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A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Claire gave Kala a sad look, "If only it were so easy to fix such a thing. If I were to mend the threads of your heart, I fear that whatever reason your heart is rejecting part of itself for will reveal itself in a most disastrous way. I will mend your heart if you so ask, Kala, but I think that letting your heart come to terms on it's own will be a far more natural process." Claire suggested with tender care for her choice of words and tone of voice.

"But yes indeed, peace is something many desire as we do; however, many of those same people also have their own desires they wish to see fulfilled in such a peaceful world. In my travels, I met many mamono who each wished for peace, but held desires that conflicted with others, humans as often as other mamono. Though even some rulers wish for peace, their desires... Lead them only further away from it. And so long as they obtain what they desire, many are willing to go to war and let the victor rule and obtain their ideal peace. Not only the humans, but the mamono as well must both find compromise before the true ideal of peace and coexistence can be found."

Claire giggled, "It will be a lot of work, but we share the same ideal, so we can count on each other, no?" Claire asked Kala with a smile, her crystal lips shining in the day light as they left the cave.

"As long as Kala and I can be together peacefully, I'll gladly do anything I can to help." Erik added in.

"Pirupi will help too because Pirupi likes Kala and also likes Erik's squishy cheeks!" the sea slime announced with mirth.

Yevon let out a 'hmph' in grumpy reply to everyone's positive attitudes. "Food, board, and certain fine company are all I really need to live my life. As Kala has shown herself to be so generous as to share, I suppose you have this mercenary's support." Yevon directed at herself.

"I expect some recognition for my heroic efforts!" Curly replied after listening to everyone getting into it. "Since I really went out of my way to prove Kala was dead wrong about me, I think a proper apology in the form of a gift would do fine... Such as... Well..." Curly folded her arms behind her head as her many tentacles squirmed about, carrying her along the surface of the ground. In thought, she suddenly grinned as she came to a conclusion. But Claire was quick to intervene with her own thoughts on what Claire wanted.

"A kiss from the beautiful Crystal Claire?" she asked Curly, who immediately shook her head slightly as she was pointing at Erik.

"Eh? No, I'd rather-!" Curly began, before Claire leaned in, grabbed the squid's cheeks, and placed a most motherly and loving kiss on the girl's lips, moaning happily as she kissed the squid.

Her lips popped off as Claire grinned at the now lethargic looking squid, sinking into her own tentacles, apparently woozy from the 'impact' Claire's kisses seemed to have. "There~ Your wish has been granted!" she announced with glee.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"If there is no easy way for you to mend my heart, then I shall do it the old fashion way I suppose," Kala said with as much calm and grace as she could. After all, simply learning that she had something to fix had been a revelation - so at least she now knew the right path to take. "I thank you for telling me all this Claire. And don't worry, despite the liquid nature of my current form, I'm made of sterner stuff in here," she pointed towards the impossibly hard diamond core, where all that was left of her true self, her identity as Kala, resided - her precious heart.

As Claire went on to speak about peace and the differences to be found in other people's versions of that word, Kala felt her spirits dampen just a touch. Indeed, what sort of peace did the slime girl want for herself? Just her own version of an ideal world. But she knew in her heart that mamono and humans could co-exist peacefully and respectfully with one another, and she had to be living proof of such a future.

"I'll just have to lead by example then, Crystal Claire. If people on both sides can see how well a couple like myself and Erik can live with one another, then it should be able to shatter a few misconceptions. If I can convert even one person towards my world view, then I've done something at least. And of course, I can tell we are of like mind on this subject, so I will rely on you. I don't know what sort of help I can be for you, but I'll try to be someone worthy of your trust."

When Erik chirped in, Kala smiled at him. "Thanks, honey. You're gonna be just as important a role-model as I am. Or Pirupi, or Yevon, or even Curl--"

The scylla interrupted Kala's feel-good commentary with her own demand for recognition, which though ill-timed was sort of humorous to the slime girl. Nothing however could prepare her for the hilarity of Claire's intervention. She hid her mouth with her blue hand and had a giggle along with the others as the tentacled alpha female was left stunned.

"Ah, Curly. You're so lucky! Aren't her kisses a blast?" the slime girl grinned and then hooked her own tendrils around Erik casually, and walked beside him with her hip rubbing up against his own.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"What... Happened..." Curly responded as she swayed back and forth, looking unbalanced even when she had all of those tentacles to support her. "Spinning..." she moaned, before Yevon took the squid's arm and helped her keep straight.

Erik wrapped his arm around Kala's smooth hip, and gave her a loving smile as she wrapped a few tendrils around him. "This is wonderful, it feels like we're truly making progress." he said to Kala happily. "Having Claire to follow, I'll admit, is certainly better than that strict Cleska... And..." He snuggled close to Kala, getting a little intimate. "These recent changes have their own perks as well. I'm happy just being able to hold you and be held in return."

"So, you desire to be held, Erik?" Claire giggles, suddenly appearing on the opposite side of Kala, and slipping in between both of them, but not pushing them apart, as both Kala and Erik found themselves being held gently in Claire's arms. "You deserve a kiss as well, I think, for being such a hero and helping rescue me~" she cooed, before meeting Erik's lips with her own, blowing him away mentally just as she did to Kala and Curly prior. His face went red and he appeared just as dazed as Curly, slumping against Kala for support; although Claire walked along side him, and put his other arm around herself to help hold him. She looked quite happy, before she looked to Kala and what she had done seemed to snap back to her with realization. "Oh! I'm terribly sorry! I've been locked away so long, I've forgotten my manners and respect. I won't meddle with your love again." she swore, seeming to be bashing herself mentally for being so careless. "I'm so air headed sometimes."

"It's okay, Claire! Kala let's all of her friends play with Erik, even Pirupi!" Pirupi announced.

"Oh, if I was a friend too, I would be happy~" Claire giggled, not assuming anything.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"Now now, I share him within reason, and only if he wants to, and only if he's up for it physically, and only with the understanding that I be present." Kala hastily, but gently, clarified. "And that's okay Claire, my Erik did deserve a kiss...

Looping herself around her dazed, half-demon beau, the diamond slime melted her lips into Erik's, starting over where Claire had left off so that even in his addled mind, Erik would still associate this mindblowing event partially with the azure mamono. Her wet, tingly tongue elongated and spiraled around Erik's, her warm oozy coating mingling with his saliva. He just felt so good to hold and kiss right now, and Kala was feeling happy enough with the recent good events that she wanted to celebrate properly with him. She flashed him a meaningful look that assured him he would be getting some loving soon enough.

Turning back to Claire she said, "Claire, I think I'd be honored to call you a friend~."
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Claire offered Kala a gentle smile in return for her words. "I am very happy to hear that, Kala. Loving another being is something that sustains existences like us, and to know that both you and your beloved Erik are willing to share your love with me makes me feel warm and happy," she said with gentle glee.

"And Pirupi!" Pirupi added energetically.

Claire giggled. "Yes~ and Pirupi as well. I would enjoy falling in love with each and every one of you. All life is precious to me, and so I would like to share my love with all, and be loved in return. That is my dream, of which I am often called foolish and naive for believing. But... There is no other thing that brings me greater happiness, so as naive as I may be, I hope you will accept me." she said with a gentle nod to Kala.

As they neared Undine's Palace once more, approaching the pillars and doorway that lead inside, they were near sea level, and as such, were suddenly approached by a Nereid splashing out of the water, and looking to the group. "Kala, Undine has urgent news about the Magi returning to attack once again in the coming days. She desires your immediate presence." the nereid announced firmly and clearly, and waited Kala's response.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"I think your dream is a noble one, Claire, and certainly something to try for. Of course I will accept you."

Kala felt that the benevolent crystal deity was certainly a wonderful being, and her goal was a lovely thing to strive for, even if it was extremely idealistic. Cerebrally, Kala knew that some things, some people, were incapable of love, and still more were arguably undeserving of it - but Claire had the power of personality and the ease of divinity to see her ideals through and live by them without exception. Mere mortal mamono might not have that luxury.

The diamond slimegirl smiled down at her sea-slime sister-in-ooze, Pirupi, and patted her on the head, stroking that turquoise slime-veil coming down the back of her head.

"As long as you're careful with that paralyzing venom of yours and leave my Erik with the use of his muscles, you're welcome to play with us."

After a short while, the group came to the entrance of Undine's Palace, where the nereid courior made her presence known almost immediately upon them entering the threshold of the temple pillars. Something about the urgency and seriousness of the nereid's tone made Kala stand up taller and more alert.

"Yes, of course. Please show me to her right away."

Kala turned to the others. "I don't know if she wanted to see just me or all of us, but Erik and Claire at the very least, I think you should come along. Undine will likely wish to speak to the both of you soon enough. Curly, Yevon, and Pirupi, you're all welcome to tag along or we can meet you all later at the dining area this evening."
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

To Kala's offer, Pirupi, Curly, and Yevon all declined Kala's offer to come with her to talk with Undine. "Are you kidding? I'm tired, and all dried up after being on land so much, not to mention throwing a giant crystal around." Curly said, before leaning over the water, and saying "Ciao-" before flopping into the ocean. "I was not summoned, so I'll decline. You'll find me at the bar." Yevon announced. "Pirupi has to go tell Pirupi and Pirupi that she's made it back safely!" Pirupi announced, before following Curly as Yevon walked past Erik and Kala.

Shrugging, Erik looked to Claire, "Do you have something to do as well?" he asked her with a grin.

Claire giggled, reaching a hand up to ruffle Erik's hair, "I was trapped in a crystal for over 100 years, you silly boy~" Claire said with a doting tone, before leading the group into the underground water temple that Undine protected for all of her followers. Erik simply chuckled and followed her into the temple after taking the nereid's directions into account. Though Kala seemed interested in having the nereid guiding them to where Undine was waiting for them, the nereid revealed her feet to the slime, which simply was a fin. Not even an heel that the sahuagin possessed, it would be impossible to do anything but crawl her way onto land, much less up to the shrine where Undine awaited them.

Upon seeing the shrine for himself, the very place Kala was born, Kala would notice him stop to admire the sight of it from the distance they stood. Large, and with several built in parts to it's structure that led water from above to flow into the water that was below, and purify it with the magic Undine enchants constantly into it. But despite how much awe the shrine would inspire, their bold crystal leader was not stopped in her tracks by the sight. If anything, she was more excited to proceed than before. "Come, Erik! You'll catch a cold if you stand there all day~!" she announced to Erik with a motherly, doting tone.

And like that, they made their way up, proceeding up the repaired bridges, up to the shrine, where at the shrine doors, the elegant Undine awaited them, giving them a bow as she saw them. "Welcome back... It is an honor to-"

Undine was suddenly interrupted by Claire's crying voice as the crystal goddess ran forward, "Undine!!!" she exclaimed, while Undine adopted an expression that Erik and Kala had never seen before, surprise, before the aquatic woman found the crystal woman throwing her arms around her, and hugging her aquatic form close. "Oh, little Undi! How you've grown! I remember you when you were but a tiny droplet!" she announced, smothering Undine in her motherly love.

Undine's response was embaressment, her blue cheeks turning red as her hands found Claire's arms. "C-Claire... What are you doing?" the modest Undine inquired.

"Call me aunt Claire, like you used too, little Undie!" Claire giggled.

"I... I don't... That was so long ago..." Undine said, taken aback by Claire's behaviour.
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Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Kala nodded to her three companions and made promises to meet them later once she was done with her business at Undine's inner sanctum. She also nodded with understanding at the nereid's inability to walk upright to Undine's location. "Ah, sorry, of course, I'll just make my way there. I remember it."

It turned out that Claire was enough of a guide, running along hurriedly to meet up with her old friend and protege, Undine. Upon reaching the wise water elemental, Kala and Erik could only share looks of bemusement as Claire handled the normally refined elemental with such adorable intimacy, revealing slightly embarrassing anecdotes from the days when Undine was young. Certainly thinking of Undine as a droplet caused Kala to unsuccessfully stifle a giggle.

"...Droplet, oooh, that's priceless," she whispered to Erik.

Feeling that some sort of intervention was needed, Kala strode forward to come to Undine's rescue.

"I'm sure that your little Undi will be happy to catch up with you when she has some free time, Claire," Kala said sweetly, interjecting herself between the two. "But I think her message to see me sounded urgent..."
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Claire smiled at Kala, "I'm sorry, I got a bit ahead of myself." she said, pulling off of Undine with a mournful moan. "It was just... So amazing to see her... All grown up~" she giggled.

Undine cleared her throat, a tint of red on her blue cheeks displaying her embarrassment. "While I may not have ears, Kala... Please keep in mind that I can hear your words to my discredit." Undine said quietly, before composing herself. Her body literally was looking like an active river, rippling and shining all over, but slowly overtime, as she calmed down, her body started to look like still, serene water again. "After that scene the Magi made earlier, Harpua, a siren, saw that their ship that was making a stop at a nearby extension of their base in the mountains, and she claims to have overheard them speaking of loading themselves up for another invasion, and this time, they will bring far more power with them."

"You know..." Erik suddenly announced himself, causing all eyes, perhaps even Kala's, go to him. "The Magi only sport air control as their main powerhouse. If we take the fight to where you're stronger, under the water, it will make their numbers seem less significant." he stated.

Blinking, Undine looked on at Erik for a moment, before grinning happily. "Oh...? Do you have anything more to add?" she asked, taking steps towards him with interest.

Erik looked a little confused, before shrugging. "Well... As the main threat is the ship, we could... Send in a team to destroy the mana core, or at least damage the ship enough to render it no longer a threat while another team distracts the main force. Since they'll be assaulting and assuming we have no air superiority, they likely won't prepare for a counter assault. And since Alexis is behind the assault, we know what she's aiming for. I could easily distract her attention while another force moves."

Undine placed a hand on Erik's shoulders, before looking back to Kala and Undine, "Are we all in favor of having Erik as our strategist?" she asked happily.

"Aye!" Claire announced immediately.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"I meant you no discredit at all, Undine. I'm always grateful for you bringing me back to life and I think you're wonderful! Please don't be mad at me. The idea of you as a young elemental makes me feel a bit more comfortable. Maybe one day I'll come into my own power as much as you've come into yours." Kala quickly made and effort to sooth Undine's embarrassed ego, and did so as candidly as she could. All her intention had been was to reach a greater level of intimacy and friendship with her re-animator.

Kala kept silent as Erik started to suggest various strategies that to Kala seemed to make sense. She would have certainly suggested that the group fight below water - as it was only natural for a defensive force to take advantage of their natural surroundings. Erik's working knowledge of the Magi's skyships however was very useful. Kala was mildly disturbed to realize she wouldn't have remembered that - even though she should. It seemed that such a memory wasn't important enough for the mamono to recall - as it wouldn't lead to her getting more intimate with Erik or any other man. Grudgingly, Kala had to admit that with her spotty memory, she wasn't as much use as Erik when it came to being a strategist against the Magi.

"Yes, Erik as a strategist makes sense. Just keep a cool head, okay? We're counting on you to do what's best for all of us, not just one individual. Understand?" Kala looked at him meaningfully. A strategist couldn't afford to have his emotions get the better of him, not like Erik had when he had planned his assault on the Water Temple, in which he had been captured and nearly killed because he underestimated his enemy.

"So then, where should I be placed? I can spearhead the attack on the core, if need be," Kala said, intent on keeping her new allies safe from Alexis and the rest of the fanatical Magi.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Undine held the aquatic ball of liquid in her hands that she always either held or had floating with her as she looked away from Kala, still a bit embarrassed. "That's still... My childhood. It was when my mind was still developing, so it's not something I want to be known for." she responded.

Meanwhile, Erik nodded to Kala. "I know. I'll do my best to come up with the best possible plan, for everyone's sake. Unlike before... My strategy was to simply avenge you, and what happened to you. I had no intention of surviving the battle..." he replied with a dark tone to her, that moment clearly not a pleasant one to remember for him. Though that didn't seem to be the only thing that bothered him. Just a glimmer, a hint in his eye, and Kala knew Erik was holding back information from her, before he covered it up with a smile. "I think you, Undine, and Claire would be perfect for the spearhead attack, while all of the water restricted mamono stay here to help me set up traps for the invading force and help defend it until they're forced to retreat or surrender after losing their ship," he said confidently.

Undine suddenly shook her head, "I cannot leave the temple, Erik... For reasons that are my own." she announced to him.

Erik blinked. "Oh... Well, then Claire, Kala, Yevon and the others can attack the ship while Curly and Undine help me out here. How does that sound?" he inquired.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Kala nodded to Undine's request that her formative years not be mentioned again and respected it. She'd let Claire be the one to push Undine's buttons, since Claire could obviously handle herself were the watery force of nature to become truly upset.

Erik's plan of attack seemed sound - send in the arguably most powerful, unrestricted mamono up to the airship to try and sabotage it. "With Claire on our side, we shouldn't need to fear any attack against us. You'd be able to defend us no problem, right Claire?"

After getting a response from the crystalline woman, a thought occurred to Kala. "Um, Erik, just be sure to stick close to Undine if Curly's around. She might be willing to help us out, but I still worry she might get carried away with those tentacles of hers. I don't want her poking around with you - not when I'm off risking my ooze for her sake and everyone else. So just make sure you don't let her take advantage of you."
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Erik sunk a little bit in shame. "Kala... Why on earth would I let her do those things with her tentacles while we're fighting?" he said quietly, before Claire took immediate interest.

"Did you experience anal, Erik!" she asked with enthusiasm.

Erik was silent, and closed his eyes, locking himself away from Claire's prying, which made her appear antsy and upset. "Aw, you won't tell me. " she pouted.

Erik sighed and did his best to move over that topic. "Let's get to preparing for this plan and setting everyone up to do their best. For one, we'll need a way for Kala's group to invade the ship when it does come." Erik announced.

"I can create a water geyser powerful enough to launch them the distance." Undine announced.

Erik nodded. "That will work! And for the defense here, I'll be a lot more vulnerable against their main force, and the already damaged temple will be even more threatened if we fight here, so lets take the fight to that cavern and set up traps along the way so that their main force will be forced to deal with the hazards rather than any sheer number of people defending me." Erik stated.

"I can control the waters to harass them even from within the temple. I believe that will make fighting them easier for you and Curly." Undine stated. "As well, Harpua can assist you. I'll have her meet with you once she returns." Undine mentions the Siren once again.

"With that said... If they're back at their base gearing up again, they should be back within a week, so let's spend that time preparing the traps." Erik announced.

Claire rose her arms to her face, and clasped her hands together as if in prayer. "And let's absorb lots of energy from Erik so we're ready for the fight!" Claire announced with a giggle.

"Kala willing," Undine added, much to Erik's dismay as he let out a sigh and shrugged his shoulders.

"... I guess I won't be helping to make the traps..." he said with a grimace.

"Save up all your wonderful energy for us~!" Claire giggled, moving up to Erik and playfully groping him in the middle of the group, causing him to erupt with a groan of complaint despite becoming immediately aroused.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"I'm not saying you'd agree to it!" Kala exclaimed, the thought of Erik actually consenting to Curly never having even entered her mind. "I'm just saying watch out for her trying something."

Kala was a bit surprised by Claire's forward questioning, though it brought back memories and she felt her own mamano urges rising for a moment. Erik's embarassment was just making him look cuter and hotter, and getting the diamond slime more aroused. She fought back the urges and tutted Claire.

"There really is a better time and place for such questions, Claire. Erik is trying to contend with a serious matter now," she told the crystal goddess.

The fact that the Magi would take a whole week to possibly attack struck Kala as unusual as well. Would they really delay a strike at the mamono that long? Many defences could be set in place. But perhaps the Magi were not as readily mobilized as she imagined them to be. She knew they had strong capabilities, but maybe they had exhausted those in their initial strike on the water temple, the one in which they had lost Erik.

"If we have that much time to prepare for them, then there's no immediate rush. Erik dear, are you tired? Do you wish to rest up a bit first? A meal perhaps? After all, you need your energy too." She said, sidling up next to him and petting his shoulder affectionately. "Don't worry, I'll be with you the whole time."
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"I'm no good with serious matters," Claire excused herself, though didn't quite let go of the certain man from her grasp until Kala came to claim him. "I only want to help so that we can all one day just relax and live in paradise for as long as we desire~" she giggled.

Undine half closed her eyes. "That sounds like you just want to be lazy..." she jabbed at the crystal slime.

Erik looked over to Kala, and smiled, wrapping his arm around her hip. "All of that sounds alright to me." he replied casually, before the two of them heard a distant female cry from an unknown location across the temple.

Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"It sounds ideal, Claire, but Undine knows that it'll be hard work to achieve that," Kala said, before a mischievous smile flitted to her slime lips as she turned to Erik and placed a slimy hand over his package, cupping it firmly in her liquid grasp. "Lots of hard work."

They all winced at the apparently prescient mermaid's distant agony, and Kala shook her head sadly. It was a shame. If Sapphire weren't so dead set against Erik, she would have a much easier time of sharing some quality time with the object of her desire.

Kala led Erik back to the dining area where they had first met Yvonne, Perupi, and Curly - unless Undine suggested a better place to feed Erik or had other intentions for them before the meeting was concluded. Claire's eagerness to have at Erik was starting to inspire Kala toward lying with her beau again as well, and the slimegirl would lick her lips hungrily, hoping to get Erik well and fed so that she could 'feed' from him again in her own way.

You're such a pervert now, Kala. She reprimanded herself. But still, when you're with him, everything just feels so amazingly right - it can't be wrong if you're just doing what comes naturally. Right?
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

As a sign of things to perhaps come, Erik looked nervously between Kala and Claire who now had him sandwiched between them, and squirmed as Kala groped him immediately after Claire had. "I don't think I've ever been groped like this in public before... Is mamono culture always like this?" he asked with worry.

Claire blinked at him, "Was I bothering you? I only wanted to stimulate you a little bit..." Claire said innocently.

"I-It's not that it was bothering me..." Erik said with hesitance.

Claire giggled, and glomped Erik. "I'll do it more then if it's okay~!" she said with a slightly playful tone, groping Erik's butt while Kala groped his front.

Embarrassed and ashamed Erik appeared, while Undine simply smiled in the back, not quite happy about the scene, but at how she was no longer the center of humiliation, as it was now Erik instead.

"I will prepare everyone, as the leader of this temple." Undine announced, before seeing the three off, as Claire tagged along with Kala and Erik as they made their way down to the rest area near the lower levels of the water. And as Kala licked her lips, she would find Claire mimicking her motions, licking her own lips the same way, with clearly the same intentions.

Walking between them, Erik sighed. "After I have lunch, I take it you two will be having me for dinner?" he asked knowingly.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Kala pouted a little... "Am I being too needy, Erik? I know Claire has been cooped up for ages but I really don't have any excuse except... when I'm around you, looking at you sometimes... I feel as though I couldn't possibly love you any more! And every part of my body wants to be pressed against you, coupling with you. It's... it's maddening, but in a lovely, wonderful way. Even I'm shocked a bit though at how perverse my thoughts can be - but... it's always done out of genuine affection. I can only speak for myself, of course. But I'm sure Claire could tell us more about why mamono have this cultural similarity. Perhaps we should discuss it... as you eat. Maybe then you won't be as embarrassed later?"

It was the best explanation Kala could offer, and even as she spoke it, she could feel her attraction to him growing. She had to fight off an urge to just splash herself all over him, dissolve his clothing and mount his manhood with her core ooze milking him frantically. She wanted them to have the most amazing mutual orgasm ever - enough to rival the ones they had had that first hour or two after she'd rescued him from the sea. And Claire... she'd be with them too. That just had the effect of turning her on more.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

Erik turned, and began to make disarming gestures at Kala, trying to make her calm down as if he'd made a mistake and pushed a wrong button for her. "Hey-hey now... I didn't mean it like that. It's just... Well I'm not going to lie and say I'm entirely used to this whole... Mamono thing yet. It's just... The difference between human society and monster is a really big culture shock. Back then, it really seemed almost impossible just to get a kiss from you. And now..." he trailed off, before lifting a hand to scratch the back of his head as he twisted his lips in a mental struggle to get out the words. "Now, it's like... Everything just got flipped upside down. Women being so assertive... Taking the initiative... I guess you could say that the culture shock still hasn't settled." he said, before turning back around and walking into the tavern area where there was still a crowd gathered, and Yevon's presence was noticeable as well at one of the tables.

"I mean... I've never had so much sex in my life... And I almost think that you girls are more aggressive than most guys when it comes to that, so I can't help but be on the defensive, receiving end of your advances. It's not what I'm used to, that's all." Erik said, before waiting to see what Kala wanted to do while a friend was in sight.
Re: Love Geometry (Kala)

"Let's join Yevon," Kala said as she spotted the dark elf. "I know I've been pushy... I'll try to be better. I know how different I must seem. I certainly feel different. All my inhibitions are lifted an to initiate the idea of sex, it doesn't just seem natural, it seems as essential as needing to drink water everyday. I can imagine just how stir-crazy I would get if you weren't around, Erik. All these mamono, they see a man, and it's like a gift from the heavens if only they could claim him as their own! I'm sure that there are exceptions."

Kala briefly thought of the persistent mermaid, Sapphire as one such example.

As they sat down at the table, Kala briefly filled Yevon in on the necessary information, of how there would be a strike force going onto the Magi ship while Erik provided a distraction.

"What do you think of the plan, Yevon?"