldn't manage to hold her in the slightest if she was determined to leave. "We'd have demons looking for us everywhere. We'd be forced to fight back. And even if we managed to beat Jezebel what would the other Sins do? I know they could really care less about each other, but we'd still be defeating one of their own. They wouldn't let that insult pass, would they?"

Another uncomfortable pause came, but this time if Kat tried to pull away that hug would become fierce. "But I don't want to be alone!" Their voices would merge into one, and in it Kat would hear their own fears coming to the light. "I've been nothing but an object before I was reborn, and I've been hiding my true self because I couldn't trust anyone! I didn't open up to anyone, not until I absolutely had to, and when I did I realized how foolish I'd been! I should have trusted you sooner. Shown you what I truly was. You're the only being who's ever really cared for me, the only soul who's seen the truth, and if you left me I couldn't bear it! So... So if you think we can hide then I'll leave. I'll do whatever you want, no matter what. Just..." Her voice cut off then, that next thought ended before it could be heard and cause Kat anymore pressure then Pru already had. But even then it shouldn't be too hard to hear what their hearts were screaming. Please don't leave me!
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Kat looked ready to argue that it's be over with Jezebel, even beginning to try to talk over Prudence, "Once we get rid of Jezebel-!" but Prudence countered that it'd just attract the attention of the other sins. True, Prudence wasn't far off. The sins don't care for each other at all, but currently Jezebel holds the gateway to this world. Shutting her down means the highway to Gaea is lost, and that would anger demons all over Hell. Prudence was not wrong, and as much as Kat wanted to argue otherwise, there was wisdom in her partner's words. Kat looked to be at a loss, her fear driving her decisions while Pru was torn between losing her friend and doing the sensible thing, or even the good natured thing to do. Something odd considering there would be no written record of a demon working on the side of good. In the end, their existence is parasitic, so it's hard to be seen as a good natured creature. Such an outlook on the demon left to wonder as to why it never happened, since other creatures simply wouldn't allow a demon anywhere near them in order to help in the first place. Such was why Kat seemed to have such difficulty grasping Prudence's wishes and endorsing them, however...

Kat looked at the twins with a distraught face. "I don't know, Prudence... I just want to know, from you, and honestly so... Are you chosing to do this to save us? Or to save them?" she inquired, looking to the direction they came from, Undine's Temple as it was hidden underneath the mountain side rocks over the water. "Selfless people always meet the same end. They always die foolishly, thinking themselves heroes. I don't want that, for you or for me. I don't care if Undine's Temple burns to the ground, but I do care if you die in the process. Just promise me you will not sacrifice yourself for them. Please." she asked calmly.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Her gaze followed Kat's as they both settled over Undine's Temple, and for a few moments both Prus simply stared at it in silence. "Us." Her attention lingered on the grotto for a couple more seconds, but then it shifted back to her lover and mentor. "I won't deny that I'm probably a little more altruistic than I should be, but I have no intention of sacrificing myself for someone else. I want to live. I want to be free. I can't do either if I'm a martyr."

Short post because I can.
Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

Kat nodded slowly. "Then... I will gladly aid you, Prudence." she replied, "I just... I don't think the entire world is worth saving. Maybe select few ideal people, but the world at large, filled as it is with ignorants and scum? I've no interest." she said dismissively. "But if it's you... I guess I can accommodate." She stated, before Seras came down from the wheel to greet the two women.

"You two done with your talk? Seemed rather heated from my point of view." She stated. "I hope everything's fine? If you want to relax, head on down into the galley and ask the chef to cook you up something." she offered.
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Re: The Coming of Heaven's Wrath (Prudence;Termite)

The twins didn't have anything much to say at that point. All they felt was a rather profound sense of relief, and they both let out a sigh before sliding closer as if they were preparing to crush the demon between them. Instead they simply let their combined weights rest against Kat, their heads rising just enough to acknowledge Seras before they went right back to leaning against their mentor. "It was, but we worked through it." We hope... And that was the truth of the matter. Even if they had come to an agreement and managed to keep from separating there was no guarantee that something like this wouldn't happen again. Or that they could resolve it like they had. What would happen if they found something that forced them to stand at opposite sides? Could she go on if she didn't have Kat to lean against like this? What if...

A moment was taken to clear their heads of that thought. There was already too much to worry about. They didn't need to be distracted by what ifs. Kat was with them, and that's all that really mattered at the moment. But a moment later Seras brought up the question of food. They'd practically just had a meal back at the temple, and neither of them were feeling all that hungry. There was something to be said for comfort food, but even then it didn't feel all that appealing. But there was another type of hunger... "I'm fine, but what about you, Kat? Hungry? Or are you... famished?" There was a certain infliction, one that nobody would be able to miss, not with Pru grinning as she was, and certainly not by Kat. The only question now was how she would answer.