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Re: Hate Thread

I hate dishonesty and coming to learn that someone you held respect for and shares kind words with you actually fancies talking ill about you behind your back to such a degree that you learn that their personal opinion of you is the polar opposite of your own to them.

Really wish those guys would be more upfront about that kinda stuff, even just out of respect to another human being.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't like you, haven't for a while.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't like you, haven't for a while.

This is the hate thread... I'm not sure if "dislikes" belong here.

I heartily concur with MAF and Tass in their hatreds, and believe that both dishonesty and drama have their roots in bullshit. I hate bullshit, too.

Also, I hate traffic. And I hate when my GPS unit takes me home over country roads that are blocked off, even though I recently updated it. A late night made a half-hour later.
Re: Hate Thread

Can we please get back to hate and anger?

F*ck monkeys! I hate'm!!
Re: Hate Thread

Wow, I don't remember if I really used this thread.....but anyway.

I fucking hate Netorare, Cuckolds and Relationship Cheaters. (Yes, they are all the same.)

Changed my view of hentai and relationship forever.
Re: Hate Thread

The Japanese equivalent of cuckolding as far as I'm aware.
Re: Hate Thread

With you on all of the above, if you don't want to be with the person you're married to, then why the fuck are you married to them?

As for the video games thing, some people will try to rationalize allowing large corporations to rape them repeatedly any way they can, these are also the same people who have more money than they should and deserve to have it taken.
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Re: Hate Thread

I'm aware of what cuckolding is, and I've dealt with more than my fair share of relationship cheaters, but what on earth is Netorare? Never heard of that one before.

As I understand it Netorare is generally used in reference to fiction, i.e. doujins or video games or movies (distinct from actually cheating on your spouse).

This can actually be a healthy fantasy for some couples, who might roleplay the parts of "forbidden fruit." It's not really my thing, but some people find it hot.

I do believe, however, that anyone who obsesses on the possibility of sex in direct contravention of their understood relationship, especially one who acts on that desire, is generally in the wrong. I say generally because there are situations in which this becomes something of a gray area.

For example, I have a friend who has been separated from their spouse for over six months now. This friend's spouse has cheated on them before (between marriage and honeymoon, if you can believe it), and for the past three months has been dragging their feet in the finalizing paperwork of the divorce. My friend has, months after the separation, become romantically involved with someone else (not me). Technically this could be called cheating, as they are still married... but in this instance I believe the spirit of the marriage (which has been dead for some time) is the important thing to consider, above the letter of the contract.
Re: Hate Thread

The situation you mentioned isn't exactly a gray area, it is an area in which the law is insufficient though. If one person in the marriage is actively seeking the dissolusion of it then it shouldn't matter if the other half decides they're going to be a fuck.

In fact they should be penalized for it. Unfortunately religious influences seem to pressure the government into crafting such laws in favor of their views, instead of what is morally (without their influence) and legally right.

Edit: l337 w00t, 666th post is bashing organised religion. Tell your friends!
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Re: Hate Thread

Netorare is like cuckolding except that the point is not in the act of cheating, but in the moment the unfaithful partner decided that they'd rather be with who they're cheating with than who they're cheating on. It's specifically when the protagonist doesn't get the girl, or outright loses her. It's often abbreviated to NTR.
Re: Hate Thread

Can someone get it over with and ban this guy already?

I agree AND I'll bite.
I hate German/European austerity politics. Taking ideological stupidity to a new level, my grandchildren will still have to chew on that one ...
Re: Hate Thread

Cheating is more gray than most people think. A lot of people unfortunately only look at 'that person is sleeping outside the relationship'. What if the marriage is already fallen apart but they stick together for the children (seen it work a few times, but not often enough to defend this)?

Also... what about an open relationship? I've seen a few of those work out in my time. Mostly when people can fully recognize that sex does not equal love.

Some of these people that cheat honestly don't see what's the problem with it, because they cannot make the same emotional connection through sex that most people do, and there are still others that can mentally prevent themselves from making that connection.

Mostly playing Devil's Advocate here, and not really defending those who do cheat on their significant other, but there are instances where people really are driven away. And sometimes the cost of divorce can be high enough that people don't really want to break it off immediately.

Also, this NTR shit sounds like an awful fetish. Might be leveraged as a plot device, but why would you fap over it?

Why do people fap over a woman getting raped? We even have this forum built around a guy who specialized in that kind of hentai. I don't see how we can judge something as relatively harmless as NTR from what I've been led to understand it is.
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Re: Hate Thread

If it's an open relationship, then it's not really cheating, is it?
Re: Hate Thread

Ants. I hate ants. I got ants all of a sudden due to my cat's food dish being so low to the ground. Ants. I hate ants so much. They all need to go somewhere else for food.
Re: Hate Thread

Ants. I hate ants. I got ants all of a sudden due to my cat's food dish being so low to the ground. Ants. I hate ants so much. They all need to go somewhere else for food.

We had them once. Little f*ckers ate their way right through the walls and into our house. My good old pal Poison took care of them.