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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 42/51, PP = 75, EP = 29/84, Status = Fine, +56 Mind (Nature's Power), Lesser Nature's Power (on her Earth Elemental)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 38/80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

Blightning Strike, Empowered, for a total of 16 EP, plus 3 EP upkeep for a total of 19 EP. She has 17 Ceiling, so total cost of 21 EP and 3 HP.
Casting (Nala) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: ..... I'm not even going to roll this shit.

Nala gains 4 exp!

Calling down nearly the greatest amount of power that she could work at any one time, Nala unleashed a tiny spark of madness and chaos into the sky above. There came a flash of raw darkness as a bolt of pitch-black lightning struck down at the speed of light, impossible to avoid, and slammed into the ground. She had apparently underestimated her spell's destructive power, as the black lightning washed over the demons, and even a section of the forest around them, and all of it simply.... Ceased to be. Divinar and the two downed arachne, as well as the quintet of stalkers closing in on the lone injured arachne priestess, were spared, and the blast didn't reach even close to Nala, likely not harming Violet either, but the rest of the demons and her earth elemental were reduced to little more than piles of dust amidst a blackened crater.

The ear-splitting crash and the blast of heat that had accompanied the black bolt were impossible to miss, and the stalkers turned and took one look at the destruction before turning and bolt into the woods in different directions. Divinar, quick to recover as ever, webbed one of the fleeing demons to the ground and then grabbed a second, webbing the first further until he couldn't claw his way out while she simply held on to the other. Violet appeared from the underbrush after a third dropped to the ground, a blast of golden light coming from her outstretched hand and caught the fourth in the back to punch a fist sized hole through him. The fifth, however, vanished into the underbrush before Nala's allies could stop him. Nala could attempt another spell to stop or catch him, but he had a good deal of cover from the underbrush, and the demon's skin had already shifted, allowing him to blend in to his surroundings with ease.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala was breathing heavily, clutching her sides where splotches of blood had pooled beneath her skin from the feedback of her spellcasting. The torrential energies she had been controlling were still too much for her, though the experience she had gained here was likely to help her next time. She watched below as the remaining demons scampered away in all directions. Divinar and Violet's reactions were exemplary, with each of them taking down two of the stalkers in quick succession. That left only one remaining creature that could take news of this back to the demons in Kyederon. It was already shifting into camouflage, but that would not save it.

"You can't run," Nala hissed, as the purple and green energies swirled in her eyes, crackling against one another, yet not impeding the witch elf's vision. Dropping all spells save for her mind buff, Nala summoned vines, centering them upon the disappearing stalker's location. It wouldn't matter if he were hidden or not, a mass of flailing vines around him would hold him tight, long enough for one of Nala's companions to secure him.

Cast Entangling Vines, level 2, surrounding the stalker.

If she were successful, Nala would sigh in relief, drop all upkeep save for her vines, and begin to work her way down the tree to the jungle floor. While her other companions disabled the stalkers, Nala would use the last of her energies to heal the two wounded arachne that had fallen quickly.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 42/51, PP = 75, EP = 24/84, Status = Fine, +56 Mind (Nature's Power)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 38/80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

Casting: Success.
Good plans = success, Nala has captured another stalker! She gains an additional 2 exp. I'll give you the stuff for the center of the earth bit when the situation that caused it is actually resolved.

And indeed, the demon couldn't run. Vines wrapped around him, binding him in place, and then Nala had one more captive, totaling to a grand sum of.... Four stalkers. Not the greatest catch in the world, but given how suddenly their ambush had turned against them, it was better than what the alternative might have been. Intervention from Divinar and Violet wasn't necessary immediately, so the arachne bound their catch one by one in her webs while Nala awoke the two fallen arachne, who came awake with looks of surprise. As she was doing so, Violet kept a watch for other enemies, the enemy dead reduced to little more than dust and thus useless to them for any further purposes. Divinar grumbled audibly the entire time, scowling and going about with an unusual amount of discomfort in her step, but she voiced no complaints to Nala.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

With the last of the stalkers taken care of, Nala allowed herself to take a deep breath of relief. This resulted in her discovering to her extreme discomfort that the feedback from her overuse of entropic energies while already pushing the limits of her druidic spellcasting had caused arcane micro rifts in her body - tiny fractures in her tissue, not causing any permanent harm, but sending pain throughout her body. When she had taken in the extra air and stretched her diaphragm, she had antagonized the myriad of tiny, fresh wounds.

She doubled over in the top of her tree and grit her teeth. Low, undirected curses uttered from her mouth, and continued to do so as she made her way slowly down the tree, favoring a tender descent over a quick one.

Once she touched the jungle floor, she stooped down over each of the fallen arachne and revivified them with simple healing spells, reproducing one for herself as well. With that done, Nala felt well and truly tired. She wondered if she dared bother draining any of the newly captured stalkers before returning to rest. Looking over at Divinar, she saw that the arachne matriarch was understandably displeased.

"The battle was going poorly for us. Your two daughters fell so quickly, it was as though we had no advantage of surprise at all. Defeat at the hands of these fiends was not an option, so I made certain that it did not come to pass. Perhaps when next we hunt, our forces will fight better. Or perhaps be more numerous."

She then went to stand by Violet after the final stalker had been secured and dragged into a pile. The witch elf stroked her assassin's back and moaned a little into the nape of her neck. She was in need of a good rest and had an urge to take Violet and use her as a body pillow.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 38/80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

(On second thought, take another 2 exp for that, and 4 for what happened underground.)

Violet pursed her lips at the sight of Nala's injuries, but having seen the elf after using a great deal of her more potent magics before the assassin knew that there wasn't much she could do at the moment beyond offer comfort, and that was understood between them to be somewhat less important than their security at the moment. Divinar, if she noticed the wounds at all, didn't seem to care, so great was her frustration. Nala's statement was met by an agreeing nod from the arachne priestess, however, and she replied; "Agreed... That performance was laughably poor! The next time we hunt, we hunt only in force!" Nala's statement did little to appease the arachne's temper, however, and after she moved to stand next to her bodyguard the spider woman hefted the bundles containing the four stalkers and webbed them all together, creating two pairs of attached bundles.

Nala's slightly needy behavior drew a mix of surprise and sympathy from her lover, who stepped in and curled a supportive arm around Nala's lower back. "We can rest... Soon." Though the assassin didn't yet return the more personal aspects of her approach in a similar manner, such was generally her way. Violet never took to the idea of lovemaking immediately after combat, but a soft smile and the way in which she gently leaned herself against Nala was a sure signal that the amazonian would be open to the idea when they had a bit of time to themselves, or if Nala merely needed the comfort of her presence that such would be enough for her as well. Unfortunately, they still had to sit through the ride back to the lair of the arachne with their captives, which took slightly longer than it had to get there in the first place due to the weight added to the other two arachne.

That said, the trip was, thankfully, brief. Nala spent it wrapped securely in Violet's arms, and while the trip was somewhat bumpy due to their method of travel, the elf was able to rest somewhat if she wished. When they arrived, the other two arachne took their captives down while Nala and Violet were left in the opening chamber by Divinar, who once again made her offer of a silk hammock that they might be able to take their rest in. The other arachne present, who now numbered about a half dozen, looked nearly mutinous at their leader's subservient mannerisms around Nala, all save for one that Nala recognized as the other arachne whom she'd impregnated and enthralled. They could just as easily take a side chamber for their resting place rather than the main chamber, however, and after a moment of fawning Divinar turned and scowled harshly at her kin, causing them to scatter.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala righted herself as best she could while riding the arachne back to their lair. It wasn't that she was feeling any better, but she wasn't one to overdo showing a weakness. If anything, she had only allowed herself to break her facade in front of Divinar because she was mentally and physically exhausted from her spellwork. She made a point therefore of not leaning upon Violet at all after her initial five or six seconds of embrace.

"Yes. In force," Nala concurred, staving off the exhaustion from her tone.

When the hunting party arrived back at the tunnel opening, Nala accepted Divinar's fawning with as much grace and humility as she could, making it a note to say her thanks loudly and praise Divinar for showing her the superior hospitality of her race. Anything it took to help edge the would-be detractors away from thinking that Nala had their mother twisted around by her magics.

The silk hammock sounded good to Nala and she would gratefully slip into it when provided to her. She had no objections to Divinar staying with them or going to keep her daughters in line, but Nala was quite insistent upon drawing Violet to her and using her as a warm body to clutch onto.

"My apologies if I seem too clingy, Violet, but it comforts me to hold you close. I know you wouldn't deny me this." She slipped one arm under and one arm and leg over the Amazonian, entwining their limbs together while pressing against the brown haired woman's chest with her own.

"Today's excursion has hurt me, but as it always is with pain, one learns a lot," she whispered. "As I felt the lash of my magics threatening to tear my astral self asunder, I had an epiphany about my sexual arcana. It is directly related to the succubus magics that Esmerela used to change her image. I know how she does it. When I regain my strength, I will show you. But for now, I must rest. You will rest with me Violet. You will keep your mistress safe from harm. As you always do. My sweet pet."

Nala had closed her eyes and moved her face closer to Violet's, so that their noses touched one another. The witch elf allowed herself to relax then and put her mind at rest. Sex with Violet would have been nice under different circumstances, but her body still ached and she wanted to consolidate what she had learned today without the added distraction of having fun with her favorite female partner.

Spending 8XP to gain Succubus Magic: Shapeshifting, Dazzling Beauty, and Charm. She has 6 unspent XP left over.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

Her attempts to placate the arachne had little actual effect on their suspicious outlook, at least as far as she could tell, but Divinar's glare managed to scatter them anyway, after which the elder arachne would spin a silken hammock big enough for her and Nala to share. After that, however, Divinar was off to see to the management of her brood and the preparation for an attack in force against the demons holding Kyederon, which would take place 2 days hence, when the brood she'd carried walked among them as adult arachne. When it came time for them to cuddle up, however, Violet was right there for her, snuggling up against her with a soft smile on her face.

"Don't apologize... Why would I ever not want this?" she said softly, stroking a hand over Nala's cheek after the rest of their limbs were heavily entangled, but she hesitated a moment before speaking again. "I haven't been comfortable here... Not since we ascended from the deep," she began softly when she finally opted to speak again, just as Nala nuzzled their noses together, "Since losing Kyederon... I've not felt at ease except when we touch, and now we can be alone together again. Even though we're still so far from home, I can feel safe when I'm with you, and I'll do everything in my power to make you feel the same."

She paused again, and this time she adopted a contemplative look before saying; "That only makes sense. Demons are beings of flesh and magic combined as one, and their ability to shape their form to their will is by and large an extension of that. Their sexual ability is also an aspect of that, particularly among succubi, and while I don't know about related, they're certainly similar enough." Violet would say little more after delivering her opinion of Nala's discovery, instead allowing her to rest, and when she awoke Nala would find herself quite comfortable. She was covered in a blanket made of silk, and though for a moment it would have been easy to think that an arachne had snared her and bound her in a cocoon, Nala would find that she was quite able to move. Violet was still with her, lying beside her and fast asleep, but strangely Divinar was not there.

Instead, the younger arachne that Nala had seeded with her eggs was standing over them on the ceiling, watching them intently. Her abdomen was slightly bloated and she was more haggard than she might have remembered, but Nala recognized her secondary thrall immediately.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"It pleases me to hear you say that Violet. We make a good pairing, you and I. While I have you to be my pillar, with such a brace, I could shake the world - and I shall. But for now..." she trailed off, pressing small, soft kisses along the spirit warrior's shoulder and neck, before closing her eyes and falling asleep, into a much needed rest.

When next she awoke, her spiritual energies were restored, filling her with the confidence and promise that such arcane potency enabled. The silken blanket across her body was noted without any particular alarm, as it was not a restrictive covering. She shifted her gaze upward and stopped it on the young arachne she had lain with just after her impregnation of Divinar.

"You again... what a pleasure it is to see you. Is this blanket your handiwork? If so, I thank you. It feels wonderful against my skin," Nala said, warmly, though her eyes roamed across the bloated belly and noted it with curiosity. "Are you bearing your own eggs?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

"Yes," the younger arachne replied, but after a hesitant moment she added; "My mother and I made it together while you were sleeping. The others thought we were capturing you while you slept, but they don't understand... I don't think they'll ever understand." Her voice was soft, but betrayed in itself a tiny hint of implied superiority over her siblings, as if the arachne was proud of being Nala's thrall. When asked whether she was carrying her own brood, the arachne looked down at herself and frowned, nodding. "Yes. The hosts were all taken, and so I have been left to carry my own eggs. They will hatch within me, and then my own young will eat their way out of my body, but I don't mind. Some of them belong to you, and I would gladly die to give life to your children." The young arachne spoke with nearly mindless adoration for her, and rubbed a single clawed hand over her bloated abdomen while she spoke as if she treasured the offspring growing within, even though they would no doubt kill her if her words were true.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"What?! That is nonsense." Nala said, concerned that she might lose such a useful thrall due to such mindless adoration. "To allow yourself to expire - that does not please me. You and your mother have 'captured' Violet and I. So I suggest you use this to your advantage. I cannot give your eggs the same care and attention that I did with your mother's, but I can bring them to fruition safely."

She shifted clothing slightly, and then pulled aside the webbing blanket, exposing herself to the arachne.

"Come. Put your eggs within me. There is time yet before we strike our enemies, so I can do this favor for you." She rubbed two fingers across her pink folds and then spread her labia apart to invite the arachne to come forward. "I am quite generous towards my chosen favorites, and if you are willing to give your life just to bear my offspring, then I shall not let such a creature go to waste. Tell me... I do not even know your name."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

Surprise came over the young arachne's face, but that look swiftly turned to awe as Nala revealed her half-revealed body and spread her legs, followed swiftly by her nether lips. The young half-spider drunk in the sight of Nala's body like a man dying of thirst presented with a fountain of youth, and her ovipositor sprung forth from her abdomen even before she'd moved to claim what was so generously offered to her. "Are.... Are you sure? I wouldn't want to... To hurt you..." she whispered softly, but if Nala reiterated her permission the arachne wouldn't hesitate further before climbing down onto her, barely even disturbing the silken hammock on which she and Violet had lain as she took up a position over Nala, leaving them almost face to face.

The elven witch had spent enough nights sleeping alongside the assassin to know when Violet was faking being asleep. In truth, she'd been wide awake ever since she'd heard Nala's voice, but the woman's senses left her no need to use her eyes, and she'd used the ruse of being asleep to her advantage more than once. She was, in fact, quite good at it, and at acting in general when she put her mind to it, but few and far between were those that possessed both the natural perception and intimate familiarity with the assassin that Nala had. As such, she could feel the light tension in Violet's body as the arachne climbed on top of her and moved her thick organ into position over her pink petals, not quite threatening but simply ready in case some sort of foul play should come of this.

Her enthralled arachne was quite loyal to her, however, and they were alone in their private chamber near the back of the cave. It was only when the arachne's breeding tube was rubbing over her petals, ensuring that she was wet enough for entry, that the young arachne would seem to realize that she'd been asked a question. Blushing, the arachne hesitantly supplied; "I... Do not have a true name, not yet, even though I brought in a captive.... My sisters and my mother call me Runt when they want to be sure that it's me that responds, for that's what I am, though I'm the only survivor of my clutch." She paused for a moment in her motions, "You are... Not lubricated enough. If you would allow it, I would like to bite you, so that my venom will allow your muscles to relax. Neither you nor the young would be harmed by it, our poison is only potent enough to kill when we want it to." Violet tensed beside her, but it was up to Nala to decide whether she wanted to allow the arachne to inject her paralytic venom into her, or find some other way of providing proper lubrication.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala nodded and beckoned the young arachne forward with the crook of her finger, while at the same time spreading her legs as wide as they would comfortably go. She had the advantage of experience when it came to breeding with an arachne, and knew now what to expect.

She idly caressed Violet's back where she slumbered beside her. Nala knew the assassin would be awake and wanted to comfort and reassure her human. This caress stopped momentarily stopped when the issue of poisoning came up, but the witch elf carried on after only a slight pause.

"I know that you have only my best interests in mind, but what can your bite for my muscle 'relaxation' that your tongue could not as easily achieve?" she purred. "I am in control over my vaginal muscles, I do not fear your ovipositor. Does this bite mean something more to you perhaps than just the physical aid? Would it make you feel better, my cute little one?

"How about this, if you take especially good care of me through this process, I will give you a name to go by for the rest of your days. It will be just between you and I for now, but continuing to prove yourself, others will come to know it and use it, I'm sure."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

The arachne looked slightly nervous after Nala had delivered her question, and her eyes darted between Nala and the floor for a moment before she sheepishly replied; "I... I don't really.... Know how to. Use my mouth, I mean. You saw me... The first time I did it with a male. I wouldn't even know where to start on a woman..." She trailed off, her cheeks growing with shame, and even in her feigned sleep Violet arched an eyebrow at that, though the arachne seemed not to notice.

"I wouldn't hurt you!" she suddenly burst out, "I swear I wouldn't! I'd die first... The bite would just be to help you relax, but if you don't think you'd need it, we can do without. I just... I don't want to hurt you when I put them in, is all..." Again she trailed off, but her look of sheepishness was tempered with arousal as she shifted forward and lined up her ovipositor with Nala's sex, rubbing the tip over her lips for a moment before saying; "Are you... Ready?"

If Nala gave an affirmative answer, the arachne would slowly shift, her appendage stretching forth as it entered her much as the tentacles of the alien-spawn that had raped her in the battle that had allowed her to create Kyederon. She would easily be able to shift so as to have the thick thing rub up against her pleasurable spots just as easily as she would be able to avoid them, but regardless of her choice for her own pleasure the arachne's mouth would open into a small ring as she pushed into Nala, her breath coming forth in a silent gasp. The base of her ovipositor widened where it connected with the rest of the arachne's body, as sure a sign that her partner's orgasm was impending as any that she knew from the spider women.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"Hmm, remind me to teach you how to do it properly sometime then," Nala sighed, then placed her own hand over her slit and started rub herself. When the ovipositor came into position and rubbed against her, she guided it in an effort to make sure that she was well lubricated before it was inserted.

"There, there. No reason to worry. I trust in you." She patted the young arachne's cheek with the hand that had just been guiding the large breeding organ, leaving a tiny smear of Nala's nectar behind. "Mmm, I'm ready for you. Come on, itsy bitsy."

Nala cooed as the ovipositor entered her, and she shifted so that it would rub against her g-spot, wanting to get some pleasure out of this. She noticed from her partner's face, this was quite possibly destined to be a quickie, but that would have its benefits too.

"Just do what comes naturally," Nala said encouragingly, trying to take things slowly, rolling her hips and impaling herself on the arachnid's length. "Ease them into me."


When the spider had finished and the eggs were snugly inside of Nala's womb, to grow for the next few hours in warm safety, the witch elf patted herself and smiled approvingly.

"Well done. And since these children will need to know the name of both their parents, I guess we'd better give you one, mmm?" The night elf looked to the side and started to idly play with Violet's hair for a moment, 'hmming' and humming to herself while she thought.

"In my childhood home of Ch'Hiesol, there is a black and purple orchid, with small, thin leaves, that hangs like ivy across the sourthern edge of the temple complex. It is beautiful, but carries a poison capable of killing anyone foolish enough to eat its petals. However, its nectar is drunk by local hives of bees to create a distinctive flavor of honey - and we name the honey and the bees both after the flower itself. We call it 'Wiste.'"

Nala looked up at the 'runt' arachne. "I would like to call you Wiste. Do you consent to this?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

As she took what limited pleasure she could from the inexperienced arachne's thick tube, resigning herself to the quickie that it would inevitably be, Nala found a surprise in store for her. A tiny gasp of breath, warm and familiar, passed over her ear, and a set of fingers that knew her body well slowly trailed down her clenching abdomen, feeling the outline of the spider's shaft as it plunged into her tight depths before reaching their destination. "Jealous as it might make me sometimes, I never get tired of watching something nice and thick plunging into you~" Violet whispered breathlessly into Nala's ear, her approach having been so silent and so quick that Nala hadn't even noticed it until she was already on her. The nimble woman's fingers began to dance around her clit, exposed as it was by how stretched her folds were around the arachne's ovipositor, mostly teasing for the moment by circling the sensitive little nub but still occasionally giving her jewel a light brush with her fingertips.

"You didn't really think I'd let you get fucked thrice in front of me without enjoying any of them did you?" The heat of Violet's body was pressed softly against Nala's side, her voice remaining at a low purr that was ushered right into Nala's pointed ear as her bodyguard joined the fun. The arachne seemed not to notice, and as Violet nibbled softly on the tip of her ear, the spider woman began to plunge into Nala in earnest. As her clit was circled but just barely touched by Violet, so too was her g-spot not given the attention it needed if the elf wanted to really enjoy herself, the repositioning and bucking of her own body enough to make the arachne's rough thrusts into her sex enjoyable but not exceptional. Both of those insufficienies lasted only for the initial portion of what had suddenly become a threesome, however, as Violet's fingers began to pass over her nub more and more... And the arachne's thrusts changed suddenly as she gritted her teeth, pushing her breeding tube into Nala at an angle seemingly maximized for her pleasure and slowing her thrusts so that Nala could feel every push inwards.

It took only a moment for Nala to recognize the replication of the techniques she'd used on the arachne when she'd sired the very eggs that were about to be placed inside of her, and the reduced pace of the unnamed arachne's motions was made up for by the sheer size of her tool. "So good... I can barely hold it in!" she declared, her massive body trembling enough that Nala could feel it through the appendage plunging steadily into her sex. Violet became just a little bit more adventurous, spurred on by the haste of the arachne's impending orgasm, and her teasing slowly eased into a steady strumming that was set at exactly the speed that Nala normally liked, delivering her constant stream of breathless whispers of half-formed lewd promises even as she played with the elf's sensitive clitoris. The assassin was still fully clothed, but the thrum of aroused tension running through her was plain as day to Nala. Still, Violet didn't yet ask for any recompense, though Nala was free to do with her hands and mouth whatever she willed.

The combined attentions of her two partners working her body in concert was having a wonderful effect on her body, but Nala was more than able to block out the pleasure if she so wished. If she didn't, however, she would find herself well on the way to her peak by the time her arachne partner tensed, throwing her head back and moaning all the louder as the first egg made its way down her ovipositor. As it'd been with Divinar, Nala could watch as the first egg slowly traveled down the tube, a bulge and discoloration in the semi-transparent appendage marking the egg clearly. The closer it got to her petals, the harder Violet strummed her fingers across Nala's clitoris, using the elf's own love juices coating the outside of the arachne's shaft as lubrication. Just as the first egg reached her petals, two more already on their way down to join it, Violet's motions turned back to their initial slow teasing, her aching clit not getting the attention it needed to send her over the precipice on which she stood. She wasn't left waiting long, however, as Violet's fingers started up with a vengeance as the orb passed between her nether lips, strumming her sensitive gem so rapidly that her fingers were a blur, and a moment later the addition of the egg passing by her g-spot pushed Nala right over the edge.

Violet moaned into her ear (or possibly her mouth if Nala had opted to turn to face the assassin) when (if) Nala orgasmed, pressing her mound against Nala's side and gently grinding as a reflex to sate her own lust if Nala hadn't done something to please the assassin in turn. The younger arachne had ended up with a good deal more eggs than Divinar had, though whether that was a result of greater fertility, the partner she'd taken before Nala, or simple circumstance wasn't clear. What was clear, however, was that it would take a long while for the spider to empty herself. Violet gave Nala a break after she came down from her orgasm, her fingers going back to teasing threateningly until the elven witch's body was primed for another orgasm, by which point more than a dozen eggs had been pushed into her womb. Her warped body, now almost completely within her control courtesy of the lessons she'd learned from facing Esmerala, was able to stretch to accommodate the eggs easily.

More and more were pumped into her womb, however, stressing even her ability to hold so much by the time the arachne's moaning ended several minutes later. Violet had ensured that Nala enjoyed her second breeding more than the first, and when they were done and the arachne slowly pulled her ovipositor out of Nala's stretched sex, the assassin smirked and gave Nala's belly a pat as well as Nala turned to play with her silky black hair. The arachne opened an eye, still panting but listening to Nala intently as her mistress discussed the name she'd chosen for her, before nodding. "If you wish it, Nala... I will be called Wiste."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala took a few sharp intakes of breath as she felt Violet's hand venture down her stomach and abdomen, working towards her cunt in the midst of its welcome violation.

"I had wondered - mmh! How long you would be able to resist joining in," Nala said quietly as her human lover began to assist the arachne's lovemaking. "You've always had, nngh, a weakness for your mistress, haven't you?"

Nala turned her head and brushed back her locks of purple hair, and then gently began to press her lips to Violet, kissing her softly and sweetly while her body shifted up and down from Wiste's thrusts.

"Ohh yes... mmm. Yes, like that! Ah, it's better. Nnhfff!" Nala rolled her hips and bit Violet's lip softly and moaned her appreciation of the dual effort. Wiste's improvement was marked and the witch elf had truly been missing the soft, practiced touch of her assassin beauty. Her kisses with Violet deepened, cutting off any further words until at last the first egg penetrated her and the combination of the ovipositor pounding her g-spot and Violet's rapid strokes across her clitoris pushed her over into orgasm.

"Mmmmm! MMmmm! Ahhooohh!"

Nala moved against Violet, more than content to use herself as something for the assassin to grind against. As the eggs continued to travel inside of her, Nala turned more attention to the amazon. Her slender fingers slipped against Violet's slit and rubbed there eagerly, wanting Violet to enjoy a nice soothing climax by the time the egging was done. With about a dozen eggs to take care of, Nala should have had ample time to do so.

When it was all over, Nala giggled as Violet gave her swollen belly a playful pat. "It's not the best of looks, is it? Still, there's something eerily satisfying about bringing life - any sort of life - into this world."

She frowned a bit after that, remembering that ever since her journey beyond death, her own eggs had been infected with raw entropy, effectively sterilizing her womanly bits. If she were to ever breed, it would have to be as the father. These arachne were one of the few creatures who could actually make creative use of her womb.

She patted her belly. Mother of monsters? Would that be what she was known as one day? She could still feel the empathic link to her first brood, and that reminded her that she was determined that these eggs would have the same empathic understanding with her as Divinar's clutch had. She leaned against Violet for continued pampering and support, and began to manipulate her arcane energies around the eggs.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

Nala's playful question drew nothing more than a giggle and a particularly firm nip from her lover, but when she turned and started returning Violet's attentions with her fingers Nala got a fairly definitive answer. The assassin was soaking between her legs, her love honey literally running down her thighs, and given that Nala knew the assassin's body as well as she knew her own, bringing Violet to her own orgasm was one of the easiest things she'd ever done. Nala had her squirming before Wiste had even half finished depositing her eggs. The arachne proved to have quite a few eggs locked within her bloated abdomen, and Nala lost count after thirty, leaving her a good bit more bloated than last time.

"It isn't, but it's not the worst state I've seen you in~" Violet said lightly once the session had come to an end. This much was true, given that the assassin had been present when a foul man's bullet had torn through her heart and left her, if momentarily, as a corpse. "I agree~ Maybe one day I'll have some of my own!" she quipped with a smile, but then let out a giggle that ended as a sigh, "But hopefully not in the form of anything with more than two legs!"

Working her magic, Nala found that it was an easy task to create the same link between these eggs as she'd done with Divinar's. She didn't have the energy to infuse them with the same arcane power that she'd given the eggs that Divinar had laid within her, but some minor augmentation was within her grasp. Her earlier time incubating the eggs had given Nala a decent understanding of the spider-kin's anatomy, and she could choose to expend her magics to enhance her newest brood in minor ways if she so chose, enhancing their raw strength, their resilience, or their ability to strike unseen respectively.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"You surprise me, my pet. I didn't know you had motherly inclinations," Nala teased her bodyguard. "Oh, but just two legs? You're so picky, Violet. Fufufu...~ But I can always fulfill your request. Just say the word and I'll convince some handsome young stud to give you the goods. Or did you have a particular 'father' in mind?" Nala winked and slid her foot up and down Violet's shin.

After settling into a comfortable trance, Nala concentrated on her new batch of eggs. So many of them! Her seed hadn't been nearly so potent with Divinar. Was this her work or the work of that one insolent piece of fae meat that had insulted her before when she had meant to help him? She didn't dwell on that too much however, what mattered now was the well being of her new babies. Hunters was what they were meant to be. They needed to be able to find food in the dark, killing their prey without a fight from the first few hours of their hatching. If she could use her magics to give them a head start in their stealth, that would be crucial to their survival chances.

"You are blessed, each of you, with the grace of true hunters, my little spiders," Nala murmured as she rubbed her swelled belly and made good on her druidic blessing.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

"I bet you'd like watching that too~" Violet replied lightly to her teasing comment, "If you weren't an active participant of course!" The assassin gave no verbal reply to Nala's slightly suggestive question, instead simply opted to lean slightly closer and nuzzle lightly against the elf's shoulder. "I would like to have children someday," she said suddenly just as Nala began concentrating on her eggs, "Maybe not now, or even soon... We're still in too much danger out here in the jungle for me to take time off of guarding you, and that's not likely to change even after the demons have been dealt with. But.... Maybe someday, when we've not got so many troubles to worry about."

Violet went silent after that, leaving Nala to concentrate on her magical workings. The task was easy enough to accomplish, and with a little effort the spiders were given what blessing Nala could offer with only her own magical strength to work with, a gift of guile and stealth inspired by the shadow goddess Issir. Their "father" had, in the meantime removed herself from the web hammock and slowly scuttled back up to her place on the wall, though she continued to gaze down at Nala and Violet with contented eyes, her belly no longer distended.

"Getting to know some of my daughters eh?" Divinar said as she appeared out of the shadows on the ceiling a few minutes later, her eyes centered on Nala's distended belly. She shot a glance at Wiste, at which point her look became something of a frown, and she quickly said; "Go get together some food for these two, fruit and meat. Make sure that it's cooked, you know how our guests can get if they're fed raw meat!" Wiste nodded and left the room in silence, looking slightly frightened and leaving Nala and Violet alone with Divinar. The assassin was frowning up at the elder arachne warily, and Nala could feel the mild tension present in her lover's tight frame, but she held her tongue as Divinar slowly descended to the ground. "How are you enjoying your accommodations so far? I hope that everything is to your liking~"
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"I would enjoy watching it very much, Violet. And I'd almost feel insulted if I didn't have a little part to play in such an occasion." The night elf smiled coyly.

"When there's time, I'll see to it that you are blessed with a child."

There would be no doubting Nala's words as her own hand caressed Violet's flat and hard-toned stomach. The witch elf could sense the vitality there. Violet would be a fierce and healthy mother. The image of her fine human warrioress with a baby bump brought a smile to Nala's face.

Divinar showed up shortly after this, scuttling down from above to greet the two humans, snug as bugs in a spider's web. Even though the past days had proved to the night elf that she could mostly trust in this matriarch arachne, there was still the unignorable look of a predator in her eyes as she hovered above them.

"I was just re-acquainting myself with Wiste. Your small daughter there. The poor thing was bloated with her own eggs so I took them from her. The hatchlings will not be as strong as yours of course, but they will be above average examples of your lovely species. Fine hunters, I should think." She rubbed her distended belly protectively. "We are enjoying our time here with you, but tell me, are your other daughters not feeling the same way? No doubt they are grumbling among themselves... Do I need to be concerned?"