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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Alright then." River says, then turns to Claire. "Shall we?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

After the car arrived at the farmstead, Claire followed the group and crouched as she watched River take off to kill the sentry. She felt her eyes slipping off the woman's body and she couldn't help but smile as she held the shotgun close to her.

After she returned, covered in gore and smelling like dinner Claire looked down at the ground, drawing small figures in the soil with the tip of her finger, smelling the air. Grasping a handful of dirt she brought it to her face and breathed deep, forcing air unnaturally into her dead lungs.

As River turns to her, Claire looks up, dirt smudged across her skin, eyes glinting with desire.

"Let the hunt begin," she said in a throaty purr, before moving off towards the barn, shotgun in hand. As she moved the shadows seemed to blend with her, anyone's eyes wanting to slip off her form as she moved towards the destination.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Ronny watches as River and Claire take off for the barn turning back to look at the house as something causes him to look away from the pair.

"Alright I realize none of you give a shit what I have to say but I have an idea to go along with what we already have. Eve stays up here with the rifle like Izzy said, Fletch and I hide by the front door after opening it, then Izzy and Raven lure them into the open somehow. Than we just have to avoid hitting each other. No matter what we better get moving since I don't think we should count on Claire not firing before we get into position."

Without another word Ronny gets up and running at a crouch he takes off for the front door of the house. Once he gets to the porch he takes it as quietly as possible before he ducks back down. Once ducked down he concentrates for a second to make the shadows near him deepen, hiding him from the sight of the others if they're watching.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River doesn't respond to Claire, just grows a predatory grin and moves off as well towards the barn. She pulls ahead of Claire just enough to buy her time to climb the side of the barn, towards the loft, where she leans in a bit. She holds out a hand with three fingers out for Claire to see as she alternates between peeking in the loft and checking the progress of the rest at the farmhouse. Assuming Claire waits, she'll wait until they have begun, then gice Claire the quick countdown and dive in the loft herself.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Well shit, he does have a bright moment now and then, Fletch muses and nods at him in confirmation before taking off just behind him. Like Ronny, he tries to get on the porch as quietly as possible before crouching down on the other side of the door and trying to crawl into the shadows.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"If nothing else, we can hopefully get them to chase us," Izzy glances over to Raven, "or something else out." She'd seen the speed that some of the other Kindred could employ and knew that she, herself, wouldn't be able to outdistance someone running like that, but an illusion, something that couldn't actually be caught, just might do the trick. "Either that, or see how they take to Avon calling," she chuckles.

She'll follow the other two down toward the front of the house, letting them get into position and keeping her distance from the door until Ronny or Fletch get it open. Before heading right in, she does her best to peer in through the open portal so they're not running headlong into a mess of trouble right away.

((I'm letting either Ronny or Shrike handle Raven for this bit. And Izzy's not on the porch right at the moment, to make sure I'm being clear. She's essentially keeping her distance in the yard, checking out the door from that angle once it's open, *then* she'll make an attempt at going in.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve settled herself down, keeping her eyes roving over the scene in front of her. She didn't know what they would look like, or who they might be, but I'll be damned if I let them hurt my...friends.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire watched River scuttle up the side of the barn and was about to head inside when the other woman held out three fingers. Cocking her head, Claire watched, eyes flicking between her sister kindred and the door to the barn.

As River leapt into the loft, Claire snuck inside the barn itself, moving as quiet as she could toward the first person within she saw. The butt of the twelve gauge was tight against her shoulder as her feet pressed softly against the ground.

She got as close as she could to the first person, before raising the barrel of the shotgun towards their heart, and squeezing the trigger.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Raven quickly follows behind Izzy to stand beside his childe, despite a look of doubt on his face at the thought of them acting as the bait in a trap. As Fletch ducks down into the shadows across from Ronny he notices the shadows where Ronny crouches look strange, almost as if they have taken on a life of their own bending and moving to hide the other kindred from his sight.

As Claire quietly slips into the barn she is almost knocked over with the horrendously intense smell of offal and blood. The hay covering the floor of the barn was caked with god knows what as at least a dozen chains and hooks swung from the ceiling with what are most likely the remains of people. Not to mention the various "creations" that sit around the room. It was as if someone had taken people apart and used them to make some modern art pieces. Worse some of the pieces are still moving, disembodied heads still moan and call out as their hands and legs over on some other creation still try to vainly move.

On one side of the room two kindred stand working on one of the pieces, a strangely beautiful woman moves about gathering parts for the other, a tall man who seems the opposite of his partner as ugly spikes of bone stick out from his arms. A third stands closer with his back to Claire as he feeds from one of the people hanging down from a chain. This one who appears more like a typical biker doesn't seem to notice as Claire walks up behind him and pointing her shotgun at his chest squeezes the trigger. As the blast of the shotgun reverberates through the barn the kindred's chest explodes outward in a spray of gore as the shell tears through his chest.

The other two kindred spin at the blast, the uglier one stepping forward as the woman moves towards one of the closed stalls on that side of the barn. The kindred that Claire had shot simply turns to look down at her a cruel snarl on his face as he grabs the shotgun and easily rips it from her hands. Dropping it on the ground before he swings his other hand directly at her head, even as the hole in his chest quickly heals before her eyes.

Ronny shoves the door open just as the blast from Claire's shotgun sounds out across the farm. Revealing a little more than a completely dark room on the other side to Izzy and Raven as they peer into the darkness. Fletch manages to catch the sound of several people moving around just as a giant of a biker comes rushing out from the darkness toward the bait. Easily bigger than Fletch in both directions, he growls out incoherently as he moves with supernatural speed towards the pair.

Eve tries to draw a bead on the monster that emerges from the door but the sped at which he's moving makes it difficult to get him in the sights. That's when she notices movement in one of the upstairs windows as a young lithe woman dives face first through one of the windows to the ground below coming up in a roll and moving directly for her spot on the hill. Though thankfully much slower than the huge biker moves at the others.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Feeling the shotgun torn from her hands, Claire quickly ducks beneath the meaty swing of the biker. From her crouching position she lets out a feral snarl, baring her fangs at her enemy... at her prey.

A red glow starts to grow from within her eyes as her nails extend into vicious claws that she swings upwards, trying to rake across the biker's thighs and towards his groin, growling hungrily as she attacks.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve licked her lips and took a deep breath before aiming at the woman and exhaling slowly. Feeling herself calm, she squeezed the trigger.

(I know nothing about shooting irl except point and squeeze)
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Shit!" Definitely not expecting anyone to come out of the house that quickly, all Izzy can hope to do at the moment is dodge out of the way and let the guy (hopefully) speed past them. Objects in motion and all that. She's barely aware of the sound of the shattering glass and the sound of Eve's gun, more concerned with keeping ahead of Toro. For a second, she considers trying to shoot out his knees, at least to slow him down, but she knows she'll never get the shot off in time. She's not that good. And plugging into his chest is probably just going to make him angry.

((Like I said, Izzy's *trying* to dodge. Whether she can or not is another story. Fortitude makes for good bait...))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River dives down from the loft, aiming to catch the woman going for the stalls and throwing her physically at the ugly one moving to team up with Claire. "You two have bigger problems than her..." She says to them with a grin, her own claws growing out again as she begins to stalk around the two.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch growls and jumps up to run after the supersized biker, yelling "You stay put" to seemingly no one in particular. While approaching the big guy, he can feel his claws growing in.

(Fletch uses Feral Claws)
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire manages to barely duck beneath the punch from her attacker, feeling the blow come within inches of hitting her. As she comes back her claws rip through the bikers right thigh causing him to growl in pain. The pain doesn't seem to slow him any however as he grabs at her and manages to wrestle her into a bear hug and begins to squeeze tightly.

River's dive from the loft catches the woman by complete surprise, as she fumbles with the catch to the stall. River is easily able to toss the woman at ugly, causing them to both fall over. They quickly recover and eye the new opponent warily as she circles them. They seem willing to circle with her but it seems that they are trying to circle their way closer to the stall as they do so.

As the woman runs up the hill toward eve she smiles maliciously even as the bullet from the rifle tears through her shoulder. Stopping in her tracks she stares for a few seconds in Eve's direction. As Eve tries to quickly reload the rifle she suddenly sees what looks like the very shadows themselves fly up from the remnants of corn stalks. As they flap around her face, Eve notices they feel wholly unnatural as if almost tangible. The woman slowly begins moving toward Eve's spot as if concentrating all the while laughing maliciously.

As the big brute charges out of the doorway he turns slightly as he runs right for where Izzy and Raven stand as if trying to bowl them over. As Izzy tries to duck out of the way Raven steps forward protectively only to be caught across the face with a vicious backhand blow. Thankfully the blow doesn't seem to do much as Raven immediately brings his knee up into toro's groin and attempts to grapple the big dope.

"Shoot him Izzy, I won't hold him for long." Raven yells as he struggles to hold on.

As Fletch takes off after the charging toro he finds himself unable to keep up, but that doesn't stop the hairs on the back of his neck from suddenly raising up as a disembodied female voice coos form the doorway.

"Ah there you are, I knew my brutish friend would draw you out of your hiding place. Now it's time for you to play with us cutie." The voice calls as the sound of running footsteps comes from behind him. Quickly turning around to face the new enemy Fletch sees both of them suddenly appear in the doorway. A hideously ugly little guy wrapped in what looks like ragged clothes comes charging out the side of the door nearest Ronny only to run into a massive clothesline form Ronny as he steps forward yelling.

"Look out Fletch, we've got more company."

The creature crashes to the porch as it didn't see the blow coming, but quickly recovers and sweeps with his leg towards Ronny catching his knee and causing Ronny to crash to the ground as well. The other a very small looking young woman comes running at Fletch giggling disturbingly the whole while.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Struggling in the crushing bear hug, Claire lets her instincts take over. Pulling her lips back in an animalistic snarl she bites down into the brute's shoulder, trying to tear and rend his flesh with her mouth.

Her arms held at her sides, she struggles to get her claws in towards the man's belly, hoping to pull out his glistening guts.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch's growl quickly turns to a low roar as he wastes no time charging at the small female, claws held low in preparation for an upward slash. In his mind, he already has set his mind on the next enemy - the woman advancing towards Eve.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"I think whatever's in that pen can wait until I deal with you two before it has to die as well." River comments as she catches the pair glancing at it. "Perhaps you two should focus on keeping yourselves intact, eh?"

With that, she jumps straight at the pair, using her supernatural speed to claw at the both of them and keep them busy.

(Activating Celerity, one attack to each of them, third attack to whichever blocks the first, or the man if both hit/miss)
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve shakes off the cold feeling in the pit of her stomach and reloads the rifle. "Calm. Deer season. Don't panic. It's just the rain. There are no shadows." She opens her eyes with a grin, aims for the woman's chest and shoots.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire bites her fangs into the bikers shoulder causing more growls of pain to reach her ears as the biker suddenly squeezes her even tighter into his bear hug. She finds herself unable to move her clawed hands into position to tear further at his stomach even as she feels several ribs crack.

As River jumps at the pair her first strike at the woman is dodged as she suddenly moves much quicker than anticipated. The man however is slashed across the chest twice as he brings his bone spiked arms down together in a single crushing blow to River's shoulder. As the man attacks River the woman takes off for the stall hoping to unleash whatever is inside.

Managing to reload the rifle just in time for another shot at the woman walking steadily towards her; Eve raises the rifle, aims, and squeezes the trigger just as one of the disconcerting shadows passes right in front of her eyes causing the shot to fly askew. The woman then steps right up and slaps Eve across the face with an evil grin. Eve feels herself knocked to the ground as the rifle flies from her hand to lie a few feet away.

Izzy afraid to hit Raven as he struggles brings the gun up and squeezes off a single shot at toro managing to hit him right in the gut. Raven continues to try to hold on to him as he brings his knee up in another kick to the groin. Toro growls in a fit of range and picking up Raven easily tosses him several feet away before turning towards Izzy and punching her in the stomach.

Fletch's upward slash catches the woman across the torso as they both run towards each other. The woman just continues giggling wildly as she wraps her arms around Fletch and stares into his eyes for a few seconds. Fletch feels strange all of a sudden as the world seems to go surreal for a moment as a blast of heat hits him and he finds himself back in Iraq. The woman continues holding him in her arms as she giggles, meanwhile Alan and Jimmy sit up on the porch seemingly watching the fight.

Ronny and the nossie quickly roll away from each other on the porch, the nossie making it to his feet first launches himself at Ronny and tackles him straight through the wall of the old farmhouse. Ronny manages to turn slightly and holds on to his opponent tightly dragging him through the wall as well as they crash to the dusty floor of the front living room. Again rolling away from each other as they land the both reach their feet together and begin circling each other warily.