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Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

(That's really odd, why is your last post not showing up?)
(Oh, cause new page x.x)

Opening up the chest, the girls found rations, a whole lot of them (12). Alyssa also found a small box, that she couldn't figure out how to open. Looking over it, she couldn't really figure out anything about the brown, featureless box.
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Good, we didn't have a lot of rations when you consider that there are two of us. Alyssa rifled through the chest, and found a strange brown box. Hey, what do you think this is? There isn't any way to open it that I can see. Think it's magic?
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary looks at it with a confused look on her face. "I'm...not sure?" She says after a little while.

"I don't detect any magic..."
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Huh. That's bizarre. I guess we might as well bring it along. That said, she got enough rations out of her pack to heal the both of them, and then moved on deeper into the dungeon.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Moving through the dungeon the party finds absolutely nothing for quite a while. Eventually they come across the a set of stairs, a small sigh nearby.

"Treasure below. Tough monsters also below."
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa gave the sign a bemused look, and turned to Mary. Whoever built this dungeon has a sense of humor or something she said as she began to walk down the stairs. Still, she couldn't help but wonder what sorts of terrible creatures were in the lower levels that the game would call them "tough." Surely some of the monsters they'd already faced were tough enough.
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Reaching the bottom of the spiral stairs, the party ends up in a small room, a small bath on one side of the room, and a plant with some berries growing on it. There's a heavy door on the far side.

A pop up appears as Alyssa enters the room. "Checkpoint reached. Game may be saved and exited from this point."
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Huh. This is ominous. Save point right before a big imposing door. Boss battle? I'll save my game here, thanks. She looked around the bath and almost regretted that she had no reason to bathe here. Hey Mary, do you recognize this plant? Think the berries would be useful?
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"Hmm" Mary says, taking a look at them carefully. "Oh, those are tuflow berries. They're really good for restoring fatigue. Though they lose their tastefulness after being off the vine for a couple of minutes." Mary gives a smart nod, glad she was helpful.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Hm. Might as well pick some and take them with us. Even if they aren't very good, they should work, and eating bad food is better than being exhausted around here. I'm glad I have you around to tell me these sorts of things, I'd be totally lost otherwise. They pick a few berries and then walk up to the door. Well, you ready?
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary speaks up again. "Well actually, they aren't even very nourishing. So the only way to get an effect from them is to eat them right off the vine..."

"Oh, right. Well, when you're ready, I'll be right behind you!"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Ah, that's sad. Oh well. Let's go. She made sure her sword and shield were in order before opening the door as quietly as she could, and walking cautiously into the room behind it.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Entering the next room, it's somewhat dark, but her vision picks up after they both enter, taking a few steps. The room light sup, and there's a man standing with robes at the far side. His hood is down, his eyes a jet black and his head bald. A evilish goatee on his face.

"Welcome..." The man says. "Behind me is the treasure room, and if you beat me, you may enter it."

The man chuckles now as he waves his arms, two small rope demons appearing. "But...if you lose, you are both mine. Forever." He gets a grin. "But, you can leave now, and not risk it, too."

Summoner (Boss) 12/12 HP
Rope Demon I 1/1 HP
Rope Demon II 1/1 HP

Alyssa 7/7 FP 0/5 AP
Mary 6/6 FP 0/6 AP
(Mary Analyzes the boss: A summoner has a 5% chance per round to summon a new enemy.)
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The bad guy has a goatee. How original is that? She carefully opened her pack and put on her Cloak of Displacement, unsure as to why she'd been keeping it there in the first place, and then withdrew the ropes she had stored and placed them carefully on the floor. I'll be taking that treasure now she said, as she pulled out the spell of Animate Rope she had picked up earlier, and the ropes sprung to life. Attack the summoner she thought at it, believing this to be the way to communicate properly with some floating rope you'd just given life to, and then she raced forward to attack the nearest Rope Demon.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The summoner seemed kind enough to let her have the first move, not attacking quite yet.

14+2 vs 12 (Alyssa vs RD I)
16+3 vs 10 (Mary vs RD II)
19 vs 14+2 (RS vs Boss)
19+2 vs 19+7 (Boss vs Alyssa)

Alyssa charges forward, the summoner shooting magical blasts at her, but all of them missing her as he couldn't quite tell where she was. Bringing her sword down up the first demon, she gets a quick look as Mary lets of a blast on the second, both minions destroyed instantly.

The summoner looks displeased, caught unaware as a heavy rope whip smacks him in the race, Alyssa's servant thwaping him.

Summoner (Boss) 11/12 HP

Alyssa 7/7 FP 0/5 AP
Mary 6/6 FP 0/6 AP
Rope Servant 2/2 HP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

So, now that we've killed off your little helpers, you want to beg for mercy? Alyssa didn't wait for an answer, choosing instead to press the advantage and attack the man with everything she had. If we don't finish this quickly, it could still turn out badly.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

18 vs 22 | 22 vs 16 | 13 vs 21
17 vs 26

Alyssa charges forward, her sword strike missing as the man dodges out of the way. Mary manages to catch him with a magic blast though, but the rope servant miss with it's attack.

"My my, a bit stronger than I expected. Well then, this should be fun when I win." Alyssa and Mary both experiences images in their heads, of all the different things the man might do if they lost. Alyssa felt wet, but Mary managed to keep her thoughts clear.

Summoner (Boss) 10/12 HP

Alyssa 7/7 FP 1/5 AP
Mary 6/6 FP 0/6 AP
Rope Servant 2/2 HP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

So this is how he's going to try and play it, huh? Damn. She slashed at the man again, this time hoping to have better luck.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

16 vs 20 | 7 vs 9 | 14 vs 7
22 vs 17

Alyssa charge forward again, attacking the summoner, as he dodges out of the way. Weaving and dodging through the attacks made by the rope servant. Mary lets of an eep as she becomes entangled by ropes conjured out of thin air, Alyssa sees the ropes pulling tight, including a crotch rope. Pull Tight, Mary lets out an another "Eep", but manages to keep her mind clear.

Summoner (Boss) 10/12 HP

Alyssa 7/7 FP 1/5 AP
Mary 5/6 FP 0/6 AP
Rope Servant 2/2 HP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Damn it, this guy must have really good stats. I guess that makes sense, being the final boss. He doesn't seem to be slowing down either, I wonder if we can really beat him? She yelled some encouragement at Mary and tried her best to slash at the man's torso, hoping to actually connect this time.