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Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Ai nodded to confirm Mary's words, barely on her feet as she was still extremely tired from being slapped around. She would let Mary do most of the talking and try to pull herself back together.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Meow... I won't try anything, just untie me. I said I would let you go if you beat the tentacle monster, meow. Her eyes nervously dart from Mary to Ai and back again as she struggles against the ropes. Unfortunately she seems to be quite clumsy, so the ropes tying her legs make her fall face-first onto the floor. Owww... meow...
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary has to resist the urge to laugh as the catgirl falls over, feeling bad for the poor thing. "Alright...but if you're lying..." she says, in a half threatening tone as she has the rope untie the catgirl.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Aww, poor thing..." Ai feels a little bad for the catgirl, even after it had sicced a summoned tentacle monster at them. She doesn't speak up yet still, not really having anything to say at this situation.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

I'm not lying, not at all the catgirl sputters out as she jumps up, now freed from the ropes. You can go on through the door behind me, and up the stairs.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Really? What's up the stairs? And who are you, what are you doing here?" Mary asks, rapidfire questions not spurting from her.

"...And can you teach me that summoning spell?"
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

The elf, his treasure, and his slaves, meow the catgirl said, looking down at the ground. And I can't teach you that spell, I'm not very good at magic. No talent, meow. That's what the elf says, anyway. Besides, you would have to find a monster that would let you summon it, meow. I might not be able to summon him anymore... Oh I hope you didn't kill him, meow. Her ears and tail drooped, and she noticeably avoided Mary's questions about herself.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Oh...I'm sorry...I hope he's okay..." Mary says honestly.

"Okay Ai, let's go beat that elf!"
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Okay then..." Ai replies, feeling a little better now as she heads to the unexplored area that the catgirl was guarding.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

The catgirl fidgets until they are through the door and out of sight. They pass into the next room, which is mostly taken up by a giant stairwell. They ascend the stairs and enter another small room, then pass through the door into a small but very clean hallway; this part of the spire is very much a contrast from the lower levels. Soon they come to a decision point; there is a door to the south, and the pathway continues on a bit to the north. A short ways north is a very imposing looking metal door to the east, though the path continues on beyond that.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Let's check out the non-imposing door first." Mary says as an idle suggestion, starting to walk towards the other door.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Ai nods at Mary's suggestion, as the imposing doors tend to be harder battles. They should seek out the remaining helpful things before heading into one of those.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

As they open the door they find a number of chests, though all but one of them are open and empty; the one that is closed sits close to the door along the wall.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary makes a beeline for the unopened chest. "I bet it's a trap, but I'm sure it's worth a look, right? Why don't you open it Ai..."
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Shaking her head at all these chests, Ai heads towards the closed one with Mary. She knew it was likely to be a trap of some sort, but decided to open it still. "There's always a possibility that it's not.."
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

The chest is surprisingly trapless, and opens easily. Inside is a small pendant on a chain that pulsates with magical energies, so strong that even Ai can feel it.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"I wonder if it's cursed...should I try it on?" Mary ponders the amulet. If it was magical it would probably be best used in her hands, she thinks as she reaches out to pick it up.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Sure, even without any magical energy, I can feel it's power. I'm no sure about the cursed part, but it could be a potent magical aid, or something." Ai replies, letting Mary take the pendant for herself.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

As Mary touches the amulet she shudders as the magic flows into her briefly before stopping. A popup appears to her:

Cursed Pendant
Provides an innate bonus to magical attacks. If invoked it will provide a greater boost, though at a cost that depends on the amount of boost desired.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary reads the popup. "...it was cursed...but hopefully not too badly...let's go..."