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A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

"I can handle myself, thanks for your concern Lava." Kala said as she took a step forward, towards the volcano and its salamander guardians. "If you want to separate from me, I'll understand. I intend to go through them though. I'll show Ignis that I'm serious about taking out the Magi who are messing with her lair. Even if she won't accept my help, I won't let her get in my way either. To do that though, I might be in some danger."

She waited to see if the lava slime wanted out. If she was willing to continue on, Kala would radiate thanks. She could honestly use all the help she could get. Either way, she'd focus next on the Salamanders. If there were simply too many to deal with, she'd have to use speed and quickness to duck and dodge her way past them.

"I don't suppose they have some sort of code of honor? Do you think they'd respond to a direct challenge?" She asked Lava.

"If not, I guess I'll just have to run at them and thwap any who get too close."

Unless Lava gave her a hint of some easier way past the roaring salamanders, Kala would sprint right towards them, using her superior slime flexibility to meld underneath their swords and then stretch herself out to smack them. trip them, or grapple them into one another, leaving them dazed as she rushed through them.
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

"Melding with you is nice, mm-hmm. Your energy is comforting and makes me feel good. I am your ally, mm-hmm." Lava replied to Kala's concerns, and felt the lava slime squirm happily when she received a comforting wave from the pure slime whom bribed her prior. But there was little time for such pleasantries, they had an obstacle to overcome. Looking ahead, Lava hummed. "They respect the strong. The weak, they punish, and the strong, they honor. They will all fight you, and if you're strong, they will leave you be, but if you try to run away, they will chase you through the entire volcano, mm-hmm. Might be good to deal with them here so they aren't a constant problem, mm-hmm." Lava nodded.

When Kala rushed, she'd find that the salamanders were far more agile than she may have thought them to be. Despite her greatest speed, these women moved with an even faster pace. Many used their swords, and others simply dodged over her slimy tendrils that tried to grab them. After Kala's initial attack, a group of three salamanders who dodged her slime jumped high into the air and aimed their spears down towards the ground right where Kala was standing, wide grins on their faces as they tried to come down with a finishing blow together, displaying the teamwork that the salamanders possessed to be formidable.
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

"They're fast," Kala hummed to Lava. "Faster even than me when I'm powered up! I guess I'll change tactics then."

Kala let the three salamanders leap at her, eyeing instead the weapons themselves. As they were about to pierce her, she dodged her heart aside and made her body soft, letting the weapons and their owners come to her, rather than needing to necessarily catch them. To blunt the impact, Kala opened three holes in her body around where the blades were aimed, letting the damaging tips go through her harmlessly before solidifying around the hafts of the spear, and adhering to the salamanders as they came into contact with her.

"That wasn't too smart.~" Kala told them as they struggled with her gooey adhering grasp which if necessary could harden to the point where they would be encased within a diamond. "Struggle as you like, I won't be beaten!"
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

From their weapons up to their bodies, the salamanders were encased in red diamond. The scaled warriors of the volcano struggled without moving at all inside of Kala's grip; however, though Kala had made progress, she did not hold victory. One of the other salamanders was suddenly rushing at her with her blade, and thrusting it at her before she could react. The blade would have ran Kala through and damaged her heart if Kala wasn't keeping herself solid. That being said, her spirit still took a mighty hit as the blade sent her solidified layer of protection into the air as red diamond dust. With her blade searing hot and covered in flames, it was only by Lava's protection that it didn't break Kala's defenses and damage her. Kala had made a valuable friend.

"My turn, Mm-hmm," Lava announced, before some of Kala's melded slime took action on it's own, and a trio of fists seemingly made entirely of lava sprouted forth from her torso, slamming into the offending salamander and the two others that sought to make impact against Kala as well. Those three were sent flying, before the fists came back, grabbed the remaining three from the slime encasing Kala had them trapped in, and slammed all three of their heads together at once before promptly dropping them to the ground, where they'd lay for a while, having received quite the shock.

One of the salamanders who were thrown rose to hand and knee, panting, apparently winded from the blow Lava delivered from Kala's body. "A second time we have failed you, Ignis. This one wasn't even as powerful as Baphomet... We have no excuses." The salamander apologized to their apparent god.

After having said that, there was mere silence. No response from Ignis. This seemed to alert the salamanders, who all seemed to ignore Kala and instead look up to the mountain with concern. "Ignis...!?" another salamander called out. Unless Kala stopped any of them, all six of the salamanders would begin rushing forth towards the mountain.

"That's not good... Mm-hmm..." Lava commented. "Ignis is never cold nor quiet, no matter how much you disgrace her. They spoke to her through her life blood, the lava, and she did not reply. Something must be happening up there, in her lair, mm-hmm."
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

By the time Lava was done with the salamanders, Kala had developed a profound respect for the lava slime. Not only did it know how to fight, but she knew how to counter and deal with the salamanders and how to take the searing blows from their red hot weapons and deflect the damage away from the vital bits of Kala's core.

"I am indebted to you Lava. Without your help, that encounter would have ended badly for me." Kala admitted truthfully, and of course, Lava would have been able to guess the truth of that as well, seeing how they were merged. It occurred to the diamond slime just how intimate a connection merging with another slime was. She'd done it once before with Pirupi, and now she'd done so again with Lava. Each time she felt as if she'd gained some hidden knowledge or understanding about her own self, her own capabilities.

These thoughts were interrupted as the defeated salamanders were ignored by a quiet Ignis.

"If something is happening, then we have to be quick. Hey! Wait for us!" Kala called out to the salamanders as she rushed to join them in their ascent to the volcano. She formed into a humanoid once again, leaving no dripping ooze behind her as she dashed with the speed of a tireless sprinter up the craggy terrain. "Maybe she was in trouble the whole time, and now my approach has alerted the Magi? Whatever the case, we must help Ignis!"
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

"It's no problem, mm-hmm," Lava replied casually. "Most slimes find it difficult going into territory that doesn't suit their element. You're strong, but no exception to that rule it seems, mm-hmm." Lava made an insightful observation that Kala may find useful in the future of her adventures. There were naturally many kinds of slime, Pirupi and Lava being superb examples of water and lava navigation. The skirt Kala acquired upon melding with her, along with adapting some of her slim physique would have made for an extremely easy time fighting underwater on that day she was revived as a slime. However, without Pirupi, it was a bit of a struggle, as traveling up this volcano would be without Lava to help her. In her adventures, Kala would no doubt go into many areas that would hinder her. Perhaps other slimes exist there that have adaptations that could aid her?

"The timing is suspicious too, mm-hmm," Lava said aloud as Kala would rush off after the Salamanders who were seeking to protect Ignis. They would do a poor job to be sure, after the beating Kala and Lava gave them, so there would be little they could do to help. "Perhaps you were followed without knowing it?" Lava suggested, before it became readily apparent that Kala couldn't keep up with the Salamander's agility. "Into the lava, we will ride up the stream and into the center, mm-hmm." Lava announced, and if Kala listened to her, they would plunge into the stream of flowing lava going down the volcano, and Lava would aid Kala with swimming up the slow moving stream of magma, causing Kala to simply float up the stream as if it were naturally flowing in the opposite direction. The salamanders already descended into the volcano long ago before Kala and Lava would reach the top of the volcanic and smokey mountain. "Patience is a slime's strongest trait, mm-hmm." Lava said with positive thinking fueling her progress.

Once they went over the top, it was a straight fall down the center. Kala and Lava fell hundreds of feet, before a single island in the middle of nothing but Lava all around was sighted below them. On that island was a throne made of gold, as well as several people apparently engaging in a yet unknown activity as far as Kala could see. The first thing that became apparent was the bodies of the salamanders prone on the ground, as if something or someone had defeated the weakened warriors. Next would be the two figures over the throne itself. One was the brightly lit Ignis Kala had seen earlier, and the other was a smaller figure that looked to be nothing like a Magi in any form, mostly due to the lack of uniform. The small figure stood over Ignis, and wielded a large scythe that would seem naturally impossible for someone of her size. Ignis was limp in her throne, and holding her torso with one hand as the rest of her limbs were limp. "The grand reveal! The reason why I didn't kill you!" a youthful voice announced to Ignis. "While it was fun robbing you, you still had yet a use while you were alive. The perfect bait for the chosen souls."

"That is Baphomet, she is an enemy!" Lava announced, sounding rather irritated and angry towards the offender who apparently wounded Ignis. If Kala attacked or not, she would either aid or hinder Lava as the other slime made her own attack on the horned beast, forming a giant fist that would be falling down from above. Heavy enough to crush any organic matter into mush, Kala and Lava would find the attack stopped suddenly, the knuckles caught by Baphomet's claws, before the monster tossed Kala and Lava off to reform across from the throne. The attack and then deflection led to the two facing off with one another in the center of the volcano.

"You'll be the third," the Baphomet announced, casually holding her scythe behind herself. "The third Chosen Soul I've devoured. Good thing you're a slime, means you'll go down easy!" the little beast let out a roar of laughter, before a magical presence came over Kala from the beast before her as the creature in question began to release her potential. The force of her presence alone was enough to make the world feel twice as heavy to Kala. Without wasting much time, the baphomet raised a claw and made a rude gesture at the diamond slime, while beckoning her for a fight.

"Come at me," she taunted, "Or else I'll come at you!"
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Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

Kala felt she understood what Lava was getting at, recalling the differences she'd felt moving in water when melded with Pirupi. She knew that she had learned subtle, yet important differences in the sea slime's makeup that she could use to her benefit whenever in water from now on. Now that she was melded with Lava, she could sense more differences, the similarities her makeup had with molten rock. Kala could imagine herself emulating these things, and paid close attention as the fiery red-orange slime swirled up the flow of lava towards the volcano's upper ring.

"I might have been followed, but it doesn't matter now. Let's see what's going on and help Ignis if we can!"

Once their ascent had been completed, the two merged slimes used gravity to aid them on the final leg of their journey, falling into the volcano's center as a swirling blue-red droplet, landing with a compact "Plop!" in the center of a tiny island floating on the magma. Reforming quickly, Kala and Lava together faced the troubling sight of a wounded Ignis and a child-like demonic being with an enormous scythe standing over her in seeming triumph.

Baphomet. Lava identified her as such and Kala recalled the name from her former life, knowing now that this was an enemy of immense skill, and by the sound of it, it had been waiting for her.

"Lava, remember what you said about patie--"

There was no time, Lava's anger, a trait no doubt inherited from Ignis' element, overcame the lavaslime. Knowing better than to resist and unmerge, Kala ran with Lava, adding her strength.

It was no good. Lava's strong attack was caught, the energy absorbed by Baphomet's defense. Together they were flung to the far side of the island. As they reformed, Kala spoke quietly to her merged partner.

"Lava. We won't beat Baphomet directly, not by ourselves. We need to be patient and use our element to our advantage. Baphomet may be strong, but even she'll have to expend energy to ignore the volcano's heat."

In a louder voice, Kala spoke up against Baphomet.

"You're a loud little bitch, aren't you? You want me? Honey, come and get me!"

The merged slime oozed back to the edge of the volcano's magma pit. When the imp girl started towards them, Kala shouted:

"Ignis! Grant us your power!" Then she backed up and sunk quickly into the volcano's lava, moving lower and lower, daring Baphomet to come for her in the most unfavorable of elements. She knew she still had some of Crystal Claire's blessing left inside of her, and with Lava and hopefully Ignis lending her their strengths, she could use the liquid lava to her advantage and patiently wait out as Baphomet took damage from it.
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

"My bite's even worse than my bark." Baphomet informed Kala simply upon her taunt, before looking back at the wounded Ignis. "You help, you die~" Baphomet winked at Ignis, before looking back to the retreating Kala.

"Already running?" Baphomet inquired, before simply grinning and lifting up her corrupted looking scythe. Magics flowed into it, and powerful ones at that. Tight weaves formed a protective barrier around the weapon, causing it to glow a distinct shade of purple. Then, without warning, the blade extended itself unnaturally as Baphomet put a great deal of power into it. As her next move, she swung the long scythe into the lava with a quick flash, swinging the blade faster than any eye could follow. The blade passed near Kala, but something was off about it's arc. For one, it missed completely, and for another, the next slashes to come came at a frenzy, whipping through the lava and causing the hot magma to splash about everywhere. "HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAA!" Baphomet laughed wickedly as lava controlled the flow of lava just enough to save Kala and her heart from being sliced into paper.

"She cannot see us in the lava! The magma must be too thick of a magical presence to detect us properly, so she's attacking wildly." Lava announced discreetly to Kala.
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

"I can see that," Kala said, sensing what Baphomet was doing through Lava's ability to see through the molten rock.

"Let's add to her confusion. Can you make some movements in the lava over there?" Kala indicated through subtle shifts in her slime a far point on the side of the volcano wall. "We'll make her think we're retreating further away, let her over extend herself, then hit her with a blast of the mountain's lava right under her nose."

Kalava began to extend a tendril of her slime in a stretching arc, well underneath the lava pool, then up thrust on the far side of the pool, whipping a lava ball towards Baphomet. When the demon started swinging wildly over towards the offending tendril, Kalava would push a spout of the mountain's deadly liquid straight up at the exposed opponent.
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

The ball flew up, and towards Baphomet who, with a quick swipe, dispersed and discouraged the lava away from her with the aid of the powerful wind summoned by her simple yet stunningly quick and powerful motion. When the following attack came, Baphomet laughed as she jumped and slammed her scythe down before standing on the edge of the hilt, balancing on the long weapon and standing far above Kalava. "What are you doing with such pathetic tactics?" she inquired, before directing her paws at the lava below. "If you won't fight me... I'll just have to freeze you out!"

With that, a powerful stream of cold began gushing forth from her paws, and rapidly cooling the lava around her. The lava put up some resistance, but it wouldn't be long before Kala would become encased in solidified magma.
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

Kalava slipped back down into the molten core of the volcano, easily escaping Baphomet's cooling magics. She didn't have the power to freeze the entire volcano.

Safely down below in the heart of the lava flow, the merged slime dove deeper and deeper into the magma.

"Let's make this place erupt," Kala said to Lava. "She doesn't have enough magic to freeze everything before it hits her. We have to go deep into the magma tubes and then block it off with broken off rocks. The pressure will build up, until it blasts off and the lava will rise dramatically. We can do this, patience is a slime's best virtue!"

Saying this Kalava dove into the magma to enact her plan far from the sight of Baphomet, who could not anticipate this dramatic action.
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

While Kalava was making her way down deeper to exact her plan, she'd notice that it was already working. In fact, it was working before she even had to do anything. The volcano was already welling up to erupt, though it came from much deeper, and from someone with a much more intimate contact with the mountain. "Ignis?" Lava wondered aloud to Kala. "She's already making the volcano erupt, though making it build slowly like a timebomb. She must have been expecting us to hold Baphomet's attention."

With a slight hum, Lava noticed it at the same time Kala did. "We will be thrown by the stream of lava, and back towards Baphomet, mm-hmm." she nodded, before Kala would feel Lava send out threads, ones that Kala would find similar to the millions that were connected and flowing through Undine. They attached to the network of billions of threads around them that composed the lava, and established a sense of information throughout all of the nearby flowing Lava. Through this method, the means that both Ignis and Undine seem to know much more beyond their personal scope would be revealed to Kala. They used their element as a network for information to flow through them, so that even a single diamond slime coming into their midst wouldn't go unreported. And it was through this connection that Kala would see through Lava's powers, what was happening above, on the island.

Baphomet came down from where she stood on her weapon, back down to the island. She stood there a moment longer, before letting out a roar of laughter. "She must have ran away. Surprisingly, she'd be the first to run in fear. The other two were stupidly brave and thought they could handle my might." She announced, before giving her arms a stretch over her head, groaning as she did so. "Well, that means it's just you and me, Ignis~" Baphomet cooed while looking back at the Queen of Fire.

Ignis merely sneered back at Baphomet while holding her torso on her throne. "That's all there needs to be! I was waiting for that meddlesome idiot to go off before I killed you myself. I don't want any interference as I exterminate you." Ignis announced.

Baphomet merely perked her lips at the elemental. "Such big and scary words!" she laughed. "But you can't back that up. No magical power, and I've already beaten you in our fight prior." Baphomet said, before stepping up to the throne, and grabbing Ignis' head and promptly throwing the fire elemental off of her throne and shaking her paw afterwards, as the bottom half looked black and charred. "Hot stuff~" she giggled, before sighing as she plopped herself onto the throne, leaning back, crossing her legs, and resting an elbow on the arm of the throne and then placing the side of her face to rest in the paw of the arm so casually placed down.

"What are you doing!?" Ignis growled.

"Waiting," Baphomet replied simply. "Sounds like something is happening. I imagine it's her doing. Hopefully she'll make her appearance this time and we can fight properly. I don't really like how some people try to be so crafty. Makes it take so much longer to kill them."

That was when Ignis rose with a hateful and raged filled grin. "Hahaha...! You're a fucking idiot!" Ignis announced. "YOU THINK YOU CAN SIT ON MY THRONE!?"

The volcano reacted to Ignis' outburst, moving Kala like a bullet through the currents. It was all surging forth into that central point, but not only there, but all around. Ignis was planning to envelop Baphomet in the lava and at the very least, drown her in it. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Ignis shouted.

Then, the volcano began to erupt. The rocks Kala left behind were shooting out, and two dozen jets of lava were shooting out, all about to converge and crash onto the central island. Before the streams made their collision, Kala would see Baphomet standing up again, directly in front of her throne, though she held her scythe up, and impaled on it was Ignis herself, whose eyes were bulging wide from having the demonic weapon stab through her body and soul.

"You're a loud little bitch, aren't you." Baphomet said to Ignis with a frown.

The lava crashed onto the island.

Baphomet leaped into the air again.

The stream with Kalava inside of it shot upwards.

She came up, directly from behind Baphomet.

The demon turned her head while in midair, and noticed a split second too late.

Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

Kala rode the lave stream pointing herself into a sharp, white hot spear of hardened diamond slime. Through the myriad threads of magic winding their way through the molten rock, Kala could hear all that went on between Ignis and Baphomet.

Kala wished dearly that Ignis had had the forethought to warn her of her own plan before all this. She had seen the fire elemental beaten, seen Baphomet turn her attention to her and only to her. The duty to defeat the powerful foe had fallen to Kala, and she had thought to use the volcano against the demon just as Ignis had. That she should be relegated to decoy duty had never entered Kala's mind. It just wasn't how she worked, and she hadn't thought of the fire elemental as having that sort of craftiness inside of her.

"Why hadn't she done this when fighting Baphomet in the first place?" Kala grumbled to herself as she realized that the elemental's plan coincided with her own.

Nonetheless, Kala was determined to be the icing on the volcano's cake of overkill, wanting to take Baphomet's dark, icky heart for her own.

She had positioned herself on the central jet that would break through the rock just below the throne, her slime body honed into a jagged spike, aimed directly at the demon.

Then Kala sensed the scythe hit home through the elemental and she shrieked with rage and hate, and in a moment spiraled off of her intended path to engulf Ignis herself in a casing, tearing away the scythe as the lava overwhelmed Baphomet. Having surrounded the fiery figure, Kala poured all her healing strands of magic into they scythe wound, her priority switched from dealing death to Baphomet now to reversing what might have been a deadly wound delivered by the demon.

Amongst the tremendous heat, the blue of Kala's inner core was a shining beacon of healing light, Kala willing to pour much of the energy Claire had donated to her in order to save Ignis.
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

"As weak as she is right now, Ignis would need a lot of prep time, which Baphomet gave her while waiting for you to return." Lava explained.

Then, they were shot forth, and it was a perfect moment to land a powerful blow on the mighty beast that hovered in front of them in the air. Once Kala diverged, Lava broke out in outrage. "What are you doing!?" Lava exclaimed. Then, Kala would rescue Ignis in her dire state, and heal her rapidly using her own power. Baphomet would vanish into the lava as it consumed her in the meantime, while Kala's gift would flow into Ignis, the last of her excess power flowing into the fire spirit. The first thing the fire elemental said in reply to Kala's rescue was:

"Fool! Why!?"

Then, Kala would feel something powerful smash into her protective barrier of slime. Her diamond shell was shattered like thin glass, humbled before the might of the beastly claw stabbing into her slime body. Kala then froze up completely, unable to move a single cell of her slime. Powerful claws wrapped around her heart. She was completely paralyzed.

Her heart was removed from her slimy body. Lava's heart remained behind. Kala's slime disintegrated into the magma as the hot volcano scorched her core. If she had a mouth, it would be made to scream loud enough to break glass. The pain was otherworldly, and the worst part was that she was strong enough not to immediately die.

It was over for her. Baphomet seemed able to survive longer than she, and Kala would be unable to concentrate enough to regain her protective slime while enduring such horrible pain. This is where it would end. This volcano would be her grave...

Until she found herself suddenly leaving the lava. Then, her heart was thrown up with mighty strength. The diamond soared up into the air, the pain from before leaving all her senses numb as her slime was allowed to reform from her heart. Steadily but rapidly spreading out. The diamond shaped heart flew out of the volcano, and chimed as it bounced off of the volcanic rock. Her heart tumbled down for what seemed like forever. Perhaps it would have been painful were it not for her torturous pain earlier. Though thankfully, her tumbling ended as she hit an area where the volcano began to level out, a small somewhat balanced flat of land. There, she was allowed to rebuild her body.

Once the humanoid shape began to fully take form in the shape of a woman laying down on her side, wounded and in pain, a guest joined her. It was the owner of the claw that ripped her heart from it's casing. She was standing proud over Kala, and with a wide grin. Or so she would have liked. Instead, Baphomet landed in much the same manner as she. Her body tumbled, though she used scythe and claw to try and slow her tumble. She rolled until she fell onto one knee across the flat land from Kala. Her cape was gone, burned up. Parts of her body looked horribly burned, her flesh charred where her defenses couldn't maintain. Using her scythe as a crutch, the demon kept her balance while recomposing herself.

"The nerve... Your little red friend grabbed my leg at such an annoying moment." The demon beast grumbled. "Thankfully though... It's just you and me now... No more lava, no more places to hide." She chuckled, before both parties would feel the pains of their damages. "... I'll be over there... In a little while." Baphomet promised, she nor Kala herself seeming to have the energy to make an attack right away.
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

Kala had given her all. She felt the energy of Claire's mighty crystalline strength leaving her body, seeping into the grievous wound in Ignis, knitting together the elemental's form that had been nearly sundered completely by the vile magics of Baphomet's scythe. When she had poured it all out, Kala took a moment in which to sigh.

Then she was smashed by a crushing blow, her core frame disintegrating and a claw grasped the only thing left to her - her diamond heart.

The pain of the volcano's lava disintegrating her was immense, beyond anything she could recall or imagine. She wished it were quick. If she had been mortal still, she would be dead by now, but the heart which contained her soul was made of stronger stuff, but not immune to hurt.

She wanted to shriek, to contract and then explode in a series of wails, but nothing happened. She was a consciousness trapped inside of an inanimate organ. Locked in a sphere that could do nothing but receive pain. It was a hell that would be unknown to most creatures. Something reserved only for slimes with a heart like hers.

Then she was flying up, up into the sky. out of the lava. She still burned with the terrible heat, but she could feel it slightly lessen as she escaped the ultra heated ash cloud.

Her heart tumbled against heated rock, hissing with each contact against the ground. The impacts themselves hurt too, but it was just one more minor pain added to an immensity of negative sensation that overwhelmed her. If she still had a system to go into shock, it would have happened by now. Instead the blows kept on coming.

Mercifully, her descent stopped and for what seemed like an eternity, though perhaps it was only a few short seconds - she simply couldn't tell - she became once again aware of something besides pain.

From her heart, a small sheen of blue slime formed, then expanded, wider and wider, into a pool. Eventually it became large enough to form around the diamond completely. Finally, her core slime reformed, and she was reborn on the mountain side. Weakly, she began to construct peripheral slime, forming first five tendrils. Two became her legs, two her arms, and the fifth widened out into a bald, humanoid, feminine head. She blinked, and that meant she had eyes formed again.

Shaking her head, she formed many small tendrils that bunched up with one another to form her hair. She attempted to get up, but fell back to the ground with a splat. She simply couldn't gather the strength to form her body into something hard enough to stand like a human.

Then she looked up to see the shadowy form of Baphomet. At first Kala thought she must be standing above her, gloating. But that was only for a moment. In the next second, she was pitching forward, crashing into the earth besides Kala, looking horribly burned.

"Take your time," Kala blurbled through the soft slime that just barely managed to form a sufficient voice box. "If I were you though... I'd be... huff... concerned."

Kala oozed over to a rock and pushed her soft body up over it, using it to prop her head up into a sitting position. There she rested and looked at her enemy.

"You've just been dunked in a magma bath, outsmarted by the most straightforward elemental and a slimegirl. You're in a bad way, honey." Kala paused then asked, "Just what did you want with me anyway? Seems like you've got a hard on just to take me out."
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

"Concerned...? Hah..." Baphomet laughed with a wheeze. "If I had wanted you dead, I would have left you in the lava. You're of much more use... Alive, you know. After all... What do you think happens to a soul when I, or any demon for that matter, eat it? It doesn't just disintegrate into nothing. No, the two souls I have inside of me... Are very much well," Baphomet revealed.

"Souls inside of me... I lock into my own pocket dimension within my body. It's like my own Hell. There, the souls stay, and I reform them. Once they are done, they come out the way I wish them..."

Having said that, Baphomet put a paw to her belly, and gave Kala a little show. Like a window into this other world, Baphomet's belly showed Kala a sight of a woman, bound in a seemingly endless sea of purple tentacles. She had a look of pure bliss on her face as her eyes were rolling back. Corrupt, violet cum was sprayed all over her body as she was filled in every hole by rapid moving tentacles. There were two in her mouth, making her throat bulge as she took them in deep, swallowing a load one of them deposited as she did so. Her hands, free, simply took to stroking off two phallic shaped tendrils instead of attempting something like freedom. Two more were rapidly pushing in and out of her pussy alternatively, so that there was always a long tentacle cock thrusting into her body, while yet another suction cup shaped tentacle sealed itself over her clit and sucked on her sensitive point desperately, making the woman cry out in pleasure in such a way that Kala could tell it was loud even without the ability to hear her. A final was spreading her rectum and fucking her ass just as hard as any other hole.

It was then that Baphomet closed the window to the 'dimension' in her stomach, grinning at Kala. "She's been in there for a long time... A really determined girl. I swallowed her a month ago. To put it one way... She's been very difficult to digest~" Baphomet chuckled.
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

"I see..." Kala said slowly, her eyes narrowing. She desperately tried to form stronger threads of magic within herself, wanting to solidify quickly, yet every effort was just so slow and weak. The reality of the situation was that she very much needed time to rest and an influx of nutrients. She was in no condition to fight.

"So you want to eat my soul, the fuck it, then when it gives up, reform it into what?" Though disgusted by this being, she wanted to understand Baphomet more. Any knowledge could hopefully be used against her.

"What's so yummy about my soul? What makes you think I wouldn't make you choke on me?"

Kala looked up at the mountain top. Had she done enough? Did Ignis live? Was Lava still there? So much she didn't know, and she was powerless.

"So if I beat the tar out of you enough, would you cough her soul up to save your own wretched hide? A part of me thinks the answer to that is 'yes.'"
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

"Fuck you..." The Baphomet glanced to the side. "That would be hard, in your case. Rather, since it's you, Kala, there is a person I could deliver you to who would pay me handsomely for you. To them, you're far more important than just a chosen soul. You should have very intimate knowledge of who I'm talking about~" Baphomet giggled knowingly, as if Kala should know.

"Though I wonder why you didn't turn-" Baphomet was cut off when a black portal suddenly opened behind her. Before anyone could come out, a long black sword smacked the demon beast over the head, knocking her out cold.

A clawed hand of black plates reached out, grabbed the fallen Baphomet, and threw her into the portal, before out stepped a horned woman dressed in black.

And she seemed absolutely livid.

Kala could feel the fury rushing through her, and would even feel the urge to scowl and growl surge through her heart. Kala was filled with the urge to fight and kill from being near this woman, though she still could do nothing as the woman drew near. Reaching Kala, she reached down suddenly, and gripped Kala's shoulders.

"DON'T FIGHT ANYONE BUT ME!" the woman screamed at Kala, "IF YOU DIE TO ANYONE ELSE, I'LL KILL YOU!" she announced, before putting a clawed hand to Kala's head, when sudden reserves of this woman's energy came rushing into Kala's body. It made her feel sick, and woozy, but no longer so deprived of energy. It'd take a few minutes, but Kala would feel even better off than when Claire blessed her.

Without another word further, a portal opened, and the wrathful figure vanished into it, giving Kala a long hard stare as she did so.

Once Kala was mostly recovered, Lava would be seen slowly sliming her way down. "I came as fast as I could!" she announced.
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

Kala was enjoying Baphomet's little ramble. She had picked up on key words. A person she should know intimately. Something about her being a chosen soul. Something unexplained and unknown about why Kala hadn't turned.

The slime would have liked nothing more for the demon to continue, but then something entirely unexpected happened. A portal out of nowhere opened and a long blade knocked the injured Baphomet out and a clawed hand pulled her through.

Kala gulped.

A wrathful, livid figure stepped towards her out of the portal. She was so positively angry, the emotion radiated out from her, affecting Kala even in her limp and impotent form.

The woman grabbed her suddenly by the shoulder and screamed something nonsensical at her. It was the most bizarre sort of challenge she'd ever heard. And then to top it off, the being infused her with energy - almost as much as Claire had, or maybe even more of it. Just what was this woman doing? Whoever she was, she was on a power level equal to that of Claire, and she certainly didn't look like the pacifist sort.

Kala wondered now if the woman had healed her only to kill her and chop her soul up into pieces, but instead, the figure stepped through the portal, giving her a death stare as it began to close.

"I won't die." She told the woman before she disappeared completely.

Looking up the mountain, she saw Lava moving towards her.

"Thanks! Lava! I'm so glad you're okay! How is Ignis?" Kala said, no small amount of worry tinging her voice in the last question. When Kala got to where Lava was, she would merge with the slime without delay, hugging the cute little Lava and mingling her slime with her own. Once their swirling was done, she communicated mentally with her companion, filling Lava in on what had happened with Baphomet and the angry woman.
Re: No Visitors, Mm-Hmm (Kala)

The lava slime happily mingled together with Kala in a relieved embrace of their slime. "Ignis is fine, mm-hmm. And so am I, mm-hmm." the lava slime replied to Kala. Then, when Kala explained her own situation regarding that scene with Baphomet, while Lava listened intently. She was surprised at the sudden appearance of the stranger, though offered no clarification as to who it was when Kala merely referred to her as an angry lady with horns and an angry disposition. Otherwise though, Lava was amazed at the story Kala had to tell. "You met with the Baphomet in battle and survived... That's something incredible, mm-hmm. But then again, the same applies to me, mm-hmm. I think this is the first time in the world a slime survived a clash with the Baphomet. We are amazing, mm-hmm. Though, I would like to never meet someone like her again."

With that settled, Lava directed Kala back towards the volcano. "But, although all that happened, Ignis doesn't wish to see you again. I am sorry on her behalf." Lava said, bowing her head, which happened to be Kala's now. Turned a red color but maintaining Kala's own version of a human form, she wore a black crown of solid volcanic rock as the mark that identified Lava. It seemed a trademark of slimes to each have their own unique way of identifying themselves. Kala, the shape of her heart. Pirupi, her skirt, and Lava, her crown. Each seemed to be their own piece of attire, and in that regard, Kala may get the idea to wear multiple pieces at once, going beyond wearing even Pirupi and Lava at the same time, but other slimes as well.

Working with one slime at a time was something manageable. It was easy for Kala to use the same body with Lava and even fight in combat, but there would no doubt be difficulties if three or more slimes were trying to control the same body at once. It wasn't simply a matter of letting one slime take full control, because if that were the case, they'd split. Kala would know for sure, that the ultimate method of moving about with multiple slimes would involve each slime participating in the meld each having the same thought at the exact same moment to make the same motion. Even for slimes, such a feat seemed an impossible goal at first glance. Even in the fight against the Salamanders, Lava was using parts of Kala's body to protect her and then to fight on her own. They didn't really perform too well on their synchronized strikes. They worked together, but not with the same body and mind.

As Lava made her apologies, there was the noise of a female voice to follow.

"Oh." announced the voice, as if in slight shock.

That drunken shot Kala received from the angry woman mixed her brain about a bit, and misplaced a few things here and there in her memory that was stubbornly remaining scattered despite the major hindrance that kept it sealed gone. As a result, Kala would be able to recall this one she saw before her.

Isabell Queen. Head Scientist of the Magi Headquarters. She was considered the most intelligent woman alive by those who knew her, her knowledge expanding even beyond Lian's, though it was his cunning that put him as the strategist and her the Scientist.

She was also known as the woman who was climbing up a volcano, saw a slimy Kala, and began going back down. "Excuse me," she politely excused herself.