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ACT [Toffisama] Amazon Kara

Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

So I see 6 different H's right now?

First time I played, I only saw 3, then someone said urination, and I completely missed the futa one.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

I'm in love seriously I am.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

First try, crap kicked out of me.
Second try, I did a lot of dashing through and testing her range. Then I randomly did combos instead of just chaining single moves. Like s then down s then spam click s will do a multi stab X3 Didnt catch any H stuff but I after the combat. Thanks for the demo. With combos like that I cant wait to play the actual.
[Edit] nvm about comboes... Replayed and that is just repeat clicking s.
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Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

Twas difficult. But all you need to do is wait until she taunts to attack and dash past her once she gets too close.

Functionality and AI are quite sound within the game...
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

Odd things I've found:
1. As mentioned before, you can shoot her from offscreen and kill her that way
2. If you do boomerang throw (down right melee), then spam melee afterwards, you can USUALLY get her with your entire combo
3. You can semi cheap kill her by duck slashing the entire fight, and sliding when she gets close.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

Twas difficult. But all you need to do is wait until she taunts to attack and dash past her once she gets too close.

Functionality and AI are quite sound within the game...

Love your avatar ???.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

I think its a fun game, and a bit more balanced then the previous games... Fairy War was a bit off a hard game to beat some of the bosses or even some of the normal enemies.... they raped you so much... xD

I dont know how many H-related stuff there is in this level you can play, I only got the futa '' rape'' once or twice.... :p
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

I remember the other games involved a lot of running if things weren't going well in the war games, or it was senseless button-mashing in the case of Princess. The gameplay is definitely improving with each one Toffi makes.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

hehe Princess of the Ring wasnt that hard, it was actualy quite simple to win that game.... ;)
you just need to know what button does what.... the Fairy War games where way tougher, the first game, Raped was prolly the hardest I think though... :p
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

Hey, I never said it was hard, just that it was senseless. There really wasn't much gameplay in PoR, and most of what was there was luck based.

The Problem I had with raped wasn't that it was hard, but that the game would crash or lock up and I got sick of having to restart it. So I never finished.

The War games? A lot of it was running away and waiting for your meter to refill so you could try again, and hope that you dealt more damage then your enemy does that time.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

hehe okay, you got me there I guess... still its a fun game worth a few play through's imo....

the raped game, I dont know, I seem to get warped back to the first level over and over for some reason, or maybe they all look the same, idk... I gave up on getting back the cave... wasnt feeling like playing more...

the war games... I like that there is a cheat mode, but the final boss is just ev0l, she spamms rape attacks.... and there is no way to refill your bars in time before she gets you, so all you can do is attack and dodge.... :eek:

So in general this is the best game so far by toffi.... although all we got to play was actualy 1 boss.... xD :eek:
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

I dont think the first game Raped! was complete more like a testgame.
Everyone starts at some point :)

Yes it was a little buggy and harder but also not pretty long.

The last boss at Fairy War is actual pretty simple if you got the pattern of her attacks.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

The last boss at Fairy War is actual pretty simple if you got the pattern of her attacks.

Because she love teleporting around so much, my answer to most of her moves is a jump kick in the face '_ ' which worked hilariously well.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

Fairy War Final boss:
warp - rape - sword.... warp.... heheh.... the final boss does alot of warp and rape if you dont pay attention....

jumping and kicking is prolly best, even if you use a low attack she wil still grab and rape you... xD
(her range is bigger than yours I noticed btw.....)

o_O anyone know what to do in the bonus stage, you are teh ''Gaint Girl/forest boss'' from level 4, all I could find was just kicking/knee-ing for some reason.... (think there should be some 'rape' moves, right??

Thanks in advance for any help/tips on that... ;)
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

You're talking about Fairy War? You can set all the buttons in his games from the Menu. So you can see which buttons you have NOT been pushing, because you definitely can rape them, yes. Also, if you don't feel like memorizing the "password," just hammering up,down,up,down,up,down unlocks it.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

There is officialy two games I want: Skyrim and Amazon Kara.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

You're talking about Fairy War? You can set all the buttons in his games from the Menu. So you can see which buttons you have NOT been pushing, because you definitely can rape them, yes. Also, if you don't feel like memorizing the "password," just hammering up,down,up,down,up,down unlocks it.

hehe thanks, I guess I missed a few keys.... xD
and yeah, I noticed that you can just hammer those down, even if you got them wrong at first.... btw, fun that there was a bonus level... :D
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

I played as the pink haired character first on PoR and after knowing her storyline it became impossible for me to win with any other character. The character Im playing as just wants the money for a gift to her friend. The pink haired girl needs it so the doctors will save her sister. I just... cant defeat her with that in mind and I just lose or close the game.
The Fairy War games were challenging at first but became easy after I got used to things. Raped I played a long time ago, and I think I lost to the boss once.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

Wait, what's the up down in reference to? We're talking about like 3 different games here for no reason.