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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

(Nala gains 4 experience.)

"I hope it was a good lesson for you, as fun as it was" Esmerala declared warningly when Nala explained that she had fully surrendered herself rather than fight. "As much ecstasy as you were in, you no doubt recognized the danger you would have been in with another succubus.... One who was trying to dissolve your soul into nothing to claim as her own. Just because we could make you love every second of it doesn't mean you would be any less dead than if some fool like Dviklien had plunged a blade into your heart. Actually, you would be even more dead, if that makes any sense."

Following the smack against her rump and the playful tug on the chain around the demon's neck, Esmerala's smile widened at Nala's answer and the accompanying musings, and she replied; "How could I conquer you so and not leave at least a little bit of a mark? It'll go back to its usual color soon enough for you to be presentable~ As for getting some new clothes, you might be better off taking the fiber and making your own. I wasn't much taken by arachne weaving from those we took as slaves back in New Abaddon."

Nala would then be lowered to the ground, or more appropriately back down into the water, at her apparent desire for such. Esmerala would happily assist in her cleaning in the mundane way, ever eager to put her hands to Nala's soft skin, and would shrink her cocks back into her body when it was her turn. Once they were cleaned and dried, Nala would be able to dress in her old clothes if she wished, as by that point most everything was fairly dry and could be finished off with a bit more magic.

When prompted for advice about what to do with her assorted prisoners, Esmerala would reply in a tone that was both frank and flat; "Kill the succubi. Use inventive ways that get you more than just their life's blood to show for it if you like, but see them ended. As careful as your servants are, they simply aren't worth the risk in keeping, aren't trustworthy if you thought to try and recruit them to your cause, and of no practical value as anything other than breeding toys for the arachne. Even as those, they are dangerous. If you insist on keeping some, make sure they cannot communicate and having seals or sealing collars placed on them, and don't let any single arachne be alone with them. Demons don't trade for prisoners most of them time and the only ones of value here were Dviklien and myself, so I'm afraid you don't have any valuable diplomatic chips on your hands either. Make sure that any warriors are kept constantly weakened, as an assassin coming for you might try to use them as a distraction and they could kill or maim some of your people. Keep any mages or wielders drained at all times, or they'll cause havoc if they get free."

(We can start doing this in chat soonish.)
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"Oh yes, even with a single session, I learned a lot," Nala said. "It did not take much to notice how vulnerable I was to you. You've had many chances to destroy me. I cannot deny that. I suppose I should be thankful that you find my continued existence to be useful, or at the very least amusing. Sadly, you're not the first being that I would owe my life to, in that sense."

At the commentary about leaving her mark on the night elf's rump, Nala could only smile sheepishly - though for her, this was more a rueful, indulgent look of a natural domme who was admitting to enjoying being in a sub role. "Mmm~ it's not the marking that I'm opposed to. Just the timing. Though I can forgive an inspired act in a moment of passion. Especially given it's someone like you. Gorgeous and sinful, but with plenty of redeeming qualities."

The elf leaned in close at that point and rubbed her nose and lips against the nape of the demon's neck. Feeling a bit closer to Esmerala, though recognizing that these feelings could all be manipulated. It was then she recalled that she had completely forgotten to use her own powers in the heat of the moment. She had been too concentrating on her own learning and the yearning for the long-denied, orgasmic pleasure. She blushed a bit at this, but quickly forgave herself. There would be plenty of time later to experiment, and she had learned much.

After drying themselves on the river bank, donning her skimpy robes, and folding the sheets between them, Nala brought up the subject of the demon prisoners. She was inclined for the most part to agree with Esmerala's assessment. The jungle was a brutal place, and with the Abbaddon Demon King sending assassins against her, Nala did not want to deal with a possible revolt. Still, summary executions might leave a bad taste in the mouth of the more meek-hearted citizens of Kyederon, even after all that they had been through.

"You make a lot of good points, but I must not be seen as making this decision on my own. I am thinking of letting a tribunal of the people who were here for the past three days to decide the fates of each demon prisoner - though you and your two knights will be exempt. That may rankle some, but Dmetrius knows what you did to allow us to retake the town. I must ask though, what specifically did you do during the three days that you impersonated me?"

Gorgeous and sinful aren't redeeming qualities themselves? I'll have to rethink everything I thought I knew about you!” Esmerala declared melodramatically, fanning herself as if feeling faint.

Eventually the subject of prisoners and what to do with them would come up. Esmerala would, after giving her input, nod to Nala's reply. “Fair enough. I don't suspect any of them will live through that, but the formality of it will appeal to some.

At the other question, Esmerala would give a grimace that mixed a grin and a frown. Even with that expression, she didn't hesitate long to reply; “What I was told, essentially. In your form, with my knights as Demetrius and Violet, I handed Kyederon to my king's forces, who were ready at the other end of a gate I'd set up in a warded glen a short ways from your walls. Most of your people never even realized what happened before they were being rounded up from their beds and relocating. Leading in principle only with Dviklien around, I couldn't do much to keep my kin from having their way, but I did what I could.

For one, I sabotaged the portal so that Dviklien couldn't start shipping your enslaved people back to New Abaddon. I told him it was a faulty focusing crystal, and he bought that since I'd taken it from a local cave. Whenever someone was starting to look too weak from regular feedings, I made sure they ended up in my bedroom so that I could let them get a rest.... Spiritually, at least. Your own people knew you weren't a succubus, after all, and our first session gave me enough of an image of you to impersonate you even in bed. Nobody figured me out, and I mostly kept from feeding until you were in the area. That was about when I knew I wouldn't need my disguise any longer.

"I will need you to display your power in front of the people. To show exactly what you did and to therefore clear my name. If you're worried about looking as if you're cooperating with me too much, I can have Violet make it look like she'll execute you if you don't comply. I'm sure she wouldn't have to act too much in that case, and you can look like a prisoner acting to save her own skin. Later on, after the other demons have gone through their tribunals, I'll let it it be known that a plan had been enacted to sabotage the focus crystal. If I'm to salvage trust with my own people, I need to let them reach the conclusion that they WERE saved from worse than death - even if they don't realize that it was you who had a hand in that. Whenever you are prepared to drop the charade, I'll let them know the truth."

As they neared Kyederon again, Nala considered, and then said "Actually, can you impersonate me now? You'll still be on the leash, so the people who saw us leave with you in your natural form will now be able to put two and two together."

Esmerala would nod in agreement to Nala's command. “Whenever you'd like to arrange that... Though even I can't help but be a bit wary if Violet has a blade to my neck. Still... I suppose I've no right to complain.” She would simply comply immediately when Nala asked her to do it right then, and within a few moments she would be staring at a perfect clone of herself save for the clothes, Esmerala being still nude.

The sight of the two of them walking into Kyederon, needless to say, turned quite a few heads as Nala escorted her demonic charge through the town, nude but wearing the elf's own form. Where she wished to go from there was up to her, but Esmerala had quite carefully arranged her face into a frown, the expression quite convincing in conveying the idea that she didn't want to do what she was doing. A few looks of dawning comprehension would appear on a few faces, but many would simply continue to frown at the sight. Passing Grabbik as he went to the town well, Nala would find the goblin gazing in awe as a number of lewd fantasies obviously played out in his mind.

Nala lead 'herself' through the town, heading for Demetrius' quarters. She was all the time looking around for signs of Violet, thinking to herself what likely places her lover would be when she was not at the witch elf's side. She would knock politely at the door to the Badarian mage's lodging, and wait for a word from the inside to enter, though if he took some time to answer, she would try the door herself and move in, announcing herself as she entered. Though she was not feeling entirely negative, she made sure to wear a stern expression as she entered. She wanted to discuss a few things with Demetrius - the tribunals, the logistics of the town's recovery, and of course, his silent subversion of her wards on him over the past two years. He was certainly not one to complain about being manipulated in the bedroom, but she found it cowardly that he would not mention to her about his shrugging off of her mystical allure.

Violet tended to spend as much time as possible around Nala, but when she wasn't at the elf's side she didn't have anywhere in particular that she tended to be. Such occasions were fairly rare, and when parted from Nala Violet simply worked wherever a hand was needed.

Demetrius, on the other hand, was pretty easy to find. His personal quarters, a luxury afforded him for his status in the community as one of its key founders and due to the fact that he had set up most of it with magic himself anyway, was where the Badarian mage usually ended up spending much of his time. Knocking at the door, sure enough his voice would call back; “Come in, I left it unlocked.” The mage's lab took up much of the first floor, though a small corner had been sectioned off for a dining table and general work area.

Demetrius was, on Nala's entry, busy working at a bench he used to petrify his insect specimens, carefully applying his process to a freshly caught moth which possessed poisonous fibers in its wings that it could blast out in a cloud that could cause inflammation and itching in anything they touched, or blindness if you were lucky enough to catch a burst of them in the eyes.

He wouldn't glance up at her entrance, and would thus miss Esmerala standing behind Nala in the elf's physical form for several moments. When he did, he would give a double take and stare for a moment, his shrewd gaze apparently calculating something that might not have been that different from Grabbik if his wandering eyes were to be believed. Then, suddenly, he would quickly utter a spell under his breath while turning to face the two Nalas, and if she didn't lash out in reply she would find a harmless scanning wave passing over her, the mage's way of knowing which one was which.

Mmm.... I had wondered when you would make sure people saw that. Glad it was sooner rather than later. I suspect that this isn't a social call though, so what do you need?” he said conversationally, tilting his head and resting back against the counter he'd been working at while folding his hands in his lap.

As soon as the door was closed, Nala loosened the tautness of her grip on Esmerala's chain considerably, holding it at the extreme of it's slackness as she walked over to Demetrius' bench. She took a look at the specimens there, with neither great interest nor the repulsion that some people would reserve for such a hobby. She was a mage herself, and did her own research. She could respect what it was the the Badarian did in here, even if she had no real appreciation for his subject matter.

"It's nice to see that we've both managed to get back in step with our research so soon after our harrowing misadventure," Nala said. "Though doing so does cause for some friction with the townsfolk. I've come here to say several things to you..."

Nala slid in front of Demetrius, between him and his bugs, getting very much inside of his personal space, though he seemed prepared for this, having leaned back in his chair and put his hands in his lap. Still, she liked it when she took the aggressive stance with him and him pretending not to get turned on by her presence.

"First, I need to arrange a time for us to speak to the populace. The goblins, the arachne, and especially the people, will need to be there. It's time to do some explaining, and I want you there to put in your part. I want Charlotte and Amanda up there with us as well, and any chosen representatives from the town that you think appropriate, as those will be the loudest voices demanding an explanation.

"The second thing is that I intend to have a tribunal set up. Amanda and Charlotte and three townsfolk will judge the fates of each demon individually and publicly. I want the people of Kyederon to decide their own brand of justice. Considering that you and I have failed them for three harsh days, it's only fair that we re-empower them. I will be exempting Esmerala and her two servants from these tribunals, for reasons which you already are mostly aware of."

Nala waited for Demetrius' reactions to these two points, wanting to get this part of the conversation out of the way before she broached her final topic.

Demetrius would take Nala's entrance into his personal space in stride, merely watching her casually. His demeanor was generally professional unless she opted to turn her charms upon him, at which point he would quickly break down in preparation for a night with her, and her overall demeanor and Esmerala's presence together did not suggest that the latter was likely.

I don't think making that happen will be too much trouble. A lot of people want answers to a lot of questions about what happened,” he replied evenly to her first demand, and then allowed her to continue. Her plan to arrange a tribunal would earn little more than a nod from the mage, and from there Nala would again have the opportunity to continue.

Nala left the air between them hang in silence for an extended time, suggesting to him that she had perhaps expected more of an opinion from him than simply a nod. If he did not say anything else however, she would inhale deeply and tap her fingers on the table, casting her glance sideways for a moment, seeming to study his bench a little more as she spoke again.

"Very well. So we'll get that set up for this afternoon. The arachne have had a whole night and morning with which to use the prisoners as breeding tools. So I've lived up to my bargain with them. Plenty of eggs for them... Now we get to my final reason for being here. As I said, I managed to get right back to my research. And it's come to my attention that you've failed to be honest with me for quite some time now. You obviously have no objection to being with me in a carnal sense, which was always to aid me with my noble arcane pursuits - just as I have helped you collect your specimens on many an occasion... but yet, you haven't told me that you had countered my enchantments..."

Here, her eyes turned back on him, and she gave him a scrutinizing look, to see how he responded to her accusation.

When Nala's eyes turned back onto Demetrius, she would find the man gazing back at her stoically, his face set as if he expected a fight out of this. "Well... I am a little bit surprised that it took you this long to figure that out," he said emotionlessly, "but I guess eventually is better than never. I suppose you'll want to know how I did it?"
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala looked at Demetrius with a dull-eyed expression which gave way to an exasperated sigh.

"Do you really think I hadn't considered that a man who specializes with counter magics might not have sensed and countered my own magic - the same magic that I continuously tell him about as I am developing it? It's not that I haven't anticipated that you might have done this, Demetrius. It's just that I expected you to tell me, when you'd gotten around to it."

The night elf slid suddenly onto his lap, so that she was straddling him, placing the elbows of her criss-crossed arms on his shoulders.

"In two years, we've practiced our magics side by side, raised a village in a most inhospitable place, in a most inhospitable time. Not once have you given me a reason to suspect that you would betray me, and you've had plenty of opportunity, just no motivation to do so. So what I'm really just wondering is why you would inhibit the improvement of my research by not telling me your methods of countering. It's almost as if you don't trust your favorite night elf mistress... and that makes me sad." Nala fake pouted this last bit, drooping her lips even as she pressed her body up against the ever logical Badarian.

I am sure that I didn't try to figure out what your thinking, Nala. I am in my fifties now, and long learned that trying to guess a woman's thoughts as a man is a more foolish endeavor than trying to turn the earth into cheese. If you had considered it, then you should have asked it. Someone who broke from your reigns and meant you harm afterward wouldn't up and tell you that they'd done it. Besides, I was trained at the Incantarium. Resisting mind control is one of the first things they start teaching us.

He responded to her pout with a pragmatic frown, keeping his own arms folded over his chest to keep her from getting too comfortable in his lap or trying to kiss him without another shift.

No... I have not had reason to betray you. The men to whom I was loyal are dead or outcast, and the men who were loyal to me were here. My family, what little of it was left, was dead. And I got the occasional pleasure of being your practice subject. Besides, you had other concerns at the time, and if it had taken you much longer I would probably have eventually told you that your magics could be countered. Ultimately, all magics can be countered. I even managed to copy your signature enough to make it hard for you to tell that it wasn't there anymore, if that helps any.

Nala shrugged. "What would help me more is if you finally tore yourself away from your bugs long enough to complete my training. You've sparred with me a little, and commented on my dispel technique, but I'm coming up against enemies that are far more potent and capable of countering my magics just like you did. I need to work out a way of making my techniques harder to counter, and I can only develop them if I truly know the extremes of the Arcane discipline."

Nala leaned back a bit, recognizing that Demetrius was being quite the fuddy duddy at this time around. "So once we get this place back in order, I'm going to expect you to allocate some time to explaining the finer details of all this. And I'll thank you to do it without a perpetual scowl on your face, unless you truly do think of me as some burden."

Training? I thought of it more as academic comparison... But if you'd like a few proper lessons, I suppose that we can do that,” Demetrius would reply simply, frowning. Her remark toward his usual expression would cause him to grimace for a moment instead, but then he would say; “If you don't like the look on my face... Well, tough! I'm set in my ways! Too old to fix! So you'll take that scowl while I'm teaching you and like it, because I got a helluva lot worse when I was taught magic!

Nala blinked at Demetrius' sudden outburst, then covered her mouth as she gave a "snrk!" and stifled her laugh. "Oh by the trees, was that supposed to be your taking charge tone? Demetrius, you're adorable." The witch elf put her hand up against his face and scratched playfully at his beard, which always tickled her when she sat on the wizard's face.

"Maybe if you didn't counter my magic so much, I could make you smile more. You'll see! The better you teach me, the happier you'll be!"

Something like that,” Demetrius grunted in an amused tone, and lightly leaned against her scratching rather like a puppy. The implications of her promise regarding her prospective training would bring a smile to any man's face, particularly any man who had enjoyed her attentions before, and Demetrius was quick to do so. “Well then... I'll just have to be a great teacher, won't I? Lots of discipline will, of course, be involved!

Nala grinned, still scratching the man. "Of course. If I don't feel I'm learning well enough, you'll get plenty of discipline!"

Giggling, Nala slid off of Demetrius' lap and headed back over to her doppleganger. "Don't forget though, first things first. We're going to make sure the town gets put in order. And we're going to be doubly on our guard against any further demon presence. I'll come get you when I'm ready to make my announcement to the town. I just need to find Amanda and Charlotte, and make sure that they're on board with my tribunal idea. In the meantime, if possible, find me three townsfolk who you think would be rational and calm about considering the fates of our prisoners."

Easier said than done... But I'll see to it,” Demetrius replied as Nala returned to Esmerala, who remained still by the door while waiting out her conversation with the Badarian. From there, Nala was free to do as she liked, either to begin her search for Amanda and Charlotte immediately or go do something else first.
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

The night elf was relatively pleased with the way in which her discussion with Demetrius had gone. She needed the stronger individuals of the town on her side, trusting in her decisions, at least for a little while longer. There was no denying that this misadventure had illuminated a need for action on the night elf's part. Too long had she been complacent and settled, training others in the fledgling beginnings of her adequate arts when she should have focused inward: on what she needed to do to improve her abilities to the phenomenal levels she intrinsically knew she could obtain.

She was destined for greater things. She had believed this before the Godslayer had told her so. Before she had been brought back from death with a barren womb. She had given herself responsibilities, but perhaps those responsibilities would need to come to an end. She had taught the women of Kyederon the magic of nature long enough. Demetrius would finish their arcane trainings just as he would conclude her own mastery. And Violet had shared her spirit techniques as well. These people would be able to lead themselves very soon. They wouldn't need Nala's help.

In fact, if the ire of the Demon King was fixed on her, they would be better served if she were somewhere else.

"Come on, Esmerala. Let's go find the sisters. You're going to just love Amanda. A real peach that one."

Nala would seek out the common places where the sisters would hang out. In truth, she felt that she would have to find Charlotte first, likely tending to the wounded. The healing arts of nature magic had always appealed to the girl, and she did owe the young one a heartfelt thanks and perhaps a nice kiss for all the good work she had done, and would still do. Once she found Charlotte, she would soon again find Amanda.

"Hello Charlotte," Nala would hum lightly as she stepped to the human druidess' side. Esmerala would be following right behind the night elf, wearing her skin. This would no doubt spread rumors and produce gawking, but that was what Nala wanted. She needed a buzz to start forming. Doubts, confusion, a need for answers. Answers that only Nala could give. She wanted her people to be ready to LISTEN when she finally made her appearance to them.

"I hope you will have some free time soon, perhaps allowing the other healers a chance to take over your charges. I have a favor to ask of you and your sister. Do you know where Amanda is, by the way?"

After waiting to receive an answer, the witch elf would press on.

"There is a need for an immediate discussion about the prisoners. We will need to be prepared for future fights with demons, and I'd like to put it to the decision of Kyederon about what is to be done with those who would have enslaved us and treated us as chattel. I'm depending on you and your sister to be voices on a tribunal. You especially, as I know you see value in all life, in a way that my own mother, the arch druidess of Ch'Hiesol, would have been very approving of. I want the demons to get a fair decision, a just one. Can you do that for me?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

"No I won't" Emserala replied sardonically in Nala's own voice, "she'll probably try to kill me or something similarly violent!" Even though she rolled her eyes after her quip, the disguised demoness followed along without complaint as Nala left Demetrius' quarters to go and seek the two sisters who had been among her most loyal disciples in Kyederon.

Going off to find the more amiable of the two, she would indeed find Charlotte where those wounded in the battle against the demons or had suffered their torments were being tended to. She made use of her gifts, healing those had been harmed in body by the aftermath of Esmerala's betrayal using the magical ones that Nala had given her, and in mind and soul with the compassion that was all and only her own, undimmed by the many trials that the older of the two sisters had been through.

Perhaps surprisingly, Amanda was present as well, using more conventional methods to remedy minor injuries that Charlotte's attention would have been wasted on and doing what her sister did for those of a less forgiving nature. Though she might have often been cold and even confrontational, and though her reactions might have sometimes been violent when push came to shove, Amanda felt no less empathy for those that she truly cared for than her sister, and these were her neighbors in the only place left that she had called home.

The two had lost everything in the two and a half years that they had known Nala. Their purity had been taken by goblins in the jungle, their homes had been destroyed by the monsters from beyond the sky, and their family had been annihilated so totally that no hope for their survival could have lived to today. Amanda had been brutalized by a man of insane cruelty, and then Charlotte had been actually killed before the eyes of the more outwardly gruff of the two siblings, though Nala had gone beyond the veil of death to retrieve her soul and restore it to her body. That act of madness on Nala's part alone had likely salvaged Amanda's soul as well, in a way, and though they did not always agree with the night elven witch their loyalty was not something that could ever be questioned. Not to Nala, not to Kyederon, and never to each other.

Amanda was the first to notice Nala and her demonic twin enter, and though her eyes wandered to Esmerala briefly they quickly returned to the real elf. As good an impression as Esmerala could make of her, the young woman was not fooled by it now any more than she had been when the demoness had first started her cruel ruse. She said nothing as Nala passed to get to the more distant from the door Charlotte, and though her expression was unreadable she seemed to have expected this. Charlotte, less perceptive in some ways than her sister but more perceptive in others, wouldn't turn towards Nala as the night elf spoke, instead continuing on with her work and showing no surprise at the presence of the night elf and her demon companion.

"Hello Nala. Is your pet behaving?" she replied somewhat coolly, keeping her concentration on her subject. A man had been bound to a cot that had been raised up to waist level, his eyes wide and flitting about wildly as he struggled against his bonds. Madness filled those eyes, an insanity born of untold suffering, and the source of that suffering was right before Nala. He was naked except for a loincloth, and that left the scars left upon his flesh by whatever torments he had been through plainly visible. Lines artfully crisscrossed his chest, forming a pattern in a runic script that Nala had only ever glimpsed in the most secretly hidden texts back in her childhood home, the written language of demonkind. Other lines created a pattern to emphasize and, in a twisted way, beautify the angry red lines that would, if given enough time, heal into neat white lines that would never leave their subject's body. Those scars, already forced to heal by twisted magics, were not what Charlotte worked on now, however.

The man's limbs had been brutally crippled. Something had severed vital muscles and tendons, something sharp and hot that left those wounds not only still painful but fetid. A razor sharp blade, short, and bathed in some toxic poison or fiendish flame perhaps, but it had undoubtedly been wielded by someone of incredible skill. Those wounds would never naturally heal, that much was clear at only a glance. Left alone, they would have remained bloody and raw until their victim died of blood loss, but the same twisted healing magic that had ensured that the scars carved on the man's chest would remain forevermore had been used to prevent that. Instead, metal devices had been driven into his ankles and wrists, covered in barbs and spines that would dig in painfully with every motion they made. He would have been able to walk at a stumble in exchange for agony, and been able to fumble with his hands for the same while barely able to accomplish even menial tasks. Charlotte was removing the second one that had bound his wrists with great care, her magics employed to ease his pain and to urge the wounds to close, but the damage had already been done. Those wounds would never truly heal, not under even the most powerful of natural healing magics, nor the more clinical versions employed by mages specialized in the manipulation of the living body. This man had been one of Kyederon's soldiers, one of the men formerly loyal to Demetrius who had remained on as a guard. He had been strong and healthy, a vigorous and eager partner in Nala's experiments, but also a fairly kindly man who had married one of the women whom Nala had rescued from the goblins who had been less sullied by them. They had been expecting before Nala had met Esmerala, but the woman was nowhere to be found now, and one look into the man's eyes was enough to tell Nala that his mind would probably never be recovered. What had been done to him had broken him in days.

That didn't stop Charlotte from trying to ease his suffering, however, and whether or not she had noticed that the demoness wore Nala's form she had definitely noticed Esmerala's presence. She offered no reaction to it beyond what she'd said, but her unusual coldness was a likely sign that she was not in a mood to forgive what had happened easily. Esmerala, looking upon the handiwork of one of her kin, was completely unphased by it. No look of shock or compassion was faked for Nala's benefit, and no effort to explain the suffering of the man on the table was attempted so long as Nala didn't demand such from her.

"What do you need?" Charlotte asked when Nala announced that she wished to ask a favor of the two siblings, and a tilt of Amanda's head as she bound the wounds of one of the men who had been freed from the prison by Nala to join the battle against the demons indicated that she was also listening.

The explanation on what that favor was, that she wished Charlotte to be a part of a tribunal for their demon captives, caused some reaction in the young woman. A frown creased her pretty face, her flesh unscarred by her death two years ago. Nala would be able to see but not track the internal battle that took place briefly behind that expression, the sweat upon her brow increasing briefly, but that battle ended after only a few moments with a slight nod. "Yes... I can do this. I don't think Amanda will have a problem with it either," she said calmly, and then the younger sister would pipe in; "I'm in. They will pay for every scar. Fairly." There was dark determination in Amanda's voice, but there was no intended cruelty in it as might have been expected. Though her form of justice might involve blood and death, the vengeance she took for the crimes against Kyederon would be delivered by a level head.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"Yes, she probably would," Nala admitted, as she thought about the barely contained hatred that roiled inside Amanda's soul. Nala had dealt with her own flares of passionate disdain during her life, but she had only recently attained a glimpse of that degree of focused desire to lay waste that resided in her surrogate human sister's eyes. It was fortunate indeed that the witch elf's favorite past time was one that could sublimate aggressive tendencies, or else she too might think as Amanda did.

"And to her mind, and others, she would be entirely justified."

She decided to leave the conversation at that, and searched out for the sisters, expecting to find Charlotte among the wounded, but surprised, albeit pleasantly so, to see the more martial sister also playing the role of healer.

Taking pause to analyse the man on the cot beneath Charlotte, Nala kept her jawline tightened. She knew this man. Hallek. She had lain with him early on in the settlement of Kyederon. His wife had been Ospri. They had met during a private meeting in Nala's bedchamber, and the night elf had recognized the spark between them as early as they did, certainly before they each had admitted it to themselves. Nala had from that point on lessened her time with the two, but had encouraged Ospri, who had undergone druidic training basics, to work with Hallek as a practice subject for her basic cantrips. Their love affair bloomed to life quickly, and as life in the jungle was an uncertain thing, they married within four months' time. To see Hallek as he was now, after only three days, was heart-breaking. Magics to heal his wounds were beyond her skill to heal -- at this point in time. Nala did not believe in limitations where magic was concerned, only in personal limitations. She checked this off as another thing to make right.

"Some of my own people think that I deliberately allowed this to happen. I want them to see for themselves that demons can impersonate with their magics. Parading her around saves me the trouble of repeating myself. Other than that, yes, she is behaving. One deals with demons in languages and practices that they understand. Appealing to human or elven emotion is not historically effective."

The witch elf turned her attention to the injured and delirious soldier. Her hand brushed at Hallek's sweaty brow, caressing him with the same care she remembered him giving to her, the few times that she had been in his embrace.

"You are brave, resilient, and strong-willed. You wouldn't bend. Hell dare not let the likes of you be, cowards that they are."

Nala took the time to pour some of her healing magic into him, enough to dampen the pain while Charlotte removed the crude implements of sustained torture. Her anger was a dulled, mute thing, having already run itself hoarse for intermittent periods during the past few days.

Nala felt a sense of guilt, for having let things come to this. At a certain point, she was responsible for letting the demons in. She had been immensely foolish and others had paid dearly for it, in ways that her magics could not address. Interestingly, even to her, she realized that she did not feel guilt for having experienced pleasure with the demon lord who was also in part responsible for this only an hour prior. Nala had compartmentalized these facts into two different areas of concern, seeing the sexual pleasure as training to deal with those of ill-intent who would come after, lusting for her very soul. She was involved in a war where her enemies delighted in death and enslavement through sexual humiliation. If she could weaponize her body to fight them on their own grounds, then she would do so. And by the gods, she would surpass them. But she also knew that her immature desire to feel pleasure for pleasure's sake had opened up a pathway for the demons to seize control. Her arrogance and her lust had come with a heavy price. Perhaps an unforgivable one. How then to go forward?

When the last razor barb of metal had been removed from the bloody meat of his limbs, and the magical threads had twined the tissues of his muscles into their correct place, Nala let her magics drop. Then and only then, when she would not be interrupting Charlotte's work on Hallek, did she bring up the issue of the tribunal. She was pleased that the two sisters agreed, and mentioned such.

"Good. It's not a light responsibility I'm giving to the both of you. We are not demons. We are capable of dispensing death, but we do not do so because we take pleasure in the act. It would be easy, after what has happened here, to simply kill them all. Too easy. It may be that this is what happens, but I want them to receive a fair trial. Something fairer than anything they gave us. I want it to be public. I want the people to see it being done. We need to build our resolve. And I am going to address the town this afternoon, in the hopes of finally bringing everyone up to speed."

Nala looked back down at Hallek with a rueful expression. "I took on a mantle of leadership here. That means that this occurred in part because of me. Even if I live to see time die, I can't change that. It should not have been so. But perhaps before the end, I will change things in ways that the manipulative hands of Hell did not intend."

The rest of her thoughts she kept to herself, for already her mind's eye had drifted to the tree that grew from a dead god, and the wild plan that was forming within her was quickening its pulse. She wanted the power to change her reality. To redefine the terms of this struggle. Abaddon was growing in power, and it mattered not who sat upon the throne of Hell. A paradigm shift was in order, and who better to walk among the demons than an agent of chaos?

"I must speak with Divinar and the arachne. If your tasks permit it, I will see you both this afternoon. If I do not, then I will relieve you after I have said all that needs be said."

After hearing and answering anything that either sister might have said in response to her words, the night elf and her doppleganger would move to the mines, to find Divinar and deliver the news on what was going to occur with the demons. It would also be good for Nala to have a clearer idea on the situation among her erstwhile allies, and what their feelings were now that the battle had been won and spoils acquired.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

"A lack of resolve will probably not be a problem we can expect to run into," Amanda remarked dryly, "at least where recompense for what was done to us is concerned. I don't suspect that we'll have many captives when those trials are over though."

Charlotte, though she frowned in distaste, didn't seem to have anything to say to deny her sister's claim. The people of Kyederon would want vengeance, and that the trials would be public would no doubt give them an opportunity to take it in a manner that would broach little to no disagreement when all was said and done. While not a violent woman by any means, it seemed that even the gentle Charlotte wouldn't seek to deny the people of Kyederon justice against the demons they had captured.

"You may count on us. We will be here, or at least I will be here, for as long as there are wounded to tend to. Go and do what you need to," Charlotte said, and then Nala was free to go on her way, Esmerala still garbed only in the night elf's form swept up in her wake. Going to the recently reopened mines, the night elven witch would find her progress unimpeded by mortal or immortal. The arachne had already re-purposed the place as a secondary nest, though some of them had seemingly gone back to their original home in the mountains given that only about half of the spider women were present as Nala proceeded through the tunnels.

She would be directed by the arachne to the deeper tunnels if she bothered to ask, and on the way would pass her remaining daughters and many of the other arachne in Divinar's brood, some of whom were busy harvesting eggs or producing them from the demon captives. The elder arachne would be found doing similar, her lips wrapped around the cock of a male demon as her head steadily bobbed back and forth. She would pause as she noticed Nala's entrance, slowly sliding off of the man's erect rod and allowing him a moment of respite, causing the horned, red skinned figure to relax into the webbing in which he was bound up.

"Ahhh... Nala! Something that I can help you with?" she asked casually, before her unnaturally long tongue slid out from between her fangs and began to circle the tip of the cock still directly in front of her face, forcing her victim to tense up again as he seemingly sought to resist the arachne's efforts to acquire his seed.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"Thank you both for all that you've done," Nala said to the two sisters in a low, genuine tone. "I'm incredibly proud of both of you for the parts you've played. Kyederon has its freedom back thanks to your efforts."

She left them with those words, bittersweet as they were, for the freedom had been too little, too late for some. Still, for many of these demons, the immortality that they perhaps had taken for granted was soon to be undone, and death would claim them just the same as it did for everything that stood inside the purview of time.

Nala made her way to the re-opened mines with her erstwhile, skyclad twin in tow. She did not initiate any conversation with Esmerala at this time, because she didn't feel that there would be much use. The demon's sympathies, if tested, would probably be found wanting on a scale that would satisfy the night elf's own heartfelt concern for the people she had come to feel responsible for.

Upon seeing signs of her daughters, the witch would stop to ask them how they were faring after the fight. If any of them required healing, Nala would offer what little she could do without exhausting herself. She would also be curious to see their reaction to herself and the doppleganger, wondering if their instincts would lead them to know who was their true mother.

After leaving them with some words of encouragement and approval, Nala would find Divinar in the midst of preparing a male captive's seed.

"Yes, there is, but it's not terribly pressing. I wanted to see how my favorite eight-legged beauty was faring, post-battle." The night elf grinned conspiratorially, and then made her way up to the half-spider and ran her hand over the carapace of her arachnid lower half, then up the hardened, elven torso. She would then interpose herself between the spider lady and her phallic play thing, her own lips demanding to meet with the poisonous hybrid's in a mutually charged kiss, each being's elongated tongues swirling around each other.

"Mm~ Doing well, I suspect~" Nala surmised as she pulled away after satisfying herself with the enjoyable kiss. There was something quite thrilling to the night elf about being able to approach such a deadly, intimidating creature and having the confidence to stick her own tongue down its throat. "I wanted to discuss having a couple captives moved to my private chambers - still bound of course. They were so fun the first night, I want to toy with them again, but naturally, I suspect that you or your daughters have had a chance to utilize them in the interim. Hm hm.~ Ahh... may I speak with you in private, my dear?"

Nala would then lead Divinar away and out of earshot of the demon captive and any others that might be near, although Esmerala would be within earshot as she already knew what Nala would be telling the arachne.

"The townsfolk will be demanding retribution soon, and I am not of a mind to deny them it. It is likely that there will be some form of demonic reinforcement within a week or two at the most, and I don't need liabilities in my home. If you have preferred breeders and studs that you wish to keep, I would suggest that you have them transferred to your other nest, but the rest we will need to keep here, that they may be judged by those they have mistreated. It is necessary for morale purposes - and as a charismatic leader yourself, I'm sure you understand the importance of maintaining morale.

"The other thing I wished to talk to you about is your future with our people. Your strength and skills were instrumental, and I am in your debt. Naturally, you and your daughters are welcome to come and go within Kyederon as you please, so long as you do not feed on our people and treat us as... symbiotic creatures in your predatory landscape. I dearly wish our societies to co-exist and prosper together. This may seem unnatural to your daughters, but it is a brave new future that our jungle is experiencing, and the demonic incursion makes an alliance between us all the better. And... on a personal note," Nala traced her hands suggestively along Divinar's body, "I am hoping that you will be a frequent guest and that I might spend nights with you here, in these mines, away from prying eyes where we might have fun playing 'spider and fly...~"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

Amanda and Charlotte would simply nod at Nala's heartfelt expression of gratitude, neither apparently finding any words that they felt necessary to say aloud at that point. Their freedom had been won, but Nala had just seen more of the cost of her irresponsible actions regarding the demons first hand, and neither seemed to be in a mood to take her acknowledgement of what they'd been through as a sufficient to make up for her responsibility for what had befallen Kyederon.

On her travels through the mines, Nala would find her daughters either uninjured or already well on the mend thanks to their supernatural origins, their bodies recovering faster than any mortal being's possibly could. "That's pretty fast without magic... Not terribly surprising though," Esmerala remarked, and then stoically added; "Creatures like the arachne or demons heal quicker and better than mortals. We'd have to, given how long we live and how much we have to fight."

Arriving at Divinar's den, the arachne's broad grin grew even broader at the night elf's response to her greeting. "As you can see, my kin and I are doing quite well... Quite well, yes~" she purred as Nala sauntered up and ran a hand over her armored carapace, her fingers soon gliding over the softer covering that made up her humanoid half's skin. Divinar would offer no resistance to Nala's actions as she interposed herself between the spider and her victim, whose member was still glistening with the arachne's saliva. The mentally bound arachne's tongue was soon swirling in time with Nala's, their lingual muscles dancing a familiar sensual dance, and when it broke a moment later a line of saliva was briefly left suspended between them.

"Of course dearest Nala~" Esmerala purred softly, "I'll have whoever you like moved immediately... But, for now, what do you need?" She would follow Nala until they were out of earshot of the bound captive, but before she spoke Esmerala would give a brief flicker via her crimson eyes, signalling that she had used a tiny bit of magic for some mysterious purpose. Divinar wouldn't seemingly notice the demon's actions, though she would allow her gaze to linger for a moment on the night elf's nude twin before diverting her attention fully back to Nala.

The arachne didn't seem to like what she heard very much. "Such a waste," Divinar lamented dryly, "but ahh, it is the way of mortals, isn't it? Or... Some of them at least. Ehhhh... Very well, I'll have my daughters take the pets that we like back to our cave. Most of my daughters... Will probably not want to stay here, under those circumstances, but we will see how things turn out." Her tone was filled with regret, but then her smirk returned, and she added in a purr; "But... I, at least, shall remain nearby whenever I can, of course! How could I pass up the chance to have a pretty little butterfly such as yourself caught in my webs, mm?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

To the observation of her daughters' healing abilities, Nala gave her demonic doppleganger a sidelong glance. "If I had to live with demonic plots as a daily part of my life, I too would desire those qualities as a matter of necessity."

Of course, that notion had already been resolved in the night elf's mind, and further solidified by seeing first hand the decision that her weakness and poor decisions had wrought among the wounded and scarred. Once again, the thought of killing every demon she met crossed her mind, but was quickly quelled. There had to be some way to use them; some way to reason with a select few who were also fed up with the life they were bound to. Was Esmerala something like that? Or was Nala to be burned twice? She needed more power, power beyond that which a mere demon lord might offer her. Power to alter the fate of her life and those lives tied to her.

She forced herself to affect a smile as they entered Divinar's chamber and took a concerted effort to alter her mood to the situation. She wanted to soothe her arachne mate and not alert her or anyone else to the bruising of the formerly carefree nymphomaniac's emotional psyche. It was impossible for Nala to not be alarmed at the flash of magic she sensed being used by Esmerala, but she made no immediate reaction. She assumed that it was telekinesis, and that there would be further trouble, but she would wait to confirm such with Esmerala later on.

Divinar took the poor news well enough, and Nala did her best to console the creature's annoyance with promises of being the perfect butterfly for Divinar to play with at a later time. Nala even allowed herself to be pleased by the thought, sparing a moment to cuddle with the deadly arachne and enjoy the anticipation of future lustful indulgence. The witch elf sighed inwardly as she did so, knowing that something must indeed be incredibly wrong with her, to be able to still be so turned on amid the horror and guilt of war.

Well. Maybe not wrong. But certainly different.

After she parted ways with Divinar, and she was alone with Esmerala once again, Nala addressed the magic use.

"It didn't escape my notice that you used magic down there. Should I expect more headaches?"

Gonna try to start with a short post to get the ball rolling again.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

(Is fine. I completely forgot what I had Esmeralda do, so I made this up instead! :D)

"Headaches will probably be a constant facet of your life for a long while," Esmerala remarked dryly when confronted about her brief use of magic out in the tunnel, speaking in a flawless impersonation of Nala's voice. "But you needn't worry about it. I just sent a message to the bound demon telling him not to resist, and that I'd been working to make sure that he and all the rest will be "allowed" to escape after a public tribunal to decide their fate. He ought to spread it to the rest as soon as he gets a chance, and it'll at least make a few of them a bit lazier in trying to break out on their own."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"I get the horrible feeling you're playing both sides," Nala said with a sigh, already sensing with ominous dread the truth of the headaches that awaited her. "Remind me again why I put up with you? Aside from the fucking?"

The true Nala put a hand on the naked "elf's" butt and patted it as they once again ascended though the mine shafts into the light of day. It would be time for the night elf to speak to the gathering of survivors this evening, and she wanted to have some time to prepare herself. People were angry at her, displeased, distrusting, for some legitimate reasons and some not so legitimate.

"This has been a place of refuge," Nala mused when she was back in her own chambers. "The town I mean. Prior to your arrival. It was a solution for a bad situation. A haven in the middle of a dangerous environment. But if there is going to be an assassin searching me out continuously, until your hopes for a coup in Abaddon occur, then I want them to not be coming here. Is there a way for me to make that happen? If I show them that I am no longer at Kyederon, will he seek me out? Or will the town fall?"

If there was a way to save her town any future grief, she would try to make it so, but she had to be prepared to tell them that it wasn't safe here anymore, and that those who could move on, would not be blamed if they did so.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

"Shouldn't I be? I mean, if you get killed, it's not like Kyederon is going to be very tolerant of me, and I'll have to have some hope of survival should I be forced to return to New Abaddon," Esmerala replied earnestly, and then grinned at Nala's comment and accompanying pat on her bare rear as they emerged once more into the daylight. It was still early afternoon, but the day was starting to drag on towards evening, when she would be forced to confront the people of Kyederon over what had transpired at long last. "You needn't worry in this instance. I've tried to make sure your captives stay as your captives, and if it offers some small credulity to my story should things not go as planned, what does it hurt you?" Esmerala explained after her explanation had been allowed to sink in, though then there would be a motion towards a topic that the demoness found much more enjoyable to speak of than the shadow games being played around Nala and her isolated jungle community.

"If I can give three very good reasons besides the sex, will I get sex as a reward?" the demoness asked brightly, an air of mischief and humor about her as she returned the grope in kind. "I'm sure we could borrow a cave from the arache~ Maybe even a bit of silk! I can think of a few fun things to do with you all tied up... Or if you had me all tied up instead~" she purred, adding a tender squeeze to the hand still clamped onto Nala's ass. "I'm a useful teacher on any number of things, I know the enemy you're up against much better than you do, and when things come to violence again there's a very good chance that I'll do my very best to make sure you come out of it alive," she listed off gleefully, punctuating every entry in her list with another soft grope. "You are my chance at freedom, after all... And we can't fuck each other senseless if you're dead~" she added in explanation of her last entry.

Assuming that she still opted to return to her quarters rather than indulge the lustful demoness, or at least opted to indulge Esmerala in her quarters rather than in the mines, she would find the demoness listening intently to her musings. "You are the prime target," she replied calmly, "you always were, and I suspect that killing the King's most loyal lieutenant hasn't lessened his intent to deal with you first. Given what happened last time, you leaving Kyederon would protect it, to a degree, as he would think attacking it while you were away to be some kind of trap. You would be targeted first, and that could work to your advantage. The question is.... Where would you go?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala could only shrug, having half-expected the brazen admission. What was more, the witch elf couldn't blame the demon for doing something that she herself would easily consider doing. It was just being resourceful and doing what needed to be done to survive.

"You've a slim hope either way, at this point," Nala said gloomily. "Though I'd like to think the company is better if you stick with me."

Thoughts of what she would need to say to her people trickled incessantly through her mind like rain pattering through jungle foliage. These were possibly the last hours she had as a nominal leader of this village. In her heart, perhaps she had always known that she was meant to be an outcast, and maybe this incident was a good example of why her mother had banished her from the temple grounds so long ago. Part of the night elf was indignant about having to shoulder the burden of loss, but her other half knew that she had a healthy portion of the blame, and felt guilty for continuing to shove her emotions away behind a growing lust for the demon next to her.

If she were a demon too, would Nala be able to reason away her own part in this suffering? Or was suffering meant to be a part of life? Was suffering a condition of the weak? Was it a weakness to care? Dangerous thoughts sifted through the witch's mind, even as she smiled ruefully and listened to Esmerala's impassioned arguments for her own merit. The hand on her butt, and the sight of her own nude self coming on to her was certainly distracting.

"Reward earned, Esmerala... reward earned. But we'll save it for a better time." Nala promised, then removed her hand from the demoness' butt.

They reached Nala's quarters without much further difficulty, and Nala went through the meager selection of clean clothing in her drawers, going through each shelf until she decided on a dark green outfit with white leaf patterns stenciled into the waistline. This dress she handed to Esmerala and had the demon put on. Then, when they were both garbed, she answered the demon's question.

"Then in that case, I think it best that I did leave Kyederon for a short while. I'll take you and your two companions, as well as some of my own. As to where I would go?" Nala hummed a light laugh as she sat down on her bed, already missing it. "Home. And then, maybe, to a place where even demons fear to tread. If I'm to be this king's target, I don't want to make it easy on him. And I certainly wouldn't want to be a disappointment."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

"Most definitely," Esmerala replied brightly to the comment about company, refusing to let Nala's dour mood ruin her own apparently sunny disposition. Knowing Esmerala as she did, it was probably an act, but whether Nala appreciated her efforts at cheeriness or not, the demoness seemed intent on keeping them up. Even when Nala brushed off her advances and promised to give her her reward later Esmerala would evidently keep up her good spirits, merely nodding and releasing the elf's rear just as her own was likewise relinquished.

Esmerala would merely offer Nala a quirked eyebrow at her cryptic explanation as she dressed in the clothes that the elven witch handed her, becoming in all aspects a clone of Nala save for her crimson eyes and her lack of the staff that Nala often carried. "I'm not following.... But I'm sure I'll find out eventually. As for leaving Kyederon with your companions... I'd try to leave someone capable in charge, at the very least. I doubt my kin will try anything direct with the threat of you swooping in again hanging over them, but they may try something more direct. Infiltration. I'd recommend Demetrius, and I'd also recommend that he learn to detect the presence of magic in a person if he can't do so already. Also, whoever you leave behind had better be very careful about... Well, everyone. The king isn't exactly the most original sort, and he's just ambitious enough that he might try a variation of the same trick twice."

Her advice given, Esmerala fell silent, and Nala was left with a bit of time before the conclave she had called would gather. She had time to prepare, both for her journey and for the event that she had been dreading, when she would finally have to answer for her mistakes to the people she'd been responsible to.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"I am certain that Demetrius has that ability in his repertoire," Nala said, while she took a moment to watch the demon dress. It was an odd thing, really, to stare at herself. Everyone is their own worst critic, but Nala thought that at least physically, she was attractive. She wondered if those features she possessed were ever enough to be the visage of something more than just a witch elf. Could so humble a frame aspire to stand toe-to-toe with the likes of a demon lord? Or a demon king?

"We'll have to help model for each other like this in the future," she commented as the faux Nala presented herself fully dressed. "But now, if you'll excuse me. I have to sit and think for a bit..."


Later that afternoon, Nala stood on a slightly raised wooden platform in the center of Kyederon. Esmerala, still garbed in her night elf skin, stood next to her, chained at the neck, the wrists, and the ankles, though still given enough slack to walk.

"People of Kyederon. Refugees. Seekers of safety. Those who I have considered my friends, ever since we chose together to make this ground our home. I've asked those of you who remain and are able to listen to me tonight, because there are things that need to be said. For three days, prior to yesterday's battle, many were under the impression that I had given our lives over to the forces of Abbaddon - to a lifetime of servitude to cruel, demonic masters who delighted in our suffering. To those of you who thought I would ever have willingly done such a thing, I can only say that I must have seemed to you a poor leader even before the incident occurred. The truth of the matter, as I hope is visibly obvious to you now, is that I, along with Violet and Demetrius, had been replaced by demons who assumed our shape and our authority, in order to trick our community into letting these our captors inside our walls. What ensued in those three days, while I and my companions were captive underneath the earth, I only can assume from what I've seen. And what I have seen does affect me, moreso than I think most of you would assume. Those who know me well, understand that I don't do grief well... I tend to vent my emotions differently from others. But that doesn't mean I don't feel for what has happened. Quite the opposite, as one of the people who stepped forward to lead this community, I consider what happened here to be my responsibility, and thus, my failure to protect you.

"As I have gathered from questioning the demons, the Demon King of New Abaddon, a place built upon the ruins of my former capital city, and a nation of conquerors whom I abhor and will never recognize as having any right to rule in this land - has become aware of our presence. More to the point, he became aware of myself, and my association with a certain being that gave Kyederon its birthright. Though I am not worthy of such vicious attention, I nonetheless have received it, and you the people I have grown to care fore more than anyone, have suffered because of it. I admit that I allowed myself to not take the threat of these demons seriously enough, and was thus ensnared in a trap without fighting, as I should have, the moment they came to me with their absurd request to rule over us. I should have known then, that there would be no compromise, no peaceful coexistence. That demonkind was, as so many had warned me, an evil to the land of mortals. Something to be resisted at every turn, that our freedom and way of life can continue.

"I have done my best, physically, and mentally, to give Kyederon back to us. To do so, I had to enlist the aid of the arachne. Doubtless you could not have missed them. I don't deny that you would be right to see them and fear their countenance. But bear in mind one thing when you look at them, that they were once elves, and they were twisted by demonic magics. They have, over time, made the best of their lot, and learned to perfect what they are now. They are deadly, they are powerful, and they have their rightful pride. But they are not demons, and they do not intend to bow to the demonic incursion. Furthermore, this land has been their home for a very long time. Longer than us, certainly. They are not unreasonable however, and they have fought and given their lives, so that these demons might be thrown back, and their yoke over us removed. I will not command or declare that they be accepted by you. I simply ask you to consider their actions, what they have in fact done for us, and consider what might be gained if we hail them not as monsters, but as protectors and fellows in arms against a common foe.

"In the weeks that come, danger will still abound. We may not get anywhere near the time we need to recover from this, and it's arguable that in many ways, we might never truly recover from this event; only find the courage to continue on in spite of it. The demon king's forces are vast, and while it is likely he will never bother sending his full army against a town in the middle of the distant jungle, he is not a creature accustomed to being denied his quarry. The reality we face is that we can expect others to come. They will try to infiltrate us. Seduce us. Overpower us. We must use this harsh lesson to galvanize us into knowing that never again must we be allowed to be under them. Each of you in your hearts knows this, you don't need anyone, least of all myself, to explain it.

"In the immediate future, something must be done with the demons in our captivity. I do not believe that it is I who should determine their fate. Rather, it should be those who most personally suffered under their hands. To this end, I suggest that a tribunal be formed. In the stead of my leadership, I have nominated the sisters, Amanda and Charlotte, who fought for your freedom, bore witness to your suffering, and who have tended to your needs. The other three members of the tribunal, I leave to you as a town to consider. The demons must be tried individually, for despite the terrible nature of what happened, some of them may have acted in manners more befitting a soldier than that of a sadistic tyrant. I am not in a position to say. That decision is up to you. Determine the justice that you want.

"The only other thing for me to say to you all is that I am sorry for my failure to protect you. And sorrier still that it may have been my presence here that foremost brought the attention of these beings to us. I am proposing to leave Kyederon. For a time at least. I don't know if it will completely distract the demon king. It may not. I will do my utmost to watch over you as I am able, but to properly confront this foe, I must keep on the move and be where he does not expect me to be. I must be free to search out new allies, and new powers, with which to bring against him. If he has done anything, the Demon King has strengthened my resolve and shaken me out of complacency. No longer is it sufficient for me to simply make a home. I must ensure that the demon king's desire to harm me and my friends is curbed. It will be a dangerous journey, and if I'm honest, there's a very real chance that I will not survive. But I feel that I cannot stay and let this be the last word on the matter. I cannot stay and act as if the life I had wanted for myself here is still attainable. You can rebuild your lives. Demetrius is a wise man, whose magic can detect the enemy's powers. If you can harness your strength and forge a strong bond with the other factions of the jungle, I know that Kyederon will thrive against the demon threat. My path is set elsewhere.

"It has been an honor to have been with you these past two years. I am sorry that my time with you has ended in my disgrace. I can only resolve that I will live to see the fall of those who did this to us, and perhaps have some hand in that retribution. I will miss you all, even if you may not think of me kindly. I wish I could have done more."

In saying this, Nala stepped back for a moment, then nodded to Demetrius. "Help them set up the tribunal. I am going back to my quarters. I intend to leave sometime tomorrow. I'm sorry if this comes as a surprise. It may not be permanent, but for now, I need to be elsewhere, to divert the king's attention."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

"Sounds like fun~" Esmerala remarked when Nala suggested they model for one another if they ever got the time. "Sounds like less fun," she added when the elf demanded time to think, but her voice was a cheerful as ever and she settled down to wait for the night elf's next orders.


By the time the people of Kyederon had gathered around the raised platform that Nala had had erected near the center of the isolated village, it was nearly dusk. Everyone had turned out save those left behind to guard their prisoners, but even as she faced them Nala could see where they were segregated and where they had joined together. The goblins, long an at least tolerated portion of the jungle community, were treated much the same as before by the humans and elves that made up the bulk of the community. The new arrivals, those who had come serving the demons originally but then switched sides, had formed up a little bit further from the people they had once abused, but there didn't seem to be enough ill will to create greater tensions when Nala was standing before them. The arachne stood back from the rest, spread out rather than conglomerating together, but all of them appeared interested in the events that were about to unfold even if a few held disapproving looks. As for the mortal populace, former slaves, mercenaries, and refugees alike had flocked to Nala's community, mostly humans and her night elven kin but a couple of high elves and orcs had joined up as well. All of them now looked to her, some with judgement in their eyes and some with concern, but even those who apparently put a good bit of the blame for recent events still respected her enough to listen to what she had to say.

There, at her side and generally around her, were those she had openly wished to be present - Violet at her side and just behind, Demetrius to her right and standing with arms folded, and Esmerala a ways off, heavily chained and still wearing Nala's form and clothing. Grabbik was there as well, watching Esmerala suspiciously, as well as two of the other goblin chieftains including one of the cockier ones whom she had personally enthralled just a day or so prior. Divinar was not on the stage itself, but rather hanging from webbing hung on a nearby building and watching the happenings from there.

With the people of Kyederon spread out before her, Nala was able to speak, laying out her case and her plans before the people that she had both rescued and surrendered to the depredations of the demons. They listened, and though her impassioned and well reasoned might have reached some who had thought her a traitor, she did not reach everyone. It was obviously not that they didn't believe her - the evidence of Esmerala's ploy was right before their eyes after all - but that her apologies did little to ease the pains that those people had felt, or to replace those who had been lost. The reactions were certainly mixed, however. Most of the goblins seeming largely disinterested, having not been the ones to suffer under demon rule, but the enthralled or loyal demonoids listened anyway out of respect for Nala. The arachne looked either bored or amused in turn, the latter taking place especially when Nala said that the spider women had been victims of warping by demonic magic themselves, a falsehood that the night elf had no way of knowing was such but that brought a quiet chuckle out of Divinar that only those on the stage would hear nonetheless. Her immediate companions on the stage displayed no reactions to most of what she said, Demetrius and Violet having heard nothing new as she went over what had happened, but when she announced that she was leaving she got a pair of cautiously curious looks from the two who were her most trusted lieutenants, and a look of open distress from Grabbik.

That got something of a reaction out of the crowd as well, and a very mixed one at that. Sadness, fear, anger, confusion, and even a few who looked relieved stood among the sea of faces listening to the night elf's speech, and when it was done and she stepped back whispers broke out among them, too many for her to pick anything in particular out from the crowd. Demetrius would simply nod to her private words to him, and then stepped forward himself and addressed the crowd himself; "The tribunals will start tomorrow at noon. For now, ballots will be set up for nominations for the other three members, from which I will be abstaining. I suspect we'll be killing more than a few of our prisoners, so if anyone wants to volunteer as executioner I'd greatly appreciate it. That's all... You're dismissed!"

Holding to his military nature even after all this time, Demetrius barked his final dismissing words, but there came shouts of dissent immediately even as he stepped back and Nala started away; "When is her tribunal? She should be first!" called one, directing their comments at the chained demoness on the stage. "And what about yours?" another, bolder voice called, its source plainly pointing an accusatory finger in Nala's direction. "The demons want her, why not just give her up so that they'll leave us alone?" one person suggested, though he at least was shot down by outcries immediately, the thought of throwing one of their own to the demons too abhorrent even if some of them didn't think much of Nala at that particular moment. "What right have you got to just walk away now, after you let that happen to us? We trusted you, and we paid the price for your mistake!" another voice called in accusation, this one that Nala recognized as one of the women that she had rescued from Grabbik's tribe of goblins before she had taken control of it, and one who had never done anything but follow Nala faithfully before that point.

Other things were shouted, some more against her but just as many defending her, and rather than let things stew further Violet would drag her away. Esmerala would briefly shoot Nala a helpless look as she was pulled away, clearly not much for the idea of being left on the stage in front of the crowd, but wouldn't follow the elven witch unless directed to by Nala herself. Whether she took the opportunity to spend a few hours free of Esmerala or spared her whatever humiliation the crowd would inflict upon her, Nala would be led to her quarters by her most faithful bodyguard, Violet not releasing the gently guiding arm she'd wrapped around Nala's shoulders until they'd arrived back at her quarters and put a door between them and the rest of Kyederon.

"Tea?" she asked lightly, directing her comment solely towards Nala even if Esmerala had been brought along with them. Violet was being purely courteous in mannerism now that they were in private, a thing that the woman only ever did when she was upset at Nala for some reason, but it was also a set of mannerisms that she would only break to approach the issue when Nala felt she was ready and confronted her about it. Their recently sired offspring hadn't yet begun to develop enough within Violet's belly to cause it to distend, and given their mutual corrupted nature it was uncertain just how long their daughter would take to develop to a point that Violet would be unable to safely fulfill her duties as Nala's bodyguard. The former assassin's reflexes, potent spiritual abilities, and physical prowess had always proved invaluable when Nala had been pressed, but against their present threat even the highly capable human woman would undoubtedly be out of her depth, perhaps even farther than Nala herself was given her plans, but there was, serving as faithfully as ever despite the gravity of their situation and the threat posed by the demons looming over their heads.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"No... we all paid the price for not seeing a demon for what it was," Nala said, not necessarily quietly, but not at the volume that the crowd would be able to hear, save perhaps for those in the first row. She was also keenly aware that she could still be making the same mistake if she wasn't very careful.

She turned to Violet, and then her eyes met with Esmerala's.

"Come along, unless you really want to be the first on the tribunal block," she told the demon lord, and with that they would be on their way back to her quarters, ignoring any further commentary from the crowd.

When they arrived back at her chamber, Esmerala was invited to take a place in the corner, free of her chains if she wanted to be, but Nala suggested strongly that she stay here for the time being. After that, the night elf turned her attentions to her human mate - who was showing signs of disquiet. The invitation to tea put truth to this, as it was always the beginning of a light spat between the two. Though obviously these spats were never so serious as they might be now.

"Yes. Let's have some tea," Nala said, sitting herself down on the bedside and watching her bodyguard prepare both the tea and whatever argument she had welling up inside.

"I suppose you have something to say about all of this." It was a statement, not a question. She merely waited for the assassin to make plain her objections.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

Esmerala would gladly tag along with Nala, earning angry shouts from the people of Kyederon who would probably have had the demoness at least brutalized, as Demetrius would likely have kept them from killing her. She also seemed to have the sense to hold her tongue once they were in private as the tension between Violet and Nala became apparent, and so the demoness mostly faded into the background as Violet moved to start mixing some cold tea, drawing water up from the well right to her private quarters via a system of pipes that Demetrius and his men had brought from Badaria. The small stove in the corner of the room was lit by a flicker of energy from Violet's hand, and a pot filled with the freshly drawn water was set over the lightly smoking wood.

The jungle's natural heat meant that fire was rarely used for anything other than cooking, and even with the many open windows the elf's quarters would warm considerably even with that small fire. Esmerala didn't seem at all bothered by the heat, but Violet and Nala would be made to sweat a little bit more than they already were in the sweltering atmosphere. Her bodyguard, despite Nala's request to have out whatever Violet had to say, would keep her silence as she slipped the first portion of herbs into their tea, a fairly common leaf found in the woods around Kyederon that some had taken to cultivating. It was a simple calming balm, albeit a fairly minor one, in addition to being relatively sweet for a tea without sugar or shorn syrup mixed into it, and one of Violet's favorites.

Only when she was pouring the boiling water through a strainer and into a small kettle containing the second batch of leaves would Violet speak; "We very nearly lost our home... And have only just gotten it back." Moving slowly but with courtly grace, Violet rose with a tray holding two cups, obviously excluding Esmerala from their little ceremony as much as the human was excluding her from the portion of it that was spoken aloud. Approaching Nala, she set the tray on the bed and then sat down on the opposite side of it, denying Nala the comfort of intimacy that might allow her to try and ease or even deflect the conversation, even if neither might have been her wish.

"We have done.... Things which I cannot say that I like, even if they were necessary under the circumstances, but after everything we have Kyederon back again, such as it is. And now... We're going to leave it again. It isn't the first home that I've lost, and I know that it isn't the first home that you've lost either, but.... Even if I know that you probably have some sort of plan brewing to end the threat that her kin represent to us," Violet paused for an instant and gestured with a light shift of her head to indicate Esmerala, "but it isn't enough to just trust you and follow anymore... Not when it means leaving after fighting to take this place back. Not after how hard we had to fight to win it back, how many we lost... And not when I'll be carrying our daughter wherever we go."

She paused to let the simple statement sink in, slowly bringing her free hand to clutch at her still flat stomach while the other reached for the teapot. Both cups were filled, and Violet took up one and raised it towards her lips, though she did not drink from it immediately. "I know that Kyedron is just a place.... But I know that you know that it's worth far more than that to us," the former assassin continued after a moment, "even to you... And so, I need to know what you plan on doing after we've left... And if there are any other reasons that you're leaving besides taking the attention of the demons away from Kyederon."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala sat on the side of the bed, leaning lightly on one arm as her gaze followed her human lover around the room. She had guessed that her decision would leave Violet unhappy, and naturally the night elf did not enjoy disappointing her bodyguard. Sad were the times when Violet was not looking to fall into her arms and let the two of them sweep each other away in the force of their embrace.

She tilted her chin up as Violet began to speak, and then focused on the tea cup set before her as the rest of the brunette's words spilled out. Her eyes didn't move, and she tried not to give any indication that what was being said was in anyways affecting her. She did regret the idea of Violet carrying her daughter around in strange places, out in the unknown.

She took the filled cup and sipped the tea, having her turn at playing with silence. But at last she did speak.

"This is still our home. And it has been freed - in a sense. Only in a sense. It's a false freedom, Violet dear. So long as there is a demon king with an army of savage hellspawn who know where to find us and have the power to harm us or the people we love, Kyederon is not truly free. And if it's not free, then it's not a safe home. It's not a place that I would want us to raise our daughter."

She sipped the tea again and then put it down on the tray. She straightened up, and now looked at Violet once more.

"There's not a lot of room for sentimentality when dealing with creatures that are willing to do what they just did to us. We can't afford to be static, or to be predictable. If we do that, then they will find us, and they will either kill us, or wield such a power over us that we will wish that we were dead. Much as I'd like to hurt the King of Abaddon directly for this, it would be suicide. What I can do, however, is to not sit around and wait to be struck again, or to have to constantly be on the lookout, fearing that I won't have strength enough to repel his assassins when they should come by.

"I intend to grow stronger and to take control of the situation. Step by step, soul by soul if that's what it comes down to. I'm going attempt something, and if it works, it will make a difference in my ability to protect this place, and the people here that I care about."

Nala glanced over at Esmerala, thinking now that she did not trust the demon enough to mention the specifics in her presence. She was playing both sides by her own admission after all.

"I intend to return before the week is out. Sooner, if it's possible, but there's a chance I might not be able to return as quickly as I would like. One thing is for certain, I am renouncing my leadership role here. When I return to Kyederon, I am simply going to live here and raise my children. I'll defend it, always. Even if they hate me and force me to live outside its walls. Of course, it is my home. It's where I've lived with you, where we made a life together. I don't intend to cast that aside and that's not what I'm doing now. But if you really want to know exactly what I intend, I can only say that it will be something similar to what I did when I first met Matthias. I intend to get up close and personal with a god. If the demon king is going to throw powerful beings at us, then I see no reason why we should not attempt to sway even more powerful beings against him. I have held parley with the Goddess of Murder before. She owes me a favor. I am certain that she can give the demons pause. But I need to meet with her on slightly more even terms, so first we are going to stop by my mother's home. Something Matthias told me a long time ago has me curious, and I intend to see if my hunch is correct."