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RPG RPG Maker [Swegabe] The Legend of Queen Opala 2

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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Might anyone have an idea what affects the spawns of The Daily Fap in your mailbox?
I initially received like 12 of those when I loaded my Ep II save, and then I was received an issue or two regurarly as I was tackling Ep III content. So I thought they're related to game time or steps made. That seems to not be the case as I've completely stopped getting them since quite a while now.
I want that goddamn Iliona smut.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

So who do I buy fertility drugs from in Thebes?

Yes I am at the point where I need to find whomever it is.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Where is exactly the temple of sacrifice? I've looked both inside and outside Nazadina, but i can't find it
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Where is exactly the temple of sacrifice? I've looked both inside and outside Nazadina, but i can't find it

Look for the circular sand pattern and stand in the middle of it on the world map southwest of Nazadina.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

The difficulty spike is fucking retarded. I just plain gave up on Altum when he was oneshotting my whole party with one attack and I was dealing 1000 damage per hit at best to him.
So I cheated all kinds of shit in and he was STILL QUITE CHALLENGING despite me owning endgame swag and being level 50-60.
Gabe can't balance worth shit in RPGM.

Yeah I hate to bash on her. But this is an area she needs improvement. The amount of grinding required to finish almost every boss in this latest expansion to the game is not fun at all. A proper game should have you be able to beat the boss just by fighting an leveling off the mobs you meet on the way to them. You wont even get close to that here. You just have to grind a LOT. Even the Cockalot island doesn't make it bearable.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

I'm playing the Western version, and these are the scenes I have:

Milana + Opala
Farah Gangbang
Osira + Bastorahl
Opala + Minotaur
Farah in the Inn
Opala + Osira + Minotaurs
Osira + Rughart + Kross
Farah + Gabe
Osira in an Inn
Osira in Blacksmith
Opala in Baths
Pregnant Osira + Trihound
Blonde Chick + Insects

Any idea what ??? is?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

I'm playing the Western version, and these are the scenes I have:

Milana + Opala
Farah Gangbang
Osira + Bastorahl
Opala + Minotaur
Farah in the Inn
Opala + Osira + Minotaurs
Osira + Rughart + Kross
Farah + Gabe
Osira in an Inn
Osira in Blacksmith
Opala in Baths
Pregnant Osira + Trihound
Blonde Chick + Insects

Any idea what ??? is?

I have the same scenes and in the "Replay Scene" area of the Brothel Training mini-game all the squares are shown so you've got every scene.

I do have three blank question mark squares in the Art collection - CG Scenes area though. Probably the same thing you're looking at. I'm assuming they're for the bad endings (one square each) for each Egyptian girl.

Speaking of which, does anyone know how to get the bad endings (western)???

1. Opala - Apparently you need to do something in the Pharaoh Tomb
2. Osira - No Idea
3. Farah - No Idea
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

I'm playing the Western version, and these are the scenes I have:

Milana + Opala
Farah Gangbang
Osira + Bastorahl
Opala + Minotaur
Farah in the Inn
Opala + Osira + Minotaurs
Osira + Rughart + Kross
Farah + Gabe
Osira in an Inn
Osira in Blacksmith
Opala in Baths
Pregnant Osira + Trihound
Blonde Chick + Insects

Any idea what ??? is?
I'd be almost willing to bet that it's
Neena (Kross's sister) + Eclipse (random Gary Stue Fursona)
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

I'd be almost willing to bet that it's
Neena (Kross's sister) + Eclipse (random Gary Stue Fursona)

I thought it would be that, but nothing showed when that particular event occured? This is exciting and frustrating, I love it.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

How do I get to the blonde chicks? Just keep going along with the story?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Anyone have a save starting at the end of episode II? I am on a completely new computer.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Has anyone found the Nervus Tribe tunnel yet or the final piece of the legendary treasure map?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Normally I'd defend the shit out of this game since I'm such a fan, but I finally ran into something that just irked me due to my impatience.

Gold grinding. At least, early on. For starters, just to get access to the Tower of Despaur you need to be a member of the Guild of Heroes. Ten grand. Buying Greenfield, twelve grand. Then there's ten grand for the bestiary which is nice and all but useless to me unless I wanna be lazy since I practically go pencil and paper with notes when playing a game for any real length of tine and it seems only particularly useful for looking back on the legendaries you've killed.

This is to say nothing of the upgrades for Greenfield itself, the NPC merchants/employees, and the upgrades for them. And to be frank while I was all Fable fanboying over buying property...not so much now that I actually SEE it in the game. She explained on her blogspot that there would be bonuses worth it that would keep it from being purely bragging rights, but there are several flaws with that.

First, the reward is the same for every business of the same type. Second, the reward for buying an inn is a moot point anyway because 1. the cost in most places is so cheap anyway that it'd be more costly to buy the whole place than to sleep one time and 2. you can sleep for free in Greenfield anyway. Third, drinks sort of pale in comparison to either potions or the healers and it'd be more cost efficient to just buy potions in the long run.

I tried doing a whole new game and quickly got bored of the gold farming on top of recalling the gold farming I already did in Episode II, and ended up hacking some starting gold through SGEdit for Greenfield and some other stuff.

Also, from what I've read here and on Gabe's HF page, it would seem there are probably some balancing and cliffhanger issues with the finished game. That kind of disappoints me but I'm gonna keep playing.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

I think at this point it's better to just wait and hope there's a Golden Edition that resolves some of the cliff-hanger/unfinished ties. There's a big difference between leaving room for a sequel and leaving some plot lines just unfinished entirely, especially when the game makes it seem like the plot lines should for all intents and purposes be resolvable...

I wouldn't say I'm disappointed with the game itself, but the post-game -feels- pretty lacking compared to LoQO1 when you take into account the different scope of the worlds between the two games.
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

I think at this point it's better to just wait and hope there's a Golden Edition that resolves some of the cliff-hanger/unfinished ties. There's a big difference between leaving room for a sequel and leaving some plot lines just unfinished entirely, especially when the game makes it seem like the plot lines should for all intents and purposes be resolvable...

I wouldn't say I'm disappointed with the game itself, but the post-game -feels- pretty lacking compared to LoQO1 when you take into account the different scope of the worlds between the two games.

I have yet to reach that point yet, though I guess I could've worded it differently. I'm sonewhat disappointed about the possible balance issues and cliffhangers/giant spacefleas, but it's not a mood killer and the game is still awesome.

I do also agree with another complaint regarding Greenfield, though keep in mind I'm not even postgame on my new run's first playthrough yet. It does feel empty, but not on a massive level. The gold statues in the entrance area are nice. The guest house and merchant's guild make sense. The ONLY and rather small peeve I have is the rather large fenced areas that look good for cattle that are totally barren, though that's just my opinion.

I did enjoy the mansion in the first game though, with all the NPCs and the eventual badass basement bar and all.

And yeah, I'm hoping for a Golden Edition myself as well.

Well, back to it. Probably about a bit over halfway through the story by now.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Basically a better way to phrase my point would be

The game itself (Quests, Main Story, World, etc.) are all a huge improvement from LoQO1, mainly because the scope of the game is larger. But then there are all these outlying things that either are a downgrade from LoQO1 or don't make sense given the improvements made in other areas.

For example, we gained the affection system but lost the ability to marry/enslave the royals into our harem. I'm not even sure what the affection system influences aside from potentially being what influences the daily fap being sent to you, which doesn't make much sense. All the tavern dialogue with the royals basically hints at some sort of marriage/lover system, or at the very least some sort of unique ending per royal being available (LoQO1 had the evil/good routes with variations in each route for instance), but no.

Most of the post-game content seems to be limited to random boss/dungeon encounters even though you can go around and find multiple areas that are tied to existing plot threads from the conclusion of the main story or post-game plot chains that just simply stop progressing abruptly.

The entire Eclipse fursona thing in particular just comes out of absolutely nowhere and disappears without being resolved in the post game (You can go to the Monastery but there's literally -nothing- there), all those An'Terra caves you find? Nothing you can do about them. The women from Tel'Revida? Also nothing you can do when you find them. Naadia is another character who returns from LoQO1 only to disappear without any meaningful rewards. The pirate woman and her daughter (Names eluding me) show up mid-way through the game and disappear never to be seen again.

I love the game but I just feel like the post-game content was rushed basically, it just feels incomplete for some reason to me but who knows maybe I'm just missing something or NG+ changes a lot in post-game (Though I highly doubt it)
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Yeah, I see what you mean.

In that sense I guess I'm only mildly looking forward to postgame but I think I'll manage. Part of me would love something like a hidden ending like the first game had.

Eh. Like I said, I'm sure this won't be a total mood killer for me for postgame, but some of it is kinda annoying.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

So who do I buy fertility drugs from in Thebes?

Yes I am at the point where I need to find whomever it is.

You have to buy the Shop with the Big Balls Guy in Thebes, then he sold the fertility drugs.

Thats what i do, maybe other shops sell it too after you buy it.
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