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ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Seems to be caused by wireless redstone... has anyone used any of that?

I've used quite a bit of it.

Quantumsuits and Jetpacks seem to be broken. I can't fly with my jetpack, and none of my suit's special abilities are working.

EDIT: Nano-Sabers and Mining Lasers are broken too. Sabers don't turn on and lasers don't work.
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Well, shit, the runecraft teleporters have lost all their designations. ...and I suspect this will also extend to the phased blocks that have been set up.

...Oh dear. I had a little trap invloving phased redstone torches next to phased TNT in the cronologically-third world...

Also, just number the worlds. World 1, 2, 3, 4, now 5 if we don't scrap this one once the crisis is over.

EDIT: ...when you say the main world, I thought you meant the tekkit world, but I can get to that. Did you actually mean the third world? Because I can't manage to teleport to that one.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I can't seem to use the /home command to return to the volcano in the tekkit world, it just takes me to the spawn in the newest world.

EDIT: Using /spawn world# (in this case 4 for the tekkit world) I was able to jump from the newest world back to the tekkit world however either due to using that or whatever problems the server had I've lost everything I had. Quantumsuit, an electric jetpack, a few redstone engines, some tanks, UU-Matter and a bunch of crap. Is there any chance you can spawn me a new quantumsuit and jetpack? I wouldn't normally ask if it was my own stupid fault for them disappearing but it wasn't due to my idiocy this time.

EDIT2: The PC in the newbie hut seems to be missing its program now.

EDIT3: By main world, do you mean the one with T.E.N.T.A.C.L.E in it?
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Using /spawn world#

Woah woah woah. That works? And all this time I had been /spawning to the tekkit world just to walk back to the third world...
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Yeah, I didn't even know if it would work but I had to try it just in case it did so I could get back to the tekkit map.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Yah, by main world, I meant the one with TENTACLE. Sorry, should be more clear. And yah, if a total reset is needed, any new worlds will just be numbered.

I don't know why the Quantum suit and other IC stuff isn't working. That doesn't make sense. The teleporters and other runecraft stuff... is kind of expected, if they're the ones in 'world'. And... I'll have to check the computer. Kind of sucks if I have to program it again from scratch...

Update: I've tested the quantum suit and other parts of IC2, and they all appear working. It might be that in the shutdown any existing devices might have lost their function. Giving them a bit of charge should get them working again, though I don't know for sure. If that still doesn't work, I'll supply new ones.
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Welp, there goes all of my old supplies then. Looks like there's no chance of bringing them over should we ever need more iron. And them not working isn't a problem for me it's more that I lost all of it in the crash. The rest of my inventory I don't care too much about because all of that crap is easy to replace, it's the quantumsuit and jetpack I'm more concerned about.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Quantum suits are suitably (hah!) hard enough to make that I'll supply replacements for them. Just... I have to be around to do it. I'm on the server right now.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Woo, I'll pop in now then.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

The runecraft teleporter I tested it with was in the original world.

Also, I have no way of getting to my most valuable infrastructure, the things I had in the end on the third world (the missing one). As such, I have absolutely no way of doing as we conversed and replacing my items.

And I am, of course, missing everything I had in my inventory when the crash happened, not that I can remember what any of it was. I can't even make myself a new pickaxe, since there is technically already one in the end, I just have no way of reaching it.

...And because I'm already posting, before I forget, have you looked into adjusting runecraft's settings?
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I just logged in to discover the disruption, then came here. Rather a pain. And a shame that the wireless redstone is apparently glitched/causing problems, since I had planned to use it quite extensively in future. Haven't used any yet myself though, and will refrain from such unless given the green light.

Though how do we know its the wireless redstone by the way? And why would it effect the "Tentacle" world, and not others? Particually if it was only being used in the Tekkit world (I assume?).

Regarding inventory, the only things I can recall for certain that I've lost is my diamond drill, jet pack and about a dozen redstone engines. The rest I cant remember for certain, and hopefully was only small change.

In an attempt to get my head around which world is which, I've made a quick list with some notable features I recall. No offense intended to those creations I've not mentioned, since this list obviously doesn't include even 5% of what we've made over time.

World 0.1 = Lakeside town, collaborative underwater city project, Nunu's spire. (((Deceased)))
World 0.2 = Canyon spawn with open plains. Giant chess board, my cathedral, Nunu's absurdly big walled but nearly empty city, underground canal network. (((Deceased)))
World 1 = Four way lake bridge spawn, lots of stuff, beach market on stilts, Host's mysterious mega project, Bartnum's towers, Rule's place and flying lava fortress/UFO, my bucket sculpted ice fortress the location of which has been lost... : (
World ? = Desert spawn, brought over from OAMP's server at the same time W3 was started. Sin's sandstone fort/home, some rail stuff? An airship? (fill me in here)
World 2 = Mountain spawn. My old PC died around here, so don't know it well. Rule's manor, mountain side walkways and various forts, Oni's chimney of death.
World 3 = Desert spawn, Tentacle portal building. (((Currently out of order)))
World 4 = Tekkit world. Island spawn. Maiko's "borg cube" labyrinth project. Siranum Industries. Seawell project.
World 5 = Created due to server troubles. Empty. Portal back to W4.

Feel free to point out anything that's incorrect. Are any worlds other than 5 having issues or not? I'm not sure if it's worth me logging in to do anything right now or not.
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Going by the spawn command the tekkit world is world 4.

Also, I may end up using the latest world for an LP for tekkit if the server stops kicking me/temp closing down every so often.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

That's something worth keeping correct then. Changed the number order to reflect how the multiverse using server regards them. Though what does that make the old desert world? Is it still accessible?

Infact, since I was away at the time it was started, why was "W3" with the Tentacle building actually started? Did something go wrong with the W2 mountain place?
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

The very first map we worked on (the one with underwater community project I believe) as well as the map after that but before the shop town were deleted I believe so we don't have access to them. I'm guessing the old desert world with TENTACLE in that we've lost access to would be world 3 as shop town would be world 1 and cliff town would be world 2. As to why it was created I can't remember though I think it was just for a fresh start.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

The airship world was ported over from OAMP, who sadly has been busy with college and MIA for about as crazily long.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I'm not 100% sure that it's the wireless redstone that's doing it. Just, the error that stoped W3 from loading stated that it was caused by wireless redstone. Now, this could be because of the abrupt shutdown, and it's not actually the mod's fault. For now, feel free to use wireless redstone.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

The server's down?
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Shouldn't be... I see that someone tried to log in a few times but wasn't able to, assuming that's you. What error message, if any did you get?
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I didn't get any. Just said it couldn't find the server when I went into the server list.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Hmm... Strange. I'll give it a restart.