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Re: Hate Thread

*Create new User*

Fuck you old me!

*Realises most of the files were private*

Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, there's no option. The only other option is to reset password which needs a usb/flash drive inserted, and when I do that it tells me it's not an appropriate drive. So now I need to wait until my parents bring up a blank disc tomorrow so I can burn a pass recovery program onto it and crack it like that. And if that doesn't work I'll have to reformat it.
Re: Hate Thread

*Create new User*

Fuck you old me!

*Realises most of the files were private*


You know, even if you don't actually care to try Linux, any live-CD would be capable of solving that particular problem.
Re: Hate Thread

So apparently GOG doesn't officially recognize they're selling a broken version of Neverwinter Nights that requires to download and install a 310Mb patch to be able to properly play it.
Re: Hate Thread

This entire past week can go fuck itself with a rusty, spiked poker that's on fire and laced with poison.
Re: Hate Thread

What's with all this vague hating? Can't you guys be more specific?

This isn't Facebook you know. I hate Facebook. And smartphones. And tablets and all that lifestyle electronics bullshit nobody needs and everybody wants to have. I hate other things, too; but this thread doesn't revolve around me.
Re: Hate Thread

Writer's block.

Re: Hate Thread

Writer's block.


*pats shoulder* Sorry man, that always blows. Here, have a related comic:

C & H always cheer me up. Dunno if it'll help with the writer's block, though.
Re: Hate Thread

I just downloaded a rather large hentai video. Despite the pedestrian animation style, I was rather looking forward to watching it, as it seemed to be the source for a number of gif files that I had in my collection. It was in an "English Subbed and Dubbed" category, with Japanese listed as the language. All well and good.

I downloaded and opened the file. As it turns out, there was Russian dubbing. As I speak a smattering of Russian, it wasn't quite so bad until I realized that the same deep-voiced Russian MALE was doing the voice-over for BOTH GENDERS.

I don't download hentai for its artistic value... it's pornography. If hearing a thick, masculine Russian accent turned me on, there are other movies I could watch instead.


(Like Rocky IV)

(Or K-19 Widowmaker)

(The Hunt for Red October was pretty good)

(Or even Red Heat)
(Yes, yes, I know these are not real Russian actors...or credible accents)
Ahh well. I could tell it was going to be a mediocre video either way. *delete*

Edit: Upon further review, there WAS some comedic value... kind of like having an over-enthusiastic translator standing behind the camera. Which was probably close to the truth.
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Re: Hate Thread

I really do hate BT. My internet had been out since monday, and the engineer came out today to fix it. Turns out it was some faulty gear the original engineer put in when installing the fibre optic broadband that the other guy should've picked up on when he installed it. Though at least I have my internet back now, and the guy that fixed it said that he'd write it down as being a fault with the gear outside instead of the box inside so I won't be charged £120 for the repair. Hopefully he'll stick with doing that. And now I have a load of shows and posts to catch up with.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate needing to have 15 posts or more to be able to post a link to another site! :mad:

Then I saw this thread and I thought: this is perfect!

And now I have 15 posts, and I no longer hate what I mentioned above
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I am nowhere near to being sleepy so that I can actually get some much needed shuteye before I have to go to work in 4 hours.
Re: Hate Thread

Said it before, but really feel it warrants a repeat:

I fucking HATE having to work while the floor crew waxes the store's floor. Damn chemicals always, ALWAYS burn my sinuses.
Re: Hate Thread

Shiny Breeding in Pokemon.

Shiny breeding in Pokemon.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate the amount of charisma my best friend has.
He always, intentionally or unintentionally, steals girl I'm attracted to.

Spent a month getting a good mood then suddenly he bursts in and *poof*.
He introduced himself, said a few jokes that I told him in the past and, damn, he looked like he has sparkling at that moment (da fq). After 3 days, I got rejected since she likes someone else while looking at my best friend, in the sidelines cheering me on.

They never got together though since he never ever showed back to her again.
He's oblivious to it, he's very dense.
Re: Hate Thread

Today I hate steam, well I never had it but heard great things about it. So I go and try to buy Dayz and I have some issues with buying it. So I call a friend ask to to buy it for me, so they went and it said I own the game... so i think great! I can play and I click on it to download/install/play, an error pops up. So I had to sign up to make a new account on steam support(weird they dont just use there steam account) but now Im waiting on email... not even a call center and they seem like they make bank... so they could afford a call center. Meh
Re: Hate Thread

I hate being Insulted. It is a concept incompatible with my human make-up. It hurts my feelings. If you have ever thought of hurting a human's feelings, stop, think about how you would feel if your words were implied to yourself, and say something else.