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Bondage Corner

Re: Bondage Corner

o_O Say no more. I know exactly what happened.
Re: Bondage Corner

Roommate walked in on the session?
Re: Bondage Corner

Among other things, yup. She kicked me out afterwards..
Re: Bondage Corner

Okay. Now you've piqued my curiosity. Please tell us the story!
Re: Bondage Corner

Long story short my roommate caught Carrie and I during a session, freaked out because she thought I was "really weird and kinds sick," and then kicked me out a couple days later.
Re: Bondage Corner

well it sux you got caught and that your roommate was less than understanding. back to me becuz im awesome and people asked. no set date on the marriage, but in true in-law annoying fashion the place is stone-henge the time to tie the knot is sunset and half of my family isn't invited :D wht can i say there not worthy lol i'm so excited O and when we do have a set date and from the looks of it its a ways off ill submit the time so any of you can (if you want of course) crash the reception if your in the area O NUNU i asked she said she'd think about it shes notoriously shy i tried
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Re: Bondage Corner

Long story short my roommate caught Carrie and I during a session, freaked out because she thought I was "really weird and kinda sick," and then kicked me out a couple days later.

Worst. Roommate. Ever.

I can't really think of anything to add to that.
Re: Bondage Corner

Worst. Roommate. Ever.
Meh, sounds like it was a human; it's what you would expect of them.

O NUNU i asked she said she'd think about it shes notoriously shy i tried

If Nunu comes and you show me a picture, I will pay you my entire income, forever.

Disclaimer: That was a lie.
Re: Bondage Corner

if nunu does come i doubt he/she will let anyone on to who he/she actually is although i must ask anyone who does come to please where a name-tag or something and at the very least introduce yourselves i promise anyone from this forum that no pictures of any of you will make it to anyone else i promise that and i know at least some of you live around (within trains distance) of the stone-henge area i will be very sad if no one shows up
Re: Bondage Corner

Worst. Roommate. Ever.

I can't really think of anything to add to that.
Agreed 100%

Nunu will show up dressed up as a pretty guy/handsome girl. You'll never quite guess who he/she is. Kinda like Rawshank (sp?) holding the sign in Watchmen. ^_^
Re: Bondage Corner

Nunu's disguise:

mask, obviously
hood and scarf to conceal my hear, ears and neck
multi layered coat to reduce the presence or lack of breasts and help hide my build
large gloves to conceal the size of my hands (generally a good give away as to gender)
notepad and pen (as i obviously wont be able to speak)

suffice to say i wont be showing any skin.
also i doubt i'd have the money to actually put this together or the fortitude to wear it for long periods at a time.
Re: Bondage Corner

probably not, although i guess it would be oddly suitable.
Re: Bondage Corner

if i see anyone wearing that rediculous disguise ill probably laugh until my damn heart stops which would put quite the damper on our honeymoon. so a slighty more classy disguise would be preferred please nunu.

O and nunu would it still be possible to have a christmas hat put on my avatar? as a wedding present maybe?
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Re: Bondage Corner

So have you set a date yet? Maybe I just missed it hah.
Re: Bondage Corner

not quite it could be a ways off yet im poor-ish shes poor we both have college to either get into or finish and i know my family certainly isnt helping but if hers does we could probably move the date up i swear the second i have a set date (might be a year or more from now srry) ill post it up and anyone who can and wants to come is welcome if money gets in the way i can afford plane tickets if the request is put in lol:p

i know that sounds a tad odd or even slightly insane to the more fiscal minded here but i like you guys ive known you under one alias or another for ages now and i think it would be fun enough to warrant the price with the american economy like it is we could all use a little more fun and a very strange but funny story to tell our children some day i guess
Re: Bondage Corner

if i see anyone wearing that rediculous disguise ill probably laugh until my damn heart stops which would put quite the damper on our honeymoon. so a slighty more classy disguise would be preferred please nunu.

O and nunu would it still be possible to have a christmas hat put on my avatar? as a wedding present maybe?

i'll see what i can do
Re: Bondage Corner

please and thankyou i just realized we had yet to see a christmas reaper and my heart exploded at the thought
Re: Bondage Corner

please dont tell me this died i will sad-face....... although unless we get into the more complicated positions and there practices as well as points of exposure and positioning were going to run outta stuff to talk about... wish i still had that chair with rings set up and down the whole thing to thread rope through that was awesome..........