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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Thank you" Hannah replied, laying there for several more minutes and enjoying her cuddle time with Mei-Lien. When the fighter finally got up she did the same, following her into the morning exercise routine, a bit relieved that she wasn't pushing quite so hard this time.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei held back with the exercise, having pushed them hard last night. If they were going to head out, they'd need strenght, and tiring out first thing in the morning wasn't going to help in that goal. The routine was slower and methodical, helping the girls wake up after a well-slept night.

Once the routine was over,the former champion moved to re-dress and arm herself. "So, what's going to be next on the agenda?" she asked the mage.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Hmm... Would you like to see the other end of the island? There's some more ruins over there, and they're more recent, too, so we might find some interesting things. It'd take a while to get there on foot, though." Hannah asked after thinking for a brief moment about what they ought to do.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Another set of ruins huh?" It seemed somewhat monotonous to Mei, doing all these dungeons. But she had learned to enjoy them, with all the battles and sexing, for the most part at least. This time they might have a bit easier time, being better equipped for possible fights. "Sure, let's do it.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"We'll almost certainly be spending the night out, and we can't count on being lucky enough to find someone who'll share a bed with us this time. Oh well. We'll need to get some dried food" Hannah replied, leading Mei-Lien to check out of the inn and then to a nearby market, buying some dried food to put away for later. They then headed out the gates, setting out through the forest to the far side of the island. It was a somewhat cloudy day, and a cool breeze was blowing hard from the sea. "I do hope it doesn't rain, that would make for an unpleasant walk."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Indeed. Probably a good idea that we don't rely on foraging for food ourselves, with our limited skill in the field.." Mei agreed with the idea of getting ready-made food. She followed Hannah through the markets, where the girls picked up a supply for the coming trek. Once the food was with them, the pair departed from the city via the gates. The weather started getting somewhat ominous along the way, but the fighter could ignore it for now. "Yep, we'd have to search for shelter or get seriously wet during the way" she replied as they proceeded on their way
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The two trekked deeper into the forest, which was a lot less quiet than it had been yesterday; they could hear the calls of all manner of birds all around them, though none could be seen anywhere. "This is a little bit strange..." Hannah muttered just as it began to drizzle. They pressed deeper into the forest, such that the canopy protected them from the vast majority of the rain. It took a number of hours of uneventful walking before the forest started to thin out again, and another few to get to its edge, by which time the rain had stopped. "If I remember right from the maps, there should be an old castle not that far from here" Hannah said, veering a bit to the left as she kept walking at a fairly brisk pace.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The animals of the forest still seemed to be in the same state of unease as they were before. "The wildlife knows... something big is going to happen here..." Mei thought, but kept her hunches to herself for now as the pair advanced under the leafy umbrella of the huge trees surrounding them. The trek had taken many silent hours, but eventually the rains started dying out as the forest became thinner and more travellable. "Better keep up then. We'll want to get there if the rain picks up again." the redhead replied, matching Hannah's pace easily as they headed in the pointed direction
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The two trekked on, and as they did the scenery changed, from the by now slightly forested area to a gently rolling plain. Every so often they could see the signs of battles from the not-so-distant past, perhaps between 150 and 50 years ago. Broken and rusted armor and weapons laid strewn about the ground, and every few miles was evidence of a burned out, destroyed farmhouse. The whole thing seemed to make Hannah vaguely uncomfortable, and she looked straight on ahead as they walked. After a few more hours of walking, they could see a castle in the distance, though unlike everything else along the way it looked surprisingly not ruined.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After clearing the forest, the two girls entered a wind-swept plain with the evidence of a battle from the past still very visible. Occasional destroyed farmhouses crossed their paths as well. Hanah didn't seem to like the sight of viewing those, as she didn't want to look at them. A few more hours spent on these plains soon awarded the girls with a sight of the future place of investigation. "Doesn't look to be in too bad a shape..." Mei aired her thoughts about the castle looming in the distance
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"It doesn't, does it? That's bizarre, I was sure this castle was one of the first to get sacked in the war. It should be pretty broken up" Hannah replied, as they made their way to the castle. As they got close they found that the gates were open, but in surprisingly good shape, as was the rest of the castle. It seemed fairly small, besides the impressive turrets on each corner. "This is just so strange..."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"That is weird..."

As the castle approached, Mei could make out that the castle was not as big as she initially thought it being, but there was still the formidable turrets at the four corners. Even the gate was open, no doubt left that way by the scavengers that had left the place before. "So, in we go. I think.."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah followed Mei-Lien in, and the two of them entered into the gateroom. It was fairly plain and empty, free of debris. There were three pathways out, one to each side and another in front of them.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Looks pretty good in here. No pieces of the castle anywhere..." The figher thought as they entered the first room behind the gates. With the option of three paths, she went along with the usual pattern of going right first.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah didn't reply to Mei-Lien's musings on the lack of debris, seemingly lost in thought. They turned along the right path, and came to another completely empty room, with two doors directly ahead. If Mei-Lien had a sense of direction she would realize that the one on the right likely led to one of the turrets. She would also notice, of course, that the room seemed to be lighted uniformly, despite the lack of windows or any form of artificial illumination she could see; the two of them cast no shadows whatsoever against the walls or the floor.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Even though Mei saw the strange illumination lighting their way, the former champion ignored it for now as they came to the twin doors. One of them was most likely a path into one of the turrets. It was in her usual direction when dealing with these choices, so the fighter picked that door to look into as the first one in the castle
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The room was fairly small, only large enough to house the winding staircase that led to the top of the turret. It went up about three stories before they reached the room at the top. It was also small, Big enough for only about four people at once, with slits at each cardinal direction to allow for arrows to be shot out, and for sighting of potential enemies. There wasn't anything of value for them, but they could see outside the castle for miles in each direction, getting a good look at the surrounding plains. The castle commanded the area, and in days long past was probably one of several such castles that anchored a first line of defense against the creatures of the forest, or creatures far more threatening.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Scaling the stairs to reach he turret, the pair got up to see the place and the nice view from so high up. Such things were necessary to be on guard for incoming attacks. While it was a fance sight to behold, Mei reasoned that they didn't have a need to be there. Thus, she headed back down and towards the other door.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The two walk back down the stairs and headed through the other door, to find a room thoroughly littered with rubbish. It was hard to tell if there even was a floor under all the hay and detritus, though it seemed that something was moving underneath it...

???/??? HP

5/5 FP

5/5 FP
3/3 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I thought it was too clean around the other places..." Mei thought as they entered the room to find a pile of debris and assorted trash. As a movement under all the stuff caught her eye, the fighter was set on guard. She set her gaze on the thing, not sure what to expect but still keeping an attack prepared in case something lunged at them