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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Sure, A.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

yes, A
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"Sure, might be a fun time to visit your home. The night is coming pretty soon, so I might stay over, if that is okay with you Nitori" Byakuren replies to the girl's request.
"Yay, someone to keep me company for a while!" the girl replies to her, giving Byakuren a friendly hug. A bit surprised at first, Byakuren nonetheless accepts returns the hug, smiling at Nitori like she does to most people. After their brief embrace, Byakuren goes after the girl, following her to the house

Hidden in a concealed path, Nitori's home is small, but it bears many augmentations on the outside. Metal plates have been applied to parts of the wall, and the roof has some strange, reflective plates on it. Nitori explains them being "solar panels". Byakuren is not quite sure what the inventor girl means, but doesn't linger on it too long. The pair head inside after Nitori has pressed a few buttons on a panel in next to the door. On the inside, the house is quite a sight. There are all kinds of wonderful devices everywhere, the smell of oil and metal hangs strongly in the air. Byakuren finds the place a little unsettling, but she could manage being there for a while, not wanting to offend her newfound friend. It doesn't take long for Nitori to start going on about all the devices she's created, the girl eagerly starts to explain about the things around the house. Finding these contraptions fascinating, Byakuren listens to the info strikes with a honest interest.

As night starts to fall, Nitori sits Byakuren down, suggesting a game of shogi with her. Byakuren readily accepts, wishing to have a little strategy game herself. The inventor girl sets her backpack down and sets up the table. During the game, Nitori leaves for a bit to fetch some food. As the inventor returns from the room next door with a pile of cucumbers, she accidentally knocks down a long sledgehammer. The hammer falls on the backpack near Byakuren. Sparks fly from the pack, which clearly concealed more technology in it. A set of four mechanical hands soon burst out, starting to flail around and smacking up the surroundings.

A. Destroy the pack with your magic

B. Let Nitori handle it
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


She might get mad at us if we blow up her invention.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Unless she wants us to help out.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


But with an added twist! Bya doesn't try to destroy them but tries to keep the mechanical hands from messing up the place and or harming nitori's other stuff! But as Bya tries to stop the haywire machine, it tears off her clothes and begins to molest her!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


But with an added twist! Bya doesn't try to destroy them but tries to keep the mechanical hands from messing up the place and or harming nitori's other stuff! But as Bya tries to stop the haywire machine, it tears off her clothes and begins to molest her!

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

What happened to the regular good old " stop this thing"?


Personally, I'd go with A, but it doesn't fit Byakuren's character.

Shot number eight. I see dead mice.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(So, before going into today's tidbit of story, there's a thing I'd like to ask the good people reading this a question. There's been some alarming hints that someone actually likes what I write around the forum. So, I'd like you guys to give a piece of your mind, what do you think about my writing? Is it absolutely horrible, passable for a written piece of text or even, what the hell is this shit, good? Tell me honestly what you think, I'd like to have some opinions and/or feedback from the usual suspects (and others too I suppose). I know some of you write yourselves, Dia has done a CYOA and some RPs too, Cross takes part in some RPs Taken is another CYOA-minded person, Tassadar... don't even get me started on him, the brilliant bastard.

So, yeah. Your words, give me some, along with the usual votes. Getting on with this now, and apologies for the less frequent updates I've been doing recently)


Backing away from the madly whirring and flailing arm pack, Byakuren thinks it best to leave the handling of the out-of-control machine to the inventor who created it. Watching from the side, she sees Nitori bravely charge into the middle of the arms, desperately trying to shut it down. After a short but fruitless battle, one of the arms manages to knock the kappa out cold with a blow to the back of the head. Now by herself against the rampaging machine, Byakuren tries to grab Nitori and pull her away from the dangerous area. In a fluid, sudden movement, the mass of arms flings the unconcious girl over Byakuren, simultaneously bowling itself on top of her. As the heavy center of the machine flattens Byakuren against the floor, she can feel the mechanical arms creeping over her body. Working themselves between the floor and Byakuren's body, two of the hands start to rub at her flattened breasts through her clothing with a scarily determined effort. The things rub on her for a few surprisingly pleasant minutes, somehow keeping her from getting distressed with their touch.

With the inventor girl still down, the hands proceed to another situation. Two of them pin Byakuren's arms against her sides and keeping a hold on her waist as the magician is hoisted into the air. Now held in above the machine, the other two hands start to poke around under her skirt. The other one soon starts to trace her slightly moistened womanhood through her panties, sliding along it's lenght in an effort to arouse her

A. Resist

B. Submit
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) For smut!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(your writing its good for me)

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Mmmm Enjoyable. Since I haven't really attempted touhou all that much, I find this somewhat informative and interesting.)

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(I approve. Your writing is of exceptional quality.)

And...... I'll go with A.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(You are a skilled writer. You make it look easy. Your material is fun to read, though we'll need a more linear story for us to judge your story telling skills and plot development.)

A. It's not rape if we don't resist! Besides, we can't emotionally connect with a machine since it is just an automatic procedure.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

You are a good writer. Reading your stuff is an enjoyable activity.


Because it makes sense to resist.