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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Having listened to Nina's explanation, the weapon master looked pretty serious at first, holding her gaze firmly on the student's eyes. But eventually the stern-looking facade melted away, and she started smirking. "I don't think so. I've seen far weirder thing with these two eyes, a kitsune group included. I know theirs is a race of high magical and spiritual power, so I wouldn't be surprised of such things happening. It might sound a bit half-baked to hear you say that, but I don't really care since you are trying to improve something in yourself." Yura offered her reply, rising back to her feet. "Anyway, just wanted to say that I sent Alrik away, he said that it was time for him to leave. A little something you might want to know, in case there are food-related plans in your future. That is up for you to decide though, I'm equally willing to do it myself." she continued, going back towards her room.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Ahh! Food! Of course!"

Nina suddenly leaped to her feet and scampered after Yura.

"I'd completely forgotten... if Iliana and Iris are to arrive tonight, then there has to be a meal waiting for them! Oh! I don't even know what we have! We need something tasty and nice looking. I need to get to the kitchen right away, there's so little time to properly prepare... What would you like sensei? Some sort of beef, pork, or maybe some fish? Possibly something more gamey? Lamb? Venison? That lizard thing we ate before? No... I'm being silly, I wouldn't know what kind of marinade goes with lizard! Ah! Please Sensei Yura, we should go through the supplies and put a meal together."

Nina didn't know if Yura would be at all receptive to the idea of helping the maid out in the kitchen, but perhaps the sudden panicky energy that Nina displayed might be enough to shuffle the horned warrior into the direction of the larder. Nina's meditation had taken away precious hours of preparation time, so if Nina was going to be able to greet the hungry travelers with a quality meal, she would need help.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Yura smirked as she saw Nina fuss about the food. It was probably such a strange and rare thing in the temple compound that she could not help but express amusement over it. "Calm down now, Garn brought good packages of foodstuffs. There's always a nice variety of meats included, should be able to find whatever you might want in there. We don't need to pick up a random lizard from the nearby forest." the weapon master replied to her hassling, slowing down a bit so the student could catch up with her. The two went to the kitchen together.

At the kitchen table, Yura looked kind of uninspired. "Blah, despite my earlier statement of willingness, I have no good ideas. But it's good that you're here, you can make this coming dinner interesting, even for me. So, I'll take the assistant spot this time and you lead on." the horned woman said as she eyed the hunter's supply boxes. Upon inspection, they did indeed include quite a selection of things. Nothing too extravagant though, it looked like Yura preferred the more common foods despite her high status in the country.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina wasn't the best of cooks, but having been assistant in the Einzbern kitchens more than a few times, she had an idea of the sorts of things she could do. Directing Yura, the pair of them made quick work of the food preparations, slicing vegetables and potatoes, and carving away portions of meat into individual sizes. It took them about half an hour, but without the weapons master's help, it would have taken much longer.

"I suppose we wouldn't want to start cooking until after they've arrived. Thanks for your help, Sensei. I can handle the rest of the meal by myself once the Lady Einzbern and Iris arrive. Besides, you run this temple and you're a legendary hero, so you're gonna be sitting at the head of the table while I cook for all of you."

Nina winked and put the prepped food in wrappings for when it was time to start cooking them properly. She would spend the rest of the time in between then waiting by the temple entrance for signs of her friends.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Doing the preparations for food was a relatively fast deal with Yura's help, the kitchen knife being an equally impressive weapon in her hands than any other piece she had wielded up to this point. In almost no time at all, the two of them had finished preparations to a state where Nina could prepare the completed food to her leasure. Still, when it came to the remark about her status, the weapon master bonked the student on her head with a slight fist tap. "That I will not. Even though this might be a formal meeting and all, I'm the master of this house. And I say that there is to be no such stickling to unnecessary etiquettes, allowing me to provide my guests their food. Rao himself can come over here and blabber at me, it will not make a difference. When it's my home, it's my rules. And when I say to be casual, you be how you want to be, not how some mannerism guide tells you." Yura quickly dispatched Nina's silly ideas with her reply.

After her kitchen duty, the green-haired girl went to wither away the remaining waiting time at the front of the temple compound. It took what seemed like an hour or two of wait, but as the sun began to slowly desced, she could hear the gallop of a pair of horses coming up the mountain road. Soon they came into view, pulling a nice-looking wagon behind them. It was not as huge and probably not as luxurious as Rao's personal one, but still a pretty suitable transport for the higher-ups of society. Stopping near the bridge where Nina was, the driver greeted her while the side door opened. But out came not Iliana nor Iris, but a man that Nina estimated to be in his fifties, already graying despite his strong and orderly posture. Judging from his attire, this man was a high-standing knight of some sort, a long, neat goat's beard and a ponytail making up his hairstyle. There was no helmet on him, but a plated headband still offered some protection to his forehead. A layered set of things made up his uniform, a simple white under-robe being the first one, the second a more decorated black overcoat and the final a set of gold-ish plates of splint armor running down the entirety of his legs, parts of his lower arms and shoulders, and a bit on the chest as well. A huge, similarly gold-plated rectangular shield totally covered his left side while he wielded an equally long halberd in the other. After a brief look at Nina, the man stepped aside to allow Iris and Iliana exit from the carriage, which the two did.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina rubbed her head where Yura had bonked her. The horned woman had probably meant it to be a small tap, but coming from such a warrior, it still smarted a bit and needed to be massaged.

"B-but, I like etiquette!" Her voice trailed off as Yura left the kitchen. Nina hadn't suggested it because of her rigid adherence to rules - Nina really didn't know the proper etiquette for these occasions anyway. The green-haired girl just thought it would be nice to serve Yura and Iliana and Iris together. Serving was in her blood. She enjoyed it.


She waved to the driver of the carriage when he pulled up, then clasped her hands tightly in anticipation of her two friends stepping out of the vehicle. The older gentlemen who emerged first was certainly not what she expected, and for a moment her eager smile creased into a confused frown. At last though he stepped aside to reveal Iliana and Iris, and with a hop and a squeak, Nina ran to greet the two of them, intent on hugging them unless a look from Iliana told her that this wasn't the moment for public displays of affection.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The elderly knight smiled at Nina's eagerness. "She is as you told me, Lady Einzbern." he said, looking at the unfolding scene from the side. Both of her loved ones were willing to glomp at each other, though Iris seemed to be wary of something about the green-haired girl at first. When it came to Iliana, the redhead mistress took Nina in with all her usual passion. "Hehe, did you miss us during your practise?" she inquired during the huggy action.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Gladly did Nina glomp her loved ones with joy and vitality, squeezing Iris despite her split-second hesitation, and then falling quickly into Iliana's arms, beaming with happiness.

"...And before and after my practice as well! Even while I slept, I missed you both! But I think I've made a great start on my training, and I can't wait to tell you all about it. Sensei Yura is quite amazing, I saw her challenged by a knight and she didn't even break a sweat in defeating him. And she's teaching me the best forms for my selected style, and meanwhile giving me an understanding of other styles so that I know how to meet each type in the best manner. Oh, and then she fed me a lizard!..."

Nina chattered about as she prodded her two friends towards the temple. She was about halfway through the gateway when suddenly she stopped mid-sentence and turned, gasping, towards the elder knight who had traveled with Iliana and Iris.

"Oh my! I did not introduce myself! I'm so terribly sorry, it was very rude of me." She bobbed in a curtsy in front of the man, keeping her head inclined in an apologetic display of respect. "I am Nina Vertmer, servant of House Einzbern. Thank you for escorting my Lady and my dear friend Iris all the way to this temple."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Sounds like it has been a colorful period of time for you, this training. Let's get inside first though, not just stand here like wooden dolls at the front. You can tell me all about it then, the driver still has a bit of work ahead, he's heading back to the base of the mountain where there is a stable and inn. Better let him go back to the work." Iliana stopped Nina after a brief burst of chattery, fully aware by now how much the girl could talk. Iris was with them as always, despite still having some sort of waryness towards her companion in guardianhood.

The elder knight had not gone anywhere, following after the trio. When addressed, he bowed his head slightly at Nina, having already stowed the shield and halberd behind his back. "It is not a problem, one can forget such things when in much joy. I am Galeon, a former Queen's Knight in one of the smaller regions before the unity, nowadays the commander of Blackwall's Garrison of Militia. Lord Grimhorn assigned me to act as the guard of Lady Einzbern for the remainder of her visit, so I'll be with you for some time." he was quick to reply, letting Nina take them inside. I would be up to the maid-knight to show them around, since Yura was not there in the immidiate vicinity.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded and obeyed her mistress, showing the three visitors inside the mountain temple. As they all walked by other open doors, Nina would explain briefly what rooms and halls and walkways lay through each door, but she brought them all to the courtyard first, explaining that this was where most of the training occurred. She would then take to the rooms where they would be staying tonight, so that they could unpack their luggage or simply leave it for later.

"How are each of you feeling? Supper has been planned and we're ready to cook it whenever you are hungry. I know you might be tired after the journey, so please let me know how each of you is feeling. If you feel more up to it, I can take you on a tour of the outer wall where you can get a lovely view of the valley, or I suppose I could go see if Sensei Yura is ready to meet with you all. She's a very down-to-earth individual. Smart and strong and I'm sure she'll be happy to sit down to dinner with us."

She smiled and would wait for Iliana to suggest what they'd like to do in the immediate future. She would be happy to give them all a more detailed tour, or to let them rest if that was what they desired. After all, it might be nice for Galeon to leave them for a short while so they could catch up.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The group went after Nina with a quick tour around the perimeter of the compound, somehow not coming across Yura, even as they went through her room. Iris had a busy time inspecting all the stored weaponry with her fingertips, the sheer volume of armanents catching even Iliana by surprise. "Lord Grimhorn was not kidding about the weapon master part..." the mistress shared her slight amazement. The huge painting in the east wing also had her curious and interested.

Eventually they arrived back at the room where Nina had rested in, both of her beloved ones making it a point to stick in one room. They had to take in a bedding from the neighboring room to have three spots, but it was surely nothing that Yura would mind happening. Almost as if reading Nina's mind, Galeon excused himself to another room, setting it up for himself just like they would likely do. "How I'm feeling? Well, somewhat hungry and a little sore on the butt after that bumpy ride through the lands of our kindly host lord. But we had something to eat along the way, that one maid had given us snacks to feed up on. I think Iris can agree." Iliana offered her reply to the inquiries about her condition, the blind girl nodding in agreement as they prepared their beds. Soon afterwards, both of them layed down on their sleeping spots, not quite wanting to go eat yet. There would be suitable time for them now.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina hopped onto the edge of Iris' bed, facing Iliana while placing a hand on the blind girl's waist.

"It's really great to see you both again. I'm so glad you came. Since you're not hungry, we can rest a bit before coming to see Yura. I'm actually kind of surprised she's gone and hid from you both, but perhaps she's just determined to give us some time to catch up. Ah, speaking of which..."

Nina blushed and put a hand to her neck where the small leather choker lay around the green haired servant's neck, never having been removed since the day it was first willingly put on.

"I've... been missing you. It hasn't been the same without both of you here. Even if there are other people to talk to, if you're not around me, I feel lonely."

Nina smiled meekly and glanced up at Iliana, meanwhile her hand sought out Iris' hand and gripped it to show how much she had truly missed them.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Upon hearing about Nina's longing, the mistress smiled a bit. "Figured out as much, that's why I had Rao provide us with permission and transport to come here. And since we were visiting another region for once, why not see different places? Besides the random adventuring, we don't get out all that much..." the tall woman said from her seated position, smoothly laying down and rolling near the two others as they held hands. "The mistress has not forgotten her beloved servant~" she teased slightly at the blushy girl.

Iliana looked on from the side, but with the trio's matresses in one combined bed, this was not all that long distance away. She seemed to be quite willing to rest a bit, one shapely leg over the other as she put a hand under her head and eyed the two. Iris was not going against Nina's shows of affection, but there still was some visible waryness in her behaviour. It was as if she detected something in the maid/bodyguard that no others could tell.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Her blush going to a deeper shade of red due to Iliana's teasing, Nina turned to look upon Iris and for the first time it clicked in her mind as to why the blind spirit warrior might be sensing some disturbing things about her.

"Iris... Iliana... I did have one bad experience here -- not the fault of Yura or anyone else, it was merely that my curiosity got the better of me and I explored a place that I should have left well alone. For a time, I... I was at the mercy of an evil creature, one that would probably have killed me had Yura not shown up and destroyed it. Though I am physically fine... I've the sense that I have been touched by a darkness, perhaps spiritually. Iris, I can tell that you are wary of me, please be at ease. I have control over myself and the taint that I feel is being managed. Normally, I would probably keep this information to myself, as it is my burden to bear, but... you two are my family. I love you both and I cannot keep secrets from you."

She hung her head and gripped her left arm with her right hand, letting go of Iris. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Truthfully, it's most because of that experience that I am glad to see you both. When that thing touched me, it felt as if I would never again know joy or love, like they would fade away forever in my memory. Seeing you both, it's a reaffirmation that I'm still here, still your Nina."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Really? That's terrible..." Iliana replied upon hearing about the events, her expression turning into one of concern. It was only a slight change, but Iris too acknowledged the story with her expression. Not wanting Nina to mope too much, the mistress grabbed her, pulling the maid over Iris and onto the space between the two. "But you survived. And still manage to be the same girl you were before you came here, that's what matters..." she said, both of the very different females wordlessly closing onto Nina and sandwiching her between them.

For a while, they laid there without a word being said. Eventually, a tinkle of a bell disrupted their moment. "I think... it might be best... for me to explain things..." Nina could hear Karin speak, in an actual physical voice this time. The ferrygirl had manifested herself at the foot of their combined mattress, looking at the trio with an analyzing gaze in her crimson eyes. This got Iris increasingly wary, but a peaceful approach soon calmed her. The two somewhat similar girls soon held hands, Karin having some level of curiousity towards the blind warrior. "You... have a spirit inside as well...." she spoke up while Iliana looked at the scene with a degree of confusion. "Alright... now who is this and how did she get here?"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"This is Karin, my Lady. She's a friend." Nina replied evenly and sat up a bit.

"I was going to tell you about her as well, but now that she's here, maybe she can do it better. All I know is that the night after my incident with the tainted creature, I saw her in my dreams, quite vividly. I agreed to a deal with her, to let her and the other lost children to experience life through my senses. In return, she can give me some spiritual aid from time to time, in the form of repentant spirits from the underworld. Some of them are not so nice, but there are other spirits that she's put me in contact with that are really helpful. There's even an ancestor of the Kitsune tribe we met with who has agreed to teach me how to meditate! I know right? Me, meditate. It's funny, but true. Anyways... Karin, why don't you let them hear it from your mouth."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"This is getting interesting... now there are two spirit girls with me, not quite sure how to take that. But do tell what you intended to, I'm quite willing to hear it." Iliana said to the ferrygirl after hearing Nina's explanation about the suddenly appeared Karin. The spirit began to tell the same thing over that she had told the servant girl previously, drawing a few different varieties of looks from the tan mistress with her words. The woman got up to a sit as well, leaning against Nina's back as the information flowed. For some reason, Iris seemed to have no problems with Karin's touchy friendliness, and she willingly held hands with her for the duration of the story time.

After she had told everything to Iliana and Iris too, Karin dissappeared from their room with another bell tinkle, back into her work most likely. "Looks to me that you've really improved on things despite the setbacks. It was a good idea to request coming here." the mistress said, still leaning against Nina's back. Iris lowered herself down to a resting position once more after Karin vanished, the usual expression on her blindfolded features. If something had happened between her and the ferrygirl, she showed no sign of it.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"So, you're both comfortable with this? Me having spirits whooshing around from time to time? I was worried maybe Iris would be uncomfortable with it, from the way you were hesitating before."

Nina poked Iris lightly on her side before leaning back into her mistress and smiling up at her. After a time she shifted her position and wrapped her arms around Iliana, hugging the red haired beauty and resting her head on the lady's shoulder. She pressed her lips against the nape of Iliana's neck and kissed her lightly. The maid was antsy to do something with her mistress, even if it was just snuggling.

"I am at the lady's service. What would you ask of me?" she asked, offering herself up to Iliana's current whim.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I'm quite alright with this. The spirit herself seemed to be a decent being, thus having a low probability towards any spirit hijinks. And we'll be in less danger when our collective strenght is bigger." Iliana agreed with Nina's question, but stopping after the girl began to demonstrate her affection in physical ways. "I think we better not, not just yet. There is still a dinner we need to attend, after that maybe." the mistress said, still not completely putting the maid-knight away. The two of them went down on the mattress, Iris too soon joining in against Nina's back in a group snuggle. This would go on for a while, in a peaceful quiet.

Once they had enough, it would likely be time to eat.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina enjoyed her snuggle as though it had been exactly what she was hoping for and held onto Iliana tightly. When Iris came into the mix, Nina wrapped an arm around her slim frame as well and brought her in close. Despite the warmth of their bodyheat, Nina didn't budge from this position until Iliana made a move to separate. For Nina, being between these two was simply perfect and her heart felt at complete ease.

When at last it was time for dinner, Nina got up and showed them to the dining area next to the kitchens. It was a spartan room and there wasn't much Nina could do about that, given that it was a temple, but she sat the two of her friends down, as well as the elder knight who had accompanied them, and then poured them some drinks, informing them that she would start their meal now.

She went into the kitchens to begin and wondered if Yura would be around to make the food with her.