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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


That leg is a problem, and we just fell. Let's have a moment to catch our wits and stuff.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

The cave probably isn't going anywhere, so...

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Stained in the creature's blood and suffering from a broken leg, the situation looked kind of bad and grimy for the mage. Unable to properly focus her attention in flying, Byakuren crawled across the ground towards the nearby wall, doing her best not to bump the broken leg along the way. Finally reaching her chosen spot, she leaned back against the cave wall to take a look at the leg. There was only a minor wound there, despite the broken status of the limb. She'd need to find something for support if any walking was to be done in the immidiate future. Tearing a strip from her dress, the former monk wrapped the wound to prevent any bleeding despite it's minor nature. Having done that, she saw it best to not move for a while and just let the damages heal.

Spending the time lost in her thoughts and almost falling asleep somewhere along the way, Byakuren is alerted by voices coming from one of the pathways. Despite her best efforts, she still couldn't get up properly with her broken leg. A group of horned, blue-skinned, humanoid creatures soon came into view from the path leading straight forward. They are lean and muscular, not overtly big brutes, sporting menacing grins. The creatures remind Byakuren of Yuugi, but there's something wrong about them, like they are missing the pure blood of the oni that Yuugi and Suika carry. One of them notices the mage in her spot, and soon the entire group of four is checking her out in a half-circle. "What is this beauty doing here?" one of them asks the others, who look at the crushed corpse of the eye monster nearby. "Killed old Sigma... you must be pretty powerful, too bad you look like you're in a bind here..." another says, turning his attention away from the dead creature and back to Byakuren. The way these beings talked, combined with how they looked at her was not assuring to the mage. From the corner of her eye, she could see one of them inching steadily towards her.

A. Try a diplomatic approach

B. Try and defend yourself

C. Remain calm and see what happens

D. Some other approach?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

D) Kindly inquire about a way out (and some aid in getting there) and if they try something funny, slaughter half of them so that the other 2 get a change of heart.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I agree with Aurani here, actually. Speak softly and carry a big gun.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


I like this idea. A LOT.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"Hmmm... let's see how they approach..." Byakuren thought upon seeing what she thought the youkai had in mind. She'd ask nicely first, but retaliate if something funny was going to happen. "Can't you nice people help a lady in trouble? I've broken a leg and can't move properly in this dank, dark place. If it's not too much to ask, could you strong, handsome guys help a pretty woman with her problems and show me a way out? Possibly something to help me with this leg as well?" she played a role for them, hoping they might agree to her requests without any violence, or barring that just leave her be. But these youkai were clearly of a malicious variety, and the one coming in from the side smacked the mage to the side of her face, turning her against the stone wall.

"So this is how you approach a hurt female...." the former monk thought as she felt the same guy flip her skirt up. As the youkai's fingers reached over the trim of her panties, Byakuren quickly twisted her upper body and extended an arm to shoot a point-blank blast of magic straight into the assailant's face. "Shouldn't do that when I asked you nicely... oh well..." she thought as the magic released. This was as effective as she thought, and the half-oni's head blew to pieces as a result, sending bloody bits flying at both her and the remaining three youkai farther away. Sitting back down, she kept up a magic-powered hand, aiming it at the trio still there as she wiped some of the dead guy's blood from her cheek. Doing the best Yuuka impression she could, Byakuren licked at the blood on her slender digits before adressing the remaining youkai further. "I did try to ask you nicely. Will you help or shall I blow you too into the next world?" she asked them. It was not something she liked to do, but the situation didn't leave her with any alternatives.

With that display of power and a decapitated party member now lying between them and this gore-decorated woman, the three half-oni were suddenly much more co-operative. They quite shamelessly groveled at Byakuren's feet, kneeling and bowing their foreheads to the ground, seeking mercy from this suddenly-powerful being. "You didn't have to do this either, had you agreed earlier. Now, I'd like to have a way out of these depths, and some relief to this leg. I doubt any of you can use healing magic, so a splint or something similar has to do for now." she laid down her instructions on the trio. "Y-y-yes, hime-sama!" one of them called out, getting up from the bowing position. That was something Byakuren was not expecting, suddenly being treated like royalty by the shocked half-oni. The same guy move next to the mage, asking her permission to pick the woman up and carry her in his arms. Despite being slightly flustered by the attention, Byakuren granted him his wish. Now held aloft by a loyal carrier and escorted by a few others, getting out might prove to be easier than she initially thought.

Having some initial doubts about the validity of the offered service, Byakuren was pleasantly surprised as the trio did indeed hold onto what she wanted from them. The youkai took her near an underwater stream with an abandoned shack nearby, one of them quickly securing a bucket of water as the carrier seated the mage on a rock. Before she knew it, Byakuren was getting herself cleaned by three half-oni males. They wiped off the blood and gore from her feminine form the best they could, while still not doing anything perverted, still terrified by the power that could destroy any of them with the figurative snap of a finger. When the attention shifted to the broken leg, one guy held the shapely limb up and another exchanged the makeshift bandages for fresher ones they had secured from the nearby shack after having thoroughly and gently wiped the leg. It was a strange experience to say the least, but Byakuren didn't fight it.

Once her cleanliness was taken care of, the trio kneeled in front of Byakuren once more. "So, how do I get out from here?" the mage asked, getting a reply instantly. Apparently there was two different paths towards the surface. The shorter one could be potentially dangerous, as even these youkai avoided the paths. The longer route would, perhaps not surprisingly, take more time to get across but also be more safe

A. Take the short, possibly dangerous route

B. Take the longer and more secure path

C. Ask something else?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Heh. Good old violence, solves all problems. As for the route...


Best not to risk too much.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) Ask why they avoid the shorter route, since we already know these Oni aren't a brave bunch it's possible that it's just some vermin that even in our handicapped state would be easy to brush aside. Should the danger be more environmental we should take the longer route, if there's danger that requires agile movement we wouldn't stand a chance.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


What Aurani said. We don't know why they avoid this route. If they don't even have a reason, I guess we should just take the longer route.

Also, who knows. Maybe we could even persuade them to accompany us on whatever route we wish to take.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) Ask why they avoid the shorter route, since we already know these Oni aren't a brave bunch it's possible that it's just some vermin that even in our handicapped state would be easy to brush aside. Should the danger be more environmental we should take the longer route, if there's danger that requires agile movement we wouldn't stand a chance.


I love ya aurani~<3
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Go with what Aurani and Suri said but with one minor alteration...

Demand that the oni make a litter and carry Byakuren on it for the journey! For once we're the most powerful character in the group! Abuse the power! Abuse it!
Because with great power should come great insanity.
C! Aurani vote + POWER ABUSE!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) Ask why they avoid the shorter route, since we already know these Oni aren't a brave bunch it's possible that it's just some vermin that even in our handicapped state would be easy to brush aside. Should the danger be more environmental we should take the longer route, if there's danger that requires agile movement we wouldn't stand a chance.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"So what is there on this shorter path that makes it so dangerous? I'd like to know that." Byakuren asked the trio, since she didn't know about what would be waiting along the line if she did indeed select to go that way. The half-oni seemed hesitant at first, but eventually the one who had been carrying the mage earlier spoke up. "Well, that path runs across an area with volcanic rock and lava. It's an unbearably hot and unstable place, not to mention that... thing living under the surface of the lava. It's killed many of our kind when it detects movement across it's territory." the horned guy replied, most likely afraid enough to not go and lie to this terrifying woman.

Ordering the youkai to pick up and carry her further forward the longer pathway, Byakuren went through the caves rather effortlessly, the only thing she did was check out the sights in these subterranean settings. Despite it's rough exterior, the lower world could be beautiful in places. The cave walkways lead the group all over the map, the walk taking several hours to reach an area that hinted towards it finally turning over to an ascending corridor. With the mage still in their arms, the half-oni started up the rise towards the surface.

An hour or two spent on ascending eventually poduced light in the distance, it seemed like an exit was waiting some further distance away. Upon seeing the brightness, the youkai males stopped and deposited Byakuren back on her feet. The mage could walk now, but it was still a bit awkward with some minor pain. "H-h-hime, we... really don't like the light... if you could go the rest of your way alone, we'd rather go back to the comfy shade down there." the lead man pleaded, on his knees again.

A. Let them go now that the set task is done

B. Take them with you regardless

C. Kill them for disobeying you

D. Something else?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Let them go but tell them to spread word of the mighty Byakuren-hime! For as Youkai Jesus, she will one day return to reward all her loyal and true followers! Afterward, walk off into the sunset enigmatically and make the rest of the journey alone.
I think I've read too many of Aurani's votes...
A + D.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Don't forget to be nice and thank them. They did us a big favor, after all.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Let them go but tell them to spread word of the mighty Byakuren-hime! For as Youkai Jesus, she will one day return to reward all her loyal and true followers! Afterward, walk off into the sunset enigmatically and make the rest of the journey alone.
I think I've read too many of Aurani's votes...
A + D.


Don't forget to be nice and thank them. They did us a big favor, after all.
